I doubt I am, lmao...
Ok everyone: (wall of text time, but if you care. Read It.)
I'm grounded for running away, my computer time is limited due to me moving rooms (otherwise I wouldn't have it at all). I should be ungrounded in a week or two, but until then expect few if any updates from me. I have more important things (suprisingly)then SWF. My girlfriends suicidal right now, and going through a really rough time. I'm trying to help her through it. Me and my parents are obviously going through a rough time, otherwise I wouldn't have run away. Other then personal problems with family and my girlfriend, everything is going alright.
Family problems have stopped since I told them things, but I'm still in trouble for running away. So give that 2-3 weeks to settle down and have me return to full activity.
Girlfriends doing better, but still going through a really rough time. She's more important than anything in this world right now, including family. However she won't really affect my activity because I only get to see her at school / school events / when I'm invited by her grandparents to go somewhere, otherwise we text or chat on a dA chat. (god I wish I could drive...)
Anyways, just letting everyone know I'm still here and updates will resume soon.