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The Official Alabama Brawl Power Rankings UPDATED December 19, 2009

munkus beaver

Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2007
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!

Didn't read it, won't read it, keep on with the masturbatory posting if it makes you feel better! :psycho:


Smash Journeyman
Jul 2, 2008
At least he cut them up into specific sections for each of us, which was very considerate.

@Will_ and the rest of the thread - correct me if i'm wrong, but i really don't see what is wrong with discussion about a rankings list. coming from other communities, the rankings lists were discussed a lot, and in great detail. people cared about who was ranked as the best, and they cared about being fair as well. if someone had a problem, they addressed it. i haven't been disrespectful to anyone in here, and i haven't been irate about anything. i just thought it was done poorly, and thought that, if anything, people would be open for a structure and ideas that would help improve upon what you guys had already done. but, from what i have gathered now, you all don't seem to care to much about maintaining a competitive structure, and that's really what is at the heart of it. why even play in tournaments? if anything, you could save money and time by just smashing at someone's house casually, if that's the attitude towards the PR. the PR is supposed to be about competition, to put on paper who is the best. or at least, who is performing the best at the time.
Ah, don't worry about what I said. Tbh I wrote that after a breakup with a girl so I was just being emo(johns). Discuss it all you want.

How's the joint thing with Mississippi going? I want to see where 3GOD ends up.

munkus beaver

Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2007
I don' t mind discussions. I love friendly old discussions about rankings. That's not what was happening here. Drama over the logic going into the rankings is what happened. I've said my peace and heard rebuttals. Both sides are convinced that the other is not understanding, we are at an impasse. Any further arguments toward that end are masturbatory.

As for where 3GOD would be, I don't know. I haven't seen him in a lot of tournies, just a select few. And all I've seen is inconsistency. I've seen him do really, really well in some brackets, and then he'll end up just clearing pools like in the last one. I'd need to see him in some more matchups to have a better idea, and I'd need to see him place a little more consistently. For that matter, I'm not at all certain how he would perform against anyone on the current list.

At any rate, where did he end up placing at the big Vulcanbox tourney? I'm about to go to bed and I don't want to go searching for that results thread right now.


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2006
Athens, GA
As for where 3GOD would be, I don't know. I haven't seen him in a lot of tournies, just a select few. And all I've seen is inconsistency. I've seen him do really, really well in some brackets, and then he'll end up just clearing pools like in the last one. I'd need to see him in some more matchups to have a better idea, and I'd need to see him place a little more consistently. For that matter, I'm not at all certain how he would perform against anyone on the current list.

At any rate, where did he end up placing at the big Vulcanbox tourney? I'm about to go to bed and I don't want to go searching for that results thread right now.
Yeah, I have been pretty inconsistent, but I'm hoping to rectify that soon. As for that big Vulcan gamebox tourney...I got beat by a Bye in that one...good brackets FTW!

Also, I attend most of the tournies in AL, but I haven't made it to any of the ones in Ensley (I think that's where I've heard they are).

Anyway, I don't know where I'd belong in the rankings, but it would be cool to consider MS's two active Brawlers (myself and Ryan - the Snake player from Janitor's tourney) in the list too.

For what it's worth, I've beaten Magnittoc and Munkus in tourney matches (both were close sets), but I can't seem to beat George's Kirby ever (though the games are always close). In contrast, I've also had poor performances in brackets (after not losing a game in pools) like the previous Janitor tourney. This just emphasizes my inconsistency, but I'm hoping to rectify that as I said before.

munkus beaver

Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2007
At the small vulcanbox tourney, I was feeling exceptionally sick when we played. At first I was going to use this in part of my reasoning, but then I realized that the same thing happened in the last couple of tournies I've been to. The big vulcanbox one? I was dehydrated and probably would have settled for a split of the prize money, felt like total ****. The small vulcanbox one? Same deal. The most recent one T1 held? I was in a ton of pain during my last two sets. I actually went to the hospital after eating dinner due to the pain >.>

It was then I realized that it's pretty much become par for the course that I'll feel ill at some point in a tourney, so it isn't a mitigating factor so much. Other than that, I have no explanation for why you did so well in one tourney and so poorly in another.

But looking at this again made me question something about the power rankings. I don't see why JWT is on the honorable mention. It seems inconsiderate to me. Rather, it's inconsiderate to the people who have shown up to tournies consistently and have shown improvement in their skill. The person who comes to mind is duchock, who has gotten better and better with his ness and has made his best effort in every tourny he's been to.

In contrast, the only tourney JWT has been to resulted in him not making it out of pools. That hardly is evidence of an honorable mention. Like I said, it's rather discourteous to those who have put forth a lot of effort into making improvements to have him receive the honorable mention. He may play strong during friendlies, but there is zero evidence supporting a positive performance in a competitive environment. I don't mean this as a personal attack on JWT or whomever decided to put him there, but rather as commentary on the implications of the placement.


Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2006
North AL
At the small vulcanbox tourney, I was feeling exceptionally sick when we played. At first I was going to use this in part of my reasoning, but then I realized that the same thing happened in the last couple of tournies I've been to. The big vulcanbox one? I was dehydrated and probably would have settled for a split of the prize money, felt like total ****. The small vulcanbox one? Same deal. The most recent one T1 held? I was in a ton of pain during my last two sets. I actually went to the hospital after eating dinner due to the pain >.>

It was then I realized that it's pretty much become par for the course that I'll feel ill at some point in a tourney, so it isn't a mitigating factor so much. Other than that, I have no explanation for why you did so well in one tourney and so poorly in another.

But looking at this again made me question something about the power rankings. I don't see why JWT is on the honorable mention. It seems inconsiderate to me. Rather, it's inconsiderate to the people who have shown up to tournies consistently and have shown improvement in their skill. The person who comes to mind is duchock, who has gotten better and better with his ness and has made his best effort in every tourny he's been to.

