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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
I will be looking forward to it.

My tournament singles experience at ROM was gay as hell. TecZero in pools, then first round singles TecZero again. And because it was 7pm i had to leave because the TO was lazy and **** didn't even get started until 3. : /

Part of the reason I had no desire to go to RoM this year, things are run pretty poorly in terms of time. People really don't appreciate how far people drive to get there and how many people have things they must do on Monday. If you can't finish the tournament before like 12am Monday, then make it three days so people can plan accordingly. There is no reason for a tournament with 110 people to finish that late, and the only reason it did is because, like you said, nothing started at the promised time. Don't pretend things are going to be run on a specific time table, then say screw it because a couple people are late. It's not fair to everyone who made an effort to be there on time.

Regardless, props and thank you to people to run these tournaments because its a huge endeavor.


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
--I wanted to leave at 5, but i waited till 7 and when i had said it's time to go tecZero came to me and said that we have to play our match. I left shortly after because i had class the next day. : ( Only got 1 match in bracket.

Todd Bonney

Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2005
Chris has the smoothest ganon^
Like I've ever seen.

The dude wavelands like a boss.

To great effect.

Except for those times he air dodges and dies. :urg:

Lake post of the love.

Except the Lake doesn't use emoticons.

Like a boss.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
i missed so many reverse ledgedashes. on the flipside, i got so many reverse ledgedash fair, and ledgehop runoff bairs, it was ridiculous. people seem to have no idea about ganon's truest ledge options LOL.

yeah, i had class today too. missed my physics and my history. got back just in time for my physics lab (started at 2). built a magnetic motor. still haven't slept since...saturday night. except some of the car ride, i guess.


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2011
Pittsburgh, PA
Me and Jacob got to my house at like 2 And played till 7am... Lol

And I was sleeping on the couch and had to get up at 7:30 for work.
I hate you guys. <3

For real though, would have loved to come hang out for RoM but money issues, etc., you all know the drill. HOPE4 is gonna be off the chain. If my pool is skill-level-wise anything where it was at HOPE3, I will for sure be seeing you guys in brackets. I can't wait.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
maaaaaan next time we're at the same place, i'm not letting you not play me boy. i felt like i played like 5 different sheiks but none of them were yours.




Smash Apprentice
Sep 29, 2011
Hey guys, I'm new to the scene but I'll start coming to Duquesne next week. I actually went last week but I guess all of you left for thanksgiving/RoM already because it was empty lol. I was wondering if any of you are going to APEX, my friend and I are still figuring out housing but we're going to try and go.

Also looks like you guys really represented at RoM, nice job.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
Hey guys, I'm new to the scene but I'll start coming to Duquesne next week. I actually went last week but I guess all of you left for thanksgiving/RoM already because it was empty lol. I was wondering if any of you are going to APEX, my friend and I are still figuring out housing but we're going to try and go.

Also looks like you guys really represented at RoM, nice job.
Yeah we won't be back at Duquesne until December 2nd just a FYI.

Todd Bonney

Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2005
btw I may have said this before, but seriously, buy this game right nao. http://store.steampowered.com/app/65800/
Carroll give me that picture
If you click that link again, you will find it's now 50% off. It's worth the full price. If you enjoy Tower Defense or RPGs you'll love it. They release new free stuff all the time (like a Thanksgiving challenge with boss today).

Nakamaru, did you play Dark Souls? How is it, and how does it compare to Demons' Souls?

Did SilentSwag really get 9th? What the Girl? Good stuff, mah doo. I wish I could win at things. :(


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
Nakamaru, did you play Dark Souls? How is it, and how does it compare to Demons' Souls?
Dark Souls is awesome. If you liked Demon's Souls and wished for more armor and weapons it delivers. It also has a better story though you kinda have to fish around for it. There are tons and TONS of stuff to do in the game. Plenty of replay value. The added covenants system makes exploring very interesting. And the open world just makes you feel so free. Almost too free at times because you'll wander into an area with monsters that will tear you face of just by blinking at you.

my review for a more detailed explination of the game.

