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The OMG FiZZ is back Stupendous "Critique my Lucario" Thread

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Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2009
Well, I want to be critiqued again lol, any takers? please go ahead, little disclaimer though, my shield button was stupid, couldn't roll away when actually needed, no matter though, heh.

Basically what Teddy said. however I am going to expand on parts. you Dash attacked pretty badly, and got punished for it. no worries though, Most ppl go through this stage.

Try to space fsmash. It has ridiculous range anyway and as an added incentive, gets much stronger if the tip hits. I see you got punished several times from poor spacing. also, Fsmash has IASA frames. use 'em.

also practice your B-reversals with AS. its a better option than using FP to turn around.

I see you <3 AS. that's good. very good. It is his greatest asset and one should always be ready with a packed AS. I see you used it for annoying, GTF off of me, punishing, and simply because you could. keep it up.

Save dair for the kill. You used it until it went stale. Dair is a combo finisher, a recovery tool, or a killer.
you used it like it was needed for every second of the match.

2:38-2:50 was the best. Aggro Lucario FTW lol. your fight for the nanerz was hilarious, and pretty cool.

Pivot grab more. It makes up for the puny range regular grab has.

all in all. you did Ok for a Lucario at a disadvantageous position. (why did you let him get FD?) show us more videos. ;)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2007
Montgomery, NY
Try to space fsmash. It has ridiculous range anyway and as an added incentive, gets much stronger if the tip hits. I see you got punished several times from poor spacing. also, Fsmash has IASA frames. use 'em.
To add on to this, I saw you using fsmash to edge guard while standing an inch away from the edge. This is bad, it not only leaves you vulnerable but also puts you in a position where you can't punish your opponent.

As a general rule of thumb, space yourself from the edge at the maximum range of fsmash. Then use stutter stepped fsmashes to keep yourself at this range. This basically covers all of your opponent's options.

They cannot ledge attack or drop off and use an aerial because you are out of their range, getting up in place will make the fsmash push them back on the edge, dropping off and jumping back on with an air dodge will allow you to make use of the fsmashes IASA frames and use a jab combo to send them back out, and rolling will put them in position for the jab combo/grab (and if there is a character with a particularly long edge roll or you spaced yourself poorly, you still have Lucario's utilt available).

The only safe option here is doing the ledge jump which you can still predict and punish and even if you don't predict it, your opponent is still in a disadvantageous position.

The only thing you really need to worry about are certain projectiles, like Rob's laser, or Diddy's bananas (never fsmash edge guard against characters that are holding items like Diddy, Peach, Rob, etc.).

Edit: I nearly forgot to mention that you need to cut down on the spot dodging. It's a nasty habit to spot dodge as impulsively as you did. If you're worried about your opponent attacking/grabbing you, either roll out of the way or jump. Spot dodging should only be saved for times when those other two options are not available.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2009
Thanks for the advice.

After re-watching this vid several times, I realized I didn't use most of the things I normally do like u-tilt and grab (not as much I mean) and I went overboard with dair (I don't wanna sound arrogant or anything, so sorry if it sorta has that tone). Nasty little habits are popping up again like my spacing, dair overdose, any suggestions for me to fix this without any human players?

@tedward2000: I didn't mean the actual shielding, I meant I tried to roll but he just stood there and took the grab, I think I need a new controller lol. Edit: I just realized I had already said that so you probably already knew that lol, nevermind.

@aurasmash14: I meant to do AS reversal, FP was an accident (no johns :D). And about fighting in FD, its because I like a challenge? Well it was a friendly so we played there (plus he gets all pissy if we don't play there, I was all for Rainbow Ride, heh.)

@HyperEnergy: Thanks for the edge-guarding advice; I'll be sure to put that in my game lol.


Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2009
Thanks for the advice.

After re-watching this vid several times, I realized I didn't use most of the things I normally do like u-tilt and grab (not as much I mean) and I went overboard with dair (I don't wanna sound arrogant or anything, so sorry if it sorta has that tone). Nasty little habits are popping up again like my spacing, dair overdose, any suggestions for me to fix this without any human players?

@tedward2000: I didn't mean the actual shielding, I meant I tried to roll but he just stood there and took the grab, I think I need a new controller lol. Edit: I just realized I had already said that so you probably already knew that lol, nevermind.

