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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love


Smash Lord
Mar 6, 2007
Those lists are wrong. You have to give more weight to regional/national tournaments. On a related note... stop being bad and actually win something guys.


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
The reason i think we should just use the ssbpd is because it is as objective as we are ever going to get for power rankings.

Cuts out all the discussion which is where most of the problems with trying to create a PR stem from.


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2006
Ambix that pit is bottomless...lol
No one in PA is capable of sinking to lower depths than me.

prove me wrong.



Just finished the hunger games series and a huge H.P. lovecraft collection back to back. Was also working through another book you've never heard of by a guy named franz kafka before i made myself buy a different book to read.

It's coloring my thoughts right now so ignore the angst.


I hate everyone even more today than I did on saturday which didn't seem possible.


Nietzsche books are not helping.


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2006
By all means make my ELO 700.

Especially if it will finally give you some feelings of self worth, so we don't have to make excuses for you and pretend like everything's normal every time you throw a tantrum.

You think you really know what rage is but I find that kind of funny when I think about it.

I had to go to a mandatory work meeting today. What can I tell you that will adequately describe me feelings during this meeting?

At the end, 3 of the 4 questions asked by the audience were obviously scripted. The questions were too specific and had that bull**** corporate motivational poster flavor. The answers were rattled off like they were read from the piece of paper we saw the general manager carrying with him.

When the management team mentioned $200 bonuses added to the checks of everyone that worked 32 hours a week or more the audience went wild and actually started ACTIVELY swallowing the rest of the bull**** being fed to them.....beautiful gems like: "we're giving you free T-shirts (You can buy them 2 for 5 bucks at walmart) with the rivers logo on it. Wear them everywhere so we can have free advertising" or my personal favorite: http://www.post-gazette.com/stories...-rivers-casino-is-terrible-investment-633146/

After reading this article we were told verbatim that it's not in keeping with rivers casino culture to discuss things of this nature while being told 15 minutes previously that they value our input and like to emphasize open communication.

This article speaks volumes about why the table games department in rivers casino has been making so many detrimental policy changes and cut backs, making my life miserable in the process.

The unwritten rule however is to never discuss this with them because as we all know, politics is the flavor of the day and talk like "why are full time employee's having their hours cut?" could lower your standing with your superiors, effectively blocking your career advancement and potentially getting you fired through means I can only describe as clandestine.

It's honestly beautiful, how at this meeting we are told that they used a "merit based system" for determining who gets management positions while certain people who shall remain nameless (I like to call them fat**** and snake) have established themselves in the table games department along with all of their super best friends for life. These people have established their careers by playing the politics game. Who EXACTLY ****ed whom at that *****in' party last night? would my boss find that interesting? That sort of thing.

This tl;dr rant has been inspired by events that took no more than an hour and a half of my day.

I could write novels.......ten thousand page NOVELS about the overwhelming rage I feel on a daily basis.

I have laughed at the thought of certain people being hit by a car traveling at 200 miles an hour. I laugh myself in to hysterics when I imagine the physics involved because I hate them. I hate them with such a burning intensity that you will never fully be able to grasp.

The reason you see so little of me isn't because I get burnt out on smash.

It's because my only refuge from rage induced hysteria is solitude.

The thought of spending the next 24 hours in complete and total isolation fills me with a joy that is nearly sexual.....and even still I feel that my understanding of what true rage really is is only at it's most basic. I have known people that understand what rage is FAR better than a bookworm recluse such as myself ever will. Some of those people are in my family.

You are a child playing dress up in his parent's clothing.

So go ahead nick.

I know you were only joking about lowering my ELO to 700, but by all means go right ahead and do it.

Just remember that the next time you decide to throw one of your temper tantrums, taki, johhy, aaron, naka, and I will make excuses for you.

We will tell each other that you will eventually grow out of it and that you don't mean any of it.

We'll whisper behind your back about how your pride and your self esteem aren't really turning you in to someone that all of us will eventually come to hate.

We will Pretend that we Respect you.


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2006
what the **** are you even saying? im just gonna disregard your whole rant and assume you just had a ****ty day at work. but if you think i have a "rage" problem.. YOU HAVENT SEEN **** YET.
I once read an entry on BASH.org to the effect of "we should take the safety labels off of everything and let the "stupid" problem sort itself out.

