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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2006
Exactly, ****'s annoying...and you will never know...

This is exactly the point i'm trying to make.
If only I could believe you.


The true comedy gold of these shenanigans comes from the fact that I built that post brick for brick using TVtopes, and various themes discussed by people who wrote online reviews for the books i mentioned reading in the build-up post.

Re-read my posts to your self out loud.

Actually speak the words.

You will feel silly.....Then you will realize I am actually the outlaw journalist spider Jerusalem reborn and I have the ability to make people from Prague commit suicide using nothing but a telephone.


Mote Of Dust
Oct 9, 2008
Wait wait wait wait

Taki didn't list me above Cactaur

Taki I have always hated you, I tried to teach you fox, but you clearly suck. I am no longer going to let you borrow my gameboy color on weekends.

(I hope everyone works everything out. I love you guys, even the ones I haven't met yet ;.; )


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
I don't think anyone really cares if you were just kidding or trolling

Considering you will see these people in real life and have to own up to making people feel unnecessarily awful about things or making their day just a bit worse from reading this tripe.

We don't count Alan (I don't even think he counts himself anymore)


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2006
I don't think anyone really cares if you were just kidding or trolling

Considering you will see these people in real life and have to own up to making people feel unnecessarily awful about things or making their day just a bit worse from reading this tripe.
Taki can freely admit to laughing at jokes made about the bombing of the world trade center but I can't have a chuckle at something so obviously overblown and fake simply because it's directed at nick?

Who gets to decide what's funny and what's unacceptable?

Do a little soul searching and ask yourself just why it is you're getting so offended at this. When you find the answer, please let me know because i'm really curious.

My honest reaction to nick's "true hate" response was laughter.

I laughed because the reaction made so little sense to me......I also laughed because mixed in with the obvious rage retorts was a mix of truth. How can I NOT laugh at this? It brightened my day.

I also laughed because the entire chain of events caused me to find references to a play within a movie called springtime for hitler.

If you had a choice.....if you could actively decide to either A) be offended by something or B) find humor in that same something which would you choose?

Go ahead and be offended.

I'm not apologizing for anything.

If I lose friends over this, I will save the last few pages of this thread in a text document and I will value it because it will be the most expensive bit of humor i've ever had.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
I didn't read most of your post because you're talking too much about something that we shouldn't have to be in the first place. You can try to justify your past few posts all you want, it's not really going to make you look any better-most likely the opposite.

I'm not the one going to lose sleep over it. Though I guess it's 5:30 right now... I should probably hit the hay.



Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
For the record I put up with terrorist jokes to make YOU guys comfortable...since you're the ones bringing them up, so instead of having awkward silence or me getting upset at you, I just take it in stride and joke about it. I personally don't think its funny.


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
You think me being considered best in PA is undeserved?

As a side note, I do agree that rankings are generally petty. In such a low population area, it often just causes drama rather than encouraging player growth. Let people have their opinions on where players are, you don't need to make an official listing. I'm glad rankings are moving toward simple listing of elo, as prior "power rankings" are often mostly just determined based on player opinion, which can lead to offensive player placements.



Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2008
Butler, PA
Those lists are wrong. You have to give more weight to regional/national tournaments. On a related note... stop being bad and actually win something guys.
I'm trying really hard.

I leave this thread for 5 pages and all this happens. . .

I love all of you gents, and my quality of life would be significantly worse in your hypothetical absence. You're the best friends a guy could ever hope to have, and you make not having a girlfriend awesome.

Ambix, I would highly suggest keeping a journal of sorts or starting some kind of novel if you haven't already.

Pittsburgh's environment isn't getting toxic. The fact is we just have two haters in the group. Look at the words objectively. Two people who enjoy hating for whatever existential reason they could muster, but look at our progress as a whole. We're all gradually getting a lot better, and there is a definite attribute to those who are doing the best in recent events. That attribute is respect. Don't look to past events to prove yourself. Hakuna Matata and win the next tourney. God knows we're all capable.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2008
Butler, PA
Sweet merciful mother of Christ.

