SCP-42069Don't worry guys he's just writing an SCP article and using this as practice.
Class: Euclid
Description: SCP-42069 is humanoid in appearance, resembling a severely overweight young adult male. In fact, it’s so fat it can barely move, and must rely on its mother (SCP-42069-1) to bring it food. SCP-42069 has a repellent effect on human women, any within a 50 mile radius express feelings of severe nausea, depression, and in some cases suicidal or homicidal thoughts. After enough time has passed, the woman will curl into the fetal position and die. It is recommended SCP-42069 be contained in a standard cell, and allowed certain amenities, as it isn’t malicious. No female personnel may handle SCP-42069.
It responds to the name of duxx
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