@aurasmash14: I meant to do AS reversal, FP was an accident (no johns :D). And about fighting in FD, its because I like a challenge? Well it was a friendly so we played there (plus he gets all pissy if we don't play there, I was all for Rainbow Ride, heh.)

@HyperEnergy: Thanks for the edge-guarding advice; I'll be sure to put that in my game lol.
Play somebody who you know is better than you. soon enough, you'll be forced to do spacing, saving kill moves, and Take advantage of any opportunity just to survive.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Akorn(Akron) OH
Play me online sometime this weekend or something if im on, this just wont do.

Nice that you can record though.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2009
Toronto, Canada
Stop charging your smashes, lucario's Fsmash already takes long enough to get released. Also try to use A>A>FP more often because I find it works great. Also use FP and Utilt more and mix up your tactics.

Hope to see more videos of you and hopefully you won't have to fight a CPU. :)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 25, 2008
San Diego, CA
I've finally got a way to upload videos of my characters.

I put a sample up of me fighting a CPU just to see how it would work.

I know it's against a CPU but I'd still like critique, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eT3ROKMlz-Q
utilt from pshield is pretty much guaranteed, so don't roll from a pshield (but i'm guessing you did not realize you had a pshield until after u rolled).

I know you gimped shiek anyways, but you can go much farther out with the fairs for gimps (but it doesn't really matter if you knew that u would get the gimp).

I noticed from utilt u just sorta stood there when u knocked shiek high up. Chase with uair; not many characters can deal with uair very effectively aside from air dodge or di. Even if they do di or air dodge u still have a chance to nail them with another aerial.


Smash Hero
Aug 9, 2007
Las Vegas
Stop charging your smashes, lucario's Fsmash already takes long enough to get released. Also try to use A>A>FP more often because I find it works great. Also use FP and Utilt more and mix up your tactics.

Hope to see more videos of you and hopefully you won't have to fight a CPU. :)
Don't try AA-FP more. AA-FP is very very very unreliable against anyone with Lucario experience. I guess it works until they catch on though, which should be almost immediate.

Anyways, Red Ryu, four things really hit me, other than the fact that that's a really sweet CPU Sheik.

Firstly, you Full Hop Fair to Dair way too much. What are you aiming at? Yes, Dair gets spaced if you do this, but it's really a dumb idea to do it THAT OFTEN. Use it maybe like once or twice and that's it. Fair is meant to be the one that connects to start off a small chain into another aerial. Short hop it spaced as an approach when you see them vulnerable. Default to Dair for maximum damage if they're grounded, or nair if they're either too high for a dair, or at a low enough % to chain into another jab grab.

Secondly, Chasing is actually a very good idea against characters like Sheik. Get close with Uair, and if they airdodge, use a Dair immediately to catch their vulnerability frames.

Thirdly, STOP FSMASHING. Galgkjupaosidupbepouer. Azen is not a good example for anyone! Fsmash should NOT be used when an opponent is near you AND in complete control of their character! It's an especially bad idea against Sheik, who can just hyphen smash at you from the range you usually fsmash from and completely wreck you. Space people out with moves like Ftilt, jabs, Fairs, or Bairs. Fsmash at close range is just ASKING to be smashed, and once again especially from a character with a very powerful KO move like Sheik's Usmash. Also, Utilt is not a get out of jail free card. It's still pretty slow, so don't think you can escape punished fsmashes with it.

And lastly, stop freaking rolling. Rolling is okay when you're trying to escape a bad situation sometimes, but you're just using it religiously. Even I could've predicted some of the rolls the Sheik did on you, such as that nice fsmash chase. I probably would've predicted more though and used needles to punish you when you rolled away. You roll every single time you're too close to your opponent. You rolled every time you were close to shiek, especially if you landed with an attack. It's really really easy to read, and for many characters that matter, as well as many that don't (like Shiek), it's very easy to punish. Seriously.

Also, I'm starting to think you're not using a GCN controller, Red Ryu. you charged all your fsmashes (not a bad thing if done properly), and mostly full hop faired as if you were struggling to figure out short hopping.

@DusK: I like your Luc. I really like your Luc. You seem to know your basics well, try to be offensive, are somewhat creative at times, make good reads, don't roll, and overall seem to be off to a great start.

