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The Official Geno Thread


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I meant for Brawl.
...He really should just use the Mushroom sign...and if Mallow got to be a character in the game, they would both have to be able to use the same thing

Deleted member

Well if Geno was in Brawl besides Mallow, I think it'd be a good idea. Not a great idea, but a good one. Kinda like DK and Yoshi have their own. Well, Donkey Kong is really obvious considering he has a grand franchise but, still.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2006
uhh I understand that Geno has an overwhelming fan base, especially on this board, however, I fail to see the "shoe-in factor" in Geno, I just find it hard to believe that Geno is more deserving of a character slot in brawl, when there are other prime candidates, such as Megaman, or Bomberman, heck I'd even rather Simon Belmont than Geno. I'm all for Geno being an assist trophy, maybe even a background character in a stage, but a full-fledged character? It's not like Mario RPG was that pivotal of a game in the mario franchise, whenever "classic mario" is brought up, games that are rattled off are 'Super Mario Bros.', and even 'Donkey Kong'(good ol' jumpman) but seldom does anyone bring up 'Mario RPG' and the awesome character of Geno, who surely made the mario franchise what it is today.

Yes, I am aware that I will get flamed for this by avid Geno-fanboys and "frankly my dear I don't give a ****", this may even appear suicidal as I am posting this in the Geno thread, but remember dear smashers that this is only just one man's opinion; and this man is off to cause a ruckus in the Ridley thread, to tell them that Ridley has even less chance of appearing as a brawl character than Geno.... Peace.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
and this man is off to cause a ruckus in the Ridley thread, to tell them that Ridley has even less chance of appearing as a brawl character than Geno.... Peace.
I was going to reply seriously to your post until I read that... as I don't think that what will be left of you will really be capable of acknowledging my points.

Peace be with you, my friend, peace be with you.

Deleted member

uhh I understand that Geno has an overwhelming fan base, especially on this board, however, I fail to see the "shoe-in factor" in Geno, I just find it hard to believe that Geno is more deserving of a character slot in brawl, when there are other prime candidates, such as Megaman, or Bomberman, heck I'd even rather Simon Belmont than Geno. I'm all for Geno being an assist trophy, maybe even a background character in a stage, but a full-fledged character? It's not like Mario RPG was that pivotal of a game in the mario franchise, whenever "classic mario" is brought up, games that are rattled off are 'Super Mario Bros.', and even 'Donkey Kong'(good ol' jumpman) but seldom does anyone bring up 'Mario RPG' and the awesome character of Geno, who surely made the mario franchise what it is today.

Yes, I am aware that I will get flamed for this by avid Geno-fanboys and "frankly my dear I don't give a ****", this may even appear suicidal as I am posting this in the Geno thread, but remember dear smashers that this is only just one man's opinion; and this man is off to cause a ruckus in the Ridley thread, to tell them that Ridley has even less chance of appearing as a brawl character than Geno.... Peace.
I will not kill you or flame you. I only do that to Geno haters. You are not a Geno hater, you are just against him for becoming playable.

OK, dodo. I am gonna say the same **** thing that I say to everyone when they are against Geno being playable. Look at the Ice Climbers. Do you think they're more deserving of a spot? They only had one game and it wasn't as popular as SMRPG. SMRPG made history in the Mario franchise. It was the first game where Toadstool got the name Peach. It was the first game where Bowser joined your party. It was the first Mario game to have a storyline, a great one I might add. Geno scored a freakin' 4 on Sakurai's poll for the most mentioned. Think about it. Lucas got 2, Dedede got 5, Diddy got 4 and Geno got 4. What are the chances of him not getting in? I might also add that Sakurai is quite intrigued by Geno and his fan base population. He is keeping a close eye though and hapfully Geno will get a slot.

It is nice to give your opinions on Geno but Geno might be in. More than less.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
R.M.B. were else?
I will not kill you or flame you. I only do that to Geno haters. You are not a Geno hater, you are just against him for becoming playable.

OK, dodo. I am gonna say the same **** thing that I say to everyone when they are against Geno being playable. Look at the Ice Climbers. Do you think they're more deserving of a spot? They only had one game and it wasn't as popular as SMRPG. SMRPG made history in the Mario franchise. It was the first game where Toadstool got the name Peach. It was the first game where Bowser joined your party. It was the first Mario game to have a storyline, a great one I might add. Geno scored a freakin' 4 on Sakurai's poll for the most mentioned. Think about it. Lucas got 2, Dedede got 5, Diddy got 4 and Geno got 4. What are the chances of him not getting in? I might also add that Sakurai is quite intrigued by Geno and his fan base population. He is keeping a close eye though and hapfully Geno will get a slot.