In contrast, the only tourney JWT has been to resulted in him not making it out of pools. That hardly is evidence of an honorable mention. Like I said, it's rather discourteous to those who have put forth a lot of effort into making improvements to have him receive the honorable mention. He may play strong during friendlies, but there is zero evidence supporting a positive performance in a competitive environment. I don't mean this as a personal attack on JWT or whomever decided to put him there, but rather as commentary on the implications of the placement.
I actually agree with you here. I don't know why I'm on the list either. I didn't make it out of pools at the one tournament that actually counts, but I think Janitor and Moogle put me up there for some sick reason. >_>

EDIT: Post #1000. And I wasted it on Brawl. >_>

munkus beaver

Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2007
Congo rats on the one thousandth post. Now is time for the ritualistic reflection to pick out the best one of the lot.

And no brawl posting johns.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
joots on the list because moogle thinks he's one of the top ten players in Alabama. That's the POINT OF A PANEL to take things into account that may or may not TRUMP tournament performance. like, you know, the actual SKILL of the player *gasp*

is that really that hard to understand?
you guys are REALLY REALLY over complicating things.

Joot is really good at brawl. that's a fact. this thread is a list of people who are good at brawl. not a list of people who do good in brawl tournaments, although the two definitly overlap in spots. the reason why joot is ont he list and duchock isn't is because joot is better than duchock. which is of course my opinion, and no offense to anyone of course, but as i mentioned before, the mere presence at a tournament doesn't give you a head start. Mahgnittoc has been to what, 3 or 4 tournaments? compared to me who's been to almost every one in AL except for two or three, and several out of state as well. and i've improved over the months, but mahgnittoc has won a tournament playing the SAME character i play, and has given good players a good challenge if not beaten them and thus everyone, even myself have concluded that he deserves a higher spot.
maybe its just me. if a guy gets eliminated in pools at every tournament but three stocks me every time in friendlies, imo he's still a great player.

the melee rankings weren't decided primarily by tournament placement, they were decided, in large part by FRIENDLIES and by personal opinion. there were people on the list who rarely even went to tournaments. although they were particularly serious friendlies, they were not tourney matches, and they were not money matches. but no one seemed to have a problem with that.


Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2006
North AL
I really don't think an accurate Melee PR list can be made right now, mainly because there are so little tournaments in Alabama. The only people who travel to tourneys for Melee is Moogle, me, Ragnarock, and janitor and majist and saintrage every once in a while. We're all so distant from each other so no panel can be constructed for it either.

Although I hate to say this, let's focus more on the Brawl PR. Although if there was a Melee PR, it would obviously be:

1. Reflex
2. Moogle
3. Ragnarock
4. j00t
5. Sensai
6-10. I dunno.

Just throwing that out there. :p

EDIT: And I think Moogle would agree with me on that list. Well, he might put Ragnarock above himself, but meh, what can ya do.


Apr 10, 2008
I'm good at Melee.




*sits in corner and cries*


Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2007
Birmingham, AL
NES n00b, you're good enough to be on the Atlantic South PR as far as I'm concerned.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
maybe its just me. if a guy gets eliminated in pools at every tournament but three stocks me every time in friendlies, imo he's still a great player.

I have to disagree. For example, lets say your the best person in the world in melee. Me and you play all the time, about 3-6 hours a day. Eventually i would be able to beat you because i play you all the time. I might be getting a little better, but the main reason is im getting use to your playing style. So when i do go to a tourney i will be able to beat you because i know how you play, not because i better. The reason i lose to others is because of the lack of skill and experince(there better than me), but that will come if you go to tourneys and play other experinced and skilled players.

I will keep my peace on the melee PR just because there not real. But i'll be thankful that you guys up there do think i'm at least top 3. So thanks.


Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2006
North AL
maybe its just me. if a guy gets eliminated in pools at every tournament but three stocks me every time in friendlies, imo he's still a great player.

I have to disagree. For example, lets say your the best person in the world in melee. Me and play all the time, about 3-6 hours a day. Eventually i would be able to beat you because i play you all the time. I might be getting a little better, but the main reason is im getting use to your playing style. So when i do go to a tourney i will be able to beat you because i know how you play, not because i better. The reason i lose to others is because to the lack of skill and experince(there better than me), but that will come if you go to tourneys and play other experice and skilled players.

I will keep my peace on the melee PR just because there not real. But i'll be thankful that you guys up there do think i'm at least top 3. So thanks.
Raggy, what's the next tournament you're attending? I haven't seen you since G4S4. :x


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
Im going to try to go to Tipped off 4, if you go you might see me there. I heard you improved alot, Im looking forward to seeing there and getting some friendlies in.


Apr 10, 2008
I think Mahgnittoc deserves to be higher than me in the rankings. While I've been to more tourneys and haven't placed below top8, he generally places higher at the tourneys he does go to.

He also beat me. :)


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
i'm pretty sure mahgnittoc is going to move up a spot or two the next time we do this list. i need to hurry and place in tournaments so i can do the same


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
**** Reflex...the more I read about U the less I'm looking forward to fighting U on Saturday LOLZ!!! It's ok tho... Cuz I'm just gonna have to show U what I'm made of *shameless plug* :-D

I hope Joot and Proto make it to top 10! It would mean alot if someone who uses the chars they use make it up there like Reflex!

Also, what are some major tournies that I should go to in Alabama??? My crew and I from Tally are thinking about comin up there!!!



Reset Project
Jul 28, 2008
Glencoe, Al
Power Rankings need moar Kola! -.-;; kinda need to go to more touneys to do that though.


Apr 10, 2008
Wait, I thought Reflex using CF seriously was a one-time joke...
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