Basically what Teddy said. however I am going to expand on parts. you Dash attacked pretty badly, and got punished for it. no worries though, Most ppl go through this stage.
Ridiculous. I don't think anyone goes through a dash attack phase. It seems more like he just likes the move. The way he utilizes it though actually isn't bad at all with the uair followup. I like it, actually. It's very interesting, although he does use it maybe a tad too much.

Try to space fsmash. It has ridiculous range anyway and as an added incentive, gets much stronger if the tip hits. I see you got punished several times from poor spacing. also, Fsmash has IASA frames. use 'em.
Fsmash is a HORRID idea against Diddy Kong. It's just begging to be ***** by bananas and fast moves. Ignore this comment, imo.
also practice your B-reversals with AS. its a better option than using FP to turn around.
I don't remember seeing an intentional FP. AS turnaround I hope is what you mean, although both are pretty cool.

Save dair for the kill. You used it until it went stale. Dair is a combo finisher, a recovery tool, or a killer.
you used it like it was needed for every second of the match.
Ignore this. Dair when neccessary. Dair is good. Use it when you won't be punished. If all else fails, kill with Nair or Bair.

Pivot grab more. It makes up for the puny range regular grab has.
I don't know about you guys, but I just can't seem to understand all the hype about pivot grab. It has an awkward command and sometimes makes you slide so far that the extra distance you were supposed to get is canceled out. Is it really worth the 2 extra frames that're probably canceled out by the command itself?

all in all. you did Ok for a Lucario at a disadvantageous position. (why did you let him get FD?) show us more videos. ;)
Luc beats Diddy. FD isn't that disadvantageous for us unless we let Diddy gain control. They probably were just picking neutrals.

Anyways, for my own two bits, I really didn't see much wrong. You performed very well against your opponent, although you slightly used dash attack more than you should've, even though it payed off more often than not (I like the idea, but it might've ben used a bit too much). Another minor thing was that you didn't edgeguard Diddy as much as you should've. Luc gimps Diddy rather well, so you could've taken more advantage of that. The only serious problem that I saw though was that you don't seem to know what to do when your opponent is behind you. Utilt works well in this situation and will cover you most of the time.


Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2009
Kitamerby;8287513 @DusK: I like your Luc. I really like your Luc. You seem to know your basics well said:
I know right? he seems really good for a newbie. [/COLOR]
Ridiculous. I don't think anyone goes through a dash attack phase. It seems more like he just likes the move. The way he utilizes it though actually isn't bad at all with the uair followup. I like it, actually. It's very interesting, although he does use it maybe a tad too much.
I used to Dash Attack like a ****** lol.
Fsmash is a HORRID idea against Diddy Kong. It's just begging to be ***** by bananas and fast moves. Ignore this comment, imo.
I wasn't telling him to USE fsmash against diddy kong, I was telling him to learn tp SPACE fsmash, since he wasnt using it at full range, which is the saftest place to use it.
I don't remember seeing an intentional FP. AS turnaround I hope is what you mean, although both are pretty cool.
Yeah that's what i meant. but i thought the FP turnaround was intentional...

Ignore this. Dair when neccessary. Dair is good. Use it when you won't be punished. If all else fails, kill with Nair or Bair.
I like dair too, but dair is more efficient than Bair or nair in killing. If he used it in every possible opportunity, he would have a harder time killing the opponent later in the match. Especially since Lucario needs to get the momentum going. if he dies first, he needs the aura back to kill with dair. Don't Ignore what i said Dusk! anyway, I just don't believe in continually spamming dair and hope top kill with a weaker move.

I don't know about you guys, but I just can't seem to understand all the hype about pivot grab. It has an awkward command and sometimes makes you slide so far that the extra distance you were supposed to get is canceled out. Is it really worth the 2 extra frames that're probably canceled out by the command itself?
It is overhyped, but there is no denying it is better than a standing grab.

Luc beats Diddy. FD isn't that disadvantageous for us unless we let Diddy gain control. They probably were just picking neutrals.

Anyways, for my own two bits, I really didn't see much wrong. You performed very well against your opponent, although you slightly used dash attack more than you should've, even though it payed off more often than not (I like the idea, but it might've been used a bit too much). Another minor thing was that you didn't edgeguard Diddy as much as you should've. Luc gimps Diddy rather well, so you could've taken more advantage of that. The only serious problem that I saw though was that you don't seem to know what to do when your opponent is behind you. Utilt works well in this situation and will cover you most of the time.
Noo! i got nearly my whole crtique dissed! /wrist.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
utilt from pshield is pretty much guaranteed, so don't roll from a pshield (but i'm guessing you did not realize you had a pshield until after u rolled).

