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The OMG FiZZ is back Stupendous "Critique my Lucario" Thread

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Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
My new videos yay... vs my brother again :p with lots of pokeremixstudio music coz he is amazing
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFeMtaydaYc Vs Snake, MK
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0yq5xmRtzk Vs Wolf, MK
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebZ1yTO9viw Vs Sonic (for the lulz)

Aura sphere is still amazing at forcing the opponent to change their approach options, even when you never fire it :)
Pokeremixstudio is amazing.
I liek the G/S/C songs, in particular:


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2009
FINALLY, got a new vid up, my internet has been acting stupid all week, I had a bunch of friendlies, but only taped like 3 though and I could only put one up for now, more to come possibly later. In this one I lost but it was still a very fun match for me and after watching the vid I realize 3 big mistakes I know I did: 1) Too much Fsmash, but to be fair I just learned how to strutter step the day before and I had to put it in practice to try and pull it of consistently in a match, still no excuse for doing it too much =D. 2) I TOTALLY forgot about Yoshi's Super Armor effect on the second jump several times during the fight, payed dearly for it (Serves me right lol) and 3) Other unnecessary movements like random Usmash, some of which were accidental (Utilt lol) and others which were on purpose, still counts though.

Didn't expect for this to be this long, anyway, here's the vid, enjoy and critique please!



Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2009
FINALLY, got a new vid up, my internet has been acting stupid all week, I had a bunch of friendlies, but only taped like 3 though and I could only put one up for now, more to come possibly later. In this one I lost but it was still a very fun match for me and after watching the vid I realize 3 big mistakes I know I did: 1) Too much Fsmash, but to be fair I just learned how to strutter step the day before and I had to put it in practice to try and pull it of consistently in a match, still no excuse for doing it too much =D. 2) I TOTALLY forgot about Yoshi's Super Armor effect on the second jump several times during the fight, payed dearly for it (Serves me right lol) and 3) Other unnecessary movements like random Usmash, some of which were accidental (Utilt lol) and others which were on purpose, still counts though.

Didn't expect for this to be this long, anyway, here's the vid, enjoy and critique please!

Yoshi? cool ill critique after my crappy internet loads the page.

ok first off, while you already said there was too much Fsmash. actually, i was ok with the the parts you decided to use it. it was just a little mistimed.Also, you need to learn to avoid Yoshi's grab, its pretty slow, and only his pivot grab is any good. You must learn to avoid getting hit by his aerials. Yoshi's upair is powerful and i saw you getting clocked (but you had good DI though.) His nair is also a quick sex kick, and im sure you know about his dair. On the subject about the super armor frames on Yoshi's 2nd jump, Lucario's aerials/ AS start going through it at 80% so its not a major problem. Just be sure you dont get punished and you'll be fine. Oh yeah, i believe i told you not to Fair into the floor?

Now for the good parts, you have certainly improved on your punishing. Dair was used quite efficiently during the match. Also, your combo attempts were great. (if only Yoshi's grab wasnt ranged.) You also had good DI and avoided getting killed off early. Keep it up ;)

oh yes id like to get my hands on your cameraman lol.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2009
Yoshi? cool ill critique after my crappy internet loads the page.

ok first off, while you already said there was too much Fsmash. actually, i was ok with the the parts you decided to use it. it was just a little mistimed.Also, you need to learn to avoid Yoshi's grab, its pretty slow, and only his pivot grab is any good. You must learn to avoid getting hit by his aerials. Yoshi's upair is powerful and i saw you getting clocked (but you had good DI though.) His nair is also a quick sex kick, and im sure you know about his dair. On the subject about the super armor frames on Yoshi's 2nd jump, Lucario's aerials/ AS start going through it at 80% so its not a major problem. Just be sure you dont get punished and you'll be fine. Oh yeah, i believe i told you not to Fair into the floor?

Now for the good parts, you have certainly improved on your punishing. Dair was used quite efficiently during the match. Also, your combo attempts were great. (if only Yoshi's grab wasnt ranged.) You also had good DI and avoided getting killed off early. Keep it up ;)

oh yes id like to get my hands on your cameraman lol.
Eheheh, this was actually one of my first matches against a Yoshi, I blame it on COMPLETE LACK of MU experience and knowledge lol, I did learn a lot from the friendlies vs Yoshi though. Yeah, I really DO need to stop fairing the floor, I'll hopefully stop that by the next time I get something recorded. Yoshi's super armor still caught me off guard more times than I would've liked though getting upaired and whatnot but next time I'll be prepared for it lol. I'm gonna try and get more vids up this weekend, I also fought Car2N's Pokemon Trainer and a very good Fox player, so I hope I'll get those 2 up soon.

