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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
Butler PA
Failed to see les meis in pittsburgh

I fail

In more exciting news smashtastrophe 3 is on the horizon blokes!

Engel, D20, Xyt, taki, ladies, and crew outside bulter



Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
Butler PA
matt went, along with Mow *sigh*

and this gal i know went (AS ONE OF THE KYOSHI WARRIORS FROM AVATAR!!! *DROOLS*)

Ive heard great things

theres a beach i hear

thats....pretty **** epic O_O

Next year though tim

You and me


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
I have watched The Lion King about twice a day, every day, for the last week now.

Ess tee vee for pee vee pee

Smashtastrophe3 ZOMG! Still would like an attendance check on who is coming to this. =O

And there was much rejoicing.




Smash Lord
Mar 6, 2007
Haha! That's my new guild. Pittsburgh's guild recently broke up actually... tragic story.

Anyhow, I started getting into StarCraft. I don't plan on playing competitively at the moment, but I'd like to follow the community and stuff. In my opinion, the game translates really well to video. I love watching the professionals play.

Mogwai, do you have any suggestions for matches to watch? Or maybe an advanced how-to-play video? Thanks.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to

advanced play wiki:


For videos that are good to learn the game, you could try checking out Combat-Ex's stuff on youtube. The guy's sorta a prick and has been exposed as not nearly as good as he likes to pretend he is, but a lot of people swear by his vids as good learning materials.

If you need English Commentary, the list of good videos is pretty limited as it's just the GOM stuff really (I can't stand the independent commentary out there honestly):
And the players don't take that tourney as seriously as MSL/OSL/SPL which pretty much only have Korean Commentary (which honestly is perfectly fine so long as you have an idea of the concepts of high level play, I actually prefer Korean commentary at this time cause they get so hype). This is the best collection of VODs (though it's pretty much all Korean Commentary) for the biggest Korean Proleagues:

Flash vs. July game 2 was good on GOM and pretty much all of the Quarterfinals between CJ Entus vs. Samsung KHAN was entertaining (every game from 7-25 to 7-26 on tlpd) for recent entertaining games.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
So, uh, I had an entirely lame chain of unfortunate occurances utterly destroy any hopes I had of enjoying the past weekend.

Hopefully I'll be able to smash some coming weekend... =(


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
Only offering a spammy, self-degrading story because I was asked to and I feel like I'd be betraying my friends in Butler if I were to not give them an explanation for my attendance. Bear with my wall of text:

-I turned down Jacob's offer to pick me up Thursday night because I was smashing with 4 local buddies of mine that decided to get back into the game and were going to attend with me the next day, as a crew.

-I couldn't sleep (excitement johns!) so I just waited 'til 10am when we had planned to leave for the tournament, but absolutely nobody showed up to my house, nor answered any of my calls.

-After trying for about 2 hours to get a hold of the 4 people who no more than half a day ago were hyped over going to this tournament, I decided to crash for a few hours to get some sleep before eventually (or so I planned) heading to Jacob's place.

-Upon waking, I realized I got precisely one text from Matt asking when I'm gonna be there. I attempted to call him back, which went unanswered, and so just left him a text explaining that I was completely clueless as to what happened to my ride and have no means of getting there anymore. This also went unanswered.

-Over the next couple hours, still trying to make sense of why everything had gone wrong, I magically got in contact with my friends, after the tournament was already underway, who only then informed me of their extended shifts at work / sudden commitments to visit family / abrupt disinterest in attending anymore / etc.

-Already becoming completely fed up and frustrated with having wasted the whole day accomplishing nothing due to my 'friends' completely changing their minds without warning (and waiting til after I had already missed the tournament before actually giving me any notice) I was half-intent on just getting some much-needed sleep and bugging somebody up there for a ride the next day; however, my dad generously offered to bring me THAT NIGHT, and at about 8:30 I sent a text to Jacob telling him I'd be there within the hour.