Todd Bonney

Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2005
Cool. I never played Demons Souls, as I just have 360 and PC. I'm interested in this now that it's available to me. I'll be busy playing Skyrim for the next 3 months or so, but I'll be playing that eventually. Maybe if I can get a good deal tomorrow I'll go ahead and get it.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2010
South Park
Early one morning in a place with much joy, had an explorer that loved the color green. He was an amazing talented man who never had social relationships with anyone out of the place that was known. The explorer was one who has founded many lands and places of vast environments. One of which was the place where he lived named Voduria. When Voduria was discovered the place was very unique. Animals that couldn’t be tamed and weather that was unbearably hot was what was need fixed. Although there were many troubles for humans to live in such a place, the man who loved green was very motivated and loved the area. He trained the animals and controlled the heat with underground conditioning systems. When he finished what seemed extremely hard the man who loved green finally settled in. rumors say that it took the man several decades. When he opened the place, citizens crowed rapidly. The man decided to create 3 tests for the people who wanted to live. First test was to be able to dance. The man himself judged the many peoples skills. Second test was to be able to plant. The man had his own herb that he breaded and purified. Once the people understood the plant they needed to be able to produce it. And the last test was to be able to alter their evolution and breathe in water with gills. After that was finished the man took the green plants and put them in a deep pond until the water turned green. Once he finished, the people had to dance. The dance was simple and named planking. The people were told to repeat the dance for 13 years. The people trusted the man so much that they didn’t doubt the man. Suddenly on the 13th year the water rushed vertically in to the sky. The flow of the water was never ending and the sky turned into a deep green color. One of the men who’ve danced the plank decided to dive into it without instruction. The man who has loved green screamed in disapproval and suddenly the water stopped. The valley where voduria was placed flooded with the water. And the man who people called Ron was shown trembling on the ground. He healed suddenly after the water rushed into his wounds. Ron ruined the man who has loved green’s success. The man in undeniable rage killed Ron and escaped the water. The man then used his power to freeze what was now a lake. Now it was just the man who loved green. He looked up and noticed Ron. He has escaped the lake and had plenty of youth and power to destroy anting. He named himself air-Ron, or rather than Aaron. Aaron claimed the lake and was angry at the man. The man who loved green apologized to Aaron and begged for mercy. Aaron asked the man for his name. Then he said that his name was Lu. Aaron knew his power and forgave lu’s mistake. Lu then went on with his life and lived in another village and had a son with a beautiful women named giana. Lu called gina G for short. Lu named his son LU-we G, or rather than luigi. Luigi then went on with his life and discovered arron and they started playing a game named super smash brothers. They moved together in a place south of Aarons lake. The place was called buttler.

And that is how Jacob and aaron started playing smash


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
Without sharing too much in a public forum, let's just say my likelihood of attending Duquesne next year went up massively over the past week. Guess I'd better blow the dust off my Melee ATs... ;)


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
Butler PA
awww happy thanks giv....

err nvm

aww nice story swag very fetch

and alan your new picture is fetch too

<3 owls


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2008
Butler, PA
I love all you Pittsburgh peeps!!!!!!!! I got a date with the girl of my dreeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmssssss!!!!!!!!!! This is single-handedly the greatest day of my life!!!!!!!!!!

Da Shuffla

Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2008
I, unlike most of the world, have the "too long; must read" mentality.

Way to go, Jacob! *pumps fist in celebration*

The story was ALRIGHT.


Prepare for my return to Duq next week.

After 10,000 years.


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
its not really as dark as $14.99 a month...

Played through the HOW TO PLAY, its pretty cool, now that i have the basic game setup i need someone to run me through what to do.


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
www.solomid.net and www.leaguecraft.com have lots of awesome guides for a bunch of different champions/the game itself

Probably the most important skill that people tend to ignore when they first join is "last hitting". If you get the last hit on a minion (aka creep), you get gold for it. Getting gold is super important and is pretty much how you determine who's winning, so learning to last hit early will help you get better a lot faster
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