You are the poster child for this quote as well as the quintessential example of almost every quality I hate in other people.


Found it.

The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?

PGH Carroll

Smash Master
Feb 6, 2010
Pittsburgh, PA aka #TipperCity
why do you hate me? because im the only one who doesnt put up with your bull****??
idk where this all came from so read at your own risk

[COLLAPSE="REAL RAGE"]EVERYONE IN PITTSBURGH DOESNT LIKE YOU. other then a couple jokes here and there you are regarded as a fat chain smoking self centered weirdo as well as a burden to all of us. everytime theres a tourney YOU can never drive. YOU HAVE A CAR! but no, YOU have to have someone drive so you can can constantly talk about weird **** and complain about everything as well as leave whenever YOU want. YOU hold up tournament with YOUR RIDICULOUS nicotine addiction. at smash fests EVERYTIME you say something like, "lets go to my house and play." WERE ALREADY SOMEWHERE SMASHING YOU ****ING ******. everythings always about YOU. and when i say everybody. i mean everybody. you can ask people. theyll lie and say "no way pat your mah doo" but ive heard everyones opinion. i dont know where you get off attacking me. but if you hate me thats fine because im cool with every single one of these guys and they are my real friends. i let them crash at my house, i do what ever i can for them because i respect them and i know its mutual. if you or anyone else get annoyed at my occasional episodes of rage, thats fine. its understandable, but its me and its who i am. i wont change myself for any one ESPECIALLY YOU. i rage sometimes because i care about the game and want to win. go back to memphis. with couch ****er and space balls and GOD DAMN PIKA CHAD.[/COLLAPSE]

and to think i was finally getting around to you..


Smash Journeyman
Nov 15, 2009
Whew lotta hate goin on

serious note


I think i can speak on behalf of the entire smash pa community here when I say:
we REALLY hope you don't mean any of what you said.

First, per the topic of rage, everyone's rage is different. whatever floats their boat in expressing it or bottling it or what have you is their prerogative. What is important here is that everyone's anger/hate issues are only DIFFERENT from everyone else's, not more or less.

Second, per the topic of friendship/competition, and the wonderful union between the two, I hope to god that you have the wisdom to observe players' success and failure, and their reactions to said outcome, from an objective and neutral focal point.

If Nick has a so called "episode" (and we all know what that means because we ALL have had one) at the end of the day, we think "this is a children's party game that we socialize over". For you to judge his passion for this game, which apparently has resulted in anger, as part of his character as a human being, is just wrong. He is a diving coach at CV, you're a table games dealer at Rivers, and I am a busser at a pizza restaurant. This happens to be a medium in which we were introduced to each other (first off) and have developed what I would hope to be a lasting friendship.

Third, regarding some heavy reading that you've admitted doing...

I can sympathize and empathize with you man. Whether you believe me or not will not stop me from saying that I have had my fair share of philosophical confusion, awe, hatred, etc. It is something that occupies my mind more than I would like it to. My experience is not more or less deep or developed than yours, it is just different.

Same goes for everyone here. Take note of some points above, because I think they are really important to keep ourselves sane and friends in this odd way of life.


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA

I have nothing to add to the rage so here's an awesome gif of a dog

PS: If you wanna get mad at people please do it in PMs. Specifically you, Ambix, since you started it. :)


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
@Ambix, kind of a side note here, but when do you usually work tables at the Rivers? I'm coming back to down on Saturday for summer break so I'll stop by your table sometime over summer and let you take my money, lol.


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2006
@Ambix, kind of a side note here, but when do you usually work tables at the Rivers? I'm coming back to down on Saturday for summer break so I'll stop by your table sometime and let you take my money, lol.
Grave shift.

2 or 4 AM start time until the afternoon.

Wouldn't recommend playing at this hour.


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
Raging is really stupid, whiny, doesn't accomplish anything, and makes anyone look dumb.

If you really want to get better at the game, put your patient hat on and get the chip off your shoulder and try to figure things out instead of being aggravated. I know for myself, i play the game to relax, All of these ranking bull****ting is petty and has become irrelevant ever since most of Philly retired, so its basically now 1. Cactuar (mostly because of elitism and lack of direct 1v1 play) 2 (umbreonmow) 3-10: WHO CARES.

