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The Official Geno Thread


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
Now, I kinda hope Geno won't be updated next week because I accepted a challenge that I won't look at the updates for a whole week, and if he gets updated, I can't taste the victory with you guys, oh well, but the sooner he gets updated, the better.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
I know that Geno is a being from Star Road that came to Mario's world to find the seven star pieces. He starts the main quest of the game in Mario RPG. He can use the abilities Geno Beam, Geno Blast, Geno Whirl, Geno Boost, and Geno Flash. He made a brief cameo in Mario Superstar Saga. He is a second and a half party character from Square and was one of the most requested characters for Brawl, with the already confirmed Diddy and Ike.

I have little artistic skills, but will learn the arguments for Geno and fight and defend them until I win or it becomes very obvious that I am arguing with a troll/brick wall. I can make movesets though.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
I was fairly sure I was too late, but I wanted to make sure. Let me see, I don't believe that I possess any artistic talents, but I could be wrong. As for what I know about Geno, I know a fairly good amount of information. I'm not sure how I could put it in terms of specifics, but I've read most of the major Geno threads, for one.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
I know that Geno is a being from Star Road that came to Mario's world to find the seven star pieces. He starts the main quest of the game in Mario RPG. He can use the abilities Geno Beam, Geno Blast, Geno Whirl, Geno Boost, and Geno Flash. He made a brief cameo in Mario Superstar Saga. He is a second and a half party character from Square and was one of the most requested characters for Brawl, with the already confirmed Diddy and Ike.

I have little artistic skills, but will learn the arguments for Geno and fight and defend them until I win or it becomes very obvious that I am arguing with a troll/brick wall. I can make movesets though.
Sweet we don't have many moveset makers and thats good you learn from arguements but we kinda have all of them rapped up on our wiki page if u wish to see.

I was fairly sure I was too late, but I wanted to make sure. Let me see, I don't believe that I possess any artistic talents, but I could be wrong. As for what I know about Geno, I know a fairly good amount of information. I'm not sure how I could put it in terms of specifics, but I've read most of the major Geno threads, for one.
U never know till u try.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Hmm, a sprite comic based off of Geno? Well, I think it should be a comic based around SMRPG, if just because coming up with a brand new villain would be tricky. But it's up to you. You could branch off with Culex, as he has no storyline as far as enemies in the game go.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Hmm, a sprite comic based off of Geno? Well, I think it should be a comic based around SMRPG, if just because coming up with a brand new villain would be tricky. But it's up to you. You could branch off with Culex, as he has no storyline as far as enemies in the game go.
Actually it would have nothing to do with SMRPG it would just have Geno and Mallow and a lot of Nintendo characters that have appeared on their consoles/hand helds just having adventures.

Shadow Star

Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2007
Lost, searching for a purpose...
Haha, I feel a little left out. I guess that's because I refuse to get into these arguments with trolls. I got sick of them on Gamefaqs and just started ignoring them. I can't believe there are so many trolls here too. I mean, how can there be this many people with nothing better to do but attempt to convince Geno's fanbase that he sucks and won't be in Brawl? Do they honestly believe they're going to change our minds? It's almost the equivalent to going to a Christian church and trying to convince everyone inside that there is no God. You can state all the facts and opinions you want, but no one there is going to give a crap. Why can't the trolls do something better with their time, like support the characters they like? At least then they would be accomplishing something. Heck, they wouldn't even be trolls anymore.

In other news, I might write a new cutscene soon. I want to have it involve a villain with one of those Trophy-izing guns like Wario. I'm thinking of using a popular villain that isn't confirmed yet. Anyhow, it's still in development. I also might start a Super Mario RPG comic like you suggested, but it would just be random jokes with the SMRPG cast. I've already thought of one that involves Mario, Mallow and Geno in the forest maze. We'll have to wait and see how that works out... :ohwell:


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Haha, I feel a little left out. I guess that's because I refuse to get into these arguments with trolls. I got sick of them on Gamefaqs and just started ignoring them. I can't believe there are so many trolls here too. I mean, how can there be this many people with nothing better to do but attempt to convince Geno's fanbase that he sucks and won't be in Brawl? Do they honestly believe they're going to change our minds? It's almost the equivalent to going to a Christian church and trying to convince everyone inside that there is no God. You can state all the facts and opinions you want, but no one there is going to give a crap. Why can't the trolls do something better with their time, like support the characters they like? At least then they would be accomplishing something. Heck, they wouldn't even be trolls anymore.