Thanks for the critique! =D


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2009
I'm sorry for the double post, really I am, but I just got another video up, I probably won't do anything more in a while though so yeah...

This match is vs. a Fox player, we were both kinda tired by the time we recorded this, but oh well, still a fun match imo. I know I let him survive where he would've died guaranteed but I just didn't want the fight to end that quickly. :chuckle: He's a very good player but it seems it wasn't his day, oh well...

last thing, this time it wasn't my cameraman's fault, there was a crowd in the store so he got pushed a bit and somebody apparently wanted to advertise Taco Maker =p, but yeah, not my cameraman's fault lol.



Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2009
I tried picking up Lucario again after dropping him a few motnhs ago, so i have not used him offline nor on WiFi until yesterday in a Lucario only Tournament:

I myself am not a lucario main, but he is one of my side characters... so here i go:

Match 1
-holy crap that background is trippy!
-your lucario looks like mewtwo lol
-over all I would try to work on your approaches a little more, it seemed like you had difficulty with that.
-0:29 so much spot dodging! Try jumping oos into a fastfalled dair
-0:57 lucario has a short grab range
-1:13 try not to upb onto the stage…
-2:40 problems with extreme speed? Lol. Isn’t it possible to wall cling on that spot of FD?
-3:03 seriously? This match is getting a little predictable… spot dodge>down smash>spot dodge down smash… if at first you don’t succeed try something else!
-3:43 again with lucarios short grab…
Even though this was both a warm up and a wifi match I’d say you weren’t bad.

Match 2
-0:12 nice combo
A few things I generally saw wrong in this video:
-A little much spot dodging
-inappropriate counters (wrong timing). Counter is somewhat laggy. Use it less, if at all.
-too much grabbing, you’re starting to get predictable

Match 3
-0:19 lol
-2:03 what goes around comes around. I wouldn’t recommend using counter off stage


Smash Champion
Mar 9, 2008
spacing, spacing, spacing, spacing.

I only saw the first match, but im assuming its close to the same all 3 videos.

The way the first MK was playing, you only have room/option to attack if you spaced right and intercepted him on his mistakes.

Your problem was, you would do attack hap-hazardly sometimes hoping they'd hit. You need to stop doing this. A 7 minuet match is still a 7 minuet match, but if it takes that long for you to hit and win, then by all do it. But if your just going to throw moves out, half the time they wont hit.
Also, he wasn't on the ground often. Doing grounded moves to hit an aerial player is kinda hard.

Secondly, timing, which plays with spacing. If you timed his movements, you could have easily fired a few AS's and caught him wide-eye'd. Know what moves will do this and that. Like for example the Up-tilts, you at one point used these, and they helped. But if you don't time things, then hitting anyone is just trying to be lucky.

You gained momentum on last death, which is always a good thing. To bad you still died though ):

But TL;DR, Spacing and Timing. They are extremely important. Any kind of trick to help spacing (studder stepping, not rolling, defensive jabs) and knowing the length of your moves. As for timing, thats all personal stuff that has to be be improved on.


Smash Champion
Mar 9, 2008
Double post, different critique.

I tried picking up Lucario again after dropping him a few motnhs ago, so i have not used him offline nor on WiFi until yesterday in a Lucario only Tournament:

Video 1
It was like spot dodge dancing partners. 1-2-3- dodge 1-2-3 dodge- now down smash- shield 1-2-3 dodge.

However, the little background effects and music was awesome. I enjoyed that a lot. That means the match wasnt very interesting if the background was a fuggen light show.

I stand corrected, half way through is good stuff. Lots of fun little chains here and there. It was a solid match, as lucario dittos go.

For both lucario's. Knowing the distance of ones moves. Know them. Both of you could have pulled off some tippers with a little spacing.

Mewtwocario was the better one imo, besides the fact that he won. One could tell he knew more about lucario and was able to handle him better. It was his control of his lucario that helped him win the match.

So to whitecario. Learn to space better. Like said in the my previous post, you would have been able to punish better if had you spaced better. (this pertains to the both of you).

