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The Official "Should/Will Metaknight be banned?" Thread (LISTEN TO THE SBR PODCAST!)

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Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
Playing on random would deal with MK but would just make everything lame. Nobody wants to go to a tournament and lose after getting Yoshi and Jigglypuff on random (I swear to god random always gives me that f***ing dinosaur). It would also add a large element of luck to the game. What if you get Link and your opponent gets MK. The best players in the world can't win with that matchup vs. a respectable player.
LOL true dat getting stuck with Yoshi is annoying. But then again, shouldn't a champ be able to win even then? The best brawler vs another when 1 is MK and 1 is not, and the MK always wins, yeah, ok that seems to be grounds for banning him, because he's an unfair character. But by crafting the tournament to account for this, you succeed without having to ban him.

Have ... I dunno, multiple rounds? Round 1.) Player's pick ... end result the MK mainers get to the top, duke it out and the best MK wins. Grand prize X . Round 2.) Random pick ... who makes it to the top? Was it the same guy who just won round 1 or are they way at the bottom b/c they kept getting stuck with the Yoshis and the Puffs. Grand prize Y. Throw in a few other variations on the game (why I love this game too is cause it's so customizable) and have subsequent prizes...

And in truth, I would think that the Prize values is what would change. Prize X should be LOWER, because you got to pick your MK and cheap your way to victory. Prize Y should be more because you had to work so hard to win with Yoshi.

This schema challenges the idea of Tiers. It means you need faith that just because you're Yoshi and they're Marth doesn't mean you'll lose.

Melee was more unbalanced than Brawl, the so-called nerfing of characters that ppl complained about when it first launched was the result of Nintendo's attempt at reducing the tiering effect. I think it's worked to some extend. As we can see though MK is an exception. And LOL at the idea that mk's so badass b/c the creator loves his Kirby series. I too got that feeling.

BTW in my experiment I left it going on the vs Chu fight... and Chu is up 17. Make that 18. And in watching I'm seeing a lot of things about Chu that cancels MK. Maybe this is the answer... hm.


Smash Champion
Jan 5, 2008
San Diego, CA
Sucumbio, all of your conjectures reek of not understanding the situation.

Go play in a few more tournaments, learn more about mastering the game, and then make an informed decision. So far, all you've been doing is making assumptions on things you've observed yourself or the computer doing.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
Part of me really feels bad about believing we should ban a character, but in this case I really have to make an exception.

Don't get me wrong I don't whine when I lose, but when I use anyone but metaknight against him I can definitely feel the difference, oh well we should all just go back to melee and hopefully nintendo will make a better game for ssb4 and then we can switch.
This please, especially the 2nd part.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
What they said. Plus I'm being offended to hell, Especially since Yoshi is about the closest we have to an non ditto counter.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
Yuna, you don't need to reply to that guy's request. You don't need a reason for believing MK should not be banned other than that you have no reason to believe that he should. Burden of proof.
People have given reasons, so if someone wants to say he shouldn't be banned simply feeling there's no reason to is no longer enough to contradict them.

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
Yuna, you don't need to reply to that guy's request. You don't need a reason for believing MK should not be banned other than that you have no reason to believe that he should. Burden of proof.

da K.I.D. should be aware, that you don't even need to believe MK should not be banned to argue for the case that he shouldn't - that's just intellectual honesty. I certainly don't think we're under any imperative to keep MK around, I think the world where he is banned is much better than this one. But that doesn't stop me from thinking carefully about what's being said here and being sure to point out poor reasoning where I see it. It might even change my beliefs. That's what debate is supposed to be - the search for truth, not the attempt to win over others.

(which is why the American and Canadian legal systems suck [/cheap shot])
Ok, that's BS. How come when I do that vs. Yuna, people say, 'You're dumb for arguing with Yuna.', but when he does it, he's a force for truth/good?! Man, **** you guys.

...I was totally kidding, btw. I <3 you all (even you, Yuna :p).

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
that shouldnt happen because i dont think it should....

that never was, isnt and never will be anything close to a decent argument for anything anywhere ever

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
im sorry but im going to have to bring up my idea like once every 10-20 pages or so...

ban MK, but if they are man enough to play random, let them play whatever character appears on the field


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
Who cares about Random? Nobody is going to play "Random" In a serious tournament for the chance to play as MetaKnight anyways.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 7, 2008
After reading some of these posts I'm getting scared that he may actually be banned :(

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
You should be scared, man. Some of the people on the Texas boards are doing test tourneys with MK banned; my guess is that the prevailing logic is if a MK-banned tourney has more variable results, that would mean the the game has more competitive viability with him gone, hence a + for the ban side. I don't know if that's really the reason, but that would make the most sense, I guess.

