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The Official Kentucky Brawl Power Rankings: PR is officially up

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Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
Kass. We need to talk. Very soon. You are spreading hate filled, out of context, misquoted propaganda about me. In a deliberate and wanton act to malign my character. If this was simple trolling, I'd have no problem with it; but when I have multiple people from other states (some of whom I don't even really know) all asking if I did despicable things. Things which, I in no way did, said, or even implied... You've gone too far.

Especially when I've only ever shown you respect when I've seen you, including and especially last weekend. Despite your less than kind demeanor, and poor sportsmanship.

I offer this as a warning and a plea, to retract your statements in a public forum so people can know what actually happened.

If someone would be so kind as to quote this, so as to bring it to Kass' attention. I prefer to let people know what I'm saying about them, as opposed to saying it behind her back.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
Howdy from Texas guys. I've heard rumors running around the site of people arguing in this thread earlier, so I decided to look at it myself.

Basically, the way I heard it, somebody told me Roller had insulted somebody's family member, so I checked out the post in question 5 or so pages back.

While I didn't agree with the harsh tone he took with someone who was dealing with an emotional time, nothing he said was ill-will at Kassandra's grandmother. The rumor I heard does not match with what was actually said, and it's kind of sad to hear someone being defamed like that.

Kass, I don't know you, but I served as my Grandma's hospice nurse in her final weeks, so I can sympathize with whatever you were feeling. You have my condolences. But please understand that Roller said nothing that was meant to deface your grandmother, and you shouldn't take it that way.

He was completely justified in explaining why he's upset with you, and his point was that you could have explained sooner that you had a family issue on your mind. He couldn't have known, and from his perspective, you were just rude to him.

Obviously I don't know the whole story, but that's just my opinion on the matter. Rumors shouldn't be spread that could hurt someone's reputation.

Also, 'sup again KY, you guys seem pretty chill. <3


¡Me gusta tejer!
Feb 22, 2010
Richmond, MI
Kass. We need to talk. Very soon. You are spreading hate filled, out of context, misquoted propaganda about me. In a deliberate and wanton act to malign my character. If this was simple trolling, I'd have no problem with it; but when I have multiple people from other states (some of whom I don't even really know) all asking if I did despicable things. Things which, I in no way did, said, or even implied... You've gone too far.

Especially when I've only ever shown you respect when I've seen you, including and especially last weekend. Despite your less than kind demeanor, and poor sportsmanship.

I offer this as a warning and a plea, to retract your statements in a public forum so people can know what actually happened.

If someone would be so kind as to quote this, so as to bring it to Kass' attention. I prefer to let people know what I'm saying about them, as opposed to saying it behind her back.
Idk whats going on but I'll quote it for you so she can see.


Smash Master
May 24, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
Here is the key point of that situation. I explained to you why I was upset, and I asked you to apologize because it involved my personal issues at the time. You merely scoffed, and wrote it off, and you continued to GAIN ENJOYMENT from how UPSET I was getting. And you were proud of yourself for making me admit that, and you continued to troll me, while you clearly knew I was upset at that point about my grandma, you ****ing gained enjoyment out of that....
I don't know what people are exactly saying, but as far as I'm concerned, you were trolling me, and you knew I was upset about a death in MY family, and you enjoyed yourself.

I'm not going back to quote posts, because putting someone who I dislike off of ignore just so I can read hateful posts and get myself upset again is not worth my time. I don't know exactly what rumors people are saying, and I never said that you said anything demeaning about her, but I do know that you were trolling me about how I acted about my grandma's passing. So you you were trolling me about my incident. Is that not correct? Where as you said nothing demeaning towards her, you did however give ME **** for how I handled it. Who cares how I handled it, I can handle anything how I ****ing want to handle it. Whether it be crying all the time, or being quiet, being a *****, whatever. I gave you the chance to apologize, and you were like "whatever, I've had deaths in my family and I enjoy upsetting you"? Are you serious? My grandma was my second mother! You know what...I'm not going to get upset again...because this isn't worth it. Nope. Not worth my time. I do dislike roller, and all I said was that you were trolling me about things you should'nt be trolling me about. I am NOT going to talk about this again on these forums. I was upset about a death, and I explained that, and asked for the trolling to stop and it did not. I'm sick of it. It's something I'm really sensitive about, and sure you can read these ****ing posts, and what ever you can say things, but are you here? Are you as upset as I am? no. Roller, please PM me.

