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The Old Diddy Social/General/Q&A Thread

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Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Bowser may be able to, his grab release is incredibly fast. But then again, diddy may be able to roll before the regrab.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Bowser can chaingrab us without a banana, so WITH a banana I'm positive he can.

On grab release, he has 20 dead frames, we have 30 (grounded grab release).

His standing grab comes out on frame 9? Or 6, not sure which one.

The point is, framewise he can do it >< Whatta bastage.


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
Bowser can chaingrab us without a banana, so WITH a banana I'm positive he can.

On grab release, he has 20 dead frames, we have 30 (grounded grab release).

His standing grab comes out on frame 9? Or 6, not sure which one.

The point is, framewise he can do it >< Whatta bastage.
I knew that Bowser's Grab Release game was good (maybe not that good), but are there any other characters who can abuse Grab Releases like this? And is that really a true chaingrab against us? If so, the Bowser match-up needs to take important note of it.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
And don't forget the infinite double jump...Its probably a good way to avoid bananas on the ground, I don't think they affect him at all, but using it makes his movement more limited and he's still going to have problems approaching, being the big target he is...


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
I knew that Bowser's Grab Release game was good (maybe not that good), but are there any other characters who can abuse Grab Releases like this? And is that really a true chaingrab against us? If so, the Bowser match-up needs to take important note of it.
well...Marth can air release us to a dash attack...just like half the other cast...


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
The thing is that you're being released onto the banana, it's not the standard grab release animation, so you may be able to escape.


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
The thing is that you're being released onto the banana, it's not the standard grab release animation, so you may be able to escape.
So what we used to call the "Banana Choke Chaingrab" actually was just a way for the opponent to escape?

EDIT: I think I may have read that wrong


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Alright, so me and P3 were friendlying, Diddy Vs Marth, and he lost his 3rd stock RIGHT after I lost my 2nd stock because I was charging my barrels and I didn't want to hit him so he could recover because he missed his up-b. My percent never went to 0, but I had lost the stock. So it can't be called 2 stocking OR JV 2 stocking. Therefore I now officially call it P1 2 stocking, and it's the best kind of 2/3/4/5/6/7/w.e number stocking there is =)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2008
Alright, so me and P3 were friendlying, Diddy Vs Marth, and he lost his 3rd stock RIGHT after I lost my 2nd stock because I was charging my barrels and I didn't want to hit him so he could recover because he missed his up-b. My percent never went to 0, but I had lost the stock. So it can't be called 2 stocking OR JV 2 stocking. Therefore I now officially call it P1 2 stocking, and it's the best kind of 2/3/4/5/6/7/w.e number stocking there is =)
I never knew what to call it, you sir have opened my eyes to the greatness that is P1 stocking

I'm digging this whole pranked thing 8)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 22, 2008
Mississauga, Canada (Hobs crk)
Actual...question here. -__-

Is it bad to get naners out at the beginning of the match? Every time I do, the opponent just jumps and gets it before I can. Or maybe I have to face them while doing it...but then I'd be open. Hmm?


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2007
Tristate area
Actual...question here. -__-

Is it bad to get naners out at the beginning of the match? Every time I do, the opponent just jumps and gets it before I can. Or maybe I have to face them while doing it...but then I'd be open. Hmm?
I start almost every match by pulling one banana away, then just z-catching it in the air. I've never been beaten to it by any character, haha.

I wouldn't say it's bad, but you definitely need to be aware of what your opponent is doing.

The Sauce Boss

Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
pull it right when the match starts, short hop, and then catch it right away, you should be safe.

edit: melomaniacal got to it first and said the exact same thing


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Actual...question here. -__-

Is it bad to get naners out at the beginning of the match? Every time I do, the opponent just jumps and gets it before I can. Or maybe I have to face them while doing it...but then I'd be open. Hmm?
It makes it easier for your opponent opponent if you pull them high. If you don't smash Down-B then it will get less vertical distance. If you didn't know this then you should try it.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
Usually, I full hop--pluck--double jump--z-catch, but after playing dittos with some Diddys (on wi-fi lulz) I've been able to punish or just catch the banana when they pluck it like that.

Just a standard downB at the beginning of the match should work, but depending on the character you're facing you don't have to immediately pluck one, and sometimes shouldn't. Against Fox/Falco, the full hop to double jump z-catch works because they always start the match firing lasers. Against a character with a quick approach or DACUS or something, you'd want to mix up how you pluck a banana at the beginning.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2008
Wilmington, NC
I prefer to pull them from the ground at the start of the game nowadays. When full-hop and pluck 2 or z-catch 1 sometimes the opponent will run up right under you and punish your waste of jumps.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2009
SoCal :I
I prefer not to pluck nanerz in the beginning unless the opponent has a low running and aerial speed. Rather rush in naner-less(as long as it isn't D3, Snake, MK, Oli, or Wario) then pluck them.

And I wanted to ask this question here, does naner-less didds seem better against Weegee than a didds using nanerz?


