I feel like I should explain why I don't/can't reverse laser as often as I like.
I played against Jetfour on a Wednesday. We hadn't taken Ninjade's controller from Saet's house yet, so I was stuck with a friends controller, which is pretty bad. When I try to reverse laser with the controller, it pivots instead. I tried the same thing on other controllers to test if it was just me doing the technique incorrectly, but it really did come down to the quality of the control stick. I have alot of problems with stiff controllers. Most people I know complain about loose control sticks, but I prefer them. I need a loose control stick to perform things like:
Reverse Laser
Moving the shield without jumping/rolling/spot dodging.
double laser from edge.
jump down double laser from the edge, or platforms.
wavedash/dash cancelled uptilt
angled forward tilts
I also need a loose Y button. When the button is stiff, I can't short hop with Fox. It's not a problem with Falco usually, but with my current controller, occasionally the Y button sticks, resulting in random fullhops.
I played against Saet, Nicknyte, and Kyle Friday and Saturday, when I was able to get my hands on a tolerable controller. Also, Thursday/Friday is the timeframe I spent reworking how I play Falco, and putting an improved emphasis on his laser game.
Anyways about the matches:
Yeah, I played pretty bad against Jetfour. I played him a few days before I decided to adapt a defensive style. What Jetfour was doing to me was one of the reasons why I quit Falco for about 2 months to work on Fox. I often play too recklessly, or too aggressively, and get wrecked by smart players. After learning Fox, and adopting a defensive style, I find Marth easier to deal with, but I usually still get destroyed. I've got some videos of my Falco vs Nicknyte's Marth and Luigi, but I began to become impatient with myself, since I was playing pretty bad that day.
Something I noticed: I miss A LOT of L-Cancels. The problem is the situations that I do miss them, I can't practice alone to remedy. It's stuff like missing L-Cancels vs tall characters, two characters, or if they move their shield up.
One problem I have with Marth is that I'm not sure what to approach him with. As soon as I find something that works, I stick with it, which is hit or miss, and with the case of Jetfour, it was a severe miss. I have the same relative problem vs Kyle, but Kyle isn't as good as Jetfour. It's not as big of a problem against Nicknyte. He spends less time problem solving, and more time keeping on Falco's junk, which is also a problem in its own.
I do grab/jab. I'm trying to cut back on jabbing, however. For example; Against Saet, I jab a whole lot, to the point where some situations it's become automatic, and ends up in a shield grab, a habit I'm trying to break. Also; Upthrow is a beast. I didn't know how good it was, until I watched all those games, you, Axe, and Forward played with Falco.
Yeah, I remember some of the SV crew. I met Axe at Bwill's RR, and of course I met the two of you at SV. I didn't actually enter, since I had a pretty bad migraine. I spent most of the day playing friendlies vs the SV crew. I am proud to say that I won most of the games I played. <3
One thing I would like to learn is how to platform sliding. One thing I saw Axe, and Forward do quite often is space their aerials, and lasers on the platform so that the lag would be auto-cancelled by the falling animation. I can do it with illusion, and laser, but I can't seem to space the aerials correctly.
The next thing on my agenda, is learning things, such as:
Drill > Shine > Jump > Waveland onto platform > do moar combos.
I'm just recently getting the gist of how it's done, but I can't seem to put it to practical use. It's one of the things that I kept seeing in the Axe vs Forward, and you vs Axe, and I continue to see when I watch videos of DSW, Zhu, and Lunin.
About CCing: It's pretty risky, but I do it against Peach. I try it against Marth, but I usually fail and get *****. Specifically, I try to CC his up+b return, especially since I secondary Zelda. D-Tilt KOs are an amazing way to end a floaty characters life, when Falco's other killing moves either telegraph themselves won't kill her clean, or Peach is too high a percentage to combo into a clean KO.