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The Official Geno Thread


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Exsqueeze me? You like Geno's chances, but not an icon like Bomberman?

In Geno support threads up is down & short is long....
You have no idea how fun that is though...

People living on their limited set minds...

Super Mario Whirled

Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
Exsqueeze me? You like Geno's chances, but not an icon like Bomberman?

In Geno support threads up is down & short is long....
*points to poll* You see that one up there? That's who I'm supporting. Bomberman would be great, but alas, Sakurai hasn't taken any notice of him from what I've heard...

GhostAnime: That's coo'. It feel nice to have people that live in the same state as you on these boards. ^_^


Smash Journeyman
Aug 14, 2007
Exsqueeze me? You like Geno's chances, but not an icon like Bomberman?

In Geno support threads up is down & short is long....
No. You just don't have any common sense.

Geno has better chances because he is extremely popular in America and Japan as shown by Sakurai's polls. So far 3 of the 5 in the Top 5 have been confirmed to be in Brawl, and Geno was tied for 2nd in that same poll. He also placed high on a well-known japanese site's poll.

Bomberman on the other hand has competition coming from other 3rd Party companies that have more iconic people then him. Megaman and Simon Belmont are two big names that come to mind.

If you can't understand that logic then obviously these "Geno Support Threads" are on a higher plane of logic then you are.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
*points to poll* You see that one up there? That's who I'm supporting. Bomberman would be great, but alas, Sakurai hasn't taken any notice of him from what I've heard...

GhostAnime: That's coo'. It feel nice to have people that live in the same state as you on these boards. ^_^
In melee, Sakurai never took notice of G&W from what we could tell. We all know how that turned out. Thing with Bomberman is, hes way more recognizable and infinitely more visable than G&W, being in **** loads of games and such on the Nintendo, PSX, Gameboy, you name it. Geno has been on 2 platforms and realistically, you could only mold a moveset from his SMRPG appearance. Bomberman has more possibilities (animal friends, elemental bombs, etc.) than does Geno who has only been playable in one game.

Bomberman appears to be the more attractive option in popularity & in moveset possibilities. Geno has the edge of being the character people almost forgot about and has a good shot to make it in as a G&W type WTF addition. I'll give him that. =o)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 14, 2007
In melee, Sakurai never took notice of G&W from what we could tell. We all know how that turned out. Thing with Bomberman is, hes way more recognizable and infinitely more visable than G&W, being in **** loads of games and such on the Nintendo, PSX, Gameboy, you name it. Geno has been on 2 platforms and realistically, you could only mold a moveset from his SMRPG appearance. Bomberman has more possibilities (animal friends, elemental bombs, etc.) than does Geno who has only been playable in one game.

Bomberman appears to be the more attractive option in popularity & in moveset possibilities. Geno has the edge of being the character people almost forgot about and has a good shot to make it in as a G&W type WTF addition. I'll give him that. =o)

It so obvious that you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to Geno. That moveset argument is trash considering that Falco, Fox, and Captain Falcon are all doing fine. Bomberman is 3rd Party which is why his chances of being in are not as solid as Geno's who is considered to be 1st Party by Sakurai.

Besides, Sakurai probably had G&W planned from the start. He was on old nintendo systems and was one of the better games. Nobody "almost forgot" about Geno considering that he was in such an amazing game that spawned all of the Mario RPG's that we have today.

Oshiro Akina

Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2007
Star Road

It so obvious that you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to Geno. That moveset argument is trash considering that Falco, Fox, and Captain Falcon are all doing fine. Bomberman is 3rd Party which is why his chances of being in are not as solid as Geno's who is considered to be 1st Party by Sakurai.

Besides, Sakurai probably had G&W planned from the start. He was on old nintendo systems and was one of the better games. Nobody "almost forgot" about Geno considering that he was in such an amazing game that spawned all of the Mario RPG's that we have today.

And don't forget that Sakurai also mentioned that he likes older, more retro characters, so that's another plus for Geno. ^^


Smash Journeyman
Aug 14, 2007
Sorry if I sound a bit touchy, but no one bad mouths Geno and gets away with it. >_>

He's the only character that I care about getting into Brawl with a passion. I also wanted him to be in Melee, but that didn't work out for me. This time he will be in though!

Super Mario Whirled

Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007

Geno has the interest and support of both Geno fans AND Sakurai . . .
^Geno in Brawl is practically logic itself. :chuckle:

In melee, Sakurai never took notice of G&W from what we could tell. We all know how that turned out. Thing with Bomberman is, hes way more recognizable and infinitely more visable than G&W, being in **** loads of games and such on the Nintendo, PSX, Gameboy, you name it. Geno has been on 2 platforms and realistically, you could only mold a moveset from his SMRPG appearance. Bomberman has more possibilities (animal friends, elemental bombs, etc.) than does Geno who has only been playable in one game.

