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The Snake FAQ/Q&A Thread

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Aug 6, 2008
I hadn't heard that but I do remember a topic from tactical board saying that in general people can shield grab MK out of tornado if you time it just right, like pivot grabbing I'd say it's probably more risk than it's worth unless it is guaranteed out of PS

if you crouch > shield while he tornado's above you you automatically powershield it though...but most of the time his hurtbox will be above your grab range so it's not really useable
Pivot Grabbing the Tornado is like trying to pivot grab a spacies out of their sideB. Requires prediction, and timing.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
more prediction than just timing, keep in mind that MK has wario like air mobility while in tornado, the same applies to beating it with utilt. I tornado just outside of snake's utilt ranges and then move in after they take the bait a lot, that's why I think that evading/shielding it is generally the best choice


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2008
Wifi training room waiting...
Just curious about this, I was playing with a friend earlier, he went ganon and i grab released him many times. We were testing this out and figured that ganon CAN'T avoid it, I am sure you guys know of this, but I just want to confirm on it. Just in case you were wondering, its air release not ground release.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
yeah, it's strange for it to happen with a taller character but it does happen, sheik also gets forced air released and can be chain grabbed with boost grabs
Aug 6, 2008
Ganon gets ***** harder than a normal grab release :laugh:\

If you grab ganon in the middle of his UpB before he touches the ground, he gets added frames upon landing. Force the air release this way and ganon will hit the ground. The amount of time there is so much you can run up and C4 stick him. Or even walk up and Utilt. I am wondering if you can Ftilt Ganon from a grab release. That would be so much better than a dthrow as ftilt sends ganon offstage where he sucks a lot worse.
Aug 6, 2008
You go Velox! Lets break the Ganon matchup!!!
<_< I cannot help but think of sarcasim in that post. But, since it is the internet I cannot tell for sure. Please clarify please.

Oh, and yeah, Ftilt will work against Ganon. You have to walk a bit after the release though. Too little walking and Ftilt's 2nd hit will miss. Too long a walk and PS will be able to PS by that time.
Aug 6, 2008
And 2nd hit of Ftilt. Go and try it yourself. Ganon cannot do anything in the air at all while getting air released, this causes a forced landing. And the quickest thing ganon can do is PS, but 2nd hit of ftilt can come out before that happens.
Aug 6, 2008
what do i do vs a mk that jus dair camps all day like a ***?
Short Toss some nades. Pull another if MK is still in the air. That one will start getting cooked perfectly. If MK is still in the air-ish, then regular toss that one you are holding onto. Repeat. Actually, this strategy works equally well for characters like Wario, Jiggs, and Kirby who try to use the multiple jumps/mobility to space you.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
what is best counterpick stage vs MK and best overall?
That my friend is up to complete personal preference. Whatever stage you feel you do your best on should be used vs MK.

EDIT: except for the obvious ones that MK wrecks on.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
halberd and FD are good but it's mostly preference, BAN BRINSTAR. RC and BF are disadvantages but not as bad IMO, brinstar is MK's gayest stage I think
Aug 6, 2008
That my friend is up to complete personal preference. Whatever stage you feel you do your best on should be used vs MK.

EDIT: except for the obvious ones that MK wrecks on.
Even obvious ones are up for debate. Rainbow Cruise has been my long favorite MK counter. It's an all or nothing sort of a stage. MK has an incredibly hard time trying to attack you, but if he manages to succeed he gimps hard.

Brinstar, I would agree with Etecoon.

But to anwser the original question, I would say that trying to CP MK is entirely choice. Halberd though has been a long time favorite among people to CP MK. Along with just simply neutrals. Reason being is that MK has enough versatility to perform well on any stage. It ends up being a CP of a stage you are most comfortable with.


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
i was talking to my friend swordgard and came to the conclusion that yoshis is not the greatest stage vs mk, given the high base knockback of shuttle loop and the short sides. dair camping also ***** on yoshis.

the only real benefits are a) that mk can't really kill you with upairs because of the high ceiling, but you only kill him like 6% later, and b) that you don't *have* to tech a shuttle loop off the stage cause it doesn't send you down.

i personally prefer any neutral to yoshis.

also on the note of halberd grounded shuttle loop and upair **** at very low percents, so its not as great as it might seem. you might kill mk 10% faster, but he kills you 20% faster with up air. i guess in that situation it comes down to who kills first. anyway just saying its not so obvious that stages with low ceilings are good for snake. i do personally like it though, especially the second transformation.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
Is there a way that you guys practice teching at all? Not just when we are C4 recovering either, things like wall/ground techs.

The timing is so much different than Melee's.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
you can use bumpers in training mode to practice teching the ground

also part of the reason it can give you a hard time coming from melee is the L/R have no pressure sensitivity, it only registers an input when it's fully clicked in. if you're using a gamecube controller you could try using Z to tech, or change one of your face buttons to shield and then your shielding will be more accurate too


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
Well I do have a Melee controller and a Brawl controller (springs from L/R triggers removed)

I'll try that bumpers in training mode thing.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
ya removing the springs is also an option, wish I could do it but no one IRL has that screwdriver and I don't do online shopping D: too paranoid about the **** that my comp could be infected with lmao
Aug 6, 2008
ya removing the springs is also an option, wish I could do it but no one IRL has that screwdriver and I don't do online shopping D: too paranoid about the **** that my comp could be infected with lmao
Gamestop has it's own brand of gamecube controllers that they sell in store that actually uses regular old screws like the rest of us instead of specialized ones. Take apart that thing. Although be advised, the quality of the controllers isn't the greatest. About 3 months into using it the triggers failed on me. It lost all pressure sensing and I had to apply more force than needed to get the triggers to work. Not exactly the kind of thing you need when playing a fast paced game where you are making slower inputs than normal.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
how good is the stick sensitivity on it? EVERY third party controller I have ever used has had a terrible analog stick, I swore them off years ago lol

also classic controller pro will be out in a few weeks, I might try to convert to that actually
Aug 6, 2008
how good is the stick sensitivity on it? EVERY third party controller I have ever used has had a terrible analog stick, I swore them off years ago lol

also classic controller pro will be out in a few weeks, I might try to convert to that actually
You have to move the stick a good 3-4 mm before it will actually register any inputs.

That can be greatly benefical actually depending upon how you play. If you are the shove a stick kind of a person like me, then it would be great because I hate getting ****ed over by sensitive controls. It happens all the time as falco with his sideB. I try to SideB on stage, but end up getting sensitive crud and sent offstage.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I walk a lot so that prolly wouldn't work out for me, walking is a brawl AT seriously <_< I'm also for various reasons the only snake on the planet that uses tap jump on so that would mess up my utilting
Aug 6, 2008
I walk a lot so that prolly wouldn't work out for me, walking is a brawl AT seriously <_<
My usage of walking is limited. With things like jumping, dashing, rolling, glide tossing, nade walking, dacus, and aerial movement I hardly end up walking a lot of my matches. I do just about all of these things evenly. Imagine Snaske with the walking speed of marth and the range of Ftilt :laugh:


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
ya, snake would be uber broken with good walk speed. the fact that I also play MK/marth is a lot of why walking is so much a part of my game, snake doesn't move fast enough with it and a lot of times I get hit with stuff trying to walk out of the way where it would've missed MK or marth and I'd be free to **** them up lol


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2010
Hey guys I have a question and I didn't see a Snake vs. Wolf matchup thread so it's ok if I put my question here? My question is: if wolf keeps using the blaster whenever I approach do I run away and throw grenades or do I try to powershield the hits and walk up to him for CQC?
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