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The Official Thread For the Sal Romano/Gematsu Leak

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Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
I guess I just don't understand this burning need to prove the leaker right/wrong so conclusively. Something like this, it seems like what you want is how likely it is to be right or not.

So we have:
  • A set of claims made, some unexpected.
  • Some of the claims confirmed.
  • None of the claims proven false.
Based on this, I'll argue the leak was most likely legitimate. But I don't think it's 100% certain, just a lot more likely than not. If another claim gets proven, I'll think it's even more likely to be legitimate.

But then if one gets disproven? That's a crack in its validity. How big a crack depends on a few things: Which one it is (How complicated would the character be to have finalized? Could it have been planned and then cut?), how it was disproven (Flat denial that it ever was worked on? Ouch! An assist trophy that might be re-using work done to make them a character? Hmmm...), and what the total proven/disproven/outstanding claims remaining is. Each new claim shifts things.

So while we can argue all we want (And I admit, gathering evidence in support of what you think is most likely and arguing about it can be fun, and just sitting around waiting is boring) I really am just supporting what I think is most likely based on that list of facts, and my acceptance of the leak's validity will shift based on the actual results of the claims themselves. Outside arguments to that, for either side, are going to have a pretty hard time swaying me.
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Deleted member

Why you gotta break my heart? Here, sit down, I'll read it to you.

Once upon a time, there was a lucky man named Sal Romano..
No, I've read your post.

I'm not going to sugarcoat it; it's a steaming pile of bull****.

First, on the notion that Sal just made "lucky guesses":

Second, it makes the assumption that the informant saw Greninja and just didn't know how to identify it.
Y'know, instead of the more reasonable assumption that ALL THE INFORMANT KNEW WAS LITERALLY THAT THERE WAS GOING TO BE A "POKEMON FROM X/Y".
How is that so hard to grasp?
The informant has been sitting on info from at least a week before E3 2013, months before Sakurai would have decided upon Greninja as the X/Y Pokémon. The second set of info given isn't necessarily fresh from the grill.
We know for a fact a similar case happened in Brawl; Ike was originally just "character from Fire Emblem" when Sakurai laid out the roster for Brawl and decided upon Ike later.

Third, the argument about Little Mac, Pac-Man, and Miis not showing up at E3?
Me said:
This is one of the only legitimate arguments against the leak to this date. Despite that, it's also a weak one since honest mistakes with leaks happen frequently. Case in point, the Pokébeach X/Y leak, which was shown to be true on almost every detail mentioned with some minor spelling mistakes for Pokémon names, reversing the then unknown Chesnaught and Greninja's secondary typings, saying your friendly rival gives you the final form of the starter weak to yours, and the biggest mistake being that there were two Professors in Kalos, one for Kalos starters (named Patrice) and one for Kanto starters (named Sycamore). There is no "Prof. Patrice"; the one who gives the player their starter is Tierno, who is not a Professor.

Considering the only thing the pre-E3 leak got wrong was that all 6 would be revealed at E3, it isn't enough to discredit it. Everything else has been proven to be accurate aside from Pac-Man and Miis, which have yet to be confirmed or denied at this present time.

Fourth, it uses sales as a legitimate excuse as to why Shulk is unlikely among other cases. Sales figures from what most consider to be an untrustworthy source.
If they did, quite a bit of Smash's roster to this date would be MUCH different than it is now.

Now, I will say it again. Wake me up when someone gives an ACTUAL GOOD CASE against the leak.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 27, 2014
Texas, America
As of March 2012, Wii Fit has held the position of third best selling console game not packaged with a console, with 22.67 million copies sold.[6]

I obviously got this from Wikipedia; but it indicates that it was not bundled with the console, it also asserts that it was the 3rd best selling game, but again, that was "as of March 2012." I would have to look up the recent numbers. Not that it is entirely relevant. I am just saying that it was more significant than what you were stating.

I just looked it up, I am getting the same number. The Wikipedia edit probably forgot to update the date or something.
Ohh, See I was going off of this(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_Wii_video_games)
I think Wii Fit + was the one with the bundle.

I think sales is a great indicator of what to look for as far as new series goes. MorbidAltruism beat me to it, but I'd imagine at some point Sakurai had to say, 'That's crazy, let's see if I can do something with this series.'. It's why I'm skeptical about Shulk's inclusion in the Sal Romano leak. Xenoblade sold like crap, didn't even break a million; X is likely to follow in its footsteps.

So I honestly feel like WFT is in a middle grounds: the information is all there for someone to make a guess, just no-one made a guess 'cause they were all sitting at their computers not playing Wii Fit. Out of sight, out of mind. I think people are just focusing on the wrong aspects of what's correct. It's why I pointed out that Greninja and Shulk were the points to look at the most over WFT. People just kinda see WFT as being this paragon of unlikely picks, when no-one saw her coming 'cause no-one was paying any attention to her.

Anyway, a Shulk deconfirmation is pretty much going to be the nail in the leak's coffin as far as I'm concerned.
I guess sales may take a part in it, but I still don't think it's very big.

For Example Earthbound, it only sold 150,000 copies. Which really isn't a lot, but we still got Ness! Hell we even got Lucas despite being Japan Only!

Deleted member

Mother 3 is also not nearly as successful/popular in Japan as Mother 2 is from what I understand.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
No, I've read your post.

I'm not going to sugarcoat it; it's a steaming pile of bull****.

First, on the notion that Sal just made "lucky guesses":

Second, it makes the assumption that the informant saw Greninja and just didn't know how to identify it.
Y'know, instead of the more reasonable assumption that ALL THE INFORMANT KNEW WAS LITERALLY THAT THERE WAS GOING TO BE A "POKEMON FROM X/Y".
How is that so hard to grasp?
The informant has been sitting on info from at least a week before E3 2013, months before Sakurai would have decided upon Greninja as the X/Y Pokémon. The second set of info given isn't necessarily fresh from the grill.
We know for a fact a similar case happened in Brawl; Ike was originally just "character from Fire Emblem" when Sakurai laid out the roster for Brawl and decided upon Ike later.

