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The Official Krystal Thread ;)

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Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2007
Spear Pillar
I'm thinking that Sakurai may only have one more character update and that it should fill up the last row on the newcomer page. Maybe he's gonna keep her as an unlockable, an assist trophy, or worse, a character in a cinematic.
I think he's laying off the awesome a bit for now and the last couple of weeks will blow our minds.
I noticed that too. 12 veterans confirmed, 11 newcomers. One more would make it a nice, round, even 24. But I wouldn't worry, even if we do get more character confirmations than that, I'm sure Sakurai will still have plenty up his sleeve for the last couple weeks.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 28, 2005
But I wouldn't worry, even if we do get more character confirmations than that, I'm sure Sakurai will still have plenty up his sleeve for the last couple weeks.
Like the amazing fact that items can be turned on or off? Hell, seeing as how useless the recent updates have been I wouldn't be surprised if we got an entire update devoted to letting us know you can still tilt the menu screens with the c-stick.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
there will be many tears if that's the case...

so many people had hoped that the pause button would be a playabe chracter, but usinghim like this pretty solidly deconfirms him.

I hope that sakuai can still sell brawl after this blasphemy


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
R.M.B. were else?
pauseing brawl FTL!
I hate that button, IDC if it is useful every once in a while!
whenever I play my brother(or most of my freinds) they pause at every one of thier attacks to look at how "cool" or "awsome" it was!
I want it taken out!

jk but it does get realy annoying after it takes 2 hours to do a 7 stock match....


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2007
Pause already introduced with the "Taking Snapshots" update. It will probably be something else lame, hopefully it will be something good :urg:


Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2007
Smryna, TN
lol we should get a pause support sig pic! lol yeah that does get annoying when people pause the game every 3 sec. to look at themselves!


Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2007
Smryna, TN
what? you can do that! awsome. lol

hey look at this it is me! im metioned on that part of google!!!! lol (you have to go down to where the smashboards link is)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2007
wow, today's update made yesterday's update seem a bit better. Sakurai just explained Meta Knight's moves again even though he already talked about them in an earlier update.

there was also a music update, but no one cares about that.....

worse thing is, I'm feeling that we may not get a character update this week after all....


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Talking about the same set of moves for a 2nd time? This man has reached a new low. He will not stop until he gets his lulz.


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
What do you mean when you say stats? Do you mean attacks or things like defense, attack, speed, etc. If you mean former, Geno's actually got a lot to go off of and if mean the latter, base wise (meaning if you completely "stripped" all the characters of their weapons, armor, and accessories), Geno was the fastest character and had the highest attack and special attack stats. He had average defense (behind Bowser and Mario) and the second highest special defense (behind Mallow). Granted, the developers wouldn't have to go exactly by this but it'd at least give them an idea on how he'd play out.

Also, regarding Krystal, I think the fact the she could use her staff opens up a ton of possibilites because of all the physical attacks that haven't been used yet since no one else has a staff and because of all the special attacks the staff possesses in Star Fox Adventures.
Stats... in the Smash world. Yeah sure we have the SMRPG stats that he had, but how do they compare that to the others in smash. Along with strength in his moves. All of that.
Yes, the Staff does open up some possibilities, but it's kinda like saying "We're using Ridley from Prime 1 only." It alienates the other "Ridleys" from past (or future games(Granted Ridley was cool in Prime 1))

Geno? Retro? Maybe only if you were still in diapers when Super Mario RPG came out, and that's as far back as you remember...
Thats why there was the "(if you will)" because some people now consider SNES games "retro" where as I consider retro like Simons Quest and Bubble Bobble for NES.

Ridley is retro. He deserves to be in. So does Megaman. except there really is only two verisons of Megaman to choose from: Original old-school and X. Megaman NTW is a pitiful failure and is unworthy of being in Brawl.
Completely, NTW was/is horrible. I think Original was kinda weak, so *IF* megaman was to be in brawl the only acceptable version would be X since he had an attitude to go along with his mega-badassness. IMO of course.

just on't forget that you did it and go into a time battle with no time limit.... there's no way to end it but to turn off the power
One reason I don't play just time matches. :laugh:


Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2006
Let's face it, Krystal is something of a safe guarantee for Brawl (besides the whole thing with her voice actress).

Yeah, her Assault version would work. But why does everyone think that this version of her has to be a Fox or Zero Suit Samus clone? She has a lot of potential to be unique like this.

Moreover, just like Fox's outfit got somewhat modified, the same can happen to her.

Standard Special: Grenade
Hold the button down to hold onto it, and let go to throw it. It detonates after 5 seconds, thrown or not, so don't hold it too long.