I know you gimped shiek anyways, but you can go much farther out with the fairs for gimps (but it doesn't really matter if you knew that u would get the gimp).

I noticed from utilt u just sorta stood there when u knocked shiek high up. Chase with uair; not many characters can deal with uair very effectively aside from air dodge or di. Even if they do di or air dodge u still have a chance to nail them with another aerial.
By the sounds of this I need to figure out how to follow up attacks more properly.

Anyways, Red Ryu, four things really hit me, other than the fact that that's a really sweet CPU Sheik.
I swear my cpus are learning or something.

Firstly, you Full Hop Fair to Dair way too much. What are you aiming at? Yes, Dair gets spaced if you do this, but it's really a dumb idea to do it THAT OFTEN. Use it maybe like once or twice and that's it. Fair is meant to be the one that connects to start off a small chain into another aerial. Short hop it spaced as an approach when you see them vulnerable. Default to Dair for maximum damage if they're grounded, or nair if they're either too high for a dair, or at a low enough % to chain into another jab grab.
I think It's because I use tap jump. I usually don't use X to jump unless I'm playing Peach or Falco.

Secondly, Chasing is actually a very good idea against characters like Sheik. Get close with Uair, and if they airdodge, use a Dair immediately to catch their vulnerability frames.
I'll be sure to be more aggressive against Sheik.

Thirdly, STOP FSMASHING. Galgkjupaosidupbepouer. Azen is not a good example for anyone! Fsmash should NOT be used when an opponent is near you AND in complete control of their character! It's an especially bad idea against Sheik, who can just hyphen smash at you from the range you usually fsmash from and completely wreck you. Space people out with moves like Ftilt, jabs, Fairs, or Bairs. Fsmash at close range is just ASKING to be smashed, and once again especially from a character with a very powerful KO move like Sheik's Usmash. Also, Utilt is not a get out of jail free card. It's still pretty slow, so don't think you can escape punished fsmashes with it.
I guess I'm not doing the move correctly. Azen when he Fsmash spams knows when to use it to space or to not.

I also tried using it to punish landing frames.

I clearly wasn't doing it correctly if I was firing it off too much.

And lastly, stop freaking rolling. Rolling is okay when you're trying to escape a bad situation sometimes, but you're just using it religiously. Even I could've predicted some of the rolls the Sheik did on you, such as that nice fsmash chase. I probably would've predicted more though and used needles to punish you when you rolled away. You roll every single time you're too close to your opponent. You rolled every time you were close to shiek, especially if you landed with an attack. It's really really easy to read, and for many characters that matter, as well as many that don't (like Shiek), it's very easy to punish. Seriously.
Rolling less, k.

Also, I'm starting to think you're not using a GCN controller, Red Ryu. you charged all your fsmashes (not a bad thing if done properly), and mostly full hop faired as if you were struggling to figure out short hopping.
I am using a GCN, the hard to do Short hops were a result of me not using X and using the tap jump instead.


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
I'm prolly going to get some disagreement, but I don't think Azen fsmash spams either. When he does it in newer matches, he usually does it after some zoning/in reply to an impatient opponent. That's how Azen works; he's very patient, it's why his marth was really good in Melee.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I'm prolly going to get some disagreement, but I don't think Azen fsmash spams either. When he does it in newer matches, he usually does it after some zoning/in reply to an impatient opponent. That's how Azen works; he's very patient, it's why his marth was really good in Melee.
I haven't seen his newer ones. Youtube?

I actually think I'm wrong on him spamming it as much. It's more so he uses it when it's smart to do so. If he was spamming it way to much he would have been telegraphed way more and punished.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 25, 2008
San Diego, CA
I haven't seen his newer ones. Youtube?

I actually think I'm wrong on him spamming it as much. It's more so he uses it when it's smart to do so. If he was spamming it way to much he would have been telegraphed way more and punished.
that's the "azen combo" for ya. It only works for azen.


Smash Champion
Mar 9, 2008
A>A>B(Charge)> Fire AS> Fair> Nair> A>A> Fsmash>Up Taunt> A>A > B(Charge)> Wavedash> Fsmash.

It's a combo, only done by Azen in Brawl.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2009
I know I'm supposed to say something but I'm not sure what, other than thanks for the advice Kitamerby.