And guys, all 3 of you. Time your AS's. Mewtwocario had one? (two?) well timed FAS's. Not including that Mewtwocario also had some very well done BAS shots too (like ledge attacking followed by a BAS). It's a handy tool (AS), but if miss treated you wont be able to reap the benefits from them.

Spot dodging dancing. Don't do it as much, its not as safe as you think.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Here's what I got from the videos.

Don't roll behind Metaknight, not only did those Metaknights punish you when you did this but it places you to be hit by the stronger hit of Dsmash. If you get hit by Dsmash on shield you have 19 frames to punish him. Jab, Ftilt, Utilt, Fair, Dair, grab. You were trying to grab him but it seems you were mistiming it trying to grab too early and wiffed the grab. In the fifth video at frigate, which I think is your best match of these MK fights, you did this right when he was spamming Dsmash at the ledge.

Short hopped Aura Sphere charge firing it in his face was a nice mindgame. I liked it, the others times you fired Aura Sphere, you kind of did it too early or at a point were MK was far enough way to easily avoid it.

The second video made me laugh because neither of you were approaching. IF want to make him approach you fire off Aura spheres while messing with the timing on them to make him approach. While Aura Sphere isn't the greatest thing ever this will give him a reason to come to you.

While on Final Destination, you kept trying to recover by wall clinging on the bottom part of FD. It worked once, but if MK can predict this he can fall and Dair you for a stage spike. Try going for the stage or ledge, even if he hits you, 9/10 you are able to still recover after he hits you.

Fsmash isn't as useful again MK as it is against others, Ftilt is faster and will help space easier.

Not bad at all of a Lucario, just somethings I saw you could improve on. Hope this all helps you.


Smash Rookie
Jul 23, 2009
san antonio
Come on guys, critique my video! I need as much advice for my upcoming tournament. Oh ya, ckm thanks for the advice and I am going to try and upload other matchups sometime soon.
im a lucario user and i think you under utilize the regular grab. his throws are strong and its easy to make people play the edge game if thats what you want. you definitely rely on your FB too much in my opinion. lucario has great combos, you just have to mess around. try short hop to FA then jab jab and then use your FB to end it. just somethin to play with. from what i saw you have a good use of BA but you dont use your UA too much. when using UA his whole body as well as aura blast are the attack so i think you should keep that in mind. your air game is ok but you personally i think you could be more accurate and mix up attacks more. ohh and with heavy characters lie bowser you can also spam your UT so thats something to keep in mind. thats about all i have to throw in. good luck


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2009
Toronto, Canada
Not to be rude but that match was a long time ago and I have got much better. I also have been dropping vBrawl for Brawl+ recently. I appreciate your advice and maybe you could help me out with my next video. Also welcome to the boards! :)

I have a video(it is Brawl+) and I would like someone to critique it for me. I have an upcoming tournament on the 24th and I would really appreciate it.



Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
I play Brawl+ the EXACT same way I play normal Brawl, lol.


Smash Champion
Mar 9, 2008

K F1ZZ, what I saw most that needed improvement was use of UpB. Minus the wrong button john (cause human error always pops up).
Now correct me if I'm wrong, but the Brawl+ you where playing allowed you to attack right out of UpB. I saw this once at the end of the vid. Then there are other times your freefalling. So I dunno.

Anyways, More or less how you used UpB is convenient, escaping some dooms with a little extra range. However, you have more control with UpB then you give it.
Instead to curving upB and falling some to avoid attack, try using the C-stick during the UpB animation to make the angle moved more clear-cut. It will give you a straighter angle and because of which more distance gained instead of lost due to a curve.

And Try to DI higher. Lucario has a great jump distance, and as said half the time lucario shouldn't have to use his Up-B to recover. If you can, try to limit the amount of times you do use your Up-B to jumping etc.

Also Up-throw + insert move here. You tired a Up-throw to Nair a few times, which worked some of the times, but towards the end, your opponent (PAUSE) could predict your next move (being the Nair). I suggest that you try a different move, Like uair, or just plain not attacking to charge a useful in the future AS.

So switch your favorite moves around a bit to keep your opponent on his toes. Elsewise he's going to counter you more.

I also want to say to shield and tech more, but those depend on the type of play you choose, ( shielding + teching more would make you more defensive)

And overall pressure. You rolled a good amount of times, which they did keep you safe, but there where sometimes that a big O' AS would have done the trick. For example baiting them to shield with an AS, then dash grabbing them. If you can keep pressure while keeping your placement, then you'll be solid.