Third, the argument about Little Mac, Pac-Man, and Miis not showing up at E3?

Fourth, it uses sales as a legitimate excuse as to why Shulk is unlikely among other cases. Sales figures from what most consider to be an untrustworthy source.
If they did, quite a bit of Smash's roster to this date would be MUCH different than it is now.

Now, I will say it again. Wake me up when someone gives an ACTUAL GOOD CASE against the leak.
I'll have to ask you cool down, Golden.


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
The informant has been sitting on info from at least a week before E3 2013, months before Sakurai would have decided upon Greninja as the X/Y Pokémon. The second set of info given isn't necessarily fresh from the grill.
We know for a fact a similar case happened in Brawl; Ike was originally just "character from Fire Emblem" when Sakurai laid out the roster for Brawl and decided upon Ike later.
If that's the case, and the leaker had info before E3 2013 about an "XY Pokemon," doesn't that mean the roster wasn't finalized at that point? Which means that the characters leaked could be subject to change. This could explain the leaker's complete lack of knowledge about Rosalina, but it also means that this leaker isn't some all-knowing god. If this were the case, I doubt much would have changed (perhaps one character is no longer being considered). Still, something to think about.

Deleted member

If that's the case, and the leaker had info before E3 2013 about an "XY Pokemon," doesn't that mean the roster wasn't finalized at that point? Which means that the characters leaked could be subject to change. This could explain the leaker's complete lack of knowledge about Rosalina, but it also means that this leaker isn't some all-knowing god. If this were the case, I doubt much would have changed (perhaps one character is no longer being considered). Still, something to think about.
No, because just like Ike in Brawl, there would be placeholder that Greninja would fall under. Sakurai didn't initially plan on those two specifically for Brawl and Smash 4 respectively, but he did plan on a new character for Fire Emblem in Brawl and a Pokémon from X/Y here.
When Sakurai "finalizes" a roster, it's in terms of deciding what is being planned to include since late additions cause issues with development, which Sonic is an example in Brawl. It does not however, mean that all undecided aspects (i.e. placeholders) are decided upon.

And no, it does not explain Rosalina whatsoever.
There is no reason to believe the informant had no knowledge of Rosalina.
The first leak was in context of E3 reveals. Rosalina clearly was never meant to be shown at E3.
The second leak came after Rosalina's reveal. No sense in saying "Rosalina's in" if we already know, now is there?
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Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
No, I've read your post.

I'm not going to sugarcoat it; it's a steaming pile of bull****.
Ooo, Mr. Snippy. What's so important about this leak to you that you care to defend it tooth and nail like that? If you're tired of hearing people pick it apart and make valid arguments, then y'know, you don't gotta be here. But I digress.

All right. Here we go. Using your own information:

Sal did not post this on his site because he wasn't able to verify the information, but he did jokingly post the list a day before SSB4's reveal on NeoGAF as a "prediction" just in case it was correct.
Yeah, I've seen the post in question, but there's nothing about his post that says 'Hi I'm jokingly posting this list.'. For the umpteenth time, I'll quote Sal Romano's 'post'.

"My unlikely predictions: Little Mac, Pac-Man, Animal Crossing Guy, Mega Man, Wii Fit Trainer, Mii."
What about that says joke? What about that at all says that he got information from someone else? Exactly, there's nothing there. But let's give Sal Romano the benefit of the doubt. What if he DOES have a leaker?

Sal told me that as soon as Wii Fit Trainer was revealed, he ran and posted the list on his site because he knew at that point it couldn't have been a lucky guess from his source.
Okay. So, where's the smoking gun? Where's the smoke at all? No e-mail posted, no confirmations from anyone, no proof besides a guy saying 'Hey, trust me!'. This isn't just me picking nits here for the sake of picking nits. If someone asks me to trust them, I'm already immediately skeptical.

Second, it makes the assumption that the informant saw Greninja and just didn't know how to identify it.
Y'know, instead of the more reasonable assumption that ALL THE INFORMANT KNEW WAS LITERALLY THAT THERE WAS GOING TO BE A "POKEMON FROM X/Y".
How is that so hard to grasp?
Oh, it's easy to grasp, except for the fact that he names pretty much every other character on the lists specifically by name. That doesn't seem even the least bit shady to you? At all? I've even given the guy the benefit of the doubt by figuring out where the guy worked in Nintendo just based on the information we have about the leaker (very little), on the assumption there IS a leaker. Pretty much, we came to the conclusion that no matter where he worked in Nintendo, he would've had access to the names of the fighters, we would've known it was specifically Greninja and, as I've said a billion times before, we'd not be here having this argument. But I digress.

The informant has been sitting on info from at least a week before E3 2013, months before Sakurai would have decided upon Greninja as the X/Y Pokémon. The second set of info given isn't necessarily fresh from the grill. We know for a fact a similar case happened in Brawl; Ike was originally just "character from Fire Emblem" when Sakurai laid out the roster for Brawl and decided upon Ike later.
I have a hard time believing that Sakurai would've waited that long to have figured out what new Pokemon representative there was going to be, especially since Gamefreak is apparently pretty picky about what should possibly be in the game. At the very least, the guy should've had access to the list of possible Pokemon reps to be added if he had access to the very specific list of other newcomers, right? Similarly, there were two leaks, so we can't really assume the guy had that second leak sat on before E3 2013, too, 'cause the information we DO have doesn't support it, and we don't have any legitimate proof from anyone otherwise.

