Geno - Here’s an interesting one. A character that actually belongs to Square, but belongs in the Marioverse. What does Sakurai think? Well, actually, he’s intrigued. Geno is tied for second as well, and Sakurai has been noted as asking around for what the character is like. When he starts asking, it’s a good thing, btw. It means he’s bothering to learn who they are But Geno has been mentioned many-a-times, and Sakurai is listening to hard to each suggestion. And he’s yet to turn them down. That’s something, right?
Very interesting.
However, another thing I saw of note in there completely unrelated to Geno:
Mother Characters - I’m gonna lump this together, because there isn’t really one specific character. Essentially, the entire party of Mother 2, Ninten from Mother 1, and Lucas, Claus, and Kumatora from Mother 3 all popped up on Sakurai’s poll. Claus got a bigger deal of attention, considering his “LOL SECRET,” and Sakurai, who DID WORK ON MOTHER 3 *hint hint*, mentioned amongst the letters that he would be including stuff from the game. Now, firstly, he confirmed in Famitsu that Mother 3 music was appearing in Brawl. Secondly, he confirmed that had EB2/64/M3 been released pre SSB64, Ness would’ve been replaced by Lucas. He even held out for it to be released prior to Melee, to try and put in Lucas then. So, now that Lucas is out, what happens to Ness….?