-I arrived at Jacob's house around 9pm to find the place absolutely dead, nobody anywhere to be found, and lest I just be sitting around alone with my thumb up my *** for untold hours waiting for somebody to show, I tried calling Jacob 3 or 4 times (and also texted Matt / Chris at least once each) but got no response. Being completely fed up with the headache that the whole day had been, ultimately to no avail, and having no clue as to where anybody was or for how long (theme of the day: because nobody can answer their phone) I simply went back home to try to get some actual rest.

-I woke up at about 4pm the next day. Having hugely overslept, I checked my phone to see any questions as to my attendance / offers of rides that I had assuredly missed. To my surprise, nobody had even bothered to ask (let alone belatedly answer any of my texts from the day before) and so I just tried calling Jacob once more to see if there was any chance of a ride, and, given the amount of input I had received regarding this whole event, if anything was even still going down. Unsurprisingly, I got no answer, ever.

-I ended up being awake all night again as my sleep schedule was utterly ****ed up again at this point, and by the dawning of the next day I still hadn't heard any response from any of the people I had repeatedly called / texted, my "friends" still ceased to provide any proof of their corporeal existence, and I was simply too fatigued / frustrated to put forth any effort to show up for what was left of the one remaining day: a day which, again, I hadn't the faintest clue as to whether or not anything was even happening on and was getting no answers when I tried to find out.

Yes, it is highly eluding as to how I could miss a 3-day event occuring no more than 20 minutes from my own home, but the betrayal of my own friends, my over-confidence in their proper placement of priorities, and a completely inexplicable loss of any communication between myself and all of Butler managed to make me do just that. Spamming boards with HEY WTF PICK ME UP posts didn't seem like a desireable or even necessary approach, as all could have been explained and plans made if a single person had bothered to actually speak to me after any one of my many calls. I don't know what the deal was on anybody else's front in regards to communication, but my ties seemingly got severed out of nowhere, and it cost me the tournament, my one successful ride to get me there, and any hopes or ambitions I had of making the effort the following days.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
Butler PA
We smashed well on till 6:00 am

I smell mega johns

Who did you call?

Everyone check your phone logs

IF you were at jacobs why didnt you call us then to see where we were? You know better than anyone that butler smashes till the night is naught!

But all in all i blame your friends.

All of them

Butler still hearts you alan

Hold a smashfest in honor of your father and forest witaker (great actor)

Redemption is at hand (:


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2008
Butler, PA
Alan, I called you like 4 times and you never answered, the smashfest was in the office building (not in my house) but there were signs everywhere telling people where to go, and the thing lasted till well after midnight, if you stood in my driveway you could have easily heard the noise, cause the door was open to the building, I don't blame you but you should have just came on Thursday when we asked, cause if you were worried about rest you could have gotten some at my place, because we all slept there on Thursday night.

Your Hampton friends can blow me, cause they suk somthin fierce.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
"Spamming boards with HEY WTF PICK ME UP posts didn't seem like a desireable or even necessary approach, as all could" You should have spammed the boards. SPAMMED THEM.

I am now convinced your phone service is terrible beyond belief. I recieved no calls (if you called me) and it brings up to mind whenever you tried to text me for WoW related purposes. I always got the texts much longer after you actually send them, and I have no trouble in that regards from anyone but you.

I usually check the boards at least five times a day, so I would've gladly come to pick you up if I would've spotted the message.

I'm not sure but did you realize that we were smashing in Jacob's Office/Garage thing and not his house? We could've all been in the garage without you knowing, merely steps away. That's all I could think of, besides us all being on a massive Sheetz run.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
As I discerned from talking to Chris over the last few days, I wasn't aware that you guys were smashing in a side building, and I did stand in the driveway and did call repeatedly, but I neither heard a peep nor got a reply. Also, I guess I should feel like an idiot for missing all of these apparent ****loads of signs, but it was pitch black and I wasn't necessarily looking for them. As such, I just assumed that you big 'ol party animals had just hit the town and couldn't hear your phones.

Yes, it is becoming increasingly apparent that my phone service sucks more balls than Falco's recovery.

And yeah, my friends suck.

That sloth does look really silly.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
Butler PA

the only way we can settle this is oweing each other 10 x as much money betted on

or in this case roy dittos allll niiiight

except takis gal of course may she live forever
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