Either way, the important part is that Texas is doing ban experiments. Be afraid.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Or if you pick MK you can just restart
why? just so you cna pick MK too?
stupid, let it be up to the smash gods, whether you should play MK or not
the only way you should be able to play Mk is by picking random and playing with whatever character you get

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
You should be scared, man. Some of the people on the Texas boards are doing test tourneys with MK banned; my guess is that the prevailing logic is if a MK-banned tourney has more variable results, that would mean the the game has more competitive viability with him gone, hence a + for the ban side. I don't know if that's really the reason, but that would make the most sense, I guess.

Either way, the important part is that Texas is doing ban experiments. Be afraid.
Texas? the only meta banned tourny i heard about was in louisiana

and at some point there should be one here in rochester too


Smash Journeyman
Aug 7, 2008
You should be scared, man. Some of the people on the Texas boards are doing test tourneys with MK banned; my guess is that the prevailing logic is if a MK-banned tourney has more variable results, that would mean the the game has more competitive viability with him gone, hence a + for the ban side. I don't know if that's really the reason, but that would make the most sense, I guess.

Either way, the important part is that Texas is doing ban experiments. Be afraid.
Trust me. Now I'm a bit more afraid.

I've been using MK since april. That means 6 F*CKING months of work will go down the drain.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
Trust me. Now I'm a bit more afraid.

I've been using MK since april. That means 6 F*CKING months of work will go down the drain.
What, you didn't learn anything about the rest of the game's mechanics that you can apply to other characters from that?


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
I will point out though; the G&W boards have become so stagnant. His metagame is at a complete standstill, and I'm pretty sure you can say the same thing for a lot more characters.
And you honestly blame this on MK? It's because
1. Melee was a very rich, technical fighting game, with lots of discoveries being made and put to good use long after its release date. So when Brawl came out, this community instantly began scouring Brawl for all the "game-changing goodies" we'd all hoped to find. And,
2. Brawl lacks depth. This was an intentional decision, to make the game more accessible (more "party game", if you will), and to ensure that characters look and act the way the designers intended (none of this magic dashing around in puffs of smoke nonsense). And finally,
3. The community is more connected now than ever (err, at Brawl's release, anyway); the game has WiFi and the ability to save and trade replays, and Smashboards has hosted a tremendous amount of discussion.

All this indicates that we've swept through almost every nook and cranny of any serious game-changing mechanics we might find, and finally the n00bs are quieting down with all the insufferable "OMG new wavedash AT!!" nonsense. Call this "stagnation" if you will. Brawl might not get a whole lot different than it is now; people will find new ways to play their characters better, and perhaps a few new character-dependent tricks. That's it.

I take issue with criteria 1. Sometimes a single character can utterly dominate the metagame and have one counter (which generally results in the countering character being top). That counter fares reletively poorly against others (early metagame Snake/MK was a good example of this dynamic, but not to a banable level).
While Snake countered MK, MK was certainly not ban-worthy. It meant there were at least two reasonably playable characters. OS wants MK banned, and you're saying OS' ban conditions are too weak?

Frankly, I'm a bit suspicious your list consists of "He can still be beaten." and that's where every post you make comes from. I'd like to be proven wrong, but for some reason I'm feeling a bit skeptical.
(The above was about Yuna's ban criteria.) Yes, MK can still be beaten. Not just that, he can still be reasonably beaten. There are many tournaments where non-MK characters are placing very high in the list, and many matches against MK come close. I don't understand why that isn't enough to show he's not ban-worthy yet. Honestly, I've been studying MK and I think he is over-powered enough to merit a ban, but IMO the tournament results don't show it yet! They'd need to show that other characters don't stand any reasonable chance! It doesn't matter if MK wins every tournament, if every tournament is a close match against a Lucario for 2nd. Hence we need to determine a broad set of practical criteria for a ban (such as what OS brought to the table), and show that MK satisfies all the criteria (which he doesn't). Yuna's statement "do other characters have a reasonable chance to win" is still the goal; OS' criteria are a way to measure if it is true.

Thats EXACTLY is going on! the Wario forums have learned a new CG, semi infinite, and we aren't testing it on all characters, we are devoting all of our energies to try to get it to work on MK, who it doesn't work on. No other character, just MK, Maybe a little Snake and D3, but 90% on MK, How is that right? We are making such an effort on ONE character, same for all other characters, all their AT's are being based around killing JUST MK, and ONLY MK.

