@Mister Eric: Didn't really expect anyone to critique that video after like 2 months, thank you very much! : )
I feel like i am really bad at dealing with shieldpressure. I am responding too often with out of shield moves, mostly aireals even if the enemy is spacing correctly.. i am slowly working on fixing that habit though. Also i am sitting in the shield too long.
I would love to get critiqued again so maybe i will post some new videos soon!
Yeah i was glide tossing really stupid :/ won't happen againNext bit of info, glidetoss up. Never at him unless for some crazy reason you know it's safe. Down is somewhat okay, especially when you're in like dtilt and jab range. Glidetossing downwards and hitting him with the top can lead to an upsmash and he's less likely to reflect it if you're that close. If you glidetoss up, you can travel further more consistently, keep a hazard in the air, keep the gyro alive longer, and bait reflector while avoiding being reflected.
Thanks!But naw, overall nice ROB.
I feel like i am really bad at dealing with shieldpressure. I am responding too often with out of shield moves, mostly aireals even if the enemy is spacing correctly.. i am slowly working on fixing that habit though. Also i am sitting in the shield too long.
I would love to get critiqued again so maybe i will post some new videos soon!