Try rolling behind him when he tries to chainchoke you, or shorthop airdodge... I feel it can be more effective than sptdodging in some cases since you're invincible and can also move sideways, rather than stay in one spot and risk getting punished after the invincibility frames end.ok ill try that. Yes I know the 50% combo on dorf it's f-throw-u-air-f-throw-u-air-dtilit-f-smash.
It's not always easy to spot dodge correctly on wifi, but i'll try.
Try air-camping a bit, SNO, jumping just out of reach, and doing as if you're gonna touch the ground, then jumping again... It works wonderfully when playing against impatient people, they think you're gonna land and throw out an attack, and once you see that, you fall in with a bair. Works wonders vs Diddy players, since their approaches are bananas, and they end up throwing them below you.