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The Official R.O.B. PR/Tournament Results Archive


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
i used to think like you t0mmy. "If I'm not gonna be #1, why should I bother being on there at all?" eventually I realized that if I wasn't #1 on their list, it was because I actually wasn't #1 just because I thought I was. I still had work to do. that lesson has helped me improve in a lot of areas in my life. I hope it can help you too.

Black Mantis

Smash Hero
Jun 5, 2008
Writing my own road...................
i used to think like you t0mmy. "If I'm not gonna be #1, why should I bother being on there at all?" eventually I realized that if I wasn't #1 on their list, it was because I actually wasn't #1 just because I thought I was. I still had work to do. that lesson has helped me improve in a lot of areas in my life. I hope it can help you too.
and thats why i like you alex


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
i used to think like you t0mmy. "If I'm not gonna be #1, why should I bother being on there at all?" eventually I realized that if I wasn't #1 on their list, it was because I actually wasn't #1 just because I thought I was. I still had work to do. that lesson has helped me improve in a lot of areas in my life. I hope it can help you too.
good post, but he deff has a chance at being #1 i know he has a win on felix + other good players in his region. i dont understand the logic of not posting your wins/not wanting to be ranked. the only time i asked not to be on is when i literally had 1 win with rob (the rest were with diddy/mk)

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
and thats why i like you alex
Now I know ur real name mwahahahaha.

:p, we didn't play yesterday :(. Imma get ur sonic next time ;)

good post, but he deff has a chance at being #1 i know he has a win on felix + other good players in his region. i dont understand the logic of not posting your wins/not wanting to be ranked. the only time i asked not to be on is when i literally had 1 win with rob (the rest were with diddy/mk)
So how do you plan on comparing ranked players? Will the players in my region (ranked ones anyways) be considered strong enough for me to be #1 if I beat most of them?


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
Now I know ur real name mwahahahaha.

:p, we didn't play yesterday :(. Imma get ur sonic next time ;)

So how do you plan on comparing ranked players? Will the players in my region (ranked ones anyways) be considered strong enough for me to be #1 if I beat most of them?
im not a panelist for rob prs so i dont know how they do it. i am a panelist for new england prs though and its usually pretty easy to tell who's wins/losses are better but im guessing it would be hard to do that for canada players lol.

Mister Eric

Twitch.tv/MisterbeepEric Twitter: @MisterbeepEric
Nov 24, 2008
Louisville, KY
Until I reach the point in my playstyle where I feel comfortable, I'm not sure I rly want to be on the next PR either. My wins/losses might not even get me top5 anyways.

This has been more of an experimentation period for me.

though I do feel like a top 5 ROB, I really do.

Meh, idk. I may dig some stuffs up. I want undisputed best robs, dammit not just a pool of notable robs.

I want this board to be more helpful/collaboritive and not be so one-dimensional.

If you guys want to see how my playstyle is developing, I think this video displays a good example of it.

(This is tournament about 2 months back? I thought I played the MU well and differently. Although some misjudgment really got the best of me like last stock Game1)

I posted it before in social but I'm not sure if anyone watched it. This is against someone who knows the ROB MU about the best an MK would know it.

If you really want my results, I'll dig them up for you.

I don't want people thinking "oh, he thinks he wont make it into the PR"
I rly dont care. I play for ROB, not for me.
I care that people think he's garbage. I care that people think that he has to camp to be viable.
I'm out to prove those beepers wrong.

And I will.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Cincinnati OH
I felt like posting my results, so here's a results dump

Delta Upsilon V Results
October 30th, 2010
9th out of 32 + 14 Eliminated in pools.
Lost to King Beef
Beat Smile
Lost to DJIskascribbles

The GP Affairs, Ep. 1: "Schwing!" Results
7th out of 23
Beat Video
Lost to Hilt
Beat Crash
Lost to Likang

Ni-Kakuto-Geemu: Worthington, Ohio
Oct 2nd, 2010
7th out of 25
Beat Coop
Lost to King Beef
Beat Drill bit Sammy
Beat Jiffyboob
Beat Quivo
Lost to Lou

Brawl in the Hall 2
5th out of 24
Beat Ttar
Beat Hilt
Beat Hadesblade
Lost to DJiskascribble
Lost to InfernAngelis


Smash Lord
Jan 26, 2008
Albany, NY
That was actually a really cool video, Mister Eric. I really like that playstyle. I'm just trying to figure ut what your mindset is when you play like that? The first stock of each of those matches is realllly cool, seriously making me think 'wtf??'