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
I think the reason Kassandra is upset is because she requested him to stop and said that it was bothering her

It's not a matter of how grave/tragic the actual material he was poking fun at was, but more that he ignored a request to stop. I have no opinion on the matter as far as who's right or wrong, but I think the point Kassandra is trying to make is that he was blatantly insensitive AFTER she had asked him to behave otherwise.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
At the same time, from what I heard at the venue she's making it sound like Roller is just attacking her dead grandmother which is completely not true. That may not be what she is attempting to do but its being interpreted as such and that is defamation of character in a sense. THAT is also wrong. I am also not taking sides here but there are two sides to this argument and since this is delving into a more serious manner this needs to be resolved quickly. Honestly, these are both two people who frequently travel for tournaments and have been at several of the same Ohio events. It is likely that they will run into each other several times in the future. The last thing this region needs is more drama. We're not East Coast people...


Smash Master
May 24, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
I am not making it sound like anything!!! I never said he was attacking my grandma, he was attacking me about my grandma, and he didn't leave me alone! When you kindly ask someone to stop something that is upsetting you and they continue to do so, thats called harrassment, here.

"ha·rassed, ha·rass·ing, ha·rass·es
1. To irritate or torment persistently.
2. To wear out; exhaust.
3. To impede and exhaust (an enemy) by repeated attacks or raids."

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
I understand Roller's side as well. Kassandra seems to be more misunderstood than Roller, though, which is why I posted about it.

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
Kass, Roller


and other attention grabbing acronyms.

Look, squash it. It's immature and it's been going on in like 4 threads. This should've been settled for-****ing-ever ago.

Kass, you're blowing this WAY out of proportion. Okay, we get it, he said something to you during a time of mourning and it hit home. I'm sure somewhere he apologized and left it at that. You are not without your faults as you were being a total ******* at SiiS6 yelling in Tech's ear and generally being obnoxious. It was uncalled for, as your beef should be with Roller, not the whole state of MI.

Roller, leave her alone. Period. No trolling Kass on ANY threads. Nada. Zilch. Zero. Because this fire only seems to keep getting bigger and harder to deal with when you're constantly adding fuel to it. As you can see, your trolling her has not been taken in stride but in a context that has pissed her off and is continually making her mad. Just drop the ****. Seriously.


ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
At the same time, from what I heard at the venue she's making it sound like Roller is just attacking her dead grandmother which is completely not true. That may not be what she is attempting to do but its being interpreted as such and that is defamation of character in a sense. THAT is also wrong. I am also not taking sides here but there are two sides to this argument and since this is delving into a more serious manner this needs to be resolved quickly. Honestly, these are both two people who frequently travel for tournaments and have been at several of the same Ohio events. It is likely that they will run into each other several times in the future. The last thing this region needs is more drama. We're not East Coast people...
I am not making it sound like anything!!! I never said he was attacking my grandma, he was attacking me about my grandma, and he didn't leave me alone! When you kindly ask someone to stop something that is upsetting you and they continue to do so, thats called harrassment, here.

"ha·rassed, ha·rass·ing, ha·rass·es
1. To irritate or torment persistently.
2. To wear out; exhaust.
3. To impede and exhaust (an enemy) by repeated attacks or raids."
The bolded part of my quote is the most important part. By now this whole issue between Roller and you is pretty known and people are thinking Roller is so monster that bashes dead grandma for kicks. Yes, really that is what is being thrown around. If you know that's not what you were trying to say you need to rectify the situation. Otherwise, this drama will never end.

I do not need a definition breakdown of harassment, I know what it is. I'm just saying how 3rd parties are looking at it.

@Excel: Thank you. And it wasn't just her yelling, she was coaching my opponent as well until I asked her to stop(and several other people from what I heard ..someone confirm or deny this). Like at that point it was getting absurd.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
Definition 3 is my favorite, personally. :D

I agree with Oreo, there's two sides to this, each should mutually apologize for ill-will, whether you think you started it or not. Start it fresh guys, wipe it clean.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
You don't receive PMs from people on your ignore list. It's the reason why you're not allowed to add moderators to your ignore list.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
The fact of the matter is that while if you were to cry about a passing, or take a while before you could leave your house, or deal with it in any number of other ways it would not affect me. When you act like an unsportsmanlike dbag to me in person, you can not just expect me to say, “oh, that's fine! She has the right to disrespect me like that. n_n ” I'm 100% sure you would get pissed if I'd done the same thing to you.