It is nice to give your opinions on Geno but Geno might be in. More than less.
you know, you realy cant count geno's fanbase and his ranking on sakurai's polls seperate, they are directly proportionate to one another. its also not the first one to have a story line, the classic mario brothers was actualy the first, even if it was barley a story at all. or if you want you can look at super mario brothers 2, the one thats mario's dream. it has a story line. and it was the first one were peach was called peach(trust me I own a copy). I am not a geno hater or anything, I wouldnt mind him in in another way as playable, but there is to much against him realisticly to me. like fore example the whole over population rule, the fact that he is legaly third party, and might make characters like megaman or bomberman less likely to get in due to costs, and he isnt even the main character of his game (MARIO IS) if he was the main character, I would be okay with him as playable, but he has too much against him for me to think otherwise.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
I look at it this way:

Melee's Mario characters:
Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, Doc

Brawl's Mario characters:
Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, ...?

Doc will be cut, you can bet on that.
Toad is still part of Peach and thus unlikely.
And I doubt that Brawl will have fewer Mario characters.

Now who is the best other Mario-universe character you can think of?

Deleted member

I look at it this way:

Melee's Mario characters:
Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, Doc

Brawl's Mario characters:
Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, ...?

Doc will be cut, you can bet on that.
Toad is still part of Peach and thus unlikely.
And I doubt that Brawl will have fewer Mario characters.

Now who is the best other Mario-universe character you can think of?
Wouldn't Wario and Yoshi still count though? I know that they have their own logo's and all but they originally originated from the Mario Games? Geno would make a great character. He plays a big role in the Mario Universe. Think about it.

you know, you realy cant count geno's fanbase and his ranking on sakurai's polls seperate, they are directly proportionate to one another
That is true but they are two separate things, so, I can.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
R.M.B. were else?
I look at it this way:

Melee's Mario characters:
Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, Doc

Brawl's Mario characters:
Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, ...?

Doc will be cut, you can bet on that.
Toad is still part of Peach and thus unlikely.
And I doubt that Brawl will have fewer Mario characters.

Now who is the best other Mario-universe character you can think of?
if you want a mario character who isnt third party, then I can throw one or two out there.

1.bowser junior/shadow mario. he is part of mario's mario sunshine and has a cameo in mario galaxy. he also has a fan base andt isnt third party legaly.
2.waluigi(I hate the thought if it too)-the only reason I would consider him is because he isnt third party and could be given a move set, but I still dont want him in, hes a filler.

once DK, yoshi, and wario got their own games they became seperate series. geno has yet to have his own game.

I dont think sakurai will listen to the same thing twice, the polls are there to represent fanbase, thats why they were made, so yes the are counted as one and the same.


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
uhh I understand that Geno has an overwhelming fan base, especially on this board, however, I fail to see the "shoe-in factor" in Geno, I just find it hard to believe that Geno is more deserving of a character slot in brawl, when there are other prime candidates, such as Megaman, or Bomberman, heck I'd even rather Simon Belmont than Geno. I'm all for Geno being an assist trophy, maybe even a background character in a stage, but a full-fledged character? It's not like Mario RPG was that pivotal of a game in the mario franchise, whenever "classic mario" is brought up, games that are rattled off are 'Super Mario Bros.', and even 'Donkey Kong'(good ol' jumpman) but seldom does anyone bring up 'Mario RPG' and the awesome character of Geno, who surely made the mario franchise what it is today.

Yes, I am aware that I will get flamed for this by avid Geno-fanboys and "frankly my dear I don't give a ****", this may even appear suicidal as I am posting this in the Geno thread, but remember dear smashers that this is only just one man's opinion; and this man is off to cause a ruckus in the Ridley thread, to tell them that Ridley has even less chance of appearing as a brawl character than Geno.... Peace.
I doubt they'd get Square to let them use Geno as only an Assist Trophy...

And it's not as much as he's a shoe in, but based on Sakurai's reaction to him, and how we know he just loves to bring characters back that one can believe that Geno has high chances...

And SMRPG was a bridge for many platformers gamers to cross into the RPG genre... some gamers I know say they wouldn't play RPGs if it weren't for it.

No Flames, BTW ;)

Deleted member

Now, hold up a sec.

Here is an Article on how Geno can get in with ease regarding the fact he is a Third Party Character. Please read.

Disscussing 2 1/2 Party characters... (Loopholes)
I know what you are all thinking, "What the heck is he talking about?" Well my friends I am here to discuss a legal-sorta loophole that means characters like Isaac, Geno and Dixie Kong can get in Brawl without being classified as third party.