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
Eric. Your ROB's use of upB is very sexy. I don't see that ever lol. It kinda makes me wanna learn it. Too bad it didn't last long (hence how kel killed ur 2nd stock, he read ur wavebounce). But things like Bairing to send u off stage then u do what I believe is a wave bounce upB, then u Fair him, and it connects. really interesting. Just need to work on predicting that nado a little better.

^^^^This is all game 1 btw, i' posting as I watch lol.

Game 2's beginning was so troll lmao. And nice job with the landing mixups also in the beginning. I'd like to practice this as soon as I get the chance. How is it done exactly?


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
well if people (who would have been ranked otherwise) are requesting to be off, there's no point in having prs. so i guess im done here.

plus the rob boards dont even talk about brawl anymore. it turned into a bunch of washed up bad players and attention whores in the social thread and thats the only thing that gets posts anymore.

bye rob boards

Mister Eric

Twitch.tv/MisterbeepEric Twitter: @MisterbeepEric
Nov 24, 2008
Louisville, KY
If it's going to cause a ruckus...then
puts me on the PR.

I'm gonna pwn you all with my pwnsome results... xD

Mister Eric

Twitch.tv/MisterbeepEric Twitter: @MisterbeepEric
Nov 24, 2008
Louisville, KY
you beepin know it!

but really, i think ROB is the best ROB right now. xD


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
i used to think like you t0mmy. "If I'm not gonna be #1, why should I bother being on there at all?" eventually I realized that if I wasn't #1 on their list, it was because I actually wasn't #1 just because I thought I was. I still had work to do. that lesson has helped me improve in a lot of areas in my life. I hope it can help you too.
You made a jump of reasoning in your assumption. I'm not going to be on the PR not because I don't feel like I'm #1 (though I feel I am based on my record), but because sometimes I really just dislike being ranked well at all. I do not like winning and I do not like glory-hogging and attention-whoring like so many players strive on.
I play the game to have fun, I play the game as an expression of myself, and I play the game to see the community. I have my competitive side that breaks through every once in a while, but for the most part I'm a scrubby, sandbaggy player who will forfeit to anyone for any reason. For that reason alone I shouldn't even be considered ranked because my attitude towards winning is probably the worst you'll see in the community.

Additionally, (and this is a big reason here) I don't believe the PR will be accurate judging from the proposals of how it should be run and on past iterations.

One of the reasons is because west coast gets completely ignored.
I told you Jamnt0ast and Kira were at least on par with the rest of the country's R.O.B.s. Considering I actually travel across the country and play with these people I would have a good idea on comparisons, don't you think? But nope, my opinions are largely ignored.
Finally when Kira gets himself to an east coast tourney that's when people start saying he's top 5 and I even hear people say things like he's better than Chibo therefore best R.O.B.
Jamnt0ast never posts anything here because he was grossly ignored. The only reason why I'm still around is because I'm a recognized player who travels. If I stayed on the west coast I doubt I would even be considered for a spot on the ranking let alone be considered #1 by so many people. It's kind of ridiculous. I would probably still put Jamnt0ast in top 3 R.O.B. players in the country even though he hasn't played outside his region in so long.
Players like Hitori were completely ignored, yet I believe he was a top R.O.B. when he played; this was back before anyone outside of WA, OR, and CA played me so the only response I got was getting flamed and I all but abandoned smashboards for AiB.
Now, if a R.O.B. PR on AiB were started where a lot of west coast players are it'd be a stark difference, I guarantee that (and I'd be the first to admit it'd have a west coast bias).

The process of ranking is completely vacuous.​
There's no rhyme or reason behind it and it'll just come down to popular vote--which would show popular players or those who were influential in the making of the PR. This is usually how PRs are done and thus why I'm always opposed to panelist-based PRs -- it's like a beauty contest where the contestants are also the judges, kind of silly.
There's no way we can keep up with each others' improvements even with accurately posted (an non-embellished) results. The nuances in the meta game make this impractical. Certain players will have hard counters they will lose to consistently with a character like R.O.B. (Meta Knights, Toon Links, Dededes, etc) if there's a very good player of one of those characters in your region you're going to be screwed -- and you think it's difficult judging R.O.B. players on their merit of skill? How about trying to gauge a relatively unknown player who plays a low-tier character who has a good matchup against R.O.B. (possibly like Link, Ike, Lucas, or other weird matchups that haven't been looked into full detail).