In other news, I might write a new cutscene soon. I want to have it involve a villain with one of those Trophy-izing guns like Wario. I'm thinking of using a popular villain that isn't confirmed yet. Anyhow, it's still in development. I also might start a Super Mario RPG comic like you suggested, but it would just be random jokes with the SMRPG cast. I've already thought of one that involves Mario, Mallow and Geno in the forest maze. We'll have to wait and see how that works out... :ohwell:
Sweet! But yeah, btw on gamefaqs in Naminye, the female intellect. Anyways a unpopular unconfirmed villian...Wart?

Wart is Bowser's older bro, so Geno knowing Bowser and you know where I'm going with this?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2007
The problem I have with you, R&S is that you are 100% confident he is deconfirmed already. Also, you are a nut case. Seriously. You said that you'd give away your Wii if Geno was in Brawl? And you call us, the Geno fans, crazy? One character is not gonna ruin your life. Also, do not judge a book by its cover. Just 'cause Geno looks like a doll doesn't mean he isn't important. Geno was affected by the Story Line in SM RPG the most outa everyone. Geno is either a PC or not in at all. Sakurai and/or Nintendo will not pay the rights for him just to be a **** AT.
i never said it will ruin my life i said
i will sell my wii and buy a PSP and sonic riders 1 and 2 because i think PSP is cooler then the wii and i still stay to that statement i mean sure if im at a friends house ill play it but i will never buy it

GENO FOR AT!! :) lol okay ima stop bothering you geno lovers cya guys :lick:


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
i never said it will ruin my life i said
i will sell my wii and buy a PSP and sonic riders 1 and 2 because i think PSP is cooler then the wii and i still stay to that statement i mean sure if im at a friends house ill play it but i will never buy it

GENO FOR AT!! :) lol okay ima stop bothering you geno lovers cya guys :lick:
Well he kinda supports Geno for being in the game...

Anyways yeah any characters anyone wants me to include n the comic?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2007
oh god wait before i leave you guys i just wanna point out one thing....
Haha, I feel a little left out. I guess that's because I refuse to get into these arguments with trolls. I got sick of them on Gamefaqs and just started ignoring them. I can't believe there are so many trolls here too. I mean, how can there be this many people with nothing better to do but attempt to convince Geno's fanbase that he sucks and won't be in Brawl? Do they honestly believe they're going to change our minds? It's almost the equivalent to going to a Christian church and trying to convince everyone inside that there is no God. You can state all the facts and opinions you want, but no one there is going to give a crap. Why can't the trolls do something better with their time, like support the characters they like? At least then they would be accomplishing something. Heck, they wouldn't even be trolls anymore.

In other news, I might write a new cutscene soon. I want to have it involve a villain with one of those Trophy-izing guns like Wario. I'm thinking of using a popular villain that isn't confirmed yet. Anyhow, it's still in development. I also might start a Super Mario RPG comic like you suggested, but it would just be random jokes with the SMRPG cast. I've already thought of one that involves Mario, Mallow and Geno in the forest maze. We'll have to wait and see how that works out... :ohwell:


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Just SMRPG, or are crossover characters good?
Any character is fine as long as they have a sprite. (u get my pm?)

Oh, so you're making a sprite comic, Enigma? I misread your post and thought you were saying someone should make an SMRPG comic. I still want to make a comic of my own; not a sprite one, of course.
=p but yeah a comic and I hope your's is well drawn! (u get my pm?) (you still go to gamefaqs?)

oh god wait before i leave you guys i just wanna point out one thing....

I don't get it...Shadow Star likes Geno s/he doesn't post in arguements simply because doesn't want to argue.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
Any character is fine as long as they have a sprite. (u get my pm?)
Yeah, but I'm gonna wait for others before I go there.

As for characters, have already AT'd characters try and help Geno get the spot as playable, or have them try and drag Geno down with them. Make sure to include Little Mac and Samurai Goroh (and Lyn if you wish) :)

Shadow Star

Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2007
Lost, searching for a purpose...
oh god wait before i leave you guys i just wanna point out one thing....

There's a difference between having an opinion and forcing your opinion on people. If you hate Geno and think he doesn't deserve to be in Brawl, that's fine. I have no problem with you thinking that way. But what you and the rest of the trolls do is intentionally enter Geno support topics and state your opinion over and over, and that's why we fight back.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Geno's final smash would be sick.., but if he was an AT it would just be Staryu all over again.
They have a moveset to choose from don't jsut think stars just because he is one

Yeah, but I'm gonna wait for others before I go there.

