Y'know, there's one thing I'm kinda curious about when it comes to this site and Smash, how were Brawl newcomers perceived and what ideas did people have for their moveset? Like, people say Kirby only got new characters because of bias but Meta Knight and Dedede were popular requests and people like to say K.Rool was a Brawl era request when people didn't really care for him as much as Diddy was seen as a priority
Going off of memory the reception for each character went something like this:

- A very surprising, but also somewhat controversial newcomer as some felt he didn't 'fit' Smash. Since he was an early addition it lessened over time, but it still lingered. One thing I will note is that his inclusion did open the door for third party characters and that was seen as a major breakthrough as that meant beloved characters like Sonic, Simon and Mega Man were now completely viable.

- Very huge, he was a very popular request back in the day so him actually appearing in his trailer really got people excited. It was enough that it even overtook the announcement that the game would be delayed.


- Pretty much what you said. I do remember a couple people going Kirby bias after the game released, but it didn't get much traction (unless you're talking SSE) and the general opinion at the time was very positive with them as they were basically 'it's about time' additions.



- Very well received, again they had the feeling of 'it's about time' for all of them as they were very popular requests that many felt should be in the game due to their history.

- Also well received as he was one of the most popular choices for FE and in general, he did get a little bit of controversy after the game came out and Roy was MIA but compared to Lucario it was nowhere near as bad.

- Pretty well received, did have a bit of controversy early on as some felt he would replace Ness, but after the latter was confirmed to return that died down.

- She was a surprising inclusion as many did not think the Metroid newcomer would be Samus without a suit and there was some saltiness towards her after it was clear we weren't getting another Metroid newcomer alongside her. Other than that though, I can't speak too much for her as the others seemed to have more extreme reactions from what I recall.

- Another surprising inclusion, but much more positively received. Having a 3-in-1 character with some popular Pokemon went over very well with the fanbase and a lot of fans were on board with him. The only real knock against him that I remember is his gameplay as after the game released a lot of people felt the mechanic was too clunky.

- Oh boy, this poor guy had it rough. During the pre-release period he had little issue as many felt he would be the choice for a Pokemon newcomer if one was chosen from a later generation, and after seeing those like Deoxys deconfirmed over time that feeling grew even more. However, once the game released and Mewtwo was MIA he went from being a generally accepted choice to one of the most controversial period as people really didn't like that he 'replaced' Mewtwo. That negativity stuck with him for years to the point that Smash 4 even had a 'wall of shame' for the absolute bile the guy was getting, and it's probably one of the reasons he's not very popular in Smash unlike his main series counterpart,

- If you want to talk characters that had bias accusations, look no further then this guy. As the last character added in the game alongside Toon Link and ROB he bore quite a bit of the blunt of the criticism at the time as many either felt Star Fox didn't 'deserve' a new character over some of the other franchises, along with some being upset that they chose him over Krystal. His opinion has improved over time, but initially his reception was poor.

- Basically like every other surprise character we've gotten. People complained about how it got in over the more popular newcomer choices and felt he was a 'wasted' slot. He also had a bit of a surprise factor due to the SSE reveal and the ROB enemies convincing people we wouldn't get the character, though I do remember one person getting the twist before the game released.

- Got the least amount of hate out of the last three, but still got a good amount of it due to being among the last characters and just being another clone of Link rather than using his Wind Waker toolset.

- This one I admit I don't have the best memory of. I do remember him being a generally accepted newcomer, but his actual reveal is a blank for me as he came around the time the leak was really getting traction, so how he fared is something I don't recall with the best memory.
Again though, this is going off of memory so this may not be 100% accurate. I'd love to hear from anyone else from around that time to compare and flesh this out as it's a cool part of speculation history.