Third, the argument about Little Mac, Pac-Man, and Miis not showing up at E3?
You bring up a good argument here. It's fair to give people the benefit of the doubt when they get everything else accurate, but the problem here is that Pokemon X/Y released and people fact checked, found out the guy was right, and hey, all's well that ends well. No-one's perfect.

We don't have that benefit; we don't even have the benefit of actual proof. Like I said before, all the proof we have is a guy posting what he says is a leak, doesn't actually say it's a leak at first, and then saying 'Hey, trust me!'. I'm just a stickler for that sort of thing. I'm naturally skeptical when I have no proof. All Sal Romano needs to do is post the e-mails and I'm done arguing, the guy's legit. We don't have those, so all I'm waiting for is Chorus Men/Shulk to drop and I'm done.

Fourth, it uses sales as a legitimate excuse as to why Shulk is unlikely among other cases. Sales figures from what most consider to be an untrustworthy source.
If they did, quite a bit of Smash's roster to this date would be MUCH different than it is now.
You're right, sales don't matter because most of the characters already in the series already have sold millions of copies of their respective games in their series. Otherwise, they're influential to Nintendo's past or blatant advertisement. There's no pattern to follow sales-wise 'cause that's never legitimately been anything to really go on, it's never factored in.

By all means, show me a couple characters in Smash that doesn't fit that criteria that hasn't sold millions of copies. The only characters that really fits that criteria is Ness and Lucas, and we can at least argue for their inclusion 'cause Japan loves Mother (and, interestingly enough, still do), and it's all about Japan when it comes to Smash, don't forget. We could also argue that Ice Climbers and Pit both fit into that niche with Ness and Lucas. So we've got four characters as the exception against a ton others.

So, the pattern here is that if it sells well, chances are it's getting a character. And, goodness, what's this? Wii Fit Trainer and Villager are both from high selling Nintendo franchises and are both confirmed to be in the game. Now look at the pattern: Wonderful 101 sold piss poor, no Wonder Red; all signs point to Dillon's Rolling Western selling mediocre, no Dillon; Sin & Punishment barely broke 500K across two games, no Saki; The Legendary Starfy on DS sold better than all of those franchises combined, no playable Starfy across TWO GAMES. All four characters had potential to be playable and fun, all four characters confirmed not to be playable. You don't think sales matter now? If it doesn't, I'd like a legitimate reason why it's still not.

Untrustworthy site or not, I'd say that even if it's short a couple hundred thousand or so, I don't see that being a factor either way. Plus, I don't see any other sales figures since Nintendo loves to be secretive, so gotta work with what we've got. Most of the information besides Dillon's I can see seems to be fairly accurate.

Now, I will say it again. Wake me up when someone gives an ACTUAL GOOD CASE against the leak.
Go back to sleep. I'll come wake you up in time for E3.
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True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom

As an example that's almost as hard as it is to believe, there actually were people who predicted Decapre in USFIV.
Actually, that wasn't that hard to believe at all. Many people of the speculative Street Fighter community could have easily figured out that Decapre was likely to be the 5th character considering she matched up with many of the hints given out, a person (who leaked delayed wake-up and implied we would get Red Focus) warning people that the 5th character would be disappointing as well as the argument that, seeing as Decapre would be the most logical choice due to being able to use the most amount of recycled assets (which is not something Capcom showed to be averse to, considering the "new" stages came from Street Fighter X Tekken).

In contrast, even among the most analytic of the Smash community, barely anyone was able to guess WFT as she was a character that only made sense in hindsight. Combined that with the Villager, who Sakurai ruled out, and there is definetly more than meets the eye. Regardless of whether or not the leak turns out to be 100% on the character choices, the comparison doesn't work.


Smash Lord
Aug 20, 2013
Brooklyn, New York
This whole leak situation reminds me of the Paul Gale PSASBR situation, where he leaked most of the roster, however 4 characters he 'leaked' (crash, snake, cloud, kat) didnt make it in (kat later did as dlc), deeming him a fake, despite getting emails and leaks from a guy at superbot.
Basically what I think is that Sals leaker is legit, but not all the info he feeds sal might be legit.

Second Power

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2012
Much hindsight bias

So bad arguments

....Wake me up when someone actually provides a good case against the leak.
Let me give it a try. It's quite possible the roster the leaker has is a pre-dev roster. It would explain a lot of stuff: Not using Villager's name (wasn't finalized). Pokemon from X/Y (you went over this). E3 inaccuracies. Why the Chorus Men are on the list when its known Ice Climbers were a problem, and they'd be much worse. They aren't in the game, and were cut for being technically unfeasible (part of the new Forbidden 7). That's the planned roster he's looking at, not the final one. It makes sense it'd change over development. We know some characters were planned for Brawl and even went got far into development (Mewtwo and Roy) but ultimately weren't finished for the final product.

Of course, this is just my theory. But I do think it's more of a possibility than a lucky guess.


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
No, because just like Ike in Brawl, there would be placeholder that Greninja would fall under. Sakurai didn't initially plan on those two specifically for Brawl and Smash 4 respectively, but he did plan on a new character for Fire Emblem in Brawl and a Pokémon from X/Y here.
When Sakurai "finalizes" a roster, it's in terms of deciding what is being planned to include since late additions cause issues with development, which Sonic is an example in Brawl. It does not however, mean that all undecided aspects (i.e. placeholders) are decided upon.

