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The Official Geno Thread


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I have it saved on my PC. What's the character limit here because I can very well upload the entire thing on this page in a matter of minutes. In the case the answer is no, this is what it contained:

1. An introduction

2. A petition with 444 names on it representing 444 people from 16 different web forums who supported Geno or any Super Mario RPG character (in other words, they didn't care as long as someone made it).

3. About 15 reasons to why Geno should be included in Brawl and why SMRPG was significant with many of the reasons being at least a paragraph long.

4. Three completely drawn out movesets to give the developers some ideas on how the fans wanted to see Geno play out.

5. A picture drawn by Algus depicting what many fans wanted Geno's special (B) moves to be.

6. Two remodels of Geno drawn by artists I "hired", one of them being sfox8 (currently a member of deviantart) and the other being Laura Mir Wilson.

7. A Japanese and English copy of all of these.

The people who worked on it were myself, Milkman007, Chaosyoshi, Algus, sfox8, Laura Mir Wilson, Demonshadowbolt (of the Game FAQs forums), Meleegrandmarshall, and two other people who I unfortunately don't remember the names of. Even though I did most of the work when it came to collecting names, organizing the whole thing, etc it was a group effort and we spent about 70 hours on it in the course of a week and a half.
Can I ask the moveset you have suggested?


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Actually, here's all three movesets that were included in the portfolio:

Moveset #1
Created by Fatmanonice

Speed, 8/10 a little slower than Fox.
Defense, 4/10 about the same as Fox.
Power, 8/10 about Captain Falcon's strength.
Jump, 5/10, similar to Mario's.
Throw, 7/10, similar to Peach.

A moves).
A, punch).
A,A, double punch).
A,A,A, double punch into a short range rocket fist).
A forward, stretch kick).
A up, head butt).
A down, ground cutting kick (similar to Samus's smash attack, only faster and weaker),
A dash) running kick.

Smash Attacks).
Smash Forward) double rocket fist (medium range),
Smash Down) sliding kick into a back flip kick (if it comes in contact with anyone)
Smash up) Arm Cannon arch) (similar to Samus's except it shoots mini-bullet bills)

Aerial attacks)
jump A) quick spin (spins like a tornado, damages anyone who touches him).
jump A forward) plank attack (lies flat and falls, damages anyone who touches him),
jump A back) disconnecting back kick (Similar to Ness's except feet de-attach and shoot out), jump A down) rapid stomp,
jump A up) gatling gun shot (only goes straight up).

throw forward) throws forward and then uses finger shot,
throw back) throws back and throws a homing Geno whirl Disk).
throw down) similar to Kirby's only a lot faster,
throw up) like Fox's except he uses his star gun).

B moves).
B, chargable Geno beam (hold for more power).
B forward, rapid Geno whirl attack (disk does a random amount of damage between 1-5 damage, 1/500 chance it does 50 damage, 1/1000 it does an instant KO).
B down) Geno blast (works like Pikachu's thunder except several beams appear, kinda like a light show, only dangerous).
B up) Geno Twirl (works like Zelda's except it does more damage and travels a shorter distance).

Super Smash Attack)Geno Flash) Geno turns into a Cannon and Shoots a small shot. The shot then rapidly expands until it fills up the entire screen. Damage, 60.

Taunt) Bows towards the screen like he did in Mario RPG

Created by Milkman007

A Single Punch.
A + A One Two Punch.
A + A + A Double Punch.
(Left/Right) + A Long Punch.
(Down) + A Low Kick.
(Up) + A Upward Double Punch.
(Running) + A Dash Punch.
(Smash Left/Right) + A Rocket Punch.
(Smash Up) + A Finger Shot.
(Smash Down) + A Star Gun.
(Midair) + A Spinning Punch.
(Midair) + (Up) + A Light Finger Shot.
(Midair) + (Down) + A Heel Drop.
(Midair) + (Forward) + A - Hand Gun.
(Midair) + (Back) + A Elbow Cannon.
B Geno Beam (hold B to charge and increase range and power).
(Up) + B Geno Warp (yeah, I made this one up, similar to mewtwos 3rd jump, maybe a little farther).
(Down) + B Geno Blast (calls several multi-colored light beams from the sky, think pikachus thunder, but faster and rapid fire).
(Left/Right) + B Geno Whirl (high speed, low damage, meteor smash).
Brawl Move Geno Flash (Geno turns himself into a cannon, blasting opponents with the power of a small sun).
Grab Extended Fist (Ranged Grab).
Grab + A Jab.
Toss (Up) Double Punch Knock Up.
Toss (Down) Elbow Cannon Drop.
Toss (Forward) Fist Launch.
Toss (Back) Dual Elbow Jab.
Taunt - turns to face camera, folds arms and nods.

