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The Official Geno Thread


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Well, if they were going to use Geno Flash as a recovery move, Sakurai would probably alter it so that it functions slightly different than it does in SMRPG.

Imagine a move that controls similar to Yoshi's egg toss (Up+B to initiate, then pick a direction to alter the trajectory). Geno turns into a cannon and fires himself in that direction. Basically, the cannon fires a Geno instead of the blast from SMRPG. After the cannon fires Geno, it goes *poof*, and the fighting continues. If Geno comes into contact with an opponent after firing from the cannon, they get knock away parallel to his trajectory.

At least, that's how I envisioned it.
Here's the problem with that idea though, how do you turn into a cannon AND fire yourself?


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
Well, the same way Bowser had a weapon where he could throw Mario even though Mario was still fighting right next to him? ( I know. They replaced him with a doll during the attack animation, but still.)

My vision of the move leaves very little time for the two to actually be viewable at the same time anyways. You might be able to see both on screen for a split second before the cannon disappears.

I'm not saying that it would be anything like this at all. It just seems like the most probable solution to using Geno Flash as a recovery move.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 26, 2007
Alternatively Geno could create a star beneath him and fly upwards on it for his ^B it's simple and fits his character. Allowing for Geno Flash to be his FS or another B move. It would mean he wouldn't have absolutely everything from SMRPG, but some of the moves can be unique.

Chi's Finest

Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2005
I see Geno Boost working out so good as a Up B. It would kind og look Like Fox's up B. It would just be a blue light cylinder thingy, or whatever it wa sin the game, with arrows pointing up and doing the sound effect, and then he just sprints in the direction.

It's perfect if it's just like Fox's, only with a different look.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Well, the same way Bowser had a weapon where he could throw Mario even though Mario was still fighting right next to him? ( I know. They replaced him with a doll during the attack animation, but still.)

My vision of the move leaves very little time for the two to actually be viewable at the same time anyways. You might be able to see both on screen for a split second before the cannon disappears.

I'm not saying that it would be anything like this at all. It just seems like the most probable solution to using Geno Flash as a recovery move.
So what you're saying is that the "shot" the cannon fires basically turns into Geno once it's been shot so that it'd create sort of an illusion that Geno was actually propelled from the cannon? I could see how that would work but, like you said, the animation to that would have to be incredibly fast.
Jun 26, 2007
koopa cape located at the end of rainbow road
So what you're saying is that the "shot" the cannon fires basically turns into Geno once it's been shot so that it'd create sort of an illusion that Geno was actually propelled from the cannon? I could see how that would work but, like you said, the animation to that would have to be incredibly fast.
mabye it could charge up like fox's fire fox, and while it is chargeing geno doesn't move anywhere


Smash Journeyman
Sep 21, 2007
in your computer waiting for when you get closer t
eh... i wolud rather like to see geno flash as a Down-B if it was a special move. he would turn into a cannon then fire in whatever direction you press releaseing a quick and large blast (think PK flash but a little bigger, classified as an explosion and with out controll of the soon to be blast) it would do about 11-19 dmg. thogh then idk what his FS would be. mabey he coul un-posses the doll then cause epic havoc and then slamack into the action figure.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
Like others have said, they could just reserve it for his Final Smash, having him turn into an invulnerable cannon that can fire 'sparkly happy sun' blasts in a multitude of directions with rapid presses of the 'B' button. Think the Landmaster tank, only immobile . . . but aimable.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
I think Geno Boost should work like PK thunder. It can push enemies away while doing damage and if it makes contact with Geno it gives him a boost in the direction it came from, but with a twist, his next physical attack is powered up. The arrows wouldn't be guided with Geno's mind, but rather with his hand and you could see him moving his arms in the direction the arrows are traveling. If performed in the air, the mysterious force of the arrows will allow Geno to have a slow fall speed like Ness had when he did his PK thunder in the air.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
I don't quite remember Geno's techs... but seeing he is some sort of mechanical-wooden doll like thing...

the idea of rocket boosters sprouting from his feet seem like a very possible idea. :p

Or an extending arm tether recovery. What do you think?