Side note, don't Dair so much. This is a habit of a lot of lucarios, and the more they use it, the weaker it gets, ruining the chance that when it could of killed, it didn't. Time the Dair's better.

Other then that, its a good hearty lucario, and you know how to pull some of his extra quirks. Good timing too.
And the MK's recoloring looked pretty awesome, props to his recolor.


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
I might get back to both of you later, but here's some briefie's:
@ Dusk: Decently solid lucario, Like your dair spacing, allowing yourself to nair after is a really good thing, and not a lot of lucarios pick up on that. You'll need to work on being less predictable, for example the whole dair -> FF AD can be punished pretty bad, especially in the lucario ditto MU. Work on mixing your air game up and crossovers, if he fsmashes from that, you'll get a big opening. Even changing up the timing on things like killing blows will help your game dramatically, this day's metagame has become very dependent on how well someone assesses their situation, and what the outcome is based on what they think they're opponent is going to do. I would also start to experiment with other throws, since a lot of the other ones lead to decent traps and reading opportunities (like uthrow for instance). Dthrow for example, if you learn to read from it (pretty easy to do) will get you a free AS, fair-> uair, or bair as the most common results, which will swing a lot more damage or kill opportunities from these low opportunities. Lucario dittos are really hard to judge on and play, so good job with that :p.
@ Sephiroth: We all gotta start somewhere. I would use fsmash a lot less, you noticed how long it took to kill snake, that's because it was super stale. I would look up some good snake videos (ally, razer, anti, etc.) on how good snakes pressure with explosives, and you'll hopefully pick up on a lot of things they do to get you into messy situations. I might be wrong in assuming, but was this a wifi match? If so, that might explain a few things. Also, dair less, use your air game more, it will let you get to Snake while he's using Nikita, something most snakes don't use because of how punishable it is. Also start juggling snake more, it means he doesn't have time to place grenades or so his dumb stuff. If you have a problem with DACUS, FF away and AS, it usually knocks him out of it.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
nice. i could only watch the first two.

I couldnt help but notice a major lack of aura sphere though. I think I saw you land 1 in the first two matches? so many times u had the % lead but you just constantly approached G&W and were running around, not charging up an AS giving G&W little to no reason to be scared to approach since he doesnt have to worry about missing a smash (which he was spamming pretty heavily) which may have been punished by an FCAS since obviously lucario cant do much to punish his smashes normally.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2007
Montgomery, NY
Lol, good job taking a match off of UTDZac Disciple.

At any rate, the thing that I noticed the most in your matches was that UTDZac attacked your shield a lot. Grab has no range so you couldn't punish with that but there were many occasions where you could've done a jab or utilt.

Admittedly, with his multi-hitting hitboxes and the extra hitbox upon landing it is kinda hard but not something that can't be accomplished with practice. Try getting someone to play GaW against you and just using bair, nair, dair and etc. against your shield while you practice getting the timing right to drop your shield and punish.

Second, there were a couple times when you were off the edge without a second jump and in a bad position to use ES. GaW came out and gimped you pretty much. I can't really say for sure because I haven't tested it myself, but these times seem like good times to use reverse Double Team.

Also, probably because you were facing a player well known for being good, it seemed like you were on edge the whole match; always worried that your opponent was going to punish your every mistake. I can't really say I haven't been in the same situation but during times like these (or any time really) you have got to stay relaxed. Playing with tension pretty much makes you half blind.

I would recommend trying to get into the habit of clearing all thoughts from your mind whenever you practice (sorta like meditation) and just focus on what your opponent's character is doing. Don't even let your mind make conclusions on what you see like "he just did 3 bairs in a row, maybe he'll do another" or "****, he charged a smash attack and I failed to punish." Just stay focused on what's going on and nothing else and stay aware of what is going on in your head so that you can eliminate thoughts in your head whenever they pop up.

Hopefully that wasn't too confusing. The book "The Art of Learning" by Josh Waitzkin explains it better than I do in case you're interested lol. The goal with this though is to let your unconscious mind handle all the details of a match like spacing and which attack to use while your conscious mind puts all its focus into catching everything going on with your opponent. Of course, this type of practice only works if you've already drilled all possible information into your unconscious mind that you need. So if you're playing an unusual character that you don't understand, it's probably better to focus on internalizing as much information as possible.

At any rate, when you are calm and relaxed while playing, you won't be caught off guard by a GaW spamming smashes like that last match lol. Next time just give him a bunch of jabs.