First let me define what first, second and third party are. First party games are games like Mario and Zelda, who are DIRECTLY developed by Nintendo without a sub-company. Second party games are games like Pokemon and Fire Emblem, which are Nintendo games developed BY sub-companies (IE Game Freak and Intelligent Systems.) Now of course thir party games are games who are developed BY another company, and who hold the ABSOLUTE rights to the character.

Now this brings us into the realm of what I call "2 1/2" party characters, here is the classification for this. It is a game developed by Nintendo by a former sub-company who hold's PARTIAL rights to a character. Now here is where the fun begins; Rare and Camelot were both former Nintendo sub-companies that developed series for Nintendo (Don't know about Square though?)So that means Nintendo can use the Geno, Dixie, and Isaac without doing anything more than just putting a little "This is property of Square blah blah blah." Because it has Co-Owned ownership, it is not legally a third party character, because both Nintendo and their former sub-company once worked together to create the game and in the case of Geno and Dixie, fall under the Mario and Donkey Kong universe.

Do I have evidence of this, do I have evidence they can use whatever they want with nothing more than a little disclaimer. Yes, in fact not many people know this; it was done in Melee with RARE! If you look on page 4 in the Melee instruction booklet it reads as follows, "Rare Ltd. Certain characters and items from PERFECT DARK and DONKEY KONG COUNTRY 2. DONKEY KONG 64 rap music based on original DONKEY KONG 64 musiccourtesy of Rare Limited." Also at the top of the paragraph wheree it lists all the companies you'll also see RARE once more. Does this mean that the Donkey Kong Jungle stage is a third party stage? No, it means that Nintendo can use them, but hadd to give credit to RARE to not face lawsuit. And I want to point out again that third party related characters are characters created by a company that was and is not a part of Nintendo.

Another point I want to make on why a third PC must have been on a Nintendo system, it is because of this. When a character has a trophy it will show the sytem it comes come, now if you have someone like Master Chief; you'll have to mention Xbox. Which you just can't do! Microsoft is a rival and it just makes sense that you DO NOT want to promote another companies console. So they have to have a Nintendo to reference too, the ONLY reason Sega can do this is because the Wii VC has the Genesis on it, so advertising the Genesis is not much a big deal today, and Sonic is the biggest third party contender and he has had several Gameboy and DS games, which settles the whole Nintendo platform debate.

So based upon the evidence it proves that someone as popular as Geno can get in without ruining the chances of another popular conteder. *cough*Megaman*cough*

And means Geno AND Megaman can both get in, along with Isaac and Dixie; If they so choose. Thus truly making this the FAN's

Please guy's respond, I want some dialogue on this issue. happy


I now have aquired new evidence that supports Geno as a co-owned character. It has come to my attention (I played the game again) that Geno made a cameo appearance in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga. Now it does say that he is "Property od Square," but there is something rather interesting about this. Nintendo most likely did not go out of their way to ask permission to use Geno,
they just stuck him in their; with just a little disclaimer at the end. Now here's the punch-line, in the case of Mario & Sonic at the Olympics, Nintendo and Sega had to go through a lot of of discussions before actually developing the game. As great of a game as M&L:SS was, do you honestly think Nintendo and Square had to do a lot of discussions before including him? No, the fact that 3 former Square employees worked on M&L and could so easily include Geno just solidifies my point. And how many Square musicians are working on Brawl? Oh yeah 3.

Now if you haven't noticed my main argument is of Geno, since he is the most highly attested character for Brawl. And I want to prove that he can be included in Brawl WITHOUT taking that final third party slot. Because I have come to be a Geno fan, as well as a Megaman fan; I have proof that it is possible for the two disputing sides to get what they want.

But for those of you who just refuse to believe Geno is anything BUT third party, lemme show you Sakurai's comment on third party PC's, "Anyways, at most we'll add another 1-2 characters [after Snake], maybe?" You see that last word at the end? MAYBE, people seem to forget that. Lemme show you this now.

King Dedede(5)
Diddy Kong(4)
Captain Olimar & Pikmin(3)
Windwaker Link(3)
Animal Crossing MC(2)
King K.Rool(2)
Mega Man(2)

Notice Geno and Megaman on that list, this list is the list of the top most multiple voted for characters. This list is VERY representative of who has the best chances (excluding Kawashima and the bottom three Japan-only characters.) And since both Megaman and Geno OBVIOUSLY have huge fanbases. I think Sakurai can make an exception, AND to top it all off, the comment about only 1-2 more TPC's mysteriously vanished from the smash site after about 4 months being on there.

But this argument is for the skeptics. I think I have proven point-and-case, Megaman and Geno; the two most popular characters
right now.


