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The Official Illinois / Wisconsin Brawl Power Rankings Thread! *NEW UPDATE (1-22-12)*


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2005
So Zozefup, what are your thoughts of Northern IL (both skill and the people in general)?
This trip to Chicago has been awesome! I was half expecting to get a hotel a day or two, but Kirk housed everyone on Friday night, and Ook offered me housing sat and sun night. Akashi also called me before I came and tried to find me housing and rides to train stations. Arty was always helpful at giving me contact information and trying to find me housing. There were a couple other people who offered me housing too (Sago, and a few melee players). Ook offered to take me to the train station on Monday. And his parents just offered to let me stay longer if I needed too. It's cool because they don't even know me. I don't know many people who would do that for a complete stranger. So this trip has been very easy because everyone has helped me out so much.

The smashfest was awesome too. There was lots of hiliarous stuff going on all the time lol. Artying talking about me trolling on the boards, Arty building upside down pyrimids, Arty's spicy pizza, Arty losing to DLA's gannon in a $10 MM, Oro losing to Soft after he was bragging about how bad he was going to win, me getting 3 stocked in melee crews, Diska's laugh, Norm's reaction to Diska's laugh, me looking like Shaggy jokes, Steak N Shake at 1am with Akashi, Mencil, Arty and TWSS was fun.... and tons of other stuff. I was laughing most of the smashfest

I was impressed with everyone's skill level too. Arty, Ook, Akashi, and everyone else I played on the PR was ridiciously good. I think Chicago has improved quite a bit since last time I've been here too. Every game I played was tough. I think I lost like 5 games in a row to Diska's Snake. I need to work on that match up. I did beat Ook in a MM finally (although he won the first MM). I won most games against Norm's Lucario. Lucario is one of my better match ups, but most of our games were pretty close. Why did you go only Lucario against me norm? DLA's gannon was extremely impressive too. I guess I'm okay with listing him as a gannon main on the PR now, eventhough I'm pretty embarrased to have a gannon main on our PR lol. It makes the rest of us look bad! Oro was retardedly good at melee. I don't understand how he got that good in just a little over a year. Overall, Northern IL was impressively good, and everyone has improved a lot since the last time I was here.

If you keep improving, one day, you might be as good as Southern IL :p

zozefup should move here!
Over the summer I can take an internship to any major city in the US. I'm think about coming to Chicago, mainly because of the smash community here


Smash Hero
Nov 9, 2008
Mount Prospect, IL
Next time you're in town, I want to play you Zoze. I would have played at Kirks yesterday, but I really didn't feel like playing Brawl at all.

King, we found your controller, it's at Kirks still.

Jared, all you watch is ecchi, shut up. :p


Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
Rofl, GGs Zoze. I really wanted to play you in Brawl too. I really don't think I'm bad at Brawl, but I didn't care much about the ironman. I think I'm really like Tano in that I really can't take Brawl (or Melee) seriously unless there is something on the line. Money doesn't matter much to me, so it's usually wanting to beat people that makes me play better.


Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
Ecchi is terrible and you should feel terrible. My first choice in anime is NOT in fact what we were watching. It is possibly my least favorite genre, being drama/romance/comedy. Regardless, it is still better than softcore porn for the sake of watching softcore porn. With that being said, man up and watch some real girls, and real porn.


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
shouldn't this be called the official chicago brawl PR?


Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
Maybe Southern IL should be active then. Not like anyone from Southern IL ever drove up to Chicago tourneys anyways. You were the only active southern player, and your results were not enough to get on the PR anyways. IMO IL/WI PR still makes the most sense since WI goes to every tourney with us.


Smash Champion
Apr 30, 2009
Maybe Southern IL should be active then. Not like anyone from Southern IL ever drove up to Chicago tourneys anyways. You were the only active southern player, and your results were not enough to get on the PR anyways.



Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
Don't say things like Chicago-land wouldn't drive down to us either, because we have. TIMS3 is a good example. Pretty sure that was the last thing that Southern IL hosted anyways. Iirc, we brought like 3 cars to that. Another problem is the fact that if you DID host something again, the size of your current community is so small that the turnout would be small. You drive 3 hours to locals, why not drive 3 hours to a Chicago tourney?


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2004
well now i'm never watching clannad! everything ahs been spoiled!!

again kyle?!


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
Maybe Southern IL should be active then. Not like anyone from Southern IL ever drove up to Chicago tourneys anyways. You were the only active southern player, and your results were not enough to get on the PR anyways. IMO IL/WI PR still makes the most sense since WI goes to every tourney with us.
don't talk to me about being more active. I traveled more than anyone else in southern il.

you guys are 4 hours away from me, which wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the fact that I would always have to drive it alone.

IDK how I wasn't active enough to on the PR.

it clearly says you need to have gone to 2 tournaments to be featured on the PR.

I went to 3 I went to SIIS, HDR, AND MLG. even if you don't count mlg. that's still 2 tournaments. we have 6 people on the PR. IDK why I was not put as 7th


Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
Clannad is good.
I suck at ironmans, I admit it. Just MM my Falcon or something.

Oh snap I went to tourneys, put me on PR plox? Results are required to be on there too. Who have you beaten at those 2 events that mattered? You beat me in a close set at SiiS3, other than that I know you went 0-2 in bracket there. If anyone was put on there, I would say Kirk has the best results.


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
Oh snap I went to tourneys, put me on PR plox? Results are required to be on there too. Who have you beaten at those 2 events that mattered? You beat me in a close set at SiiS3, other than that I know you went 0-2 in bracket there. If anyone was put on there, I would say Kirk has the best results.
so, put kirk on there too?


Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
Then being on the PR becomes a moot point. As far as I am concerned, Kappy/Kirk/You/Me all had decent seasons AT BEST. The PR is there to show who the top players are based on the current season. We all didn't do much, MAYBE beat 1-2 good people max, with a few other quality wins. If we had more players, then it would be more acceptable to put us on there, but since there were only 15-20 players that frequented tourneys this season, having half to over half of the current activity PRed seems dumb.


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
I didn't expect 15-20 people to be PR.

I assumed that me and kirk had enough tournaments attended anyways. since NO ONE else is on the honorable mention list except one you might as well include me and kirk on the PR.

know what I'm saying?
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