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The Official Yoshi FAQ/Q&A Thread -- [Please look here before posting!]


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
To wavebounce an egglay, you need to input an egglay then immediately push the control stick in the opposite direction. The input you described is a B reversal, where you maintain the same momentum but change the way you're facing.

Yoshi's DACUS isn't that useful, since it kind of stops him. The input would be similar to Snake's just with different timing, though.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2008
Oh, I see. Makes sense thanks. I kinda like the DACUS, the movement stopping looks really helpful, infact. Say someone jumps forward and fairs. Yoshi can run back to dodge the fair, DACUS, and hit the foe with the beginning of the upsmash. What makes this even better is that Yoshi has invincibility frames on him head while upsmashing, so this would be a great way to exploit this. Assuming there aren't disjointed hitboxes.

The Beast Setup is too confusing for me. @_@


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2007
Scappoose, Oregon
Does anyone else know that you can get a free forward smash if you upsmash a shielding opponent when they're on a platform, particularly a battlefield platform, because they slide off the edge and remain helpless on the ground long enough to get another smash in. I just found that out, and I guess it seems pretty obvious now that I think about it, but I thought it was a cool trick I should share.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
Aiming B-sticked eggs

Disclaimer: I know the vast majority of Yoshi mains do not use B-sticking, but I have seen a couple players who claim to use it, so hopefully this might be of some use to somebody. I'm not really sure whether this hasn't been looked into or simply nobody uses it, but I want to get it out there.

I've never been comfortable playing without tap jump, and since I rarely used the C-stick anyway, I made the decision long ago to set my C-stick to specials to facilitate egg tossing before double jumps while recovering. The main problem with this has been aiming B-sticked eggs; from what I could tell at first, the trajectory was pretty much fixed, set as a weak toss directly in front of Yoshi. I accepted this as a limitation of my control scheme and moved on, but recently, I decided to look into this a little more closely, and I was pleasently surprised with what I found.

We all know that egg toss is a fairly laggy move, but the long start-up time (18 frames, according to Bigman's frame data chart) helps in this situation. Upon pressing up on the C-stick, there is a large window between the time the move's animation starts and when the egg is actually thrown; in this window, the trajectory of the egg can be altered by holding a direction on the control stick. All eggs tossed in this way will have a weak trajectory. For example, holding the control stick in the opposite direction from which Yoshi is facing will throw the egg straight up, exploding where Yoshi tossed the egg from, and holding the control stick in the same direction will cause the egg to explode at a spot below and in front of Yoshi.

This allows for a little more flexibility, but isn't particularly useful if, for example, you're trying to recover and you want to toss an egg at your opponent to distract them before you use your double jump. Thankfully, there is a way to throw eggs to get full distance using the C-stick: it just requires an extra input. Holding the B button (or whatever you have specials set to) after initializing the egg toss animation essentially allows you to aim eggs as if you were doing the standard control stick/B-button input, meaning you can throw eggs wherever you want. Assuming you use B for specials, you can do this easily by sliding your thumb off the C-stick and onto the B-button in a smooth motion, but I personally like using my thumb for the C-stick and my index finger for the B-button. Pick whatever feels the most comfortable for you.

This method of aiming eggs allows for new possibilities for players that choose the route of tap jump; proper Edge Cancelled Eggs (ECE). This could not be done properly with tap jump; Yoshi would either be restricted to tossing eggs right in front of his face, or have to waste his double jump to perform them. Both of these issues leave you more vulnerable when attempting ECEs, but with the B-sticking method described above, you can take advantage of the range of your eggs while minimizing the risk to yourself, even though you use tap jump. To do this, simply tilt the control stick away from the stage when hanging on the ledge, then perform the C-up -> B -> control stick to aim sequence described above.

There are a bunch of ways this can go wrong. If you ledge attack/ledge jump, you tilted the C-stick before detaching yourself from the ledge. If you egg roll, you either tilted the C-stick to the side instead of up, or pressed B before tilting the C-stick; the latter mistake can also result in a falling egg lay. If you double jump before tossing your egg, it means you tried aiming your egg upward, and got hasty with your control stick, tilting it up before tilting your C-stick. This technique takes some time to get down, so practice with it. This is especially important because it's fairly easy to SD with this if you aren't consistant with it.

tl;dr - Wall of text describing how people using an inferior control scheme can perform a basic tech that any decent player using tap jump off should be able to do with relative ease. Intended audience is a minority, to say the least.



Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
I don't use b-stick so I'm ignoring the above post =P

OK so I know it's still a bad tech and all, but I think Dr. Robotnik might have been on to something with the rising egg lay. Granted, it still takes mad spacing skillz and some good luck, but getting the sweetspot for the egg-lay time-out from a rising egg lay while the opponent's standing on the ledge seems to be slightly easier than the thing normally is, probably because it doesn't rely on the opponent to move out of the way and move back in within the window, but rather your tongue not being in range of him until that window opens because you were too low until then.

I'm certainly not saying that it's a good idea to try this in every other match you play or anything, but it does go to show that re-thinking an old idea can lead to (small) advances =P


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2008
i was messing with in training mode the other day and it seems u can get a strong nair on meta knight off the ledge. with a fresh nair this can probabaly kill as decent precents or just a nice way to get off a chain grab beside up smash. i dont have my wii atm so if some others oculd confirm that it would be helpful

Deleted member

I don't use b-stick so I'm ignoring the above post =P

OK so I know it's still a bad tech and all, but I think Dr. Robotnik might have been on to something with the rising egg lay. Granted, it still takes mad spacing skillz and some good luck, but getting the sweetspot for the egg-lay time-out from a rising egg lay while the opponent's standing on the ledge seems to be slightly easier than the thing normally is, probably because it doesn't rely on the opponent to move out of the way and move back in within the window, but rather your tongue not being in range of him until that window opens because you were too low until then.

I'm certainly not saying that it's a good idea to try this in every other match you play or anything, but it does go to show that re-thinking an old idea can lead to (small) advances =P
I do this all the time, people need to innovate more, even if it involves doing unsafe things.
It is especially good vs fox, scares that ***** so bad xD


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2007
Walla Walla
Does crouching/crawling remove Yoshi's blind spot? I mean theoretically, that blind spot doesn't exist when Yoshi crouches or crawls. I guess to cover that spot you could even crawl forward a tad and uptilt...

Should we rethink Yoshi's crawl and use it more?


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
it could be a mix-up I suppose, but I don't see it being much more than that, as we'd pretty much have to expose ourselves even for a few frames before getting the attack out. Also crawl is mad slow lol. But it could definitely be a viable mix-up, I think.


Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2007
YO MARVEL Lexington, Kentucky
it could be a mix-up I suppose, but I don't see it being much more than that, as we'd pretty much have to expose ourselves even for a few frames before getting the attack out. Also crawl is mad slow lol. But it could definitely be a viable mix-up, I think.
i don't think he means crawl, but rather just ducking. XD


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Does anyone know if we can drop through platforms while shielding? I think I did it before while playing a friend of mine and I need someone to test since I'm without a Wii at the moment. Should be able to do it by lightly holding down while shielding, I think.


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: I think double tapping down lightly works while shielding, I can't remember off the top of my head.

I use crawls to space tilts when I am too lazy to DR.

DR also solves many people's problems on what to follow up with after grab releases; you should try it out.

Bigz was showing me some wacky @$$ sh*t you can do to some characters...it's pretty good.


Smash Rookie
Jan 26, 2010
Yoshi is absolute my favourite character^^

when i was 5 years i played allday and night yoshis island and one day with 5 years i beat bowser :)

and im proud of myself :D

Silent Beast

Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008

I remember switching around a year ago when it seemed like a wave of new people decided to try it, after like almost nobody tried it when Scatz originally developed the setup.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Off the top of my head, the three above me, Celes, and Slice. Stocky's trying it out, and Delta has hatred against it since it's not gay. Depster, Yikarur, Firefly, Hades, and a few others use Classic controller. Shiri doesn't use it cuz he old. Not gonna include the trollers since they don't matter (Like they ever did).



Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Hey, I use it! D:< Just not as good as you, stop hatin! .___.

I use Analog+L+C-Stick.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Delta has hatred against it since it's not gay.

Oh okay. Didn't know he switched. I just knew that he had hatred against it since it wasn't gay for his standards.
I don't hate it, I just haven't put much time into really any of my tech skill, and without a Wii it's not happening anytime soon. I still use the controls so I don't have to readapt later. The controls are actually very comfortable and I feel it's really easy to DJCEL with them.

I use the gamecube controller, actually (with no padding on the analog stick =3). I use X -> tap jump -> A for DR.

You have no padding either? *Hi-5*


Banned via Warnings
Jun 21, 2008
Nowhere lol, Houston
alright i has a question:

what's yoshi's best option out of a marth that is trying to dair u but is not jumping too high, so u can't get under him, i've tried pivot but the already knows it's comming, he will usually punish it, then spot dodge shinanigans get rapped by dancing blade, so help anyone?
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