Moveset #3.
Created by Chaoticyoshi.

1st Appearance:Super Mario RPG(1996).
Stats(Out of 5).
How to Unlock:Event Match 29:Star Duel
Explanation:In this Event Match, you must KO Kirby 3 times,
but all you have at your disposal are star rods, warp stars, and starmen.
You have 3 lives in your stock and no time limit
Intro:After you beat Event Match 29, a warp star crash lands on the arena,
after the explosion, a doll is seen, your character tries to pick it up,
but it floats in mid-air and transforms from the old Super Mario RPG
Geno to the Updated version of Geno, afterwards, Geno extends his fist,
the screen freezes, and the newcomer:Geno message pops up, get ready to duel!
Biography:See Geno Cases 1-3
Home Stages:Forest Maze and Star Road(Not an actual road mind you)
On the ground.
A-Geno Punch.
A,A-Puppet 1-2.
A,A,A...-Fist Shower.
-]A(Strong)-Elbow Thrust.
^A(Strong)-Upward Finger Shot.
vA(Strong)-Leg sweep.
-]A(Smash)-Fist Rocket(Retracts).
^A(Smash)-Elbow Rocket.
vA(Smash)-Knee Gatling.
Running A-Geno Push.
In the Air.
-]A-Dual Finger Shot.
[-A-Elbow Shot.
^A-Geno Flip.
vA-Puppet Drill.
Grab-Retractable Arm.
A-Geno Headbutt.
-]A-Knee Thrust.
[-A-Finger Shot Barrage.
^A-Fist Rocket launch.
vA-Rapid Kicks.
Special Moves.
B-Geno Beam(Hold to Charge).
-]B-Geno Whirl.
^B-Geno Boost.
vB-Geno Star Shower(Geno Punches the ground to send a star upon an opponent).
Brawl Move-Geno Flash
Explanation:Geno turns into a cannon and shoots the arena with the
intensity of the Sun, burning all opponents that are on or near the ground.
Max Damage:75%.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
You ARE insane, you support a possessed doll. Wich makes me giggle each time i say it. I call everyone with a facetious tone... "prettymanfairy".

Well if he's third party.. he would have to get in over megaman(teh noes), if he IS first party i would support him.
This is a common misconception. Many people believe that Geno is somehow in direct competition with Megaman but their legal situations are very different. This is from my Geno: Star of Heaven thread:

"The legal situation surrounding Geno (and Vaati) is not the same as Sonic and Megaman. Yes, Geno is third party and owned by Square Enix but Nintendo really has more say in the character. Why? Because Geno was in a Mario game (a first party franchise owned by Nintendo) that makes him a Mario character. There's no getting around that. Because of this, Square Enix cannot legally use him outside of this context because (as the copyright says at the end of all Mario games) Nintendo owns all the scenarios that occur in the Mario games. Geno was part of the story in Super Mario RPG thus pulling him into the scenario AKA the story and plot points of the game. My point was proved both during the offical Melee and Brawl polls when Geno was, despite his legal situation, categorized as a Mario character and seperated from the other third party characters."

"Now that is cleared up, let me explain things further. Because Geno is a Mario character, Square Enix cannont legally refuse Nintendo the rights to him if they wish to use them nor use him outside the context of a Mario game unless Nintendo is involved with the project. In the end, Nintendo basically controls the situation surrounding him and that makes Geno pretty much worthless to Square Enix. For further proof of this, ask yourself this: Why was Geno in a Mario game that Square Enix played no part in developing? Mario and Luigi: Super Star Saga was developed by Nintendo and Alpha Dream. It is even questionable whether or not Square Enix recieved some of the profits based on Geno's inclusion in the game."

"Now let's compare Geno with Sonic. Sonic makes millions of dollars for Sega every year and is their biggest icon. Geno is a character that was playable in one game that sold about 2 million copies worldwide more then a decade ago and has basically been sitting in a filing cabinet since 2003. See a difference? I certainly do."

"So there you have it. Geno's legal situation laid out in black and white. Yes, Nintendo will still have to get permission to use him and probably have to pay a minor fee (would you like to compare the "rental" cost of Sonic's or Megaman's copyrights to Geno's?) for him but, in the end, Geno is very, very different from other third party characters."