Smash Rookie
Nov 19, 2007
hmm is it just me or is Geno totally gay?

like seriously he's just a doll wtf is he gonna do? He's not even a real character


Smash Rookie
Nov 19, 2007
I don't know who Ryuda is, but I played SMRPG: TSS, and it was enjoyable, but Geno isn't really cut out

Smash already has like, 18 mario characters
Square owns Geno
No RPG exclusive chars are in Smash
He was high up on a poll last year I believe, but there are much better candidates
We already have 2/3 3rd parties
Geno has little importance to Mario series


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
hmm is it just me or is Geno totally gay?

like seriously he's just a doll wtf is he gonna do? He's not even a real character
. . . Have you ever played Smash?

Now, class, who can tell me what characters played as in the original Smash Bros?



Um . . . is it . . . dolls?

*Ding! Ding! Ding!*

You are correct, sir! What do you win? Some counceling to cure your homophobia and a swift kick out the door!

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
hmm is it just me or is Geno totally gay?

like seriously he's just a doll wtf is he gonna do? He's not even a real character
There's race car drivers, rats, and a guy flatter than Linsey Lohan in Melee. No one gives a **** about your opinion. You obviously haven't played his game.

Anyways, Is it me or should Lazy Shell be another Koopa shell, along with the Blue sky shell in Kart DS? Those were awesome, but mainly Lazy shell in Mario RPG.


Smash Rookie
Nov 19, 2007
kk, so you're saying Mario is a doll?

News flash, trophies lol
Just saying that point did not support Geno at all

Deleted member

hmm is it just me or is Geno totally gay?

like seriously he's just a doll wtf is he gonna do? He's not even a real character
What? Are you, like, dumb. Yes, you are.

If he is gay, what is wrong with that? Sakurai ain't homophobic. What can he do? **** that'll blow your ****ing mind. He is a real character. He is a protagonist in a Mario game.


Banned (62 points)
Jul 11, 2005
Edmonds, Washington
they were all dolls in super smash bros 64, also, making an account to randomly flame and spam your dislike of a character is NOT encouraged here

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
kk, so you're saying Mario is a doll?

News flash, trophies lol
Just saying that point did not support Geno at all
Just saying, that you're a Ridley troll, and that you really don't know anything if you didn't know where I was getting at.

Anyways, what was the Geno defended by Phoenix Wright thing again? I'd like to see it..


Smash Rookie
Nov 19, 2007
nobody adressed any of my real points....
and they just said that I've never played the game before?

and ok ill stop the 'flame' tongue, but really I dont think he has a shot at Brawl


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
People, do not feed the troll, let's get back to Geno.. Okay, hmm.. I don't know, but I think that Geno will encounter Snake in his Subspace Emissary role.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
"The opposite way ? You mean like press right and you aim for right or you press left and you aim for right :dizzy: ? Hmm i think either way would be pretty gud , The second option would make him a bit confusing but hey PK Thunder is confusing sometimes :p (Not trying to stray off-topic but i'm trying to compare...:/.) Hmm so let's get this right so far.
B:Geno beam
BV:Geno blast
B>:Geno whirl
B^:Geno cannon (Not sure if it will work opposite way or not like i explained.)
FS:Geno flash"

Ok i THINK I Got most of the moveset right but if everyone can help me out to detail them (Trust me it's been a while since i've played SMRPG.)

Up B Attack , Geno cannon:What will happen is when you use the UP B Move then if you press Left for instance right afterwards you will go to the right , Takes a bit of getting use to but it works very well.

Side B Attack , Geno whirl:He will whirl in the form of a tornado that can go left or right , Can also be used well in recovery's and hit's quite well , Just be sure not to get trapped into the middle.

Down B Attack , Geno blast , Can't remember it to well so i don't have much here.

B Attack:Same as to geno blast , Can't remember.

FS:Geno flash , He will flash quickly upon the screen to the other side in a really fast way , Damanges lots of opponents.

I Think that's quite "Unique" For him , Oh and like Gimpy said they were dolls in Smash 64 , Anyhow what's the current discussion here :p?(On geno that is.)

