I've got 2 really good/but hard suggestions.
1) Change our format of tournes/smashfests. Something the Koreans do for SC2 is occasionnaly play an actual tourne format match. Instead, they truly spar or do drills. Drills would involve literally doing drills, like football/soccer practice. In Brawl's case, spot dodging, power shielding, DIing, "combos", other advance techs. More advance drills would be situational, like 100% battles, or stage specific (like tech recovering on ledges on cruise to survive an up tilt at 100+.). Sparring is never like a tourn format. Anyone who has stayed with M2K or vice versa, has seen his 50 stock sparring.
Point is, when I go to a smashfest, we do nothing but play tourne format (or Brawl-/FFAs). Normally we don't do these at tournes, due to Smash's main focus to go to tourne is to play new people, not drill. However... I'd be willing to change that or at least help with suggestion 2.
2) Create a Smash version of "Ranbats", something the SRK ohio scene does. Ranbats is "kinda" like a circuit, however the entry is only 2 bucks. That money is put into a pot that is collected over the course of the season. The last ranbats is when the pot is finally divided. Originally, I thought this was an alt to tournes because of the lack of tournes in the SRK scene. However, when described to me, it feels more like a "Dojo Smashfest" or Academy. Players from Dayton, C-bus, KY, IN, and sometimes even Cleveland will travel to cinci for these. What we could do as a scene, is rotate each spot in ohio with a Brawl/Melee scene. (So, Cinci, Cbus, Cleve, Toldedo, Athens). This can only work if 90% of each area is willing to attend. I say Ohio because, Ohio has the most consistent TOs that can get out of state players to come. This can expand eventually.
Overall I say, less tourne format at smashfests/locals, MORE emphasis on improving our games.
As for travel, the ones that are able to travel have been traveling. Cbus doesn't have travelers. NEOH has a ton (which is why they go to MI events). Cinci does to a degree, but MI is too far. The other sad truth, is the ones who do the most traveling are the ones that come back with money. While this might not be the main focus, it certainly is a reason why NEOH/MI would NOT go to a cinci smashfest every month and vice versa.
And as for the whole history of our regions/melee... this ain't 2008, or 2009, or 2010. It's 2011, clearly what we did back then and now isn't working so drastic (and very difficult) change is needed if we want the scene to come out on top.