The other issue is you didn't tell me this until months later, how was I to have known about this? You just assume people should know about your personal life...

And if your grandmother's unfortunate passing had affected you that badly, and was that recent. Then you probably shouldn't have put yourself in a high stress social environment in which you'd be expected to behave civily and sportsmanlike. That was poor decision making on your end that I shouldn’t be chastised for. If, God forbid I had a family member die in December, and we both show up to Apex. Does that give me the right to act like a **** to you? Of course not. You couldn't possibly be held responsible for that. Idk why you are saying grief justifies unsportsmanlike conduct for anyone over the age of five. And even if it did, how then do you explain how the KY players I talk to on the INKY skype chat all asked me the same question first after me telling them you were disrespectful to me at Nope’s? Every one of them asked, “did you beat her before this happened?” Followed with a “yeah, she does that almost every time she loses.” I don’t want to call out any names, but if I wanted I could easily go back in the skype archive and find a couple conversations that go down exactly like that. Why would all these players say that if this was a one time, grief related incident?
The answer is, they would not. You’ve made a name for yourself with your raging. I have heard multiple times about a match you played (I believe it was last SiiS) against another MI player. Where after you lost, you stormed off in a very similar manner, and Kel had to apologize on your behalf. Then there’s this past weekend in which you were yelling almost directly into Tech’s ear during his matches, when he’d done nothing to you. That is just uncalled for. THEN there’s the point when you coached other players in your pool vs Sparta Kick. Which quite frankly you should have either received a yellow card or been DQ’d for. As that is strictly against the BBR ruleset. And Daycia made a point of doing her best to follow even the dumb rules of the ruleset (see: logic vs judo). Then there’s our match. As I walked up, I smiled and asked how you were doing. You basically gave me the equivalent of a stinkeye and said nothing. Yeah, you’ve gotten so much better at being a good sport..
Now let’s address this playing dumb stance you’ve adopted on what people are saying about me. This is laughable, as I have written proof that you’ve been creating and perpetuating these stories. Here’s a short quote from a PM Nicole sent me prior to SiiS.
Nicole said:
So apparently yo'uve been saying some pretty fkd up **** to Kassandra_Nova, about her dead grandma…
I had never even formally met Nicole prior to this. I had to clear it up with her, and we were cool at SiiS, but the fact you maligned my character like that to someone who didn’t even know me.. Wow. WOW. Why? Because I said you were free a few times (telling you all the while it was in jest)? Because I commented on the fact you aren’t good with dealing with grief? CLEARLY that is true, as it is the only justification you’re attempting to use for your behavior. So I don’t see why that would be much of a problem. Get mad at yourself over that, don’t shoot the messenger.
How about how I talk about the fact you’re trying to say I trolled you about your reaction, when the only post I made after you told me about your grandmother (before you blocked me) was started and ended with me saying I was serious in said post. Not trolling. Go ahead and quote the post. Quote the /seriousness at the end. Quote the intro in which I declare the whole post to be real talk. Quote the part where I tell you I AM SORRY TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR GRANDMOTHER’S PASSING.
You have no moral high ground here, and I have no doubt that any retorts you will give to this will be riddled with just as many logical fallacies as all your others. Speaking of “logical” fallacies… I find the irony of a guy named “Logic” knocking Kentucky out of bracket to be hilarious, and a fitting way for KY to go out. (Nothing against Judo, you played admirably, you just have the misfortune of living in the same state as someone who can’t take a joke.)

I implore you once again to please publicly rescind your comments so that this situation does not get significantly worse for you, than it has been thus far for me.

@Excel: I am not trolling right now.
@Doom: There's a reason Kass is more misunderstood. My points are much more coherent and make sense, backed up by reason, as well as case by case examples supporting my points. Kass is just posting like an emotional mess.

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
Definition 3 is my favorite, personally. :D

I agree with Oreo, there's two sides to this, each should mutually apologize for ill-will, whether you think you started it or not. Start it fresh guys, wipe it clean.
Start fresh nothing. This clearly not going to work out. They need to talk it out now, squash it and put each other on ignore and not mention the other at all.

Temp mod plz?

I'll drop 2pts every time I see one of them mention the other.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Well we might as well just hash out all of this now since we're posting essays.