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Thank you Spidey for bringing Fatman here.

Added Portfolio info to the wiki and Fatman under a new class, a very hard as hell class to get to. Also Snakz and I added a buttload of new material to read!

Oshiro Akina

Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2007
Star Road
How to Unlock:Event Match 29:Star Duel
Explanation:In this Event Match, you must KO Kirby 3 times,
but all you have at your disposal are star rods, warp stars, and starmen.
You have 3 lives in your stock and no time limit
Intro:After you beat Event Match 29, a warp star crash lands on the arena,
after the explosion, a doll is seen, your character tries to pick it up,
but it floats in mid-air and transforms from the old Super Mario RPG
Geno to the Updated version of Geno, afterwards, Geno extends his fist,
the screen freezes, and the newcomer:Geno message pops up, get ready to duel!
That's just made of epic win.

*bows to Fatmanonice* You, sir, are a god.

Oshiro Akina

Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2007
Star Road
Shadowbolt, you are my hero. xD

I just love Geno's expression in the fourth panel.

And is that supposed to be you in the last panel? xD


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2007
Washington D.C.
OK, I don't know if any of you could help me out on this..but didn't there used to be a poll somewhere on these boards, where they'd rank the most wanted characters in brawl, and Geno was ranked 6th on it for a really long time? Geno's picture looked badass, it was like a high-detail 3D rendering of his character.

Where is that poll? I wanna see if Geno's still 6th or higher, plus, I wanna see that model of him again.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
OK, I don't know if any of you could help me out on this..but didn't there used to be a poll somewhere on these boards, where they'd rank the most wanted characters in brawl, and Geno was ranked 6th on it for a really long time? Geno's picture looked badass, it was like a high-detail 3D rendering of his character.

Where is that poll? I wanna see if Geno's still 6th or higher, plus, I wanna see that model of him again.
Well, the person hasn't updated it since...

Actually, Geno would be #4 now



Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2007
Washington D.C.
Oh...well, I'd like to see it again anyway for the Geno Picture and what not. If any of you see it around, let me know? Much appreciated.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Tonight im staying up for the update cause im puttin my faith in tomorrow, and if not tomorrow, then tuesday, and if not tuesday, then later in November.

Oshiro Akina

Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2007
Star Road
Tonight im staying up for the update cause im puttin my faith in tomorrow, and if not tomorrow, then tuesday, and if not tuesday, then later in November.
I hear ya. *plans to do the same* I also plan to stay up for Monday as well if he's not announced tomorrow, because there's always a chance that Sakurai could pull a fast one on us and sneak him in the day before Galaxy is released. xD

Mega Conrad

Smash Apprentice
Oct 18, 2007
Harrison, OH
Yeah it would make a lot of sense to reveal a Mario themed character right before the biggest Mario game of the year comes out...never even thought of that


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Yeah it would make a lot of sense to reveal a Mario themed character right before the biggest Mario game of the year comes out...never even thought of that
Ehh, i wouldn't get too excited if i were you

For one, i dont Sakurai would save a special character update just for the American release of Mario Galaxy. And even if he is, it's most likely Luigi.

But ive been wrong before, and i kinda hope that's the case :)

Super Mario Whirled

Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
Man, half-school days FTW. Came home, took a nap, woke up, and felt urge to support Geno. As usual.

Oh man, tonight- Geno's chances have never been better! I'm-a stayin' up too, because seeing the almighty update is much more worth it when it's two in the morning and everybody's going spastic over it.

It's the perfect day to fill that newcomer gap with a badass doll... eh, Sakurai?

Fatmanonice, Shadowbolt... I love you. XD

what area? and hotgarbage, as well.
I'm from Burke County (a.k.a. Redneck Country)- it's on the Piedmont/Mountains border.

Oshiro Akina

Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2007
Star Road
Geno would look perfect anywhere on that new comer roster! And if tonight's update is Geno I am not getting any sleep tonight. XD


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
That would be funny if the 150th update was MEWTWO or something...

But hopefully it's Geno...

Super Mario Whirled

Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
Feh, it's going to be a newcomer, and who else than our boy Geno? If it is him... haters/fans/WTF'd neutrals aren't getting any sleep tonight.

Mewtwo? GTFO! If not Geno, then Bomberman for sure! XD


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Feh, it's going to be a newcomer, and who else than our boy Geno? If it is him... haters/fans/WTF'd neutrals aren't getting any sleep tonight.

Mewtwo? GTFO! If not Geno, then Bomberman for sure! XD
It was a joke

150 - Mewtwo...
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