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
Get into the habit of DIing bair on reaction, you can get a lot of surprising punish opportunities from this, and it keeps your shield fresh against other attacks. Learn to tech/DI his dthrow, you can determine whether you land in front or behind G&W after it, iirc. Don't be predictable, that's something G&W loves to manipulate, as do a lot of controlling characters like him. I would up AS use a wee bit more, ftilt/utilt (especially since grab is hard to land for a punish), and do retreating aerials more, you want to be at your base and planted when fighting G&W, but want aerials to zone. Retreat a lot overall as well, fair tactically gets weakened when he can't get you in reach for the better hit and he has to commit to it and nair as well, and you can punish those accordingly.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I've realized I need to improve vastly if I want to obtain one of my personal goals. So I figured some critique again would be the best way to do this.






LOLjoke match

Problems I see with myself already are my inability to shorthop right, Rollcario, Azen smashing, gimping failure, and turtle chucking.


Smash Master
May 1, 2009
Vids against UTD Zac, made some bad mistakes in these sets, but, eh I'm picking up on it. My extreme speed was broken.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnqRTuRde3o - Match 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sPKHmdSEcA - Match 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1IEkfthNwk - Match 3

Help me out please.
I noticed a few times after getting hit by a smash attack or something with knockback you would air dodge. Don't do that. I guess im just trying to say work on your DI overall. That was a good set though, Well done.


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
Will get to it later but for now: Ryu, roll less, learn the value of walk/dash/jump spacing and zoning, you always reset yourself with roll when you missed with a dash grab/DA, which didn't give you the aggressive pressure you need against Ness. Look at how someone like Argent Stew varies it up as the game goes on to adjust to his opponent's style of play, he's all over the map, yet when he decides to add pressure onto falco, he follows his movement and chases him, sometimes backing away when he feels the opponent will try something fishy:
Skip past the snake match, Keitaro's snake was not really good at all lol.
Notice how after he got smacked by bair for example, he would space dair more carefully so that he would only get hit by the weak hit of bair more often, if at all? He also did a lot of "foot planted" maneuvers combined with lots of air game in, to get your roll willies out, play against a decent snake who knows the MU and then you'll tangibly feel why excessive rolling will hurt your game.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
I'm wanting a rate of my skills as Lucario along with a cretique of this match and any tips ya'll might have.

My opponent is a friend of mine who is about my level, probly a little below it though.

Lucario VS Kirby

Lucario is my main and I would like to become as good as him as I possibly can. Thank you all in advance!


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2009
Toronto, Canada
Okay here goes my critique:

1) Not charge any move including Fmash. It takes long enough as is.
2) Don't taunt when you get a kill, charge your AS.
3) Less Fthrow and more Dthrow
4) More Utilt

Also I would like to see how you do against a some what good opponent. No offence but that Kirby wasn't that great. :)


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Akorn(Akron) OH
EDIT: It wasn't online. Sorry I said something I shouldn't have said.
Also stop air dodging every time you get hit, and both of you need to learn how to Momentum Cancel.

Bah, there is too much to say...


Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2009
I'm wanting a rate of my skills as Lucario along with a cretique of this match and any tips ya'll might have.

My opponent is a friend of mine who is about my level, probly a little below it though.

Lucario VS Kirby

Lucario is my main and I would like to become as good as him as I possibly can. Thank you all in advance!
1. Lurk around the lucario boards and get more information before showing us your next match. your lucario seems to have no knowledge of how a good one fights. watch our lucarios at work, and get some inspiration.
2. stop with the dash attack spamming. it isnt a move to be spammed.
3. Use AS better. simply shooting it at a grounded opponent from a distance is dumb. use it on an aerial opponent, or for air control, edgeguarding, and tons of stuff. also, use different variations of AS. (different charges.)
4. improve on your reaction time.
5. use your tilts more. Lucario's tilts are pretty good.
6. Fight better opponents. the more you get *****, the faster you will improve. tbh, my 9 year old sibling's kirby fights better than that..... and she mains Pikachu lol.


Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2009
Ouch, was that really necessary?:laugh:
im sorry if that was offensive, but it really is kinda true... she knows how to string comboes from an fthrow, doesnt get ***** by AS. never uses rock, and knows how to edgeguard :p

BTW it seems you are using a wii remote. use a GC. the C-stick opens a world of possibilities.
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