And no, it does not explain Rosalina whatsoever.
There is no reason to believe the informant had no knowledge of Rosalina.
The first leak was in context of E3 reveals. Rosalina clearly was never meant to be shown at E3.
The second leak came after Rosalina's reveal. No sense in saying "Rosalina's in" if we already know, now is there?
As far as I'm concerned the roster isn't finalized if that's the case, but it doesn't really matter.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2014
Let me give it a try. It's quite possible the roster the leaker has is a pre-dev roster. It would explain a lot of stuff: Not using Villager's name (wasn't finalized). Pokemon from X/Y (you went over this). E3 inaccuracies. Why the Chorus Men are on the list when its known Ice Climbers were a problem, and they'd be much worse. They aren't in the game, and were cut for being technically unfeasible (part of the new Forbidden 7). That's the planned roster he's looking at, not the final one. It makes sense it'd change over development. We know some characters were planned for Brawl and even went got far into development (Mewtwo and Roy) but ultimately weren't finished for the final product.

Of course, this is just my theory. But I do think it's more of a possibility than a lucky guess.
I think they figured out how to do Ice Climbers. They did Rosalina and Luma, so Chorus Men and the Climbers are fine.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
This whole leak situation reminds me of the Paul Gale PSASBR situation, where he leaked most of the roster, however 4 characters he 'leaked' (crash, snake, cloud, kat) didnt make it in (kat later did as dlc), deeming him a fake, despite getting emails and leaks from a guy at superbot.
Basically what I think is that Sals leaker is legit, but not all the info he feeds sal might be legit.
I completely forgot about that Paul Gale guy. He clearly had inside information at first (even screen shots) but then he, or his informant possibly, didn't have anymore and just started to make up stuff.

That's technically possible since the first part of the Gematsu leak is a lot stronger than so far than the second part. Either way, E3 will probably settle things....probably.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
That's technically possible since the first part of the Gematsu leak is a lot stronger than so far than the second part. Either way, E3 will probably settle things....probably.
Sure hope so. The Direct did wonders for speculation, but we need Sakurai to finally drop the Tsar Bomba.

Deleted member

Ooo, Mr. Snippy. What's so important about this leak to you that you care to defend it tooth and nail like that? If you're tired of hearing people pick it apart and make valid arguments, then y'know, you don't gotta be here. But I digress.
It's not the leak itself that is important to me.
What's important to me is that people continuously spout bull**** in attempt to discredit it when there is too much going for it at this present time.

If people were actually MAKING valid arguments against it, then it wouldn't be a big deal to me.
I have yet to see any, however.

Yeah, I've seen the post in question, but there's nothing about his post that says 'Hi I'm jokingly posting this list.'. For the umpteenth time, I'll quote Sal Romano's 'post'.

What about that says joke? What about that at all says that he got information from someone else? Exactly, there's nothing there. But let's give Sal Romano the benefit of the doubt. What if he DOES have a leaker?

Okay. So, where's the smoking gun? Where's the smoke at all? No e-mail posted, no confirmations from anyone, no proof besides a guy saying 'Hey, trust me!'. This isn't just me picking nits here for the sake of picking nits. If someone asks me to trust them, I'm already immediately skeptical.
You must not have not read the part where he said that he has received additional verification.
You also don't seem to grasp that CAW is a credible leaker. Remain skeptical if you wish, but understand that there is being skeptical and there is being stubborn.

Oh, it's easy to grasp, except for the fact that he names pretty much every other character on the lists specifically by name. That doesn't seem even the least bit shady to you? At all? I've even given the guy the benefit of the doubt by figuring out where the guy worked in Nintendo just based on the information we have about the leaker (very little), on the assumption there IS a leaker. Pretty much, we came to the conclusion that no matter where he worked in Nintendo, he would've had access to the names of the fighters, we would've known it was specifically Greninja and, as I've said a billion times before, we'd not be here having this argument. But I digress.
No, it doesn't seem shady to me. Why? Because it's illogical for the informant to have known about Greninja unless he had information post-XY's release.
Saying something false a billion times doesn't make it any less false.

I have a hard time believing that Sakurai would've waited that long to have figured out what new Pokemon representative there was going to be, especially since Gamefreak is apparently pretty picky about what should possibly be in the game. At the very least, the guy should've had access to the list of possible Pokemon reps to be added if he had access to the very specific list of other newcomers, right? Similarly, there were two leaks, so we can't really assume the guy had that second leak sat on before E3 2013, too, 'cause the information we DO have doesn't support it, and we don't have any legitimate proof from anyone otherwise.
As I said in another thread:

Again, it is unreasonable to believe Greninja would be decided upon before X/Y came out because:
-Unknown to public, therefore could not be a "hot" Pokémon.
-Wasn't in the anime or in the movies because, again, unknown to public.
-No way to know if it would be central to discussions going forward because, again, unknown to public.

It would beg the question why Greninja in the first place, as opposed to the then known and "hot" Sylveon.
And even if Sakurai had access to the Pokémon unknown to the public (which its been implied he didn't) what would give the edge for the ninja frog as compared to the juggernaut badger or the wizard fox? Hell, we had a birdman luchador available too. One would think that if considering a Pokémon for Smash that would fit and be inevitably popular, he would have gone with Hawlucha instead of a starter Pokémon that has nothing over the others at that point in time and for all he knew could have been the least favorite of the three.
That'd be a huge risk to take.

So no, the only reason Greninja would have been chosen is because of its immense popularity that spawned in mere weeks after its debut."

And how, pray tell does the information we have not support the idea that information was sat on? I'd love to see the excuse for this.

You bring up a good argument here. It's fair to give people the benefit of the doubt when they get everything else accurate, but the problem here is that Pokemon X/Y released and people fact checked, found out the guy was right, and hey, all's well that ends well. No-one's perfect.

We don't have that benefit; we don't even have the benefit of actual proof. Like I said before, all the proof we have is a guy posting what he says is a leak, doesn't actually say it's a leak at first, and then saying 'Hey, trust me!'. I'm just a stickler for that sort of thing. I'm naturally skeptical when I have no proof. All Sal Romano needs to do is post the e-mails and I'm done arguing, the guy's legit. We don't have those, so all I'm waiting for is Chorus Men/Shulk to drop and I'm done.
Yes, all Sal needs to do is put the informant's information out to the public and make it easy for Nintendo to nail his ass to make you believe. :rolleyes:
Because if Sal posts an e-mail while blocking the informant's e-mail address and information, you'll just go "but how do I know he didn't just fake the e-mail :p".

