Holy... crap...
My sister takes over the computer to do her homework for a few hours, and all this happens while I'm gone? I missed the biggest Geno/Ridley flame war in SWF history? Just... God.
Can't say I'm displeased that it's over, though. I'd rather us have a 100-post thread with heartfelt posts than an "OVER 9000!!1" one made of spam... ah, well. I'm glad to see Grim and Gypsy got banned, although Psycho didn't miss the fatal swipe of the Ban Stick. *shrugs* I'm just proud to say this is the first character support thread to say, "We're over 9000!"
I hope my body can take it...
Snakz is busy, Shadowbolt been gone and Pyscho is banned, Super Mario Whirled and I are the only leaders left, however all of you guys are just as important and I'm feeling sick, sorry guys. *sighs* *Has to go back to school*
Anyways who here can help me with a Geno-project?
I'm a leader? O rly? *looks around*
Whatcha got in mind? I'm working on a Flash project me self....
if i get back from my concert and this thread is still as spammy as ever i'm closing it, and that is not a joke.
I swear to God, if this thread gets closed... no more, guys. Not after I've loved this thread this long.
In an attempt to keep on subject: I think Geno Boost would be his up-B. If you saw that arrow Wario used in the SSE movie (it's somewhere in there...), I'd like Geno Boost to be used with something of that nature, as a recovery move.