Bomberman appears to be the more attractive option in popularity & in moveset possibilities. Geno has the edge of being the character people almost forgot about and has a good shot to make it in as a G&W type WTF addition. I'll give him that. =o)
Although Bomberman is a great Nintendo character, his third party status just really screws him over. Not that he can't make it, but he's going to be hard-pressed, considering all the others he's competing against. (And that's if Sakurai decides to add another third party, judging by his "1-2 third party characters" say.) Geno, being the controversial "second-and-a-half party", was in only one game, but that game changed a lot for the biggest game franchise [Mario's]. He had great deal of personality and character development, which makes him very different than the generic G&W. His fighting ability is practically perfect for Brawl- he has just enough move potential to create the perfect moveset. Bomberman, however... just... bombs.

Perhaps Bomberman is more popular in the gaming world as a whole, but Geno is eons more so in the Brawl running. I believe B-man is the WTF character SSB-wise, but that's in my opinion.

*phew* Geno for Brawl!


Smash Lord
Oct 15, 2007
what area? and hotgarbage, as well.

I live in the middleish part of the state. Heh so we got someone from the mountains, piedmont, and coastal plains....... together we form captain planet like, the the unholy trio of NC Geno Fans!!!!11!! ...... or something >_________>

EDIT: and btw the 150th update is on Monday, not that that means much but you never know :D


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
It so obvious that you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to Geno. That moveset argument is trash considering that Falco, Fox, and Captain Falcon are all doing fine. Bomberman is 3rd Party which is why his chances of being in are not as solid as Geno's who is considered to be 1st Party by Sakurai.
Ahh yes, the old Falco, Fox, and Captain Falcon rebuttal. Well first off, no one knew how those 3 fought before smash came along, therefore, creative license was justified to conjure a moveset for them. Do you think it would make of hint of sense if Sakurai gave Peach the ability to shoot fireballs and Bowser the ability to float Kirby style? Sakurai gave characters abilities that they either used in the past or would likely use in a hypothetical scenario. Geno already has a moveset, why would Sakurai deviate from the skills that make Geno who he is? Durrr. That would only make him even less recognizable than before. Good job.

I'd also like to point out that Geno has much stiffer competition to best than Bomberman does since Geno is vying for a 1st party slot against the likes of Luigi, Bowser Jr., Waluigi, Donkey Kong Jr., Wart, Kamek (cooler than Geno will ever be imo), Count Bleck, Dimentio, etc. etc. Compared to Geno, Bomberman just opened up a Willy Wonka candy bar and got himself a golden ticket into smash.

Besides, Sakurai probably had G&W planned from the start.
Link? Thats what I thought. No one knew Sakurai had interest in G&W until it was actually confirmed.

He was on old nintendo systems and was one of the better games.
Since when is being on an old Nintendo system a right of passage? Bomberman was on the SNES and he was on some of the better games, but then he did that much longer than Geno.

Nobody "almost forgot" about Geno considering that he was in such an amazing game that spawned all of the Mario RPG's that we have today.
Excuse me, Geno is not the inspiration behind subsequent SMRPGs & he had little to do with said Mario RPGs. He had one cameo in Superstar, how does that equate to being a perennially relevant character? Riddle me this, if no one almost forgot about Geno then how come Square hasn't let him see the light of day and how come Nintendo never tried to make Geno an actual major character in this series of Mario RPGs that followed after the original? I'll tell you why, because they didn't think as highly of Geno as you do right now. Smash may be Geno's last shot at mainstream stardom and if he doesn't make it in, you can expect him to stay on that shelf for another decade.

Sigh, guns and magic are a recipe for pre-teen fanboyism.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Bomberman on the other hand has competition coming from other 3rd Party companies that have more iconic people then him. Megaman and Simon Belmont are two big names that come to mind.
Whoa. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Simon Belmont? A more popular choice for Brawl over Bomberman?


Edit: And to Super Mario Whirled, B-man is not 3rd party. He's partly owned by Nintedndo, making him 2nd party-ish.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Also, Simon's chances are pretty slim, considering the fact Konami has a rep.
True. I'm not a fan of using the "not fit for Brawl" argument because of Snake making the cut, but in this case, I'll make an excuse. I just don't think Simon Belmont is Brawl material.