Btw, I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but I was new to Lucario, not Smash in general, just in case lol.

I'll edit or post stuff later, once I know what to say, heh.


Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2009
I know I'm supposed to say something but I'm not sure what, other than thanks for the advice Kitamerby.

Btw, I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but I was new to Lucario, not Smash in general, just in case lol.

I'll edit or post stuff later, once I know what to say, heh.
No Thanks for me :( (lol jk)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 25, 2008
San Diego, CA
Got a better video, with real people this time

bair more. especially when chasing out after an opponent (like u did near the end and got hit by the side-b)

utilt is much faster than dmash; use it instead of rolling behind and dsmash.

Nice use of the AS charge by stopping his side-b recovery.

Good edgeguarding, but seriously, what the hell was luigi doing recovering high each time? it's not that hard to sweetspot (this is brawl with wtf ledge snap) the edge, especially since he can just use up-b after side-b. And this isn't battlefield where if he misses he's screwed.

luigi did a lot of fsmashes from waay too far, strutter step and punish with ur fsmash.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2007
Montgomery, NY
Got a better video, with real people this time

Alright, here's what I have to say.

Don't use the fair to dair approach because this only works if fair connects. Get into the habit of using fair to nair; you will be much less punishable if you do. Additionally, don't use an aerial on an opponent if you are falling toward them. I saw this happen a few times and if your aerials get shielded, it's a free punish for the opponent. It is often better to jump away than to hope your opponent doesn't shield your nair/dair (because most of the time they will shield it). Of course, this does work if you are landing behind your opponent.

A few times you rolled toward your opponent. Never roll toward your opponent. Rolls should only be used as a retreat (there are a few exceptions though).

You made good use of the jab combo to FPG in the first half of the match, but the latter half you messed it up once or twice. Be prepared to abandon this combo if the first two hits don't connect.

Don't use fsmash when you and your opponent are in neutral positions. That's just asking to get power shielded.

Around 3:25 you went to chase Luigi off the edge but you went a little too far out and it seemed you weren't really paying attention to where Luigi was (he was way up high in the sky while you were two Lucario heights below him). This probably happened because you were a little impatient so next time just act...well, patient and stay on the edge until he gets closer lol.

Overall I think you have a solid understanding of how to use Lucario. I suggest learning how to incorporate wavebounced aura sphere charges into your gameplay. They help out tremendously in situations where you are being juggled. Also, try to focus on being patient; you got punished for rushed attacks when it would've been better to retreat.

Also, seriously, tell that Luigi player to STOP USING SIDE B OVER THE HEIGHT OF THE STAGE, lol.


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
It works than Nair for edgeguarding, has more kill power, and with the more limited options the opponent has offstage, any good player with decent edgeguarding habits can use bair to beat ADs/trade with most long ranged aerial attempts offstage. These things even Timbers can agree on why bair is better than Nair.
*Waits for Timbers to say "*Knew you would do this*"*


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2008
Got a better video, with real people this time

Bair is not a bad move Timbers lol. Do you know how many things in this game that move absurdly slow and people still get hit by them? Not to mention its a really good move to bait someone to air dodge.

It works than Nair for edgeguarding, has more kill power, and with the more limited options the opponent has offstage, any good player with decent edgeguarding habits can use bair to beat ADs/trade with most long ranged aerial attempts offstage. These things even Timbers can agree on why bair is better than Nair.
*Waits for Timbers to say "*Knew you would do this*"*

I don't want to be mean or anything Ryu, but I felt that the Luigi didn't have much experience playing the game. Normally I wouldn't try to critique someone because of this, but anything to help out someone else is a good enough reason for me to do so.

When you are playing against Luigi, keep in mind he has a sliding ability. It is a good ability, but it also hurts him because it turns things that normally are not safe on block into something that is safe on block if it is not perfect shielded. You did a fine job punishing his poor method to recover, as he shouldn't be using his missile to recover while he is that close to the stage. For the match up it is in fact better to stay onstage then to go off unless Luigi is coming from underneath the stage where you can have a clear punish, so your choice to stay on the stage more often then going after him was a better idea. Try not to Dair shields also, since it is punishable if you do.