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
nobody adressed any of my real points....
and they just said that I've never played the game before?

and ok ill stop the 'flame' tongue, but really I dont think he has a shot at Brawl
Your real points were that he was gay..a complete opinion. I think Sonic is gay, but what're ya gonna do? He's in, even though I hate him.

The Geno Alliance page is looking awesome, no one's destroying it so far.

Hold on Ryudo Sama! Just because he questions Geno's chances does not make him a Troll! We must enlighten him.

Argument: Geno can't get in over Megaman.
Answer: Both can get in. In an interview, Sakurai provided an ESTIMATE of how many 3rd party characters there would be. A confirmed number was never properly given. See below for additional details regarding Geno's "party" status and above of "What party is Geno?".

Argument: Geno belongs to Square; therefore he is a third-party character.
Answer: Sonic and Snake, two third-party characters, are also in the game. Geno has not been completely confirmed as a 3rd party character.

It has been mentioned that he could enter the roster as a 2 1/2 party addition. Like Dixie, Geno is co-owned by Nintendo (with Square-Enix, see note). Megaman and others can be in the game, too. Megaman is a pure 3rd party addition due to the fact that Capcom has always been a 3rd party developer for Nintendo and have never worked under Nintendo as a sub-developer.

NOTE: The fuel for this rumor has risen as of late due to heated debate related to Geno's appearance in Brawl. It has been noted that Super Mario RPG was released when Squaresoft was still a company developing exclusively for Nintendo (a 2nd party developer, in a sense).

Now, Square-Enix creates/designs games for all platforms as a 3rd party company. Geno is referenced as a bridge between these two, hence the 2 1/2 party rumor. (Added by Copperpot) Also to add Geno is listed under the mario series and in the poll he is listed with the first party characters.

Arguement: Geno isn't even a mascot!
Answer: True but how many other wanted character are as well? Barely no once knows who Masked man is, why? Because MOTHER3 was only released in Japan. Animal Crossing for that series, anyone can be a mascot. Lip was only in Japan and not many people know her because Yoshi took her game for the NA version. And who the hell are Oguma and Ouendan? Geno may not be a mascot, but he is a character that stands out because he has personality, unlike Waluigi who is a hybrid of Luigi and Wario.

Argument: He was only in two games, and he wasn't the main character in either.
Answer: Ice Climbers were in one game (two, including Melee). Anyone who has played SMRPG knows how important Geno is to the plot (one could argue that he is more important to the storyline than Mario). He was your guide in the game, because everyone else (except for Frogfucius) was clueless.

Mario- rescue Peach

Mallow-find his parents

Bowser-get back his castle

Peach-reunite with Mario

Geno-repair the Star Road

With that said, everyone except Geno achieves their main mission by the end of the game. Heck, Mario's the first one to achieve his. Also, after Mario finds the Star Piece, they visit Frogfucious, and he tells Mallow the truth about his past. From there, they continue on not to "beat the baddies" but to FIND MALLOW'S PARENTS AND PEACH. It's not until they meet Geno that the story really opens up and the Mario crew realizes they've got something big on their hands.

Argument: Geno is weak.
Answer: In Super Mario RPG, Geno is a balanced character with high HP and the highest speed and best attack stats in the game; to balance it out, he has below-average defense (Mario, Mallow, and Bowser have higher defense). His magic abilities are strong, including Geno Whirl: an attack that can kill regular enemies (and the boss Exor) with one timed hit.

Argument: Geno is a doll.
Answer: Although a doll may be an odd choice for a character, the Smash Bros. series already contains some very odd characters, such as Diddy Kong and King Dedede. Also, all characters in SSB start as dolls. (Added by doadrin)

Argument: Geno is not from Earth.
Answer: Neither are some other characters like Kirby or Ridley. Let it also be noted that this argument is completely irrelevant to Geno's inclusion in Brawl. It is never mentioned that any of the events in Brawl (or Melee, for that matter) take place on Earth.

Argument: Geno doesn't have an original moveset.
Answer: Super Mario RPG shows a large array of moves, both physical and magical. Geno has several attacks he could use.