Shoutouts to Daniel Chong. This young brave man is a student at the University of California who was arrested during a 4/20 drug raid at a friend's house whom he was visiting. This kid did absolutely nothing illegal and was detained in a windowless county cell with no food, water, interaction, or toilet for FIVE DAYS. He was in handcuffs the ENTIRE time mind you. He kicked and screamed just about everyday and was even told by other people being held in different rooms to shut-up. People behind WALLS could hear him. He resorted to drinking his own urine to stay alive, and by day 3 he had gone insane. He tried killing himself by eating his lenses from his glasses and cutting his wrists with them. He eventually found a small bag filled with a white powder hidden in a blanket which he consumed. Analysis confirms that the substance was meth.

Thank GOD, this kid lived. This is pretty much undeniable proof that the DEA tests their boundaries of the law on the innocent. I'm speculating here, but I can assure you that the DEA wanted him to take the meth that they planted there, so when the guard "heard strange noises from within" and decided to open the door, they could allude that he snuck the meth in and OD'd in the cell.

This. . . what. . I don't even. . . who.
I don't even know what to say after reading something like that. The Dark Side just got a few shades darker.


Smash Lord
Mar 6, 2007
damn yo, I remember when Pittsburgh was just about Smashin' Bros. Those were the days...

Sweet merciful mother of Christ.

Shoutouts to Daniel Chong. This young brave man is a student at the University of California who was arrested during a 4/20 drug raid at a friend's house whom he was visiting. This kid did absolutely nothing illegal and was detained in a windowless county cell with no food, water, interaction, or toilet for FIVE DAYS. He was in handcuffs the ENTIRE time mind you. He kicked and screamed just about everyday and was even told by other people being held in different rooms to shut-up. People behind WALLS could hear him. He resorted to drinking his own urine to stay alive, and by day 3 he had gone insane. He tried killing himself by eating his lenses from his glasses and cutting his wrists with them. He eventually found a small bag filled with a white powder hidden in a blanket which he consumed. Analysis confirms that the substance was meth.

Thank GOD, this kid lived. This is pretty much undeniable proof that the DEA tests their boundaries of the law on the innocent. I'm speculating here, but I can assure you that the DEA wanted him to take the meth that they planted there, so when the guard "heard strange noises from within" and decided to open the door, they could allude that he snuck the meth in and OD'd in the cell.

This. . . what. . I don't even. . . who.
I don't even know what to say after reading something like that. The Dark Side just got a few shades darker.

Also... enough with all the hate; everyone needs to hug each other. This is my attempt to make everything better...


I have no ****ing clue what the song is about, but I don't think it really matters.


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
You think me being considered best in PA is undeserved?

As a side note, I do agree that rankings are generally petty. In such a low population area, it often just causes drama rather than encouraging player growth. Let people have their opinions on where players are, you don't need to make an official listing. I'm glad rankings are moving toward simple listing of elo, as prior "power rankings" are often mostly just determined based on player opinion, which can lead to offensive player placements.

I never said its undeserved, I was just stating that it was petty because you'd obviously be #1 as you havent sucked the longest in PA and have a track record to back it up, so its basically #1 then 2-10 (Pretty much just pittsburgh) fight over it, which is silly IMO.

On the topic of the flame wars...I'm just annoyed that people go there, then to retract the statements instead of coming to some sort of resolve. We're all adults here (or I'd like to hope), we should be able to talk about things openly.

On another topic, Fable is pretty sweet...how's fable 2?


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Justin's Peach sounds like a monster, but none of you except Jacob ever got to play against Bob's Marth.

I've never seen such simplistic destruction.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2008
Butler, PA
Where do you think I learned to play Marth?

He would seriously just f-smash at the perfect time and nothing else.

Seth's Roy was beast too.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Bob exemplified the precision that a Marth could truly obtain. It was as if he had transcended all learning and simply became a Grandmaster after touching the C-Stick once.

He never ran. Only walked. With a calm, burning inferno behind his gait.

I had never felt such haunting chills down my spine until that day.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2008
Butler, PA
You couldn't think of that on your own? :awesome:
Dude, I suck with high tiers.

Plus he was the first Marth I ever played.

And though I played more years,

I found myself getting easily gayed.

So I'd learn to wavedash,

Then soon I'd hear no more of his lip.

But a trick is a trick, and there's nothing you can do. . .

About that ****ing tip.
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