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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
Man I wish I had the internet so I didn't have so much catching up to do when I got on here. Bleh!
Trust me, 99.99% (that's repeating, of course) of what you're missing by not having the internet truly isn't worth feeling like you've missed it.

^ Does that clause make sense? Been staring at it for 20 minutes now.


Sad was the day in Pittsburgh Smash's history when my success rate for respawn-sidesmashes dipped below 90%.

Never forget.


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
Never forget.

Never. Also nice Leroy reference, if it was supposed to be one :laugh:

So is anyone picking up M2K or not? Also I got 2 new players who wanna come but they'll be coming later (they have school) and dunno if they're gonna actually enter the tourney, lol.


Smash Lord
Mar 6, 2007
Did you know that Kate Beckinsale attended Oxford and that Natalie Portman has a degree from Harvard?



aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
Dear Alan:

I was inspired by your writing so I decided to try a piece of my own. It's historical fiction.

A child was born to a pair of loving parents.

Both parents were successful. The father was a widely recognized Falco main. The mother, a Fox main.

They raised their child to be more successful than they were, as any good parents would do. From a young age they sent him to the best Smash school, setting him on his path as a future spacies main.

He excelled in comparison to his class. He was top notch. He attained every honor and award available. He the highest score in every class. He was perfect.

For his 16th birthday, his parents gave him the best gift they could: a brand new, high-end controller.

It was perfect. The sticks reacted to every input he gave them. None of the buttons had any stick to them. The controller felt less like an accessory and more like an extension of his own body.

It was so good, he could not stand it.

The boy was hiding something from his parents. Something he was ashamed of. However, he knew it was time to come out of the closet.

"Mother... Father..."

"Yes, dear?"

"I... I'm a Marth main."

"What?!" his father boomed. "No child of mine will be a Marth main. This is ridiculous. Who is giving you these terrible ideas? It's that stupid hippie teacher of yours isn't it?"

The mother began to cry. "A Marth main? It makes no sense... we raised him the right way... we did everything right... why would he choose to be a Marth main?"

"Mother! It's not a choice, it's something you're born with. I didn't want to main Marth... it just, it's just so much more... right."

"How can you say that?! Everyone will make fun of you for maining Marth. You'll never get a doubles partner. You'll never be successful. You--- you aren't my son."

"Father... if you truly mean that, then I'm afraid I must leave. I hope you will one day come to understand."

The father just looked at him. He reached out his hand, and the boy knew what he wanted. He handed over the controller.

The father smashed it into the ground.

The boy left, and didn't look back. He trained heavily to support himself in this new world he found himself in.

And thus, Mew2King was born.

...I'm so bored.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2008
Butler, PA
Logan. . . . . . that idea is so unbelievably classic, that I'm actually going to steal it, and make a flash for it.
The story itself is just impressive in and out of context. Bravo Logan, bravo. It was hilarious to boot.

Alan, your last poem was insightful as well.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
Logan. . . . . . that idea is so unbelievably classic, that I'm actually going to steal it, and make a flash for it.
The story itself is just impressive in and out of context. Bravo Logan, bravo. It was hilarious to boot.

Alan, your last poem was insightful as well.

You going to Duq today?


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
Logan. . . . . . that idea is so unbelievably classic, that I'm actually going to steal it, and make a flash for it.
The story itself is just impressive in and out of context. Bravo Logan, bravo. It was hilarious to boot.

Alan, your last poem was insightful as well.
You make flash videos? :O Also, thanks XD was just really bored

New sig .

If it decides to show up, of course.

It was you who inspired me.


Smash Lord
Mar 6, 2007
Taki, I could have been there already, but you didn't let me know when you were coming...

I'll be there at 2:00.


Mote Of Dust
Oct 9, 2008
since everyone else is sharing their writings i shall do the same

The state, the church, the child, the man and his wife
Your garish and bloody morals to make truth out of lies
A lovely little joke wrapped in the grey puke crucifix
To twist and turn and knot and ****, the race has been fixed.

Hello little lass, how well have you been taught?
mutilated to show some class and no signs of showing thought.
The mask almost hides her insufferable sexist self
She's bought paper thin woman power straight from the man's shelf
smooth, burned legs with powdered tampered flesh
if you want that little ring, you have got to do your best
Owned, cherished, never give another a glance
But the question of the hour, is how well can you dance?

Hello little brother, how well have you been taught?
That cheatings just dandy, so long you don't get caught!
Undress the wench with your dank and tactile eyes
Back from the battle field, it's time to claim your prize
Beatin into the system to be another mindless violent MAN
break your back for 50 years just to pay the retirement plan
work work work, just to put food into mouth
work work work, free market, ain't it swell

normal life is like a dictionary where mediocrity means the best,
no love is "tough love" and a speaking child's a pest
We've only got a blip of time, we're the lemmings, there's the cliff.
You can jump down to your mercedes sedative, i'll stay playing in my piss

I've only this piece of advice, i'll tell you how it was told to me
"You see my son, the best slaves think they're free"


on another note, i did get today off, i don't know however if I am going to duq, or meeting people tomorrow to play, so if someone could sort something out, lol


Smash Lord
Mar 6, 2007
Free tournament results... I believe we had 15 entrants.

1. TheLake
2. D20
3. Takieddine

Since TheLake beat both myself and Taki... we decided to give first to him (even though he wasn't there to play the Grand Finals set).

GGs to everyone! Evan, you should come more often.


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
we do more tournaments like that i'll be sure to run them. That was one smooth tournament if i do say so myself. ^.^

and i'll actually participate next time. o.o


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
@ Nakamaru

Things came up and I'm going to team with Blade of Apollo at pound 4 if you don't want to bother registering for doubles at pound. We've been practicing together as a team and it's going very well. I hope thats cool :)


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
not TSK
Can we actually do a $1 tourney next time?


...as long as it's in guitar hero/rock band http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXxQIgBTX04&feature=related

Just when I start playing and getting decent at drums my red pad breaks :( but I proceeded to remove 5000 screws from the kit to fix it and then somehow beat
ride the lightning
and justice for all
blackened and
in order ...so yeah I now play guitar and drums and yall suck for not playing :(

on a more smash related note, combos are cool http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yp_Y_1Dv2YY


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong

...as long as it's in guitar hero/rock band http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXxQIgBTX04&feature=related

Just when I start playing and getting decent at drums my red pad breaks :( but I proceeded to remove 5000 screws from the kit to fix it and then somehow beat
ride the lightning
and justice for all
blackened and
in order ...so yeah I now play guitar and drums and yall suck for not playing :(
FC Tangled Up in Blue on Vocals, then we'll talk!


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2006
Speaking of, ROM is in 2 weeks.

Since writing is all that seems to generate hype around here:

Nervous. If only that could describe it. Every word seemed to echo off the empty halls of my brain as if I had retreated to to the state of bliss one feels when lost in the perfect song. I laughed at the irony. There was no way my brain could be empty with all of these thoughts racing around in it. Every inkling of excitement, fear and anticipation converted itself to another shot of adrenaline into the bloodstream, which somehow only really manage to increase the floods of sweat already flowing from my hands. "Use it," I silently muttered to myself. I tried to straighten my posture. No going back now.

The cacophony around me would normally not have helped, but it seamlessly fit the moment, kind of like how the chirping of crickets at night seems like your very own string orchestra giving a private concert. What should I do? The light in front of me should have focused my thoughts. It didn't. Time was running out, whether I liked it or not. I plunged forward. 3, 2, 1... Go! It's dinner time! Tonight's special: his fox, my ganon.

Get hyped!
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