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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
People need to abandon the archaic "Shadow Government" conspiracy theories and realize that our culture has already evolved to committing all of the same crimes openly.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
What are you majoring in, Matt?
Secondary Education, with my focus being in Mathematics...which transitions perfectly into Wesley's comment....

Matt, I can't stand to be around people like your roommates for more than like, 5 minutes, tops. No idea how you can routinely deal with **** like that.
I've done around 200 hours of teaching observations in city schools, its a wonder what that will do for your patience for the average person or idiot. Yet I still struggle to tolerate Alan at times....strange.

People need to abandon the archaic "Shadow Government" conspiracy theories and realize that our culture has already evolved to committing all of the same crimes openly.
I agree, its kinda sad when the conspiracy theorist are still coming up with contrived ideas while the government openly monitors anyone's life whom they deem a security "risk". I would not be surprised to find out Taki has a GPS tracking chip implanted in him merely because of his heritage. It seems though the only people who have a problem with this type of "big brother" monitoring are people who are doing illegal stuff. I could careless if the government watched my every move. It'd actually be a rather mundane catalog of me playing video games, surfing the internet, and once a week pirating the new episode of Dexter online, which can hardly be considered a crime anymore with how much they charge for Showtime.

/2nd rant.

On a different note would anyone like to Smash tomorrow around 6, that's when I get out of class :D. 4126514361 in case someone didn't get it the first time.

Edit: Almost forgot to share this. This is from my favorite web comic that updates daily, this was today's update:

Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

I find it to be a rather timely update considering yesterday's rant.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
I agree, its kinda sad when the conspiracy theorist are still coming up with contrived ideas while the government openly monitors anyone's life whom they deem a security "risk". I would not be surprised to find out Taki has a GPS tracking chip implanted in him merely because of his heritage. It seems though the only people who have a problem with this type of "big brother" monitoring are people who are doing illegal stuff. I could careless if the government watched my every move. It'd actually be a rather mundane catalog of me playing video games, surfing the internet, and once a week pirating the new episode of Dexter online, which can hardly be considered a crime anymore with how much they charge for Showtime.
After reading this several times I can only infer that you believe the complaints, activisms, and doubts against the government to be childish and beneath your interests because the crimes they accuse the government of committing are not relevant to your life, or at least, not yet.

Which is terribly similiar to the mentality that much of the male white American population had towards the Civil Rights Movement and the Suffrage Movement, among countless other cultural upheavals throughout history in which clearly corrupt powers b@stardized reasonable people or actions, and hordes of citizens merely idlely sat by as passive-enablers.

If you want to dismiss people's complaints about the way their society operates because you feel that you're sitting pretty and don't give a hoot, then do so. But you can never assume to know how all people feel or are treated, so don't make a moral highground out of merely championing what's good for you.

...and, if I'm to interject with some of my personal beliefs, don't be so willing to believe that what's good for you will always remain.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 15, 2009
@ Chef John

Oh believe me I've been on the wagon since it's release... my father was not the best role model o.o I am simply revisiting.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
I can't recall (See: Lazy) but I think more than half of my posts have been something related to you being quiet for the sake of our sanity.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 15, 2009
Soooooo I had this irresistable spark of inspiritation to catch 'em all, only to find that my Pokemon blue was broken :[ anyone know of any good gameboy emulators?

PGH Carroll

Smash Master
Feb 6, 2010
Pittsburgh, PA aka #TipperCity
Soooooo I had this irresistable spark of inspiritation to catch 'em all, only to find that my Pokemon blue was broken :[ anyone know of any good gameboy emulators?
this happened to me this year. i was all like.. you know what? im catching them all!
busted out my old gold version, and 241 pokmon later my game gets erased :glare:
i sware if you get anywhere close to catching them all and you leave your gamebooy for a day or two it will erase..

Just a warning.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
Soooooo I had this irresistable spark of inspiritation to catch 'em all, only to find that my Pokemon blue was broken :[ anyone know of any good gameboy emulators?
I have a functioning gameboy + pokemon blue with no intention of ever using them again.

And you don't even have to beat my @$$ to get them. :D


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
Then put me on ignore, because I can tell you now that I've hardly any sympathy. <3
Alan just wants to feed his E-peen for post count and some resemblance of self confidence. He likes to talk because he thinks people are actually listening. Sounds a lot like someone else that used to post here. History really does repeat itself.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
Alan just wants to feed his E-peen for post count and some resemblance of self confidence. He likes to talk because he thinks people are actually listening. Sounds a lot like someone else that used to post here. History really does repeat itself.
I've garnered an awfully great degree of hate for changing absolutely nothing about my posting methods.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
A perfect example. Why that offends you I have no idea. It was a comical nod towards the odassity of your own self-quoting, embracing the very humor behind you using it.


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
A perfect example. Why that offends you I have no idea. It was a comical nod towards the odassity of your own self-quoting, embracing the very humor behind you using it.
It is a direct shot at me. Take it down or i'll be taking you down next time i see you. You're being such a ****ing jack *** lately and refuse to believe that you can possibly piss anyone off. Get off your god **** high horse and learn some ****ing humility you *******.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
It is a direct shot at me. Take it down or i'll be taking you down next time i see you. You're being such a ****ing jack *** lately and refuse to believe that you can possibly piss anyone off. Get off your god **** high horse and learn some ****ing humility you *******.
I haven't been a ******* lately, I've been the same ******* I've always been.

Why people, especially the likes of you whom I've been playing with for 5 years now, are suddenly taking me seriously is what I don't get.

My sig was not a shot at you -- quite oppositely, it was a playful spin-off of what I thought to be a funny sig idea, poking fun at the creator while hypocritically doing the same thing -- hardly something to be taken seriously.

This sudden rage towards my posting / speech seems to coincide with me and Matt (RSG) sparring. Our arguments are entirely jokes -- we do it for fun, I thought everybody knew this. I am not attacking or belittling anyone on these boards or in person with any actual meaning. Even when I'm fiercely debating something, I'm doing it because I like the debate, not to assert my will over anybody. This has never changed.

I'm sorry if this has come off the wrong way to anybody, but I have voiced this before, and if I'm going to be told that my way of speech, which has never changed, is suddenly offense, unfortunately that's not a good enough reason for me to care.


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
It ****ing offended me. That should me more than enough of a reason to take it down you idiot. Regardless of your reasons it is still a ****ing shot at me. It is making fun of me going, "hey! Look at what this pretentious idiot is did!" pointing the finger Directly at me.

So take it down. You know the rest.

I don't give a **** if you have "nothing better" to put in your sig. ****ing come up with something you lazy *** or just don't have a ****ing sig.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 15, 2009
:[ Too much hate going around lately. Really. Kiss and make up or something, cuz I'm feeling less and less motivated to come play with ya'll if we're just gonna be arguing with eachother, or break into a fight or whatever. Certainly not the evening I want to have while welcoming Rob back to the states. So uh, can we be chill for Friday? I've no idea if it is out of my place to ask such an agreement between parties, but I just wanna have fun playin some smash bros.

Take it easy gents

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