You might as well just not believe anything whatsoever and not bother discussing it.

You're right, sales don't matter because most of the characters already in the series already have sold millions of copies of their respective games in their series. Otherwise, they're influential to Nintendo's past or blatant advertisement. There's no pattern to follow sales-wise 'cause that's never legitimately been anything to really go on, it's never factored in.

By all means, show me a couple characters in Smash that doesn't fit that criteria that hasn't sold millions of copies. The only characters that really fits that criteria is Ness and Lucas, and we can at least argue for their inclusion 'cause Japan loves Mother (and, interestingly enough, still do), and it's all about Japan when it comes to Smash, don't forget. We could also argue that Ice Climbers and Pit both fit into that niche with Ness and Lucas. So we've got four characters as the exception against a ton others.

So, the pattern here is that if it sells well, chances are it's getting a character. And, goodness, what's this? Wii Fit Trainer and Villager are both from high selling Nintendo franchises and are both confirmed to be in the game. Now look at the pattern: Wonderful 101 sold piss poor, no Wonder Red; all signs point to Dillon's Rolling Western selling mediocre, no Dillon; Sin & Punishment barely broke 500K across two games, no Saki; The Legendary Starfy on DS sold better than all of those franchises combined, no playable Starfy across TWO GAMES. All four characters had potential to be playable and fun, all four characters confirmed not to be playable. You don't think sales matter now? If it doesn't, I'd like a legitimate reason why it's still not.

Untrustworthy site or not, I'd say that even if it's short a couple hundred thousand or so, I don't see that being a factor either way. Plus, I don't see any other sales figures since Nintendo loves to be secretive, so gotta work with what we've got. Most of the information besides Dillon's I can see seems to be fairly accurate.
Your second paragraph kills your entire argument.
Not only do you give examples where sales had no influence (and even make excuses as to why its irrelevant), your excuse about "Japan loves Mother"? IT APPLIES TO SHULK.
Shulk is one of the most requested characters in Japan, and Xenoblade, like Mother, is considered a cult classic.

Now, seeing as you're going to keep on using VGChartz, let me show you something:
Fire Emblem: http://www.vgchartz.com/gamedb/?name=Fire Emblem&publisher=&platform=&genre=&minSales=0&results=200
Only game listed as breaking one million in sales is Awakening. THE LATEST GAME.
We have no info listed for the first three games on the NES, but of every released title since, only the GBA games after Roy's game did ok while not quite breaking 1 million.
Neither Marth's, Roy's, OR Ike's games did that hot (though there's still room for error in Marth's case since his NES titles aren't credited). All three managed to get in Smash.

Aside from that, Sakurai doesn't add characters based on sales in the first place. There's your legitimate reason why it doesn't matter.

Go back to sleep. I'll come wake you up in time for E3.
I can't wait until then, hopefully then we'll get something to make you and the other people with faulty reasoning eat crow.
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Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2013
Knoxville, Tennessee
I'm just saying that there's like a one in a billion chance that Sal predicted:
1. A character shunned by is own company
2. A character said by Sakurai to be "too cute" for Smash
3. A character hardly anyone thought of
All for the same E3 conference the day before without a source.
But also
1. A character that was highly requested and popular.
2. Just because Sakurai said Villager wouldn't be in the game doesn't mean that people knew that info. He also said that characters have to have originated in a video game to make it in and look how many people ask for goku on a daily basis. Not everyone pays as much attention as we do.
3. Classic Sakurai troll character except instead of the likes of R.O.B. and GnW this one comes from a game that is very well known and sold a ton.
He was right and wrong on the same day since his 6 weren't shown at E3 as previously stated. You have to look at it from both sides and see that the predictions were crazy accurate but show no proof. Even a very accurate hypothesis can't be a fact until scientifically proven to be so.

Deleted member

Let me give it a try. It's quite possible the roster the leaker has is a pre-dev roster. It would explain a lot of stuff: Not using Villager's name (wasn't finalized). Pokemon from X/Y (you went over this). E3 inaccuracies. Why the Chorus Men are on the list when its known Ice Climbers were a problem, and they'd be much worse. They aren't in the game, and were cut for being technically unfeasible (part of the new Forbidden 7). That's the planned roster he's looking at, not the final one. It makes sense it'd change over development. We know some characters were planned for Brawl and even went got far into development (Mewtwo and Roy) but ultimately weren't finished for the final product.

Of course, this is just my theory. But I do think it's more of a possibility than a lucky guess.
That wouldn't really be against the leak, though, as it would still have been legit; just heavily outdated.
Cases against the leak are arguments to try to render the leak to be fake.

Of course, you're making the assumption the Chorus Kids are not in the game and they were meant to be working as an Ice Climbers-esque way as opposed to working as a single unit.
Can't use assumption of the future to prove something in the present is false.

As far as I'm concerned the roster isn't finalized if that's the case, but it doesn't really matter.
It doesn't matter whether it is that way to you or not.
It's what it is to Sakurai.
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Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
I can't wait until then, hopefully then we'll get something to make you and the other people with faulty reasoning eat crow.
Too much stuff to respond to, but you bring up some good points throughout your argument. Don't really have anything to say there.