Argument: Not many people have heard of him; he's obscure.
Answer: Being obscure hasn't stopped characters like Mr. Game & Watch from appearing in Smash Bros. games.

Argument: Geno isn't popular.
Answer: Sakurai's poll includes:
King Dedede(5) - CONFIRMED
Diddy Kong(4) - CONFIRMED
NOTE: For those who think the developers purposely skipped him, the list goes in alphabetical order. Also, additions were announced in ascending order (from bottom to top). If that were the case, Ridley would have also been 'skipped over'.

All of these arguments lead up to several reasons why Geno, according to the Alliance, should make an appearance in Brawl:

He has a moveset.

He is wanted by fans and has an established fanbase.

Sakurai is interested in him.

He starred in a memorable game.

SMRPG is a staple that has led to other Mario related RPGs like the Paper Mario series and the Mario and Luigi RPGs.

Geno is a 2 1/2 party character, like Dixie, because Nintendo AND Square(-Enix) co-created him.

Also, Geno has only appeared in Mario games, specifically Mario RPG related games.
Geno, or any SMRPG character belonging to Square, can only appear on 2 terms:
1. It's a game with Nintendo and Mario related themes. (I.E. M&L:SS)
2. S/E is given credit:


Smash Rookie
Nov 19, 2007
ok, so you're leaving logical points unattended? Again....

Smash already has like, 18 mario characters
Square owns Geno
No RPG exclusive chars are in Smash
He was high up on a poll last year I believe, but there are much better candidates
We already have 2/3 3rd parties
Geno has little importance to Mario series

Every other char in the game so far makes more sense, even the Pokemon Trainer, who introduces the most nostalgic pokes


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
Well, simply put, all characters in the smash bros universe are dolls/figures/trophies (with the exception of Master Hand, and maybe some Subspace enemies).

Secondly, we all have several ways to say we don't like a character, but putting down a character because they are "gay, homosexual, flaming, etc." is more-or-less a means of putting your lack of taste on display.

And finally, saying that "he's not even a real character" is blatantly false. Everyone here, including the haters, knows that he was in a game and created by someone. Any reasonable person could then deduce that he must be a character in some way, shape, or form.

Deleted member

I don't know who Ryuda is, but I played SMRPG: TSS, and it was enjoyable, but Geno isn't really cut out

Smash already has like, 18 mario characters
Square owns Geno
No RPG exclusive chars are in Smash
He was high up on a poll last year I believe, but there are much better candidates
We already have 2/3 3rd parties
Geno has little importance to Mario series
Smash only has 4 already. That's including Luigi. Sakurai can add in 1 or 2 more I suspect.
Square owns him. Yes, that is true but what is the problem of Square lending Geno to Sakurai? SEGA lended Sonic, Konami lended Snake.
What? He wasn't an exclusive.
Sakurai has great interest in Geno. He studies Geno to see if he is worthy. I assume Sakurai is liking what he sees.
We only have 2, Sonic and Snake. He can fit in 1 or 2 more characters. Besides, people look at Geno is a 2 1/2 party character.
He has great importance! He helped Mario restore the star rod and brought the world to peace.


Banned (62 points)
Jul 11, 2005
Edmonds, Washington
hmm is it just me or is Geno totally gay?

like seriously he's just a doll wtf is he gonna do? He's not even a real character
this was already addressed, it's stupid flaming and it makes you look like an idiot.

I don't know who Ryuda is, but I played SMRPG: TSS, and it was enjoyable, but Geno isn't really cut out

Smash already has like, 18 mario characters
Square owns Geno
No RPG exclusive chars are in Smash
He was high up on a poll last year I believe, but there are much better candidates
We already have 2/3 3rd parties
Geno has little importance to Mario series
smash doesn't even have a quarter of that number of mario characters, and mario is the largest franchise anyways, number of characters in a franchise is irrelivant.
square owns geno -> sonic + snake aren't nintendo exclusive
rpg exclusive = irrelevant
thats completely opinion and isn't relevant
right, all of the third parties aren't announced.. that sounds more like support for geno honestly
he doesn't really have a lot of high importance to the mario series overall, this is true

kk, so you're saying Mario is a doll?