As for characters, have already AT'd characters try and help Geno get the spot as playable, or have them try and drag Geno down with them. Make sure to include Little Mac and Samurai Goroh (and Lyn if you wish) :)
Alright but I want it to be a adventure comic so Im going to see how that works...

Anyways just check that place out.

Also to add

We never thought of who would do geno's voice huh?


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
*comes in freakishly late again*

Well, at least there wasn't any huge arguements today. Anyways, there's something that's been on my mind all day. I've already talked about it in an earlier post and a little bit with Enigma but I'd like to here the thoughts of more Geno fans:

On Thursday, Saki Amamiya (the hero of Sin and Punishment) was revealed on the Dojo and, for Geno fans at least, this update could prove to be extremelly important. Why? Well, there's two reasons: (my main points are highlighted in red.)

1. Here's what Sakurai said during the update: "There were many requests from users for his inclusion, and he IS pretty cool, so I did what I could to include him." As most of us know, Saki did not appear in any of the 290 entries in the Toukeden (AKA Sakurai's Journal). We also know, thanks to Samurai Panda, that Sakurai said in one of his 29 comments that "Including only popular characters, doesn't excite me."

Why is this sigificant? This is significant because it provides further proof that the characters mentioned more then once were truely the characters that him and his staff were the most interested in (something that a decent amount of people still refute). If Saki had been as truely popular as Sakurai stated, why wasn't he one of the +100 characters that was mentioned at least once?

This continues to follow the trend that I mentioned in an earlier post that characters mentioned only once or not at all have been turned into trophies, stickers, AT's, and bosses. (Little Mac, the Advance Wars Infantry Men, the Hammer Bros, Slippy Toad, Petey Pirhanna and Dr. Wright were all mentioned once and I think you can deduct the rest like Lyn and Goroh.) As we've already seen, King Dedede (5 entries), Diddy Kong (4 entries), and Ike (4 entries) have been made into playable characters and Krystal (4 entries) was semi-confirmed two weeks ago when her voice actor "slipped" on her webpage. There are only two people left that had more then 3 mentions and haven't been confirmed yet, Ridley (4 entries) and Geno (5 entries).

This also ties into the 2001 Melee Poll results because Diddy placed third in the Rare category (with 15 votes, behind James Bond and Banjo/Kazooie respectively) and King Dedede (who was actually the fourth most requested character over all with 46 votes, behind Bowser, Peach, and Wario respectively.) was easily the most requested character in the Kirby category. As I said in an earlier post, Wario, Metaknight, and the Pokemon Trainer (refereed to as Red) were all the third most requested characters in their respective categories and most of their predesscors (except with the case with Metaknight) became playable or appeared on the field of battle in some form? Did Sakurai use the 2001 Melee Poll results as an early reference and express some of his wants for Brawl in his "journal" in 2006? Take what I said and you be the judge.

*Oh, before I forget, Dark Link also appeared in the Melee Poll and was ranked below everyone that became playable in the LoZ category. Six years later and now he's an ALT for Link. Samurai Goroh and a Metroid appeared as well and now their ATs.*

2. Saki is the star of Sin and Punishment. This game was a joint project between Nintendo and Treasure (a third party) in the year 2000. Because of this, he'd surely be copy righted under Treasure on the Dojo page, right? Surprizingly, no, that isn't the case. Instead of the company treasure, Saki is liscensed under an individual person: Shigesato Itoi. Who is Shigesato Itoi, you ask? He's actually the director and writer of all three Mother games and supposedly the creator of all the characters in Sin and Punishment. Shigesato Itoi has worked for Nintendo under APE Inc and HAL LABORATORIES in the past. How does this connect to Geno? I'll tell you...

This recent development shows that, in order to get a third party character, Nintendo doesn't nessecarily have to contact the specific third party in question in order to use them and this appears to be the case for joint project characters. For example, did you know that Dr. Wright is technically a third party character? Sim City was a joint project between Nintendo and Maxis. As I've mentioned in previous posts, Nintendo has the upper hand and more control in these situations when it comes to characters like this.

Currently, the two directors of Super Mario RPG, Yoshihiko Maekawa and Chihiro Fujioka, work for Nintendo under the second party company Alpha Dream (which they founded). They were also the directors of both Mario and Luigi games and, as many of us know, Geno appeared in the first game without Square Enix even being involved in the game's development. Are you following the logic trail I'm creating? In case you're not, here's the bottom line...