Vann Accessible

Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2013
This whole topic boils down to four sentences:

  • 1. We have a leak from a source that was trustworthy in the past which predicted a few unlikely characters (Villager, WTF), which turned out to be true, leading us to believe the whole leak is true.
  • 2. Many of the yet unconfirmed characters (Palutena, Chrom, Pac-Man) characters predicted by the leak are likely in the game regardless of the leak being real or not, due to outside evidence/logic. This again, leads us to believe the leak is true.
  • 3. There may be additional characters not included in the leak that will ultimately be playable, such as Rosalina.
  • 4. We won't know if the full leak is true until the full roster is confirmed by Sakurai or Nintendo.

Anything else is conjecture that goes around and around circles. What else is there to debate?

Continues waiting for E3....
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Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
It doesn't matter whether it is that way to you or not.
It's what it is to Sakurai.
True, but I have no reason to believe the word means something else to him.
Finalizing the roster means all characters have been selected, not having a general idea of what characters will be in the game.
Either way, it isn't important. But I could see him having some accurate and inaccurate information if it was the case. (Obviously, that could be the case anyway.)


Smash Hero
Jan 28, 2014
Buried under 990+ weapons
Somebody told me this: http://gameotakublog.wordpress.com/2014/05/10/leaked-nintendo-digital-event-2014/ Was written by Sal Romano yesterday, but I'm not seeing anything to back it up.

Basically the only new stuff we don't already know about is:
X will be named Xenoworld.
Mario Party U.
Metroid 3DS.
And Platinum will be making the new Starfox that's a mix of classic and adventures.
(Why wouldn't he tell us what system it's for, and why would Platinum make it when they've already sworn off Starfox due to it's overzealous fans?)

Apologies in advance if I'm beating a dead horse.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Somebody told me this: http://gameotakublog.wordpress.com/2014/05/10/leaked-nintendo-digital-event-2014/ Was written by Sal Romano yesterday, but I'm not seeing anything to back it up.

Basically the only new stuff we don't already know about is:
X will be named Xenoworld.
Mario Party U.
Metroid 3DS.
And Platinum will be making the new Starfox that's a mix of classic and adventures.
(Why wouldn't he tell us what system it's for, and why would Platinum make it when they've already sworn off Starfox due to it's overzealous fans?)

Apologies in advance if I'm beating a dead horse.
If it was written by Sal; I hope this Smash leak is real, just for Smash DLC.

Edit- If it was written by Sal, this leak is fake. But I want it to be real. Sakurai isn't going to reveal all characters and stages though, and I don't see the necessity of providing a Wii U date either.
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Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014
I don't want to start an argument or anything here, but a lot of people seem to be taking this leak as gospel.

Remember, even genuine leaks have gotten facts wrong. It's really best not to buy into them without concrete proof. Especially when this leak in particular has a number of red flags.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
If it was written by Sal; I hope this Smash leak is real, just for Smash DLC.

Edit- If it was written by Sal, this leak is fake. But I want it to be real. Sakurai isn't going to reveal all characters and stages though, and I don't see the necessity of providing a Wii U date either.
Wait, he predicted DLC too?

I don't want to start an argument or anything here, but a lot of people seem to be taking this leak as gospel.

Remember, even genuine leaks have gotten facts wrong. It's really best not to buy into them without concrete proof. Especially when this leak in particular has a number of red flags.
This. Let's all remember our salt-shakers with things like leaks.

Second Power

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2012
That wouldn't really be against the leak, though, as it would still have been legit; just heavily outdated.
Cases against the leak are arguments to try to render the leak to be fake.
Technically speaking, while I agree that it's still a legit leak, that doesn't change the fact that it doesn't speak of the end product (which is what we're interested in). I do believe the leaker has inside information, there's almost no way to get WFT without it. But, the same applies to some of the stuff in the Pokebeach XY leak, which still got stuff 'incorrect', so...

Of course, you're making the assumption the Chorus Kids are not in the game and they were meant to be working as an Ice Climbers-esque way as opposed to working as a single unit.
Can't use assumption of the future to prove something in the present is false.
Yeah, that is an assumption. Nothing else to really say. Main thing that points to my theory is the lack of Villager's name in the original leak (and the use of a placeholder for Greninja, but that doesn't point to pre-dev specifically but rather anytime before October), Chorus Kids part was more conjecture based on that. I don't think any Smash game to date has had its planned roster in the final product, so I see this is a distinct possibility.

However, it of course relies on the fact that the leaker is looking at pre-dev information, which is a pretty big if, so I'm not putting much stock beyond firing up the roster maker and creating a (yet another) new CSS. Simply wanted to put it out there, you know, on the off chance I'm correct.

Vann Accessible

Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2013
"New Zelda game – As they said, Nintendo will finally show us brand new Wii U Zelda. They gonna show us CGI trailer, and also a few minutes of gameplay. It will be true open world Zelda (Elder Scrolls style). It will have two regions, one dark and edgy. Second more colorful, just like Skyward Sword. Game will be playable at E3. Release date: 2015."

This would irk me. It sounds like the product of group think, trying to appease two separate target demographics and pleasing neither.

If you want to make a realistic Zelda, cool, do it. I loved Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess.
If you want to make a cartoony Zelda, cool, do it. I loved Wind Waker.

But don't mix them, that's just.... really, really stupid. There's no consistent tone in something like that. :/

Let it not be true.


Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014
"New Zelda game – As they said, Nintendo will finally show us brand new Wii U Zelda. They gonna show us CGI trailer, and also a few minutes of gameplay. It will be true open world Zelda (Elder Scrolls style). It will have two regions, one dark and edgy. Second more colorful, just like Skyward Sword. Game will be playable at E3. Release date: 2015."

This would irk me. It sounds like the product of group think, trying to appease two separate target demographics and pleasing neither.

If you want to make a realistic Zelda, cool, do it. I loved Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess.
If you want to make a cartoony Zelda, cool, do it. I loved Wind Waker.

