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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
Butler PA
"Words are proof

that hate can burn without touch

and that the vessels that carry them

are sure enough

denial of gods art

we walk in the arms of evil

and the devils laugh grows louder"

Let just laugh everyone :D


aww a kitty AND WEMP

its gonna be a good day


Smash Journeyman
Nov 15, 2009
Can't recall it
You're Funny.

'Nother note, Matt Gould. Play Asia pulled the "we're getting more of them, wait 4 billion years" thing, but I have the receipt. They will arrive in a time.

REALLY considering a video capture recorder thing. However, my budget tells me otherwise (1.5 K due for next semester's tuition >.<)




Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
You're Funny.

'Nother note, Matt Gould. Play Asia pulled the "we're getting more of them, wait 4 billion years" thing, but I have the receipt. They will arrive in a time.

REALLY considering a video capture recorder thing. However, my budget tells me otherwise (1.5 K due for next semester's tuition >.<)


Tell me the software you want and I can get it for you. I believe I might have capture equipment.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
Butler PA
paranormal activity 2 - 8.2 out of 10 for scare

amnesia - 9.6 out of 10....


videogames are the future gentlmen

(and alan <3)


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
I had nightmares thanks to that game. All of which involved me staring at a wall in pitch black to scared to turn and see what was making this awful breathing noise. >.<

Can't wait till be beat that game.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
Grammar Nazi is particularly appropriate given the fact that my above correction has the metaphorical significance to the person it was directed towards of shoving them into an oven.

Plus, I've heard him go by the name HEIMEEL.


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
F**K! I forgot to grab your copy of melee on friday matt. I completely forgot and i just now remembered.

Thomas can you check and see if they have an extra game and memory card at the nitespot? If not i owe you a new game and card matt. >.<

I am so freaking sorry.


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
grammar nazi is particularly appropriate given the fact that my above correction has the metaphorical significance to the person it was directed towards of shoving them into an oven.

Plus, i've heard him go by the name heimeel.
use normal words you pretentious piece of ****


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2006
F**K! I forgot to grab your copy of melee on friday matt. I completely forgot and i just now remembered.

Thomas can you check and see if they have an extra game and memory card at the nitespot? If not i owe you a new game and card matt. >.<

I am so freaking sorry.
We took care of it.



Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
When I first read that Naka forgot my game I was like "Oh well". Word that other peeps got it though.

As for Alan, the Grammar Gestapo, I still hardly consider correcting my grammar on the internet an insult. Especially when I posted that from my cellphone in class, so chastise me for mis-typing those words, good on you. Allow me to interject now my thoughts on grammar:

I only follow the rules of grammar because I am forced to by mainstream writing and society. Any shadow of grammar that remains in my casual prose is merely a product of it being so instilled in my brain, and also the premise that I never want to fall out of practice, as it will be continually required of me for the remainder of my life. So for you to perpetually correct my grammar is a waste of your time and resources.

But if that is how you would choose to spend your time, so be it. I maintain that I could careless.

And yes I realize that by granting his trolling a response I am in fact feeding into it, and showing that I do "care" by some definition of the word, but note that this will be last time I even acknowledge that he has done anything of the sort. I merely want to set the record straight.

Edit: I am compelled to share this with you all.

So I am sitting in my living room on my computer when my two roommates walk in. They both make remarks about how they received letters about overdrawing their bank accounts, or something along those lines. Which immediately transitions into the complaining about the Shadow Government monitoring their computers and bank accounts, which is hilarious in it's own regard because they both make less than $14,000 a year, don't go to college, play in a band that they are convinced is getting signed, and indulge in what may or may not be considered substances of the illegal variety. At which point I interjected about how senseless that is, to which they responded with an inquisition of whether or not I know where 35% of my annual pay goes. I was willing to allow that gross overestimate to indulge them, and simply responded, "to the government". They scoffed arrogantly, and said do you know what the government does with that money. To which I responded that I could not care less, as I am living in one of the best countries in the world, so whatever they are doing they could keep it up.
They laughed at me and made the statement that when I graduate and get a job in 2 years (I'm not sure if they both forgot that I graduate this year, and thus will have a job by next fall...but they know about the Shadow Government, so **** my logic) that I can be happy that I am still losing a third of my pay, and that the government can take that all away at anytime. I laughed and brushed it off attempting to end the violent attack on my brain by the cess that was being spewed unto me. At which point my one roommate stated then when I lose everything after I graduate college (lol, irony, lol) to remember his number because he got my back, right before he stepped outside to smoke a cigarette, which is something I continue to find painfully ironic seeing as he wholeheartedly believes in a Shadow Government, yet he continues to throw his money to what might actually be the most sadistic industry know to man. An industry, that if there in fact existed a Shadow Government, would be at the head of everyone of their meetings about evil global finance and crazed population control, yet they feed right into it.
Shortly after they went outside, my girlfriend who must have been eavesdropping the whole conversation came downstairs and asked me what that was all about. I briefly explained the concept of the Shadow Government, to which replied, "So I'm going to College for nothing?". I laughed, then she said, "Don't laugh. It's people like him that end up billionaires." and walked away.

Welcome to my everyday life, where I am reminded two things on a daily basis:

1) There is in fact no limit to how senseless and illogical people can be.

2) Drugs have numerous adverse effects on a person's brain, all of which continually enhance the former statement.

I am considering a third, which would be something like reminding me on the day to day why I am in college.

I hope you enjoyed this.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
tl;dr .

EDIT: So after in fact reading it I learned that the gigantic paragraphs weren't devoted to me. <3

I can answer your plight only in the words of George Carlin:

"Anyone who views life as anything other than entertainment is clearly missing the point."


Smash Journeyman
Nov 15, 2009
Well Matthew, seeing as I have recently indulged in the motion picture "The Big Lebowski" (as some of you recall my quoting it last Friday) I can only reply to your situation with these appropriate words:

"**** it man, let's go bowlin'"

...The Dude abides.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Well Matthew, seeing as I have recently indulged in the motion picture "The Big Lebowski" (as some of you recall my quoting it last Friday) I can only reply to your situation with these appropriate words:

"**** it man, let's go bowlin'"

...The Dude abides.
A few years too late to hop on that train, Tom.
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