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
Now, hold up a sec.

Here is an Article on how Geno can get in with ease regarding the fact he is a Third Party Character. Please read.
Nice piece of writing and all... but Isaac and Dixie are fully owned by Nintendo... When Nintendo sold Rare they kept the full rights to everything DK, and Isaac was always property of Nintendo, even if Camelot made the game.

EDIT: Crap, I keep coming to post this, but I always get distracted... anyway, dunno if this has been discussed before, but what about Geno's voice? Do you feel he should be voiced robot-like? Heavenly like? In an cool, untillegible way with subtitles? (A la Midna in Twilight Princess? God, I love her voice...)

What do you think?

Deleted member

Nice piece of writing and all... but Isaac and Dixie are fully owned by Nintendo... When Nintendo sold Rare they kept the full rights to everything DK, and Isaac was always property of Nintendo, even if Camelot made the game.
Well, I didn't know that. I didn't right the article I just found it at a link that was given a while ago. I don't even know who Isaac is...


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
I had a pretty interesting dream last night. It was about a Dojo update that revealed Geno as a playable character ( the layout of the update made it obvious, Geno in his brawl pose as well as 4 pics of him in gameplay). I also remember a lot of you guys rubbing it in the faces of the haters, it was pretty funny.

It's probably because I played SMRPG not long before, so I had it on my mind. Still, would be pretty awesome if it did come true.

Deleted member

I had a pretty interesting dream last night. It was about a Dojo update that revealed Geno as a playable character ( the layout of the update made it obvious, Geno in his brawl pose as well as 4 pics of him in gameplay). I also remember a lot of you guys rubbing it in the faces of the haters, it was pretty funny.
Lawl I am afraid to ask if I was in your dream than. XD


Smash Ace
Oct 14, 2007
Carlsbad, California
I had a pretty interesting dream last night. It was about a Dojo update that revealed Geno as a playable character ( the layout of the update made it obvious, Geno in his brawl pose as well as 4 pics of him in gameplay). I also remember a lot of you guys rubbing it in the faces of the haters, it was pretty funny.

It's probably because I played SMRPG not long before, so I had it on my mind. Still, would be pretty awesome if it did come true.
I had the same dream last night. XD
Just that I pictured Geno in some other weird pose.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
R.M.B. were else?
that whole 2 1/2 party thing seems a little sketchy, but if geno AND megaman can both get in than more power to you geno fans, as long as it doesnt hurt megaman's chance I have no problem with the little possed puppet. I would actualy prefere him over bowser .jr if thats the case.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
that whole 2 1/2 party thing seems a little sketchy, but if geno AND megaman can both get in than more power to you geno fans, as long as it doesnt hurt megaman's chance I have no problem with the little possed puppet. I would actualy prefere him over bowser .jr if thats the case.
Well, in the least we KNOW Sakurai was interested in Geno and actually looked into the character and asked around about him...


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2007
Washington D.C.
Well, in the least we KNOW Sakurai was interested in Geno and actually looked into the character and asked around about him...
It's true, and this probably means the best for Geno fans everywhere. Sakurai's interested, the fanbase is shown through polls, a loophole could get him in without the 3rd party restriction. Perhaps those dreams you had were signs. ;)

Or maybe they aren't. lol, ah well. A fanboy can only hope..


Smash Ace
Oct 14, 2007
Carlsbad, California
It's true, and this probably means the best for Geno fans everywhere. Sakurai's interested, the fanbase is shown through polls, a loophole could get him in without the 3rd party restriction. Perhaps those dreams you had were signs. ;)

Or maybe they aren't. lol, ah well. A fanboy can only hope..
Most dreams are signs, buddy.
Back when I didn't have Melee when it came out, I was DYING for a copy. In my dream, I was playing as Fox in a 4-player match, and I was really dominating.
5 years later, and... guess who's my main?

While I'm not going to infer something based on a dream, Geno should at least be mentioned in Brawl.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
I tend to see Geno not in competition with Megaman, no way, cause Geno isn't a pure third party addition as opposed to Megaman, he IS co-owned by Nintendo with Square (and i have proof if you wana bother arguing)

No, Geno is in competition with Bowser Jr. and with that, im pretty most people, on these boards at least, will support Geno over Bowser Jr.

Yea Bowser Jr. got his own thing from Mario Sunshine, i know that, but besides a moveset, he's not very unique otherwise, just like Bowser...*yawn*


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
And the only difference between him and Baby Bowser in appearance, and aside from the paintbrush in Sunshine...his scarf


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2007
Washington D.C.
Most dreams are signs, buddy.
I love you Rex. lol

Hmm, good point with the competition standpoints though. Geno probably has a bigger challenge in Bowser Jr. than Megaman. Maybe both Geno and Megaman could get in. Hmm. Hopefully Sakurai likes the colour blue.