Side Special: Homing Launcher
Works a lot like normal Samus's side special. If "tilted", the missile homes in on someone. If "Smashed", it fires straight. (LOL ONE MOVE = TEH CLONE!!!1)

Up Special: Sniper Rifle
Press the buttons to bring it out and move the crosshairs around to aim it and press the button. When triggered in midair, she automatically fires a grappling hook out of it forward for tether recovery.

Down Special: Sensor Bomb
She simply places one on the ground.

Final Smash: Machine Gun
She'll fire up a rapid storm with it.

Yeah, there's my movelist for Assault Krystal.


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
Let's face it, Krystal is something of a safe guarantee for Brawl (besides the whole thing with her voice actress).

Yeah, her Assault version would work. But why does everyone think that this version of her has to be a Fox or Zero Suit Samus clone? She has a lot of potential to be unique like this.

Moreover, just like Fox's outfit got somewhat modified, the same can happen to her.

Standard Special: Grenade
Hold the button down to hold onto it, and let go to throw it. It detonates after 5 seconds, thrown or not, so don't hold it too long.

Side Special: Homing Launcher
Works a lot like normal Samus's side special. If "tilted", the missile homes in on someone. If "Smashed", it fires straight. (LOL ONE MOVE = TEH CLONE!!!1)

Up Special: Sniper Rifle
Press the buttons to bring it out and move the crosshairs around to aim it and press the button. When triggered in midair, she automatically fires a grappling hook out of it forward for tether recovery.

Down Special: Sensor Bomb
She simply places one on the ground.

Final Smash: Machine Gun
She'll fire up a rapid storm with it.

Yeah, there's my movelist for Assault Krystal.
Your a brave one good sir
Why does she need a scouter?
pseudo-fox clone.
Why does Fox need one?
Because Brawls power level is OVER 9000!!!!!!!!


Smash Apprentice
Oct 26, 2007
Okay, that's it. I'm an official Krystal supporter. >_> Hopefully a GOOD update will take place tomorrow.

Btw, you think Krystal will get a new dub? Ohlawd, I'd like to see that. Maybe they'll just stick with the British one.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Okay, that's it. I'm an official Krystal supporter. >_> Hopefully a GOOD update will take place tomorrow.

Btw, you think Krystal will get a new dub? Ohlawd, I'd like to see that. Maybe they'll just stick with the British one.
I hope they stick with Alesia.

She brings such class to the character.....


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
I thought that was just your sig.
Nope, there is more to the sig then meets the eye.
**** Staff is too hardcore for me. I don't play competitively. :(
Either do I.... yet. I still play some of the competitive guys that live around me, but I wouldn't go to a trny because I would get beat down, but when Brawl comes out its a different story. Clean slate and even playing field, makes it perfect to go competitive from the start.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Nope, there is more to the sig then meets the eye.

Either do I.... yet. I still play some of the competitive guys that live around me, but I wouldn't go to a trny because I would get beat down, but when Brawl comes out its a different story. Clean slate and even playing field, makes it perfect to go competitive from the start.
I've been to a tourney. Did well with Ness early on, but then got whipped in the later rounds by Peach.

I decided to stop going to tourneys after that.....it just wasn't my thing. I'm the kind of player that just loves items and I just can't stand to play more than a few matches without em.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2007
i will bet all of you when if shes in brawl people are going to start bit**ing that they want the orgianl voice back
know why i know this will happen?because there is no pleasing people.Just like how it was for sonic i swear if i was sakura i wouldnt have even put sonic just for the complaints of him not having that dudes voice


Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2007
Smryna, TN
i like the futurized adventures suit that, i think, Sonic the Hedgedawg posted

and im gonna start playing competitively when Vrawl comes out deffinately, i will get my butt kicked but thats ok! lol


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
I've been to a tourney. Did well with Ness early on, but then got whipped in the later rounds by Peach.

I decided to stop going to tourneys after that.....it just wasn't my thing. I'm the kind of player that just loves items and I just can't stand to play more than a few matches without em.
Peach is evil huh? I know, last smash fest I went to I got beat down by Lights peach.... horrible. lol
Now, is a **** staff really the name of Krystal's weapon, did you just give the club that name for farts and giggles, or are you insinuating that's what you're going to do to your opponents? :laugh:
1.) I don't know the official name for it, but thats what I call it.
2.) Kinda
3.) Yeah pretty much. ;)
lol ****.... the club name has a sort of double meaning to it.
Which is why I picked it. Names with double meanings are cooler than those without.
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