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
And I wanted to ask this question here, does naner-less didds seem better against Weegee than a didds using nanerz?
Naner-less Diddy will NEVER be as good as a Diddy using Bananas, in any match-up. Diddy basically IS his Bananas; without them he'd be trash (well, at least much worse than he is now). You don't always have to throw Bananas at Luigi; you can block off parts of the stage for him to land on, or you can Dribble with them to get some spacing going. Good ol' Glide Toss Downward > Smash is still legit. I mean, yes, most of the combos you will likely use against probably won't involve Banana throws, but doesn't mean you don't still need Bananas (/double negative).


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2009
SoCal :I
To "block off parts" would mean to leave nanerz stationary free for weegee or any other character to get them. And of course naner-less diddy would never be as good as a diddy using nanerz, but sometimes it's better not to use certain tools. Like vs. Falco, a Snake would automically damage himself to avoid being chainspiked, but Falco would probably get a lot of free damage if Snake tried to outcamp Falco with nades.

Same goes for didds, if you try and "block off" parts of the stage, then that's practically letting the other person get them and use them against you. Of course nanerz are essential for tougher MUs, but this MU is difficult because the use and effect of nanerz is reduced. As far as I see, using a single naner and having control of it for the most part is what would work best, against weegee, and maybe against a couple of other characters.

Someone should test this offline, I would do it if there were any good weegee--or anythings around here. <<


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
To "block off parts" would mean to leave nanerz stationary free for weegee or any other character to get them. And of course naner-less diddy would never be as good as a diddy using nanerz, but sometimes it's better not to use certain tools. Like vs. Falco, a Snake would automically damage himself to avoid being chainspiked, but Falco would probably get a lot of free damage if Snake tried to outcamp Falco with nades.

Same goes for didds, if you try and "block off" parts of the stage, then that's practically letting the other person get them and use them against you. Of course nanerz are essential for tougher MUs, but this MU is difficult because the use and effect of nanerz is reduced. As far as I see, using a single naner and having control of it for the most part is what would work best, against weegee, and maybe against a couple of other characters.

Someone should test this offline, I would do it if there were any good weegee--or anythings around here. <<
Even if Weegee got some of your Bananas, you can just Shield Bounce or Instant Throw them back. Luigi isn't that scary with Bananas, even with that ridiculous backwards Glide Toss of his. I've yet to see anything special he can do with them :\

And by "block off," I mostly meant while he was landing after an aerial assault and wouldn't have much choice but to get tripped or be punished.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Naner-less Diddy will NEVER be as good as a Diddy using Bananas, in any match-up. Diddy basically IS his Bananas; without them he'd be trash (well, at least much worse than he is now). You don't always have to throw Bananas at Luigi; you can block off parts of the stage for him to land on, or you can Dribble with them to get some spacing going. Good ol' Glide Toss Downward > Smash is still legit. I mean, yes, most of the combos you will likely use against probably won't involve Banana throws, but doesn't mean you don't still need Bananas (/double negative).
I play it differently. I use bananas to rack up damage by glide tossing them at him. He gets a good slide so you won't have hardly any follow-ups. Glide-Toss>Smash isn't very reliable because you have to be very close before you do the glide toss in order to catch up to him. My best killing move is fair, which I do after I momentarily stop his recover with an off-stage banana. I also use U-air a lot but I don't know if that's good.

Also Ingulit. Dribbling is only real good against offensive characters who are going to approach. Running is far more effective. You don't need to dribble because Luigi is probably going to be spacing with fireballs.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
Naner-less Diddy will NEVER be as good as a Diddy using Bananas, in any match-up. Diddy basically IS his Bananas; without them he'd be trash (well, at least much worse than he is now) .
With that being said, Fair is really good (I think it has more range than most/all of his aerials). If the Wario SH's over a banana and you Fair, his options are somewhat limited and when you comeback down you will have a banana in your hand, which will increase your modility...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2009
SoCal :I
Even if Weegee got some of your Bananas, you can just Shield Bounce or Instant Throw them back. Luigi isn't that scary with Bananas, even with that ridiculous backwards Glide Toss of his. I've yet to see anything special he can do with them :\

And by "block off," I mostly meant while he was landing after an aerial assault and wouldn't have much choice but to get tripped or be punished.
It's not that luigi is good or can pull off something crazy like glide toss>UpB with naners, but you'd have to be cautious when he has one or both naner(s) under his control.

As you said, luigi can either trip or take an aerial assault, but what if it's in the vice-versa situation? IF he aerial assaults you instead, say you're facing the opposite direction and can't Fair luigi, you've lost all your jumps, and you're about to land, a smart luigi player wouldn't give you the benifit of taking the aerial assault, instead he'd FF and try to grab, smash, or do something else that would pay off more than using an aerial.

That's also stage-placement and % specific. No luigi would take an assure-landing Fair or Bair in the middle of say BF at 190% in exchange for a chance where you can mess up after he trips on the naner(s) waiting below.