Smash Ace
Oct 14, 2007
Carlsbad, California
I love you Rex. lol

Hmm, good point with the competition standpoints though. Geno probably has a bigger challenge in Bowser Jr. than Megaman. Maybe both Geno and Megaman could get in. Hmm. Hopefully Sakurai likes the colour blue.
Oh. Seems like you're the one that made that winning statement about Captain Falcon yesterday.
But now that you mention it.... if we got both Geno and Mega Man, that'd be three out of the four third-party characters that are blue.
After the fail that was Sonic's alternate colors, they'd better give them some good costumes...


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
It's true, and this probably means the best for Geno fans everywhere. Sakurai's interested, the fanbase is shown through polls, a loophole could get him in without the 3rd party restriction. Perhaps those dreams you had were signs.
A loophole will not pay for the costs of having Geno in Brawl. Square Enix won't give it to him for free. And his fanbase consists of mostly Japanese people. Again--outside of SWF, Geno doesn't have much of a following.

I'd rather see the Slime from Dragon Warriors make it in than have Geno make the cut.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
A loophole will not pay for the costs of having Geno in Brawl. Square Enix won't give it to him for free. And his fanbase consists of mostly Japanese people. Again--outside of SWF, Geno doesn't have much of a following.

I'd rather see the Slime from Dragon Warriors make it in than have Geno make the cut.
Well, Sakurai already showed that he liked the character and asked around about him - Which is a very good sign...So, it's just a matter or time anyway until he is revealed


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
I love you Rex. lol

Hmm, good point with the competition standpoints though. Geno probably has a bigger challenge in Bowser Jr. than Megaman. Maybe both Geno and Megaman could get in. Hmm. Hopefully Sakurai likes the colour blue.
Considering all the support for Geno's inclusion beside uniqueness (ie poll numbers, sparking Sakurai's interest) He really doesn't have much to worry about from Bowser Jr.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2007
Washington D.C.
And his fanbase consists of mostly Japanese people. Again--outside of SWF, Geno doesn't have much of a following.
Last I everyone on this board typed in English...and that's a buttload of support right there. He's tied for second in Sakurai's poll. Pretty sure he has a following. If anything, the money Squeenix wants is the thing that'll do us in--not the lack of fan support.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
So, it's just a matter or time anyway until he is revealed
I like how you're all so sure Geno will make it in.

He's a relative nobody. As soon as you all get that through your head, the better.

Remember that polls and public opinion alone don't say who gets into Brawl. Sakurai and his team do. And Sakurai can't even get everyone he wants--HE has supervisors and bosses too, and I'm pretty sure there's a limit to how many non-Nintendo owned characters he can include.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2007
Washington D.C.
Oh. Seems like you're the one that made that winning statement about Captain Falcon yesterday.
But now that you mention it.... if we got both Geno and Mega Man, that'd be three out of the four third-party characters that are blue.
After the fail that was Sonic's alternate colors, they'd better give them some good costumes...
And yeah, that's me. And yeah, you're the only one that noticed. And yeah, I still love you. lol


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I like how you're all so sure Geno will make it in.

He's a relative nobody. As soon as you all get that through your head, the better.

Remember that polls and public opinion alone don't say who gets into Brawl. Sakurai and his team do. And Sakurai can't even get everyone he wants--HE has supervisors and bosses too, and I'm pretty sure there's a limit to how many non-Nintendo owned characters he can include.
Sakurai also quoted he thought popular characters were boring if you don't think he's popular


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
I hear over and over that Geno isn't popular outside of the internet. Couldn't be more wrong. In the past year, every packed gamer area I've been too (competitions, conventions, game stores, etc); if there are enough people around, I call out, "Hey, who remembers Super Mario RPG on the SNES???", and nearly everyone around me responds positively, then go on to discuss their favorite aspects of the game.

EVERYWHERE. It's an awkward tactic, yes, but it's proven to me without a doubt that SMRPG is a game LEGEND.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
R.M.B. were else?
Oh. Seems like you're the one that made that winning statement about Captain Falcon yesterday.
But now that you mention it.... if we got both Geno and Mega Man, that'd be three out of the four third-party characters that are blue.
After the fail that was Sonic's alternate colors, they'd better give them some good costumes...
that will not be a issue, in every megaman game megaman has at least 9 different colors.
but this is off topic ya geno >bowser .jr to be marios 5th rep if he isnt third party (I cant trust thaty whole 2 1/2 party thing just yet..
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