What happened in Mario and Luigi: Super Star Saga could easily happen again in Brawl. It's more then obvious that one of the directors (most suspect Maekawa) played a significant role in obtaining Geno for the game and or else Square Enix would have been one of the companies created for the creation of the game. In a way, they did what Itoi was able to do with Saki in Brawl, they were able to bend the rules and prevented dragging Square Enix completely into the project. Why was Square Enix credited then? It's because it is technically still their character but, then again, explain to me why Saki Amamiya isn't liscensed under Treasure but rather, an individual person? Lightning can strike twice, my friends, and I wouldn't be at all suprized if it did.

Well, those are my thoughts for the day. Feel free to comment.

Shadow Star

Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2007
Lost, searching for a purpose...
=p but yeah a comic and I hope your's is well drawn! (u get my pm?) (you still go to gamefaqs?)

I don't get it...Shadow Star likes Geno s/he doesn't post in arguements simply because doesn't want to argue.
I'm hoping I can draw it well enough. I'm a decent artist, but I don't have much faith in my skills. I imagine these awesome pictures, but when I finally put the pencil to the paper I end up making a mess. I recently tried to draw this picture of Geno I was thinking about and ...well... lets just say you can at least tell it's Geno. So, I may or may not abandon the idea of making a comic... :ohwell:

Btw. I'm male. Just so you don't have to use the s/he thing.

We never thought of who would do geno's voice huh?
I was recently wondering about what Geno would sound like. This would be an interesting topic to discuss.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Thanks again Fatman =)

Im going to make a comic, any characters you want in it?

Adventure Comic w/ Geno and a few others...also you've never read my fiction...nor has anyone for the last 400 or so pages... let me get it...

“We need you to investigate something…” The star was surrounded in a sky of dark blues other stars were there, some small, some big, but mostly wise.

Soon white surrounded it and before it knew it was in a bedroom. He had chosen his doll form again knocked a shelf over and other dolls of character like Mallow or Luigi were knocked down. In the middle of the doll, he was surrounded by various Nintendo products, from a N64 to gameboy to a game cartridge and a Box of the game “Super Mario RPG.”

As soon as it had taken its doll form again he had started to walk about to try to control his body again he hit a wall and made some objects shake and move. As he walked around the room he saw things from a pipe to a tower to a neatly made bed and a poster of a circle symbol with fire in the background saying “Smash!” it had excited the house when only looking straight ahead he had tripped not knowing there were stairs.

As it looked up saw a hand offer help, it took the hand and was introduced to a boy with blue eyes.

“I’m Pit, angel of Palutena!” He said happily while the sun shown on him like a statue, a statue of bronze.

“I serve...A higher authority…my name is ♥♪!? but you may call me by the doll’s name; Geno.” Geno said with a mystic cool tone of feeling, a background of the stars and the moon appeared from nowhere.

Pit smiled and offered to buy a drink.

Later at a café

Geno: And that is my job, to serve wishes but thieves have stolen the stars

Pit: My job is to explore an explosion that has occurred recently…I’m sory Geno, I’m getting a message from my goddess, I hate to leave but here is money for the bill.

Pit leaves money and flies off into the skies after getting a running start. Geno leaves the money on the tab and as he passes by an Animal Crossing guy and they tell each other “Nice cap.”

Meanwhile in 1000 A.D.

We see Crono training with a sword. As he practices a portal appears and Marle’s pendant comes out of the portal. He picks up and is sucked into a portal and the pendent lays there. Crono is thrown through time and crashes into Ness. Another portal opens and a female lands on top of Ness.

“Guess I said the spell wrong…” She said to herself getting up.

She wipes some dust of herself and looks at Crono

“Excuse do you know where I am?” She asked

<Translated from dots, pokemon, animal crossing animals and Mario and Luigi gibberish>

<Yeah> Ness told both of them.

Cierra looks down and helps Ness up.

“Sorry, but do you know where I am?” Cierra said with a helpless look

Crono shakes his head and Ness dusts himself.

“Don’t know either? Oh well, so uh, do you know where the nearest town is? Also it’s not polite to stare.” Cierra said a little uncomfortable.

<We can’t really say anything…> Crono said.

Ness does his taunt like Lil John and says “OK” and leads the 2 to town.