But then agian, Sakurai could mega-mindgame us again, causing the world to explode and reality to collapse.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 14, 2007
Ahh yes, the old Falco, Fox, and Captain Falcon rebuttal. Well first off, no one knew how those 3 fought before smash came along, therefore, creative license was justified to conjure a moveset for them. Do you think it would make of hint of sense if Sakurai gave Peach the ability to shoot fireballs and Bowser the ability to float Kirby style? Sakurai gave characters abilities that they either used in the past or would likely use in a hypothetical scenario. Geno already has a moveset, why would Sakurai deviate from the skills that make Geno who he is? Durrr. That would only make him even less recognizable than before. Good job.
Have you never played SMRPG? I'm guessing that if you have you haven't played it recently. Geno has a large array of attacks ranging from shooting tiny pellets from his elbows, to rocking both of his fists, to actually shooting stars from his wrists. All I'm saying is that moveset is not a problem.

I'd also like to point out that Geno has much stiffer competition to best than Bomberman does since Geno is vying for a 1st party slot against the likes of Luigi, Bowser Jr.,Waluigi],Donkey Kong Jr., Wart, Kamek (cooler than Geno will ever be imo), Count Bleck, Dimentio, etc. etc. Compared to Geno, Bomberman just opened up a Willy Wonka candy bar and got himself a golden ticket into smash.
It is taking all of my strength to not just stop reading after seeing that. Seriously, if you think that Wart, Waluigi, Count Bleck, and Dimentio all belong in the game over Geno then you disgust me. I have barely seen any of their names come up in the popularity area.

Besides, Luigi is considered to be in 100% by many people.

Also, I think Donkey Kong Jr. would be put under

Bomberman has to compete against the likes of Megaman and Simon Belmont. There are also plenty of other choices that Sakurai could make besides Bomberman. That is a lot harder to beat then Waluigi (lawl).

Link? Thats what I thought. No one knew Sakurai had interest in G&W until it was actually confirmed.
I said probably, but once again your ignorance shines through. It's a well known fact that many characters (such as Sonic) were not put into the game because of time restraints. Also, Ganondorf was turned into a clone because of time restraints as well.

Why would he just randomly say "Hey how about we forget about those other well known Nintendo characters and toss in that guy from the Game and Watch games!" Obviously, he showed some previous interest in him.

Since when is being on an old Nintendo system a right of passage? Bomberman was on the SNES and he was on some of the better games, but then he did that much longer than Geno.
The Bomberman games as of late have been trash. Megaman and the Castlevania series are doing much better then Bomberman is at the moment. This is besides the point though considering I could careless if Bomberman is in or not. I just care about Geno.

Excuse me, Geno is not the inspiration behind subsequent SMRPGs & he had little to do with said Mario RPGs. He had one cameo in Superstar, how does that equate to being a perennially relevant character? Riddle me this, if no one almost forgot about Geno then how come Square hasn't let him see the light of day and how come Nintendo never tried to make Geno an actual major character in this series of Mario RPGs that followed after the original? I'll tell you why, because they didn't think as highly of Geno as you do right now. Smash may be Geno's last shot at mainstream stardom and if he doesn't make it in, you can expect him to stay on that shelf for another decade.

Sigh, guns and magic are a recipe for pre-teen fanboyism.
Once again it is so obvious that you have never played SMRPG. SMRPG is the game that influenced all of the current Mario RPG games. Even though Mario was the main character the second most important character in the game was Geno because the story revolved around the Star Road and the Stars, which is a recurring them in the games that came after it might I add.

Also, Geno is currently property of Square so I'm assuming that Nintendo didn't want to use a character created by Square because of bad blood over FFVII.

It's obvious that you don't know what you are talking about at all.

Super Mario Whirled

Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
Whoa. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Simon Belmont? A more popular choice for Brawl over Bomberman?


Edit: And to Super Mario Whirled, B-man is not 3rd party. He's partly owned by Nintedndo, making him 2nd party-ish.
Ah, my bad. I'm not much in the know about character's legal situations- excluding Geno's. :embarrass


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
The Bomberman games as of late have been trash. Megaman and the Castlevania series are doing much better then Bomberman is at the moment. This is besides the point though considering I could careless if Bomberman is in or not. I just care about Geno.
I like how you bash him for never playing SMRPG, but yet you call all the latest Bomberman games "trash". He's had one ****ty game in the last few years, and it was exclusively the Xbox 360, so it doesn't even really count.

And Simon Belmont is definetely not competition for other 3rd party characters.

P.S: You also say that none of the recent MM games have been trash. This makes me laugh.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 14, 2007
I didn't even attack Bomberman to begin with. Normally, I wouldn't argue against him, but coming in here acting like he knows anything about Geno's chances is disgusting.