Now for the advice of the day for you:

You play choppy. The reasoning maybe because you are still trying to learn how to use Lucario effectively. My advice for you would be to try to play a lot move smoother. If you can learn how to move fluently, then everything will come out with better results. This is obtained by just playing more, and having more experience. Keep practicing, because you have potential.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
You guys are awesome for the help. And no offense taken RJ.

As for my friend who plays Weegee, he told me the main reason he got into that habit was my other friends Marth. If he didn't recover high Marth would go for an easy gimp. He's been feeling like recovering high was much easier than recovering from stage level. The problem in the video is he's using it as an attack that is easy for me to punish.

The Weegee plays me ever day I'm at home. The difference is among all of my friends, I'm the only one who likes to play competitively.


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
It's not that slow either, for a move with decent killpower. Unlike Nair, it's hitbox doesn't diminish a ton in knockback when it stays out for a bit, plus like I said, better kill power/offstage use, + better range (seriously, every discussion that our fair gets outranged in a MU bair will trade/sometimes outrange). It's not quite an "inferior nair", and I certainly wouldn't consider it one of the worst bairs in the game. It's mediocre, but it has it's use in lucario's game. I guess you could say to each his own, but it's a pretty steep claim that lucario bair is bad, although I'll admit a bit lack-luster.


Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2009
Bair is more like a peach fair with 20% less effectiveness lol.

However, while it isn't really a bad move, They should have made his feet burst with aura too, that open spot in the lower left can get annoying...

Or at least made it faster..


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
Bair is more like a peach fair with 20% less effectiveness lol.

However, while it isn't really a bad move, They should have made his feet burst with aura too, that open spot in the lower left can get annoying...

Or at least made it faster..
Actually, the funny thing is that lucario bair is faster on startup than Peach fair by 1 frame.


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2008
My new videos yay... vs my brother again :p with lots of pokeremixstudio music coz he is amazing
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFeMtaydaYc Vs Snake, MK
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0yq5xmRtzk Vs Wolf, MK
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebZ1yTO9viw Vs Sonic (for the lulz)

Aura sphere is still amazing at forcing the opponent to change their approach options, even when you never fire it :)
You know, that was pretty solid to watch. My only comment to you would be to bait more, ESP. vs snake. You had opportunities to keep him in the air, but decided to let him land. Although it worked out, I think you would find it more easier to handle the match if you tried to read how he is trying to gt back to the floor. Good games though.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 25, 2008
San Diego, CA
My new videos yay... vs my brother again :p with lots of pokeremixstudio music coz he is amazing
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFeMtaydaYc Vs Snake, MK
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0yq5xmRtzk Vs Wolf, MK
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebZ1yTO9viw Vs Sonic (for the lulz)

Aura sphere is still amazing at forcing the opponent to change their approach options, even when you never fire it :)
didn't watch the sonic one.
Remember this isn't brawl +. At low % (especially against meta knight) utilt isn't very safe after the first hit. follow up with something other than utilt.

You had excellent use of AS.

Be careful when firing AS when recovering. You were forced to go for the ledge, if the person had a good gimp move (kirby, ganon, yoshi etc.) or even just went for a normal ledge hog you probably would've lost a stock.


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
I'll get to it later, but I have to say RJ, you've come a long way. Nice reads on the last match, especially nailing his shieldbreaker (marths will almost never use that move unless they're sure they're opponent is pacified in shield from fair), and the bair kill.
You got read quite a bit on the second match, you hung in but I saw some stumbles that could've been flattened out.


Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2009
Mm, Now that I actually have a capture device, I am going to post some vids now.

Pierce7D vs iRJi

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7U7Z77v7GQc - Match 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z7wyAvpoJM - Match 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MAwj7ZXGJ4 - Match 3
I watched the first 2. you are really good at spacing (especially since it's a marth for heaven's sake) you punish well with fsmash, (and make an effort to make it tipper too.) you even used his tilts to the fullest (and thats somthing i need to copy.)
However, there were times you practically jumped into fair, and your fsmash got punished whenever you used it at an aerial marth. otherwise, you have a great lucario.

oh yes, i had practically no idea our ftilt outranges marth fsmash...


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
Nice stuff with the ftilts as a punish so often lol. ^^ it doesnt outrange marths fsmash, only if marth missed then you ftilt, since marth leans a long way forward.

however it is time for the obligatory Aura Sphere is amazing post

So many times when marth was not near you you just walked around backwards and forwards doing nothing. all of that time could have been spent charging an AS :)
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