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The Official SBR-B Brawl Tier List v3.0

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Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
lmao, the mustache is a nice touch

What's the deal with Yoshi? I think he could stand to rise a little more as well.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
It's a shame that he doesn't have many OOS options, but that doesn't stop him from having the tourney results and matchups he has. Both indicate that he should be a little higher.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
We have 2 pros, sir. Well, actually Nick Riddle is tearing up Florida these days.
Ha, I saw him cheat at florida gaming. He got grabbed by ICs and while mashing he paused the game messing up the chain, and didn't let them regrab you like you're supposed to :laugh:

Sly sly devil.


quoted from the TL matchup discussion
this pretty much explains it lol
there are probably more reasons than that...
We can always just take the projectiles all day since TL can't kill :laugh:...well not someone as heavy as wario anyway.
At least his shield is the cutest


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I'm gonna say it, Mario has the potential to rise, and I'm not talking about in the vacuum, I'm talking about being better then at least Bowser and everyone below him and moving to the bottom of C tier.

Combine his already good gimp game with one of the most amazing ATs in the entire game (basically, ledge invincibility gone and they're frozen for a while if it's used it at the right time when the ledge is sweet-spotted ) and you've got mario as one of the best gimpers in the game because that turns almost everyone's recovery into melee Ganondorf's.

But Mario players need to get off their butts and learn the timing for it, cause it doesn't require inhuman reflexes or inputs every other frame for a sustained period (aka, not humanly possible) but the timing is extremely strict. It's definitely worth it though.

And then they need to place.

Anyone else need epic avatars?

SWF fads. What do you guys think you are? The Sonic boards?

Everybody on SWF is one the sonic boards anyway, so it doesn't matter.
Mar 17, 2009
New York, NY
I have to agree with one thing. If you say your character is on the rise, you need to give examples of characters they beat out.

For instance, ZSS IMO beats most of high tier; ROB, Kirby, ICs, Olimar, G&W, but perhaps not Pikachu because I think Pikachu is ridiculous, and perhaps not Marth (although she is more tourney viable than Marth). I gave reasoning for why I think so.

You have to say more than "Lucas is on the rise, guys!" Tell us who he beats. Most people here are pretty reasonable and will hear you out without jumping all over you as long as you're not completely ridiculous.
Mar 17, 2009
New York, NY
this is off topic but supermodel why is your name so
Because when you make a tag, you have three choices:

1. Super cool ninja name like "Hihjitsu Saija" or random Japanese name that you made up
2. Nick name or phrase followed by a number or 7 numbers
3. Video game character misspelled or leet-ized.

I didn't want to do any of those so I chose this. It was either Supermodel From Paris or Jeanne d'Arc's Estranged Pagan Brother, but the latter didn't fit.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
I'm gonna say it, Mario has the potential to rise, and I'm not talking about in the vacuum, I'm talking about being better then at least Bowser and everyone below him and moving to the bottom of C tier.

Combine his already good gimp game with one of the most amazing ATs in the entire game (basically, ledge invincibility gone and they're frozen for a while if it's used it at the right time when the ledge is sweet-spotted ) and you've got mario as one of the best gimpers in the game because that turns almost everyone's recovery into melee Ganondorf's.

But Mario players need to get off their butts and learn the timing for it, cause it doesn't require inhuman reflexes or inputs every other frame for a sustained period (aka, not humanly possible) but the timing is extremely strict. It's definitely worth it though.

And then they need to place.
I agree. There's a ton of testing that could still be done on a few aspects of his current metagame. That's one of the main things. We still don't have a list of who it works on; the only high tier we have is Marth IIRC.

I've upstaged you all with my mustache. It's better then Mario's.
There is NO mustache in existence more awesome than Mario's.



Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I have to agree with one thing. If you say your character is on the rise, you need to give examples of characters they beat out.

