Alright here's my two cents nova.
Form the first vid, you react to hits badly, sir. You bair/Nair/Dair/airdodge out of hits quite often, they are not your best options most of the time. Try spamming Fair more after you get hit, it comes out alot faster and helps you momentum cancel. Also, there are instances where you plant yourself down and watch how the opponent approaches. Rather, you should either retreat and RAR a laser/gyro or move closer to control the center of BF (Like you do between 2:18-2:21). Against glide attack, just shield >grab or Dsmash if he lands behind you, but make sure not to shield too early because he will just cancel glide and tornado. On your first stock, you should have retreated high to avoid getting gimped/stage spiked at around 0:55, 0:58 and 2:06. One last thing, after you gyro, try not to get held up watching your gyro, move and prepare to laser (Example at 2:50, you lose all of your momentum because you stop after gyroing and stay on the platform)