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
I play it differently. I use bananas to rack up damage by glide tossing them at him. He gets a good slide so you won't have hardly any follow-ups. Glide-Toss>Smash isn't very reliable because you have to be very close before you do the glide toss in order to catch up to him. My best killing move is fair, which I do after I momentarily stop his recover with an off-stage banana.
You are right; I was trying to get the point across late at night that Diddy still needs his Bananas no matter what match-up he's in. I could only come up with so many examples ><

Also Ingulit. Dribbling is only real good against offensive characters who are going to approach. Running is far more effective. You don't need to dribble because Luigi is probably going to be spacing with fireballs.
Aptly noted, thank you.

It's not that luigi is good or can pull off something crazy like glide toss>UpB with naners, but you'd have to be cautious when he has one or both naner(s) under his control.

As you said, luigi can either trip or take an aerial assault, but what if it's in the vice-versa situation? IF he aerial assaults you instead, say you're facing the opposite direction and can't Fair luigi, you've lost all your jumps, and you're about to land, a smart luigi player wouldn't give you the benifit of taking the aerial assault, instead he'd FF and try to grab, smash, or do something else that would pay off more than using an aerial.

That's also stage-placement and % specific. No luigi would take an assure-landing Fair or Bair in the middle of say BF at 190% in exchange for a chance where you can mess up after he trips on the naner(s) waiting below.
To be completely honest, I couldn't follow the situation you posed. I'm kinda making a guess at it from here:

As far as the facing the wrong direction thing, you CAN B-Reverse a Popgun Cancel if you're fast enough. Good luck doing that under pressure, though :laugh:

And of course you have to be cautious, but Diddy has more than enough tools to get Bananas back in his control in a short amount of time. Also, if Diddy is about to fall on a Banana (the point of your second paragraph?), you can just Side-B away from it or, better yet, pick it up with an Airdodge or falling N-Air. You can even Airdodge > Glide Toss for a quick retreat. That's what I do, anyway; between these options (and a few more), I rarely if ever trip on a Banana I'm going to land on (if I am, then the opponent is probably too good for me to handle anyway =-=).

I don't know what you said in the last paragraph :x


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
Vs Luigi, I use bananas as traps, and punishment.
By throwing it where you think he'll land, he won't slide away giving you a good opportunity to rack up % ; and if he has good reflexes he'll have to land in another place which you can predict. Just don't get stupid with it ; he can airdodge on landing and pick it up if he's not doing an aerial or an airdodge already. Find the guy's pattern.
Using them as punishment tools is okay as you'd want to camp Luigi, and he slides far when tripped. win-win.
Beside that, bananas aren't that good against Luigi ; you should still have one or both out at all time just so he doesn't feel too confident ; it still gives you superior spacing tricks and long range options you wouldn't have if you played nonana.

Luigi's banana game is average at best ; he can do the stuff everyone does (banana-killmove, trap you into a combo, using B moves as a mixup, stuff like that) that we know how to avoid and counter already ; his punishment options with banana suck as his shield goes far when hit and his foward GT doesn't cancel any momentum ; however you still want to avoid every 5% you can as he kills you 70% sooner than you kill him, so don't rush in...
He has some cool shield pressure stuff with his stupid fall speed ; but nothing dangerous.
As Luigi I often SH dtoss the banana and land with a down B in diddy's back. It only works on unsuspecting diddies ; it can be faired, but if you mess up it's a safe option.
Will edit if I think of any other trick I use or I know people use...


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
the worst part about the luigi matchup?

if you dash attack their shield, they can shoryuken you out of shield. coupled with the fact that you'll die at like 50-60% from a shoryuken...:(


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
I disagree with dribbling only being good against offensive characters.

Dribble is good as a whole unless you're getting projectile spammed, I think..I dribble more than most people and other players tell me it really messes with them, because they never know when I'm going to throw the banana.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 22, 2008
Mississauga, Canada (Hobs crk)
Yet another question from the novice:

Do you guys hold the charge of RBB even when the ledge is right above?

I seem to find myself just holding it for a split second, to make sure they don't edgehog me. Do you do this?

And the charge won't give or take any height right?


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
Yet another question from the novice:

Do you guys hold the charge of RBB even when the ledge is right above?

I seem to find myself just holding it for a split second, to make sure they don't edgehog me. Do you do this?

And the charge won't give or take any height right?
You're using it correctly. If the opponent looks like they'll edgeguard you if you use your Up-B immediately, charging it for a second will throw them off. Don't always charge it, of course (you'll become predictable); but, yes, that's usually how you should use it.

Charging your Up-B makes you travel higher/farther and faster. Also, while charging it, you can hold left or right to angle the trajectory the charged barrels send you. This is vital to when trying to avoid being gimped.

The Diddy guide is SUPPOSED to cover all that... I don't know if it does or not, but those are SOME basics of the move as a recovery.

On a more advanced note, is abusing the Barrel Momentum Glitch after getting spiked really useful? I saw it mentioned a while back, and it sounds like a great idea. Is it practical?
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