Smash Journeyman
You didn't give me the chance to answer the question. Even if Geno was put in the game as a clone I would not care. I would just like to see his name get out their so there would be a chance of another game starring him. That is the true goal of most True Geno Fans.In all fairness, Sheik was a transformation of Zelda (part of her moveset), which was fine, considering that was what Zelda was to us at that time. Sheik is just an alter ego of Zelda. Geno will not be part of a moveset and is not an alterego. As far as Doc...he was basically Mario with a different outfit and a couple different effects. Used as filler. Do you really want Geno to be a filler with basically the same exact moveset as someone else? I didn't think so. So, you really should try to refrain from those types of arguments.
Please don't take that as me dissing on Geno or his chances. I'm just trying to help and make clarifications.
Also, please cut the flaming guys. Try to be a little more civil to people who don't support him.
Also, the only reason I flame someone who just randomly comes in is because:
A. They didn't take the time to read the rebuttles we had posted on the front page
B. They obviously have never played the game
C. I'm sick and tired of having to explain myself to all of the people who just randomly come in here and say "Geno shouldn't be in the game. AT ftw."
Why should the Mario series LOSE a rep from the past game? How does that make any sense?I know who Geno is. He's neat, can do some unique moves, has a whirl attack which deals 9999 damage, and he is cool. But I still don't think Geno should be playable. I also think 4 reps for the Mario series is good enough.