<Lucky…he can talk…> Crono said.

As the trio head into town Geno is wondering the streets when he sees a UFO with a star piece. His eyes get big and he chases after it.

The trio leave a book store and Cierra has a spell book. The UFO passes by and the pages fly everywhere as Geno follows and he crashes into them. The UFO gets away and Cierra is in tears over her new book.

“That was the last of the currency I had!…” She cries out

Geno puts arm on her shoulder and says sorry and chases after the UFO. Cierra says it’s ok but asks Geno for a new tome, but since he is gone she chases after him and Crono and Ness follow her just in case she gets lost, also Ness think Gigyas might be back or his minions.

The 4 run and finally find the UFO in an alley as it turns around is about to fly up when Ness teleports himself upward and crashes on it. Ness jumps down and lands beneath it and does his PK Blast. Geno launches both of his arms at him, Crono summons lighting and Cierra summons fire. The UFO explodes and the star piece falls to the ground.

“Thanks for you’re help.” Geno said as he does his nod.

“You still owe me a book” Cierra says with anger.

“If you 3 help me find all the star pieces I’ll buy you a book.”

“Ok.” Ness said.

Crono nods and Cierra says fine.

“Why do you need these star pieces anyways?” Cierra asked with curiosity looking at the piece

The boys nod and Geno tells them that without the pieces wishes can’t be granted.

<So until he gets the pieces I can’t go home?> Ness asked

<I can wish for a voice to talk> Crono thought.

Ness nods and Crono shakes Geno’s hand.

“Alright we’ll help you but if you’re lying or not going to help us…” Cierra said with a stern tone.

“I wouldn’t have a reason to lie” Geno said with a nod.

Cierra shakes Geno hand and they at lodge at the local hotel Ness brought them to.
End chapter 1


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
I'm hoping I can draw it well enough. I'm a decent artist, but I don't have much faith in my skills. I imagine these awesome pictures, but when I finally put the pencil to the paper I end up making a mess. I recently tried to draw this picture of Geno I was thinking about and ...well... lets just say you can at least tell it's Geno. So, I may or may not abandon the idea of making a comic... :ohwell:

Btw. I'm male. Just so you don't have to use the s/he thing.

I was recently wondering about what Geno would sound like. This would be an interesting topic to discuss.
You got my pm right? (Don't give detail just a yes or no, please)

Also, just practice drawing, trust me ive been drawing since 1st grade and well the style i have, im not to happy about it but im still trying.

so lets dicuss how he would sound like!

I tihnk he should get the voice of the guy from the "Rawest Forest" song but if not then...whi?

Deleted member

Fatman, you always seize to amaze me but I have a question.

Sakurai thinks both Saki and Geno are cool. Apparently, Saki was mentioned to Sakurai a few times and so was Geno, which was recorded with 4 points. Could it affect anything for our hero, Geno since Saki was the main character of Sin and Punishment and Geno was a, I hate to say this, somewhat secondary character?


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Fatman, you always seize to amaze me but I have a question.

Sakurai thinks both Saki and Geno are cool. Apparently, Saki was mentioned to Sakurai a few times and so was Geno, which was recorded with 4 points. Could it affect anything for our hero, Geno since Saki was the main character of Sin and Punishment and Geno was a, I hate to say this, somewhat secondary character?
Depends on how Sakurai thinks...but if I were him I'd think that just main characters aren't interesting enough, he's added bowser but hes the main villian so...

I mean...

Would you rather have Paper Mario or one of his partners? Lucas and or Ness or 1 of their partners?



Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Fatman, you always seize to amaze me but I have a question.

Sakurai thinks both Saki and Geno are cool. Apparently, Saki was mentioned to Sakurai a few times and so was Geno, which was recorded with 4 points. Could it affect anything for our hero, Geno since Saki was the main character of Sin and Punishment and Geno was a, I hate to say this, somewhat secondary character?
Well, as I said in my post, Saki wasn't mentioned at all in the 290 entries despite, according to Sakurai, being a highly requested character so, no, it doesn't. Like I said, Sakurai's journal reflects what characters him and his staff were the most interested in. Little Mac, the Hammer Bros, Petey Pirhanna, and the Advance Wars infantry men, for example, were only mentioned once while people like Lyn and Samurai Goroh, weren't even mentioned at all.