News flash, trophies lol
Just saying that point did not support Geno at all
already addressed, they are dolls, mario was a doll, and thats a stupid argument anyways

nobody adressed any of my real points....
and they just said that I've never played the game before?

and ok ill stop the 'flame' tongue, but really I dont think he has a shot at Brawl
you are still posting in a flaming manner, even if you aren't just saying "geno suckz lolz" you still are posting in a tone that is flaming in this thread


Smash Rookie
Nov 19, 2007
Sonic and Snake are more popular, and there is no denying the larger fanbase of megaman and even other chars from Square

Still, lots of Mario characters.
Geno has no real back story, more is known about every other char
"they were all dolls"
But not possessed, and that was only in smash, and Geno isn't even a doll, he just took one's body

IMO your arguments seem to be opinion-based, as are mine but they hold more truth, however harsh

Deleted member

Sonic and Snake are more popular, and there is no denying the larger fanbase of megaman and even other chars from Square
This is Brawl, not a popularity contest. Sakurai even said himself that popular characters put him asleep.

But not possessed, and that was only in smash, and Geno isn't even a doll, he just took one's body
That is what makes him interesting. He posesses a doll and does all this crazy stuff like weaponry and changes himself into a cannon. It is what makes you sh*t bricks.


Smash Rookie
Nov 19, 2007
Playing Super Mario RPG
Geno will most definitley be in Brawl. I mean come on who doesn't want to play as him.

And Oranges you are wrong about Geno, he is a great, unique character who did great on the polls.


Smash Rookie
Nov 19, 2007
That's irrelevant, there's no way you could believe Geno has a larger fanbase. That's just Mario fans voting for Geno, too.


Smash Ace
May 19, 2007
Stuck in the 4th dungeon of twilight princess
Still that is you stating your opinion he has more votes and if you look at this it seems that all the characters with High numbers on the poll are getting confirmed soooo

King Dedede(5) - CONFIRMED!
Diddy Kong(4) - CONFIRMED!

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
ok, so you're leaving logical points unattended? Again....

Smash already has like, 18 mario characters
Square owns Geno
No RPG exclusive chars are in Smash
He was high up on a poll last year I believe, but there are much better candidates
We already have 2/3 3rd parties
Geno has little importance to Mario series

Every other char in the game so far makes more sense, even the Pokemon Trainer, who introduces the most nostalgic pokes
Mario, Peach, Bowser, *Luigi leaked*, and there's one more spot. You need some more accurate hyperboles. That's a perfect spot for Geno.

Who cares? They can't use him, they'd only have to charge nintendo a rental fee and be given credit.

...Pokeymanz andjello puddin pops are just a perfect contridiction. They're the 2nd highest selling series on the planet.

lol. Who? He was high up on the poll for a reason. Did you notice that within the top 5, there were 3 out of 5 characters confirmed? The last two are Ridley and Geno, which are almost certainly getting spots.

"Little importance to the Mario series"? Luigi's in Brawl(LEAKED). All he did was star in two games. HUH? GENO DID TOO??

...How can Geno not make sense?


Banned (62 points)
Jul 11, 2005
Edmonds, Washington
whats wrong with mario fans voting? this is a game FOR mario fans, and fans of nintendo

alright you aren't posting anything new or anything even half relevant, so please just stop posting. it's not that i'm being angry for people disagreeing with you (i personally dont really see geno being in, nor do i necessarily want him in, and i LOVED smrpg) but what you are doing isn't helping this thread or these boards at all

whoa whoa whoa, do not compare the signifance of luigi to the significance of geno, it's not even close and you KNOW that wu tang


Smash Rookie
Nov 19, 2007
wait, so popular characters bore sakurai when it's megaman, but show their chances for Brawl when it's geno? Right....

Luigi in 2 games? No, not at all. He was the MAIN in 2 games, compared to Geno who APPEARED in 2 games. Not to mention Luigi is mario's brother, was in the show/movie, and is known worldwide.

Deleted member

Geno has a far better chance than Megaman. I think that the two can get in.
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