For instance, ZSS IMO beats most of high tier; ROB, Kirby, ICs, Olimar, G&W, but perhaps not Pikachu because I think Pikachu is ridiculous, and perhaps not Marth (although she is more tourney viable than Marth). I gave reasoning for why I think so.

You have to say more than "Lucas is on the rise, guys!" Tell us who he beats. Most people here are pretty reasonable and will hear you out without jumping all over you as long as you're not completely ridiculous.
Lol, he's not my character, I found out about this AT when we were discussing Zelda with the Mario boards (basically, they didn't believe that Zelda could redirect her teleport as many times as she wants before she disappears, and that some of the stuff that I was saying about how this affected Zelda's recovery was too difficult, citing this AT as an example about how stuff like that shouldn't be used in match-up discussions. I went to their boards, researched it, and basically said, "wtf noobs, why aren't you using this, it's awesome!"

It totally changed my opinions of what Mario is capable of because it's such a massive change to what is safe in terms of ledge games. Only a select few characters can completely get around it (MK, Snake). I'm actually not sure how much it affects his metagame, because I'm not too positive on his match-ups, but there are enough characters that I know it will allow him to either beat or totally destroy to at least merit C tier.

Ironically, Zelda's teleport makes her one of the least affected, so it didn't really change the match-up that we were actually discussing.

Because when you make a tag, you have three choices:

1. Super cool ninja name like "Hihjitsu Saija" or random Japanese Latin name that you made up
2. Nick name or phrase followed by a number or 7 numbers
3. Video game character misspelled or leet-ized.

I didn't want to do any of those so I chose this. It was either Supermodel From Paris or Jeanne d'Arc's Estranged Pagan Brother, but the latter didn't fit.

Yes, I created this name in Latin.

I agree. There's a ton of testing that could still be done on a few aspects of his current metagame. That's one of the main things. We still don't have a list of who it works on; the only high tier we have is Marth IIRC.
Thank you. I cited this in your "tier position discussion" but it was sort of ignored.

But this fact alone makes me believe Mario is both underrepresented and underrated, now, practice with it, please. I'd love to see how it affects Mario's placements.
Mar 17, 2009
New York, NY
lol, fadedimage has a video for dash attack locks coming soon in which he demonstrates DALs by locking Wario all the way across Bridge of Eldin and then gimping him with an ftilt. That's the rumor. ZSS for high tier. ;)


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD

Thank you. I cited this in your "tier position discussion" but it was sort of ignored.

But this fact alone makes me believe Mario is both underrepresented and underrated, now, practice with it, please. I'd love to see how it affects Mario's placements.
Cape is an enigma wrapped in broken physics.

Example: This was JUST discovered about 10 minutes ago. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=237893

More research needs to be put in on the cape in general, ALONG with this particular AT.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
he suicides off the top if you cape him during a zap jump.
Sonic can suicide on the PS2 stadium if you cape him during a spring.
Same for Wario's down B. Funny stuff
I've done the Wario downB one before, but doesn't Sonic have invincibility on spring start-up? Unless you mean later in the animation...


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Cape is an enigma wrapped in broken physics.

Example: This was JUST discovered about 10 minutes ago. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=237893

More research needs to be put in on the cape in general, ALONG with this particular AT.
This man speaks the truth.

Interestingly enough, a lot of this should apply to pit because his mirror shield has very similar properties.

Who here knows what it does to ganondorf when you cape a reverse warlock punch?

I can say that I know where mario will ultimately end up, but I can say that the cape has AMAZING potential, and if the Mario boards are diligent, he could yet become a **** character.

I'm really looking foreward to seeing what becomes of Mario over the lifespan of brawl.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Or you're a god.

like me
One of the first melee tourneys I was at.... ~60 entrants.... there were three ppl with GOD in their game tag:

the ! prefix in programming is often used as negation. So we had one guy sure he was GOD, one guy who was sure he wasn't GOD, and one guy who couldn't decide either way.

iirc GOD? won the tourney...... with a beastin' Luigi

tl;dr: GOD is so unoriginal :p
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