Watched The Maxtrix: Resurrections trailer.
Looks like total ***. It's only being made to begin with just to capsize on Keanu Reeves' popularity and resurgence, same reason Bill & Ted 3 was even made to begin with. The Maxtrix also concluded perfectly which makes a sequel the more unnecessary. That and this nostalgia trend where belated sequels are being made like Coming 2 America and such. There had been some exceptions like Blade Runner 2049 and confident in Top Gun: Maverick being in the hands of a good director but otherwise they've all for the most part sucked.
Reeves is an amazing actor who deserves his popularity but he needs to stick to John Wick and newer IPs especially more original ones.
Joy can't wait until they do a Speed 2 (Ignoring the actual second film). As well as sequels to Cobra, Over the Top, and Tango & Cash. I know all they'll do is just **** those up too.
That said, I'm totally skipping.