Ban him, and we'll discover lots of new things, since people wont be trying to make a million stratigies to kill this one overused character, and have all of them fail.

Oh, not to mention, the whole Metagame is based around killing MK, who has no weaknesses besides being light.
There's nothing inherently bad about the game having a best character, and for other characters to work the hardest at beating the best character; especially if he's overrepresented at tournaments. If you think we'll suddenly discover lots of new things about Brawl with MK gone, I think you're sadly mistaken; see my first rant in this post. We'll spend more time on other matchups, sure, but it's not like there's going to be a new break out of ATs or something.... there's just not that much to this game; accept it.

And MK has weaknesses besides being light. You just don't seem to know what they are.

im sorry but im going to have to bring up my idea like once every 10-20 pages or so...

ban MK, but if they are man enough to play random, let them play whatever character appears on the field
There's nothing more to be said here. "Ban MK" is your opinion, sure. Whether or not MK is allowed to be selected by Random, if MK were banned, is entirely unrelated to the current topic. It's not like that's some compromise situation we should all agree on.... it's a low-impact decision that could be made after a ban. *shrug*


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
Not many people like playing yoshi. He's kinda ********, at least MK and Snake are cool.
Snake has an unhealthy obsession with Cardboard. That's physiological problems if I've ever seen it.

Also MetaKnight coolness is overrated. I mean Bat Wings, Two Different Voice Actors, and a Sword? You can't get more stereotypical than that.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2008
Champaign, IL
On that note, what is the for/against talley? And what is require to make this ban official?
What is required for the ban to be official is for the SBR to decide that that's the best course of action. We don't have a say. (Which is a good thing, I trust them a lot more than a majority-vote of smashboards...)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 10, 2008
But most people aren't willing to learn a new character just to have an even chance of winning against ONE CHARACTER. Especially one with a kinda steep learning curve, maybe if it was say kirby or pikachu than it would be more viable.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2008
Kalamazoo, Michigan
[Yoshi is] kinda ********, at least MK and Snake are cool.
LolWUT are you kidding? If I could ever master such an awkward, but good character, I'd have great fun. Lol I would say things like, "You just got beaten by a Land Before Time dinosaur LAWL!"

But seriously, Yoshi is a lot better than people give him credit for...it's just that not a lot of people play him because he takes lots of work to perfect, so not a whole lot of people are aware of Yoshi's potential. Grab release CG's are evil... >.>


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
Observation's how I learn, I have no mentors unfortunately. I meant no offense y'all and if my ignorance shows I'm sorry. I can't appreciate this debate because I've not clashed with an unbeatable meta knight. And to my disadvantage, I don't normally brawl 1 vs 1 ... it's less fun for me. I love items. I love 4 players in wacky stages. Some of the outcomes are downright hilarious. I guess I'm just disappointed that a paying tournament is only going to reward those players in the world who have mastered 1vs1 3 stock no items FD blah blah and to top it off, no MK's because he's an unbeatable character. *drops this*


Smash Journeyman
Aug 7, 2008
What, you didn't learn anything about the rest of the game's mechanics that you can apply to other characters from that?
Even if you have knowlwdge about the game, you'd have to be a genius to be able to master a character instantly.


Jul 17, 2008
As for Metaknight being banned...Hmm. I have pondered the question quite often more than not. I am a very avid Melee supporter, but recently I have been wanting to move back onto Brawl because I enjoy it very much, but that's besides the point...When ever I play against a Metaknight (the ones who give you no room to breath), I have this feeling that I just want to go out and hang myself with my Gamecube controller near the closest tree. I won't deny the fact that Metaknight is indeed truly broken and needs to have something done fast or he will become 80% of the tournament scene. As of now, the only true way for me to beat a Metaknight is to mindgame them to hell and back, other than that it's pretty bad match-up for me seeing as I main Wolf.

As for the Texas-Ban situation, I am interested to see how the variables turned out in favor of a Non-Metaknight tournament setting.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
And MK has weaknesses besides being light. You just don't seem to know what they are.
Just a note, I was thinking about it and lacking a projectile (At a guess this is one of the ones you're hinting at here, because it's a popular one to say he suffers from) is not a weakness. Having a projectile is a benefit, but characters that don't have one aren't somehow penalized for that -- it's just an aspect of their character.

This is like saying that a weakness of Yoshi's is that he doesn't have a sword. That's not a weakness, it's just not a strength. Lacking enough strengths will drag a character down, because characters are basically built up of what they're good at. But MK isn't lacking enough strengths to leave him at a reasonable level, he has too many.

