not to go backwards in discussion, but I'm gonna go backwards.
how do we (people in general) tell the difference between a "leak" and a "lucky guess?"
Well, here's
Time's top 10 leaks of all time:
- The WikiLeaks War Logs *****
- Watergate's Deep Throat **
- The Pentagon Papers ***
- Plamegate *****
- Cablegate *****
- The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Scandal *
- McChrystal's War Plan *****
- The Apache Helicopter Shooting ***
- Sarah Palin's E-Mails ***
- Lil Wayne's The Leak ****
The stars represent the strength of the leaker's identity in terms of public knowledge. WikiLeaks is a huge name in the media, so everyone knows them, so their leaks get five stars.
In literally 8 out of 10 of the world's most famous "leaks" the leaker was known to the public either before, during or just after the leak took place. Eight, out of ten. Deepthroat wasn't outed until 2005, some 30 years later, but he was made public nonetheless. The identity of the person who leaked the treaty that ended the Mexican-American war, remains a mystery though plenty have speculated.
So basically, the skepticism from the Sal leak is because we don't really know if he's just making lucky guesses or if he really does have some insider from Nintendo feeding him information. And because Sal isn't exactly well known to be a pillar of truth or a man of impeccable integrity, we can't just take him at his word. We -have- to guess ourselves, take it on faith, with a little logic and statistical analysis thrown in. So sure, the guy/gal at Nintendo doesn't want to lose their job, or get sued or whatever. Fine. But that means we'll never REALLY know if this leak was indeed a legit leak, or just one man's clever guesswork. Not unless the leaker themselves comes forward someday if ever.
I bring this up because I see some comments stating "well if Chorus Men get confirmed then that seals the deal."
Why should it? Why should JUST one more "oddball" pick being right, MEAN it's a leak, and not just good guesswork? I mean really, he could get them all right, and STILL, it's not really a leak, is it? Or is it? No way to really know...
At least with these other famous leaks, the leaker was manifest. Many came right out and said "Hi, my name is such-n-such, and I have some news to leak." So... of course we bought it as legit. This Nintendo person though, is it all just a clever front for Sal's own personal agenda?
So, now that I've examined this issue from both angles, yeah I still believe (note believe, not know) that Sal IS being informed by a Nintendo insider. But there's no way to know for sure. Even after the reveal at e3 this year. Hell even after the game comes out. All we'll be able to know is that Sal was right, mostly right, or kinda right, etc. As to why he was right, no way to tell. Informant, or clairvoyant, it's all up to the individual to decide.
As for how this has bolstered his site hits, heh well whatever. He claims he didn't do this for the attention. Well he certainly got it whether he wanted it or not. For glory, or for fun, Sal Romano has got his 15 minutes of fame.