But don't mix them, that's just.... really, really stupid. There's no consistent tone in something like that. :/

Let it not be true.
I've never played a bad Zelda. I'm sure they know what they're doing if that was true.


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
Before you start discussing this E3 leak thing please show that it was leaked by Sal and if wasn't then it doesn't belong in this thread.


Smash Master
Jul 6, 2011
Onett, California
If it was written by Sal; I hope this Smash leak is real, just for Smash DLC.

Edit- If it was written by Sal, this leak is fake. But I want it to be real. Sakurai isn't going to reveal all characters and stages though, and I don't see the necessity of providing a Wii U date either.

New Zelda game - It will be true open world Zelda (Elder Scrolls style).

Smash Bros Wii U/3DS - Show more gameplay, and presents all fighters and stages. They will also talk about Smash DLC
WAAAYYY too good to be true, there's no way it's true, it can't be...

New Miyamoto's game - Lots of Gamepad and NFC gimmicks.
Oh god it's true.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 17, 2014
Can someone prove that the E3 leak was written by Sal?

It seems wierd to me that a leak like that wouldn't be on his own site.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
He also said that characters have to have originated in a video game to make it in.
He never said this. He said "no Manga/Anime characters" and that was it.

Whether or not he's applying that logic(must've originated in a video game) in general is another story.

Anyway, WFT is not an unbelievable guess, just not a likely one as a guess. It's not impossible to guess whatsoever. Nor was Villager(he didn't even use the term Villager, just "Animal Crossing Guy", so he could've meant anything by that, including Tom Nook).

Until more information actually comes up, namely more reveals that fit this, I still doubt this leak was fully real(or if all of it is, and possibly only the first 5 characters at best). The amount of safe options and even harder to believe ones makes me believe there's a good chance a lot of it was made up. It might not be, but we don't have enough reveals to prove or discredit the leak as of yet.
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Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
Somebody told me this: http://gameotakublog.wordpress.com/2014/05/10/leaked-nintendo-digital-event-2014/ Was written by Sal Romano yesterday, but I'm not seeing anything to back it up.

Basically the only new stuff we don't already know about is:
X will be named Xenoworld.
Mario Party U.
Metroid 3DS.
And Platinum will be making the new Starfox that's a mix of classic and adventures.
(Why wouldn't he tell us what system it's for, and why would Platinum make it when they've already sworn off Starfox due to it's overzealous fans?)

Apologies in advance if I'm beating a dead horse.
I don't exactly see any proof which showed that Sal Romano wrote this. If anything, Sal would've posted these details on Gematsu.


Sep 26, 2013
May as well ask Sal if he wrote this or not. Pretty sure some of our mods can get in touch with him to ask.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Somebody told me this: http://gameotakublog.wordpress.com/2014/05/10/leaked-nintendo-digital-event-2014/ Was written by Sal Romano yesterday, but I'm not seeing anything to back it up.

Basically the only new stuff we don't already know about is:
X will be named Xenoworld.
Mario Party U.
Metroid 3DS.
And Platinum will be making the new Starfox that's a mix of classic and adventures.
(Why wouldn't he tell us what system it's for, and why would Platinum make it when they've already sworn off Starfox due to it's overzealous fans?)

Apologies in advance if I'm beating a dead horse.
Sounds more like someone using a reputable name to push their own agenda. If this had really been posted by Sal I can promise you the article would still be up.

Also: some users in this thread need to cool down.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2008
United States
Somebody told me this: http://gameotakublog.wordpress.com/2014/05/10/leaked-nintendo-digital-event-2014/ Was written by Sal Romano yesterday, but I'm not seeing anything to back it up.

Basically the only new stuff we don't already know about is:
X will be named Xenoworld.
Mario Party U.
Metroid 3DS.
And Platinum will be making the new Starfox that's a mix of classic and adventures.
(Why wouldn't he tell us what system it's for, and why would Platinum make it when they've already sworn off Starfox due to it's overzealous fans?)

Apologies in advance if I'm beating a dead horse.
Nah. Sal didn't write this, and it wasn't on Gematsu.

And guys, it's obviously fake. The "leaker" just conveniently used past and recent rumours and announcements and lumped it all together in one "leak." Plus, Tomodachi Life will be shown at E3? Well, it releases just before E3. Yeah, right.

Dark Dude

Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2007
North America
You just don't get it. You pulled your statistic on me, claiming it proved that it was more likely you'd guess five characters than know someone at Nintendo. I highlighted that your statistics aren't limited in the same way mine are, making them invalid. You clearly realize that and are unwilling to either make mine inclusive of all Nintendo characters or yours limited to those in the position to know the team, and are therefore resorting to the argument that because I support the leak, nothing is good enough. That's not an argument, it's stubbornness. As I said, if you don't like or believe the leak, argue it from a valid standpoint, as ChunkyBeef has. Don't pick and choose numbers to suit an invalid argument.

Edit: Also, while I don't necessarily support the leak from the same standpoint as Bauske, your counter argument to his point is also invalid. Some of the biggest leaks in history have been released over time. Wikileaks is a prime example. It's done for maximum impact. While I don't necessarily believe that's what we're seeing here, your argument that leaks aren't released over time is fallacious.
I'm sorry, I just really, genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, do not care about that statistic, especially at this point. Yours or mine. If you feel you are right, then fine, you're right. Problem solved. Move on.

It's not that I don't like the leak, it's simply that I don't believe it. And I already explained why. You want me to argue it from a valid standpoint? I already did. Why don't you try attacking the post that I actually put some effort into instead of the one that I just whipped up in a minute?

I'll address the Bauske post in a moment...

Whoever doesn't believe the leak has a lot of explaining to do about how Sal predicted Wii Fit Trainer.
I refuse to listen to any argument against the leak that refuses to take this into account.
I already explained why WFT was not such a wild guess.