Bomberman Land Wii
Bomberman Act Zero
Bomberman LIVE
Bomberman Land Touch



The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I didn't even attack Bomberman to begin with. Normally, I wouldn't argue against him, but coming in here acting like he knows anything about Geno's chances is disgusting.


Bomberman Land Wii
Bomberman Act Zero
Bomberman LIVE
Bomberman Land Touch

Act Zero...

from this point on, that NEVER happened


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
I didn't even attack Bomberman to begin with. Normally, I wouldn't argue against him, but coming in here acting like he knows anything about Geno's chances is disgusting.


Bomberman Land Wii
Bomberman Act Zero
Bomberman LIVE
Bomberman Land Touch

I know you were calling him out on his faulty arguments, but still. Act Zero shouldn't even count. Land Wii wasn't THAT bad, and how did you not like Live?


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
The Bomberman games as of late have been trash. Megaman and the Castlevania series are doing much better then Bomberman is at the moment. This is besides the point though considering I could careless if Bomberman is in or not. I just care about Geno.
Are we even in the same universe? You must be aware of the debacle that is MegaMan Star Pharce, which is getting a sequel BTW. At least Hudson knew better to drop their dud of a series (Act Zero). And Mega Man ZX and .EXE haven't been anything to write home to mom about either. Castlevania is still performing well on the handhelds, but once you get into their recent console "efforts" you know that the series can ONLY improve on those platforms...


Smash Journeyman
Aug 14, 2007
I know you were calling him out on his faulty arguments, but still. Act Zero shouldn't even count. Land Wii wasn't THAT bad, and how did you not like Live?
Didn't appeal to me. I guess it's been to long since i've actually played Bomberman like I used to do when I was I kid. In fact it was one of the reasons that I continued playing games and actually developed an interest.

Saturn Bomberman ftw.

Seriously, I just want Belmont in because Castlevania was also a big game series. I know his shot isn't that good, but for some reason I just think that he has a better shot then bomberman. Is this idiotic biasness? Yes, but everyone is a little biased over some subjects.

In this thread I will defend Geno until the other person gives up arguing. Outside of this thread I will give my opinion, but not argue it to such an extreme.

Sorry, to have to bring up Act Zero. Worst game I've ever purchased for my Xbox 360 so far.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2007
Bomberman smells of the charred remains of his enemies.

Simon Belmont smells of garlic.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Sorry, to have to bring up Act Zero. Worst game I've ever purchased for my Xbox 360 so far.
You actually bought it? You poor soul, you.

Bomberman smells of the charred remains of his enemies.

Simon Belmont smells of garlic.
^ Winnest post evar.

Yes, I said "evar".


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Whoa really !? O_o I had no clue about that. That increases his chances then.
Yeah--Hudson (which is practically bed-buddies with Nintendo, because they develop the Mario Party games) is co-owned by Nintendo and Konami. Sakurai would have to go through little or no trouble to get him.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Yeah--Hudson (which is practically bed-buddies with Nintendo, because they develop the Mario Party games) is co-owned by Nintendo and Konami. Sakurai would have to go through little or no trouble to get him.
Megaman, Geno AND Bomberman for Brawl!!!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 14, 2007
Even so, I'm not sure that they would just hand him over for free. Bomberman would be a pretty neat addition though because I would probably just play him for fun. Kind of like how when I play Melee at tournaments I use Falco, but if I'm playing a scrub I'll spam missles as Samus >_>

Geno, Bomerman, and Megaman for Brawl indeed.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2007
Yeah I didn't think Nintendo owned Hudson either. I thought they just work closely.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Yeah I didn't think Nintendo owned Hudson either. I thought they just work closely.
Hudson and Sega are the only people that were allowed to use Nintendo games, playable in game so I KNOW they have a good relationship

BUT I have never heard that Hudson had any ownership within Nintendo


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
BUT I have never heard that Hudson had any ownership within Nintendo
Not ownership--more like Hudson works as a psuedo-branch of Nintendo on certain games. It's almost the same thing.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2007
EDIT: ^ Alright I see what you mean. This thread can go back to discussing Geno.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
Actually, it's only partially owned by konami, nintendo doesn't own it at all =/
Actually Nintendo does own stock shares for Hudson Soft, making them "partial owners" as well - in fact, you could own only ONE share and STILL be a partial owner of a company. Isn't economics great? Konami owns 53% of Hudson's shares last I checked, but I believe Nintendo owns between 20-30%. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find a source, but I know for a fact that they still own a significant portion of the company, and I believe they held the largest share in the company before Konami felt greedy... :grin:

EDIT: Whoops... Alright, no more going off topic...
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