As I also said, there seems to be a trend going on: characters with one or no mentions for the most party have ended up in non-playable roles while characters with a higher number of mentions, like Diddy and Ike, have become playable. Sakurai seems to be using the 2001 Melee Poll results too because Diddy, Metaknight, the Pokemon Trainer (AKA Red) and Wario were the third most requested characters in their respective categories, King Dedede was the fourth requested character overall (behind Bowser, Peach, and Wario, respectively), Dark Link was the only Zelda character that was requested more then once and not made playable in Melee, and Pit (who became playable), Samurai Goroh and a regular Metroid (both have which become ATs in Brawl) appeared as well. With this all said, no, I don't think it affects Geno because, given even more of this evidence, Sakurai's journal still reflects what he and his staff were most interested in.

Shadow Star

Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2007
Lost, searching for a purpose...
You got my pm right? (Don't give detail just a yes or no, please)

Also, just practice drawing, trust me ive been drawing since 1st grade and well the style i have, im not to happy about it but im still trying.

so lets dicuss how he would sound like!

I tihnk he should get the voice of the guy from the "Rawest Forest" song but if not then...whi?
Oh yeah! I keep forgetting to mention that. Yes, I did get your pm. Thank you!

I've been drawing for about that long too. But back then, I wasn't seriously into art. It wasn't until about middle school that I realized I actually had some art talent and starting drawing, A LOT. It's true that I've really improved since then, but I may be reaching the peak of my abilities. I'll keep practicing though. I'm hoping I'll get good enough to have a decent gallery on Deviant Art or Sheezy! But right now, I'm not ready to share my art with the world... :(

Geno's voice would rock if it were like the one from Rawest Forest! It certainly shouldn't be deeper than that voice, unless you want him to sound incredibly badass like Metaknight.


Smash Ace
Oct 14, 2007
In Smithy's Factory Mains: Fox, Sheik Brawl Mains:
In other news, I might write a new cutscene soon. I want to have it involve a villain with one of those Trophy-izing guns like Wario. I'm thinking of using a popular villain that isn't confirmed yet. Anyhow, it's still in development. I also might start a Super Mario RPG comic like you suggested, but it would just be random jokes with the SMRPG cast. I've already thought of one that involves Mario, Mallow and Geno in the forest maze. We'll have to wait and see how that works out... :ohwell:[/QUOTE]

i'll look forward to reading or watching your new cutscenes. they are really good:)

Deleted member

Well, as I said in my post, Saki wasn't mentioned at all in the 290 entries despite, according to Sakurai, being a highly requested character so, no, it doesn't. Like I said, Sakurai's journal reflects what characters him and his staff were the most interested in. Little Mac, the Hammer Bros, Petey Pirhanna, and the Advance Wars infantry men, for example, were only mentioned once while people like Lyn and Samurai Goroh, weren't even mentioned at all.

As I also said, there seems to be a trend going on: characters with one or no mentions for the most party have ended up in non-playable roles while characters with a higher number of mentions, like Diddy and Ike, have become playable. Sakurai seems to be using the 2001 Melee Poll results too because Diddy, Metaknight, the Pokemon Trainer (AKA Red) and Wario were the third most requested characters in their respective categories, King Dedede was the fourth requested character overall (behind Bowser, Peach, and Wario, respectively), Dark Link was the only Zelda character that was requested more then once and not made playable in Melee, and Pit (who became playable), Samurai Goroh and a regular Metroid (both have which become ATs in Brawl) appeared as well. With this all said, no, I don't think it affects Geno because, given even more of this evidence, Sakurai's journal still reflects what he and his staff were most interested in.
Ah, okay. Thanks man. That was a thing on his update that started to worry me.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Ah, okay. Thanks man. That was a thing on his update that started to worry me.
You're welcome. Trust me, if the journal was an exact representation of what was mostly submitted into the offical poll, we would have seen a lot of requests for Waluigi, Daisy, and random anime characters. :laugh: I personally believe that's why Sakurai mentioned the "eligibility rules" for characters to get into Brawl and why he said he didn't want to add just popular characters. Seeing Professor Kawashima (a rather goofy suggestion in itself) and Takamaru (the star of a largely forgotten 20 year old NES game that never had any sequels) as characters that were mentioned more then once definately provides even more evidence that the journal reflected his interests. Granted, his interests and the fans interests often mix so this is no where as big of a problem as one might imagine.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
*Waits for Dec. 15*

Till then...I hoope its starters so that we can unlock everything else in the game.

Anyways his voice should be high pitched, med. not deep or light, but with a faint tone of seriouness
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