I feel bad KY's PR thread is being used for verbal battlegrounds though lol


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
I disagree Oreo, I am perfectly capable of moving on and being cool with Kass. As can be shown by my behavior towards her this weekend. I smiled and attempted small talk before the match. She shot me down. I wished her good luck before the match started. And afterward I shook her hand and told her good games with a sincere smile on my face.

I don't hold grudges, and so long as what Kass takes back what she has done publicly I see no reason why I couldn't be chill with her. I doubt she would be fine with me after, judging by her stubborn pride, and being governed by emotions. But I'd be completely down to start anew.

Also @Doom: I did not poke fun at her grandmother after she mentioned it. At all. Your post implies otherwise.
EDIT: If I had she wouldn't have seen it anyways since I was put on ignore immediately after. (barring my one serious post which you can find here. So that wouldn't have been why she was upset.

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
Well we might as well just hash out all of this now since we're posting essays.

I feel bad KY's PR thread is being used for verbal battlegrounds though lol
I'm sure we have like 2 other threads...:awesome:

Regardless, get like 2 mods in here. We're gonna have Kass and Roller get it all out and the mods can keep it in line. I want it to be over. I have no problems with Kass and I have no problems with Roller, but the beef is becoming an issue. It's childish and both parties should've acted their ages and talked it out like responsible adults with no backhanded comments.

I see Roller is doing so. Kassandra, get in here and do the same.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
Someone quote my posts so Kass can see them, in the event she still has me blocked.

Also. There are two mods that have posted on the past page alone, so there's that.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
We can't tho. And even if Kass were to unblock me. My whole point for this is for her to take back everything she has said to people about me PUBLICLY. Both here, and in the SiiS results thread, as I am tired of getting these stupid ill-informed messages.


Smash Master
May 24, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
I am done with this thread. Not posting in here ever again. this is my last post regarding this subject. I'm done with this. Bye guys. :)


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
The best part is that this means Roller's gonna continue to be PM'd about things he never said.

Ralph Cecil

Smash Champion
Mar 9, 2010
Somewhere in KY QQQQQQQQQQ
O-o Is there a tl;dr for what just happened in here recently?

EDIT:>_> I only made the second post, because it told me the fist one was too short. Sry lol =p

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI

tl;dr because I like Ralph:

Roller: Kass, you've been telling people I've been talking **** about your dead grandmother when you know I haven't and people are sending me hate mail because of it.

Kass: No, I didn't.

Roller: Obviously you have and your twisted view of the situation is creating problems. We need to work this out.

Kass: *dips*

There you go.


Smash Master
May 24, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
I am willing to deal with the problem through PM. I am done posting about it. Roller, you are unblocked, PM me, I'm not posting personal info about myself and the situation in this thread anymore. It's already gotten out of hand enough as it is. I am not running, I'm choosing to deal with it through PM you jerk. I didn't want to stay in this thread because it upset me....

I didn't say anything of the sort, I don't know how else you want me to correct anything? He still never apologized. Yeah, I'm an emotional mess, so what? Yeah I'm sensitive, and I enjoy talking to my friends...so what? I'm sorry I'm not perfect and I can't just brush everything off as great as some people can. I am a human being. I'm sorry I'm not perfect like you are. I'm just upset okay. I do have problems dealing with things. I have some weird ways of coping. So what. What is it that you want me to do? Be upset? Because thats what I am, and that's all you've done. I hope your happy.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
I guess you can't read either. But so what? amiright?

The only reason I brought this up (for the 3rd(?) time) is because you told defamatory lies about me in both a public setting (SiiS6) and in multiple private ones to people within the community; and by so doing making the issue even more public. I don't give a flying **** what you think of me. At all. However if you're going to tell the entire community lies to spite me. That I care about.

And you definitely did run from this, then got called out. THEN returned to save what little face you have left. You also said you weren't coming back, yet here you are with your metaphorical tail between your legs.

You might have been better off continuing to run, tbh.

Also, you made no points to further yourself in this discussion in your last post. You basically just pointed out a bunch of flaws in yourself. And you know what, I agree with all of them. So I guess we're making some headway here. But I hardly see how you contradicted any of my points. I've also answered most of those "so what?'s" in my past few posts.

Why don't you take some time, try your best to think of something coherent or at least mildly intelligent to say. And then try coming back.

@your EDIT: That's actually not all I've done. I've shown the community that you have flat out lied, and are not capable of intelligent debate.
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