Being light on the other hand, is a weakness. It's less than average and is something that has actually been taken away from him.

I guess I'll put it this way: A weakness needs to apply in almost all matchups. Against someone like Marth though, MK lacking a projectile shows up more strongly as just not a strength, because Marth too is lacking them. But for being light a matchup of MK vs. G&W they both die easier to each other than other opponents, so it does count as a flaw.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
Why does everyone think we only play on FD?
If the anti-smashboards people said that we played on Rainbow Cruise, that wouldn't make us seem like boring random people with no lives who hate creativity.

But thats rather unrelated to MK.

Unless you were following up on FD being one of the better places to fight MK at.

As for MK's weakness when played properly(no Oops, I tornadoed off the edge) are:
being light
low horizontal air movement

I've also never seen a directly vertical KO from a MK in a pro match, but unless you're on Shadow Moses Island(which would be a great counter for MK if DDD and a few others hadn't killed the stage), he can gimp for the win.

EDIT: anyone think that Shadow Moses island would lower MK usage? Yes, I know that DDD would **** even more than MK does now, but I'm just curious about the MK part.

and LOL, Brinboy's back.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Just a note, I was thinking about it and lacking a projectile (At a guess this is one of the ones you're hinting at here, because it's a popular one to say he suffers from) is not a weakness. Having a projectile is a benefit, but characters that don't have one aren't somehow penalized for that -- it's just an aspect of their character.
I mostly agree, and that's not a weakness I would have suggested.

Edit: Fiiine, I'll give you one. MK's jab combo, Ftilt, and smashes are unable to destroy projectiles. This is a weakness unique to MK.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
If the anti-smashboards people said that we played on Rainbow Cruise, that wouldn't make us seem like boring random people with no lives who hate creativity.

But thats rather unrelated to MK.

Unless you were following up on FD being one of the better places to fight MK at.

As for MK's weakness when played properly(no Oops, I tornadoed off the edge) are:
being light
low horizontal air movement

I've also never seen a directly vertical KO from a MK in a pro match, but unless you're on Shadow Moses Island(which would be a great counter for MK if DDD and a few others hadn't killed the stage), he can gimp for the win.

EDIT: anyone think that Shadow Moses island would lower MK usage? Yes, I know that DDD would **** even more than MK does now, but I'm just curious about the MK part.

and LOL, Brinboy's back.
im back. believe it
i dont think shadow moses island would do that much. his grounded shuttle loop sends the opponent strait up (well not 100% up but slight at an angle) and his utilt is useful

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
If the anti-smashboards people said that we played on Rainbow Cruise, that wouldn't make us seem like boring random people with no lives who hate creativity.

But thats rather unrelated to MK.

Unless you were following up on FD being one of the better places to fight MK at.

As for MK's weakness when played properly(no Oops, I tornadoed off the edge) are:
being light
low horizontal air movement

I've also never seen a directly vertical KO from a MK in a pro match, but unless you're on Shadow Moses Island(which would be a great counter for MK if DDD and a few others hadn't killed the stage), he can gimp for the win.

EDIT: anyone think that Shadow Moses island would lower MK usage? Yes, I know that DDD would **** even more than MK does now, but I'm just curious about the MK part.

and LOL, Brinboy's back.
How about compensating the DDD/any character grab infinite by simply limiting the number of times you can grab someone?

Shadow Moses good against MK?

I can actually see this happening. However, at the same time, it'd be hard for non-vert-KOing characters to do anything to him. He'd be busy racking up damage until a properly placed shuttle loop vert-kills you.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
Mk has no weaknesses. Ban this character!
MK's weakness: liable to be banned
Paradox FTW

I think the no-parrying projectile is like Mk's low air speed; it can get covered up by his specials easily, so it becomes a techinical weakness, but not a practical one.

How about compensating the DDD/any character grab infinite by simply limiting the number of times you can grab someone?

Shadow Moses good against MK?

I can actually see this happening. However, at the same time, it'd be hard for non-vert-KOing characters to do anything to him. He'd be busy racking up damage until a properly placed shuttle loop vert-kills you.
Everyone, main Olimar now and propose Shadow Moses be CP!
He can't be CG to the wall and he can't be gimped, all while easily KOing MK!!!!
PLease don't take ^this seriously


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
Bum wins tournies
Azen wins tournies
Chu wins tournies
Chillin wins tournies
M2k wins tournies (with ddd)
Futile wins tournies
sk92 wins tournies

i can make a list of elite players and say they win tournies too, even if they dont use MK

good job, great logic
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