It's not about how bad we are--losing to randoms, unranked, low-tiers, etc. Example: I had a very close match with San a while back and it turned into ammunition to try to take my merits down so others could feel better about themselves (poor guys). When it turned out San is amazing player, suddenly losing to his Ike was legit. Similarly to X's Sonic where a lot of east coast used that to try demean west coast, but then things changed when east coast players had their chance to play him.

We aren't just making a PR to pat ourselves on the back, these PR Lists are almost entirely for the community to use as a reference.​
For instance, if I were interested in knowing the potentiality of R.O.B.'s current metagame I wouldn't want popular players or a small example of region-bias votes, I'd want an honest representation, I'd want to know who I would want to watch if I were at a tournament. And each and every one of us have a lot that we can give to the community because our styles are finally developed into a unique expression.
What I would propose is a tier-list of players. If you guys are arguing so much about which person is better, Mr. Eric, Chibo, Jamnt0ast, etc... why not just put ego aside and say each of us are such good players we're about on the same level and tier us.
For instance, I want to watch a video of a couple of the best R.O.B. players. I see a tier list that says:
Mr. Eric, Chibo, Kira

Sammy McRobot, Robomaster 8000, Jesus

Gandorf n00b, Random Guy

t0mmy, Hitler, Lvl9 CPU​

Please leave me out of the ranking until the above changes are instated (and I stop being terrible) thanks.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
2 things @ t0mmy

1 - your whole argument of "east coast is the only thing that matters here" is thrown out the window considering when shadowrob played he was ranked 1. and was unanimously considered the best rob main. shadowrob is from wc. after shadowrob quit, who was ranked 1? holynightmare. holynightmare is from canada. the only ec rob main that has been ranked 1 is chibo, and that was during a time when holy, ninjalink, me, you , and others wernt using rob enough/wernt active enough to even be considered being ranked.

2 - the vote for whoever is ranked 1 is not a popularity contest, its going directly by wins/losses. i dont understand why you wouldnt post yours unless you WERE scared you wouldnt be ranked 1st off of them. by not posting them, you are basically asking the panelists to turn this into a popularity contest since they have no wins/losses/results to go by.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
When have I not been using R.O.B. or active enough? It's because nobody looks at west coast events hence west coast isn't "active enough". Same goes with Jamnt0ast and the Nevada and NorCal R.O.B.s. That's exactly the type of thinking that just distances me from these PRs... it could turn into: "so-and-so didn't use R.O.B. 100% of his matches, remove him from the list and bring me up!"

I don't even think you were around back then, TeeVee, but my experience is different than yours; you can go back and look at the posts if you want though. They were less results-based and more about trying to take other people down (coughoverswarmcough). However, if they are based on results I really don't have any qualms with it, but you guys would have to show me you can do this.

If anyone wants me to contribute, please focus on my proposals on how to construct a proper ranking system. Accusations won't improve anything and would only put me in a position of defense which is exactly the type of tactics these PRs have used (and thus further proves my points why the PR standards need to be constructed).

One question: Does anyone even know who Thanatos is? If someone can answer that maybe then you've done your R.O.B. homework and I'd give the PR more credit. Until then, just making up silly accusations like "you're scared!" isn't worth my attention. Would I be scared of my results where I have wins over Felix, Jem, Nerd, Eggz, Viviff, t1mmy, Pwneroni, etc?

(btw, Holy is technically east coast... there's a west coast Canadian R.O.B. player, can any of you name him?)


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Is it Drake, tommy?

Either way, if they don't post results here, they can't be considered for the PRs. That's just how it is. And the PRs are 100% results based, because that is the only criteria that the panel has when making the rankings. If you choose not to post your results here, that's fine, but how else is the panel supposed to know who are the best ROBs? Unless you expect them to go through every tournament that's taken place and check every one to see who used ROB and who they beat and lost to...
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