I'm over apologists, who john before the match even starts, I'm over raging, I'm over the try-hard campers, I'm over anyone who doesn't play the damn game just to have fun.

This is basically whats going more and more wrong with Pittsburgh smash lately, and its becoming a toxic environment.


and no I'm not trolling because I don't go around expressing how I feel, then withdraw them behind the veil of internet trolling.

Obviously no one is perfect because I feel like expectations of others are getting higher. You don't HAVE to get along with anyone, the mature way to handle things is interact with that person if you have to, otherwise keep it to yourself no one likes to see 2 friends fighting and basically draw cracks in the group and force people to pick sides.


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2006
It's getting kind of ridiculous how far out of proportion this is being blown.

Re-read the post.

It's the kind of over-the-top and psuedo dramatic crap you'd see in fiction.

It's an elder god quote from world of warcraft.

It's a funny line posted from bash.org

I want you to give this article a good long read: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PoesLaw?from=Main.ptitlehkm94ato

Taki said:
and no I'm not trolling because I don't go around expressing how I feel, then withdraw them behind the veil of internet trolling.
The only thing said thus far that legitmately irritates me.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 15, 2009
Raging is really stupid, whiny, doesn't accomplish anything, and makes anyone look dumb.

If you really want to get better at the game, put your patient hat on and get the chip off your shoulder and try to figure things out instead of being aggravated. I know for myself, i play the game to relax, All of these ranking bull****ting is petty and has become irrelevant ever since most of Philly retired, so its basically now 1. Cactuar (mostly because of elitism and lack of direct 1v1 play) 2 (umbreonmow) 3-10: WHO CARES.

I'm over apologists, who john before the match even starts, I'm over raging, I'm over the try-hard campers, I'm over anyone who doesn't play the damn game just to have fun.

This is basically whats going more and more wrong with Pittsburgh smash lately, and its becoming a toxic environment.


and no I'm not trolling because I don't go around expressing how I feel, then withdraw them behind the veil of internet trolling.

Obviously no one is perfect because I feel like expectations of others are getting higher. You don't HAVE to get along with anyone, the mature way to handle things is interact with that person if you have to, otherwise keep it to yourself no one likes to see 2 friends fighting and basically draw cracks in the group and force people to pick sides.
real talk.


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2006
**** that ****!

What's the point in a hostile throwdown if not for the entertainment of others?

What would Russell Crowe have shouted if the stands had been empty?

He would have tuned in to an episode of jerry springer.


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2006
Now no one is sure who's doing the parodying and who's doing the actual raging......except for nick.

poe's law has been served.

The elder gods will feast well tonight.

PGH Carroll

Smash Master
Feb 6, 2010
Pittsburgh, PA aka #TipperCity
im finally at that point where i beat everybody im supposed to.
and i bring it close but still lose to the people better then me.

I cant even remember the last time I "RAGED"

I remember saying F CK after blowing a lead in tourney on naka at cmu.

other then that nothing really comes to mind.

nothing i did makes what pat said okay. he had a ****ty day at work and decided the express him self. and take it out on me.

i on the other hand function differently. i dont hide my feelings or emotions. i say what i feel. if its to much to handle. thats whatever.

as for the pr i dont care about opinions because im right where i feel i should be. and if i want higher ill go beat more people. the elo is the only accurate way to do it. facts>opinions

is it so wrong to strive to be the best you can be?

ambix welcome to my ignore list.


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2006
im finally at that point where i beat everybody im supposed to.
and i bring it close but still lose to the people better then me.

I cant even remember the last time I "RAGED"

I remember saying F CK after blowing a lead in tourney on naka at cmu.

other then that nothing really comes to mind.

nothing i did makes what pat said okay. he had a ****ty day at work and decided the express him self. and take it out on me.

i on the other hand function differently. i dont hide my feelings or emotions. i say what i feel. if its to much to handle. thats whatever.

as for the pr i dont care about opinions because im right where i feel i should be. and if i want higher ill go beat more people. the elo is the only accurate way to do it. facts>opinions

is it so wrong to strive to be the best you can be?

ambix welcome to my ignore list.
Yes, yes.

The only real question left is "was taki being serious or not?".

This is an intriguing puzzle.
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