But Wii Fit Trainer, Mega Man, AND Villager all predicted?
I really just meant that the point isn't brought up enough. But I know luck, and guessing all three of them isn't just a lucky guess.
Again, as I explained in my previous post that noone has referred to, WFT and Villager are not as unlikely picks as most people here like to pretend they are. Their games sold more than Zelda, Metroid, etc. making them bigger representatives of Nintendo. Who is in Smash Bros.? Could it be, characters that represent Nintendo?

Yup, that's what I'm saying. If you think about it, it makes sense. While they're working on the game behind closed doors, not many people have access to that information, right? But before a big event like E3, they've got to set up booths and videos and other various forms of information to show what they plan to show. At this point in the cycle, there are a LOT more people working on it than just the team at Namco/Nintendo, so a lot more people will know about what is going to be revealed before they reveal it to the general public. In fact, most times, news and gaming sites know this stuff a few days beforehand, and are asked to sign a waiver in order to keep them from spilling the beans ahead of time.

But that's just it. At that point, a bunch more people know than just the development staff, so if information gets leaked? It's unfortunate, but it's much harder to pinpoint. There are too many people who know.

Had our leaker revealed the entire 11 characters back before E3, they could have easily ruled out the media and extra people surrounding E3 and found out who leaked the info and the guy would have lost his job. Had he said "Wii Fit Trainer" months before E3, they would have probably found him and fired him. But he did it just a couple days before E3. Does this mean he's legit? We don't know. Could this mean he might just be someone in the media who got the info early and leaked it to Sal? Possibly.

My point is, by doing it close to E3, he saved his butt because the pool of people who knew about Wii Fit Trainer by that point was probably much larger. You see what I'm getting at? Before E3, only a team of, let's say, 20-40 people know the roster. If it gets leaked, it's easy to find out who did it. Close to E3, probably every major gaming media site would have some idea, plus most employees at Nintendo would know. Much harder to find the leaker.

Same goes for the leak before the Direct. Had he leaked that back at E3, he would have been found out, but leaking it before the Direct, more people probably knew what was going to be present in the Direct due to editing, screening for mistakes, ect.

Here's my stance on it: You say we have to "make up excuses for him," but do you not realize that you're doing the exact same on the opposite end? You're making up excuses against him. None of us know who the leaker is or the circumstances surrounding the information he's revealed. The only fact we have is that he has accurately predicted 5 of 11 characters so far, and has not been wrong yet. Had he been wrong, this thread wouldn't exist, so we can't argue that, but to say he's wrong based on that one and only point of evidence is, to me, looking for excuses. People may think that he should have said Greninja's full name. People say that he should have predicted Rosalina. People also say that Mii, Pac-Man, and Little Mac weren't at E3. To me, those things don't matter because we don't know the leaker's reasoning behind any of this. We just don't. And instead, we're making up reasons and excuses.

I realize I'm doing much the same when giving examples as to why this could be legit, but the difference is that I'm not saying these things as fact, I'm saying these things as "what if?" Some people are using things like "only 3 out of 6 at E3" as fact against the leak, and to me, that's not fact. That's saying speculation is the same as fact, and it doesn't hold any ground in my mind. We have no evidence against Sal's leaker so far. None. All we have are ideas of why he's wrong being paraded around like evidence.
Well, maybe you're right about the timing of when to leak information. I guess I didn't think about it enough and I spoke out of ignorance on the issue of leaked information. I do not know much about leaking information, quite honestly, so I should just shut my trap on the subject.

What excuses have I made up against him? It is a fact that he only got 3 out of 6 right at E3 last year. He got 0 right for this Smash Direct event, even though he decided to play it safe that time and say, "maybe one will get revealed" instead of saying that they would be revealed. That just makes it easier for people like you (supporters) to continue to back him up because this time he didn't say for sure that they would be revealed in the direct. He realized his error last year and decided to fix it this year. I'm not saying it's proof that he's not legitimate, I'm just saying it doesn't help.

I'm not using the 3 out of 6 as the only evidence against him. I made a whole post about why I didn't believe in the leak. So, read that and get back to me.

Now, I keep seeing people say that guessing Wii Fit Trainer is proof beyond doubt that this leaker is legit. WFT is a Nintendo character. There were probably hundreds of people guessing before E3. The fact that ONE person got it right is an impossibility to you people? Get real. Not everyone thinks like you. Other people think differently. Rarely, you get someone who thinks radically differently. Rarely, you get one person who guesses WFT. It's not unrealistic. And, I'm going to beat a dead horse again here, but my previous post already explains why WFT is not an unrealistic guess to anyone who is open minded and unbiased.
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Smash Hero
Jan 28, 2014
Buried under 990+ weapons
Somebody told me this: http://gameotakublog.wordpress.com/2014/05/10/leaked-nintendo-digital-event-2014/ Was written by Sal Romano yesterday, but I'm not seeing anything to back it up.

Basically the only new stuff we don't already know about is:
X will be named Xenoworld.
Mario Party U.
Metroid 3DS.
And Platinum will be making the new Starfox that's a mix of classic and adventures.
(Why wouldn't he tell us what system it's for, and why would Platinum make it when they've already sworn off Starfox due to it's overzealous fans?)

Apologies in advance if I'm beating a dead horse.
Well, the guy that showed this to me said it wasn't Sal anyway. :facepalm:
Carry on then.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2013
Galbadia Hotel
It's not that I don't like the leak, it's simply that I don't believe it.
There really are no grounds to believe or disbelieve the leak. Even if there were it's utterly irrelevant, and nothing more than arbitrary clouding of judgement. Belief has no place in rational arguments; the only thing anybody should concern themselves with is facts, of which we have but a few.

To attempt to find rationalisation for belief of this leak is no different to arguing whether or not the sky is better than the sea.
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