As the name implies, it’s a pixel-art based prison escape game, poking a bit of fun at the concept while you’re at it.
When you start a game, you select a prison to be in, and your goal is to escape however you can. The difficulty here is that each prison changes things up a bit.
The first prison is pretty basic: holding cells, a courtyard, security guards, nothing too special. As you play more and more levels, they become more complicated and give you more obstacles to have to deal with.
Some prisons have contraband scanners, which will detect red colored items and send the guards on you if you do have any. Some prisons have more security guards, one prison in particular isn’t so much a “prison” as it is a train heading straight to your jail, where you’re timed and have to hurry to escape.
One thing to keep in mind is that every prison has different ways to escape, but you always have the same tools available. You can create a guard outfit and sneak out in half of them, but you can’t always dig your way out with a shovel.
It’s a pretty fun game with a decently alright gameplay loop, but it does kinda get repetitive after awhile. It’s currently $5 on steam rn though so it’s definitely worth a purchase if you can’t think of anything else.