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The Offical Maryland Vs. Virginia "B Team" Discussion *this sh*t is happening ppl*

K.C. Cloud

Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
Rofl at KC *** kiss much*

Fux that hippie **** i know i can **** all of sova and MD aint got **** on me

*goes back to eating popcorn*
This **** is fun.

VA doesn't have **** on MD, only azen has **** on MD, you wanna know why?! Cause Azen is his own walking state.


Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2004
Gaithersburg, Md
I think I would probably put that money down too if Pxt, Vist, Oro, Jasona, Egy5, Hova, Special K, Aero, Rickr and Black Hayato or KC Cloud were. That is a disgusting team, not a single weak member.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2006
edit: this just in, Blues has been traded to the MD b team, ya'll can have frznchaos or something
Blues now lives in Fairfax Maryland and FrozenChaos is probably moving to Cattonsville Virginia =X


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2005
Hiatus, MD
dude, we also had alpha zealot on the team last time, ya'll better hope he stays in the midwest

our **** is somewhat broken, the best part is that everyone on MD b team has pretty solid experience. Me, aero, and blues have the least amount of experience and I'm a veteran compared to over half the VA squad

Fonz- you forgot about Newb


Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2004
Gaithersburg, Md
Crap AZ + the Newb, too many people. I'd hate to have to be the one to trim down that stacked list down to only 10, thats 13 right there.


Smash Hero
Apr 14, 2004
ashburn, VA
WOW if were gonna talk about unrealistic "if they were all here" B teams, VA would take a sloppy dump on you scrubs

Project Pat
East Coast Eddie

just gtfo


Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2004
Gaithersburg, Md
That list does indeed look more ominous than the one on the front page (no offense to anyone). Thats a matchup I'd want to see.

K.C. Cloud

Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
KC im angry at you. you didnt ditto me in forever.
whats going on?
I told you to come get me, but you never did at Btrees and Kaiser and I got to beat on each other for the longest. Playing that guy is to much fun.

I was dissapointed, man.

K.C. Cloud

Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
Mwuahahahaha, but MD is ABOVE Virginia on the U.S. map. Just one more reason why MD is better than Virginia.


THough seriously, the list Greg posted against those listed would be something awesome.

We all know not all of either list will show up LOL. THAT'S WHAT MAKES THIS SO FUNNEH!


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
whatever dude im confident in md's B team no matter what, MD has way more depth imo and the A teams will be close but the B teams are just gonna be slaughter sorry :(


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Plank is 1 an 0 (I'm up) in bets w/ me on who would win a match, if you win I'd leave undeafeated as I did an leave him feeling empty thus lowering his chance of **** in torny....though he still *****, hmmm....


Smash Journeyman
Jan 31, 2006
Concerning the list on the front page, I don't recall ever being in a match against Masa that I lost. /drama >_>


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2005
Hiatus, MD
dude, that wasnt' the list we had from last time

i don't feel like figuring it out, but something is definitely screwy with that list

K.C. Cloud

Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
dude, that wasnt' the list we had from last time

i don't feel like figuring it out, but something is definitely screwy with that list
Because last time the list was based on the best people you had that you KNEW would show up.

I still say you should base it off that, and if that's the case, then the MD list needs reformating.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2003
Pasadena, Maryland
This is the oringinal list, according to the old thread:
MD B Team
- Vist
- Aero
- Hova
- Black Hayato
- Special K
- EGY5
- AlphaZealot
- Newb
- Jasona


Heres my thoughts...

Definite players for the 'B' team:

Players that aren't definite (according to this list):
Oro - May be playing for the A team; has expressed no interest in this event
K.C. - stuck in the mountains loooooool
EGY5 - Possibly the greatest trash-talker ever, but has no interest in attending this
Special K - Hasn't expressed any interest yet as far as i know, but did last time
Black Hayato - Same as special k

Players that should be mentioned, in my opinion:
PXT - Part of B team list/ A team alternate last time, and showed up to the planned event
RickR - Same as PXT
AlphaZealot - was on old list but may not attend b/c of school in the midwest
FOB - Very consistent and underrated, but honestly who plays doc anymore loooooooool (jk fob ;) )
Cmart - he's cmart god****it

After that it's probably a toss up between UMBC, Nicolas, Frozenchaos, EE and maybe some others. I honestly don't know b/c beyond FOB, everyone else's placings are about the same or somewhat inconsistent and I have no clue how they fair against each other.

I say we wont really know the real list until time draws closer.

Anyway, I see that you (Chozen) want to host this at your house sometime. I hope you make it into some fest/tournament and not just a b-team battle b/c not everyone is gonna go to it just for that. You should just have this going at a C3, even the same one as the A team event. It takes one TV to do a crew battle so it shouldn't be a big deal. And for people's sake don't ****ing reply back to this with some spammy **** like '/***** Vist' like you did earlier in this thread because I can hardly take you seriously anymore.

I still think this b-team **** is gay but the one thing that interests me is seeing you lead the va team. You know why? Because you honestly believe **** like you are the best ec jiggs player or that you're better than every mother****er you've beaten in friendlies (including myself) and probably every b-team player for both states. You've proven to a lot of people that your logic isn't so great, and it looks like it'll be even worse when you try to pull a win on md.


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2005
Hiatus, MD

looks like MD is pretty much done with this thread

thanz Vist

*hands CK back his popcorn, goes to DC with Jancc*


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2006
Midlothian, VA
Anyway, I see that you (Chozen) want to host this at your house sometime. I hope you make it into some fest/tournament and not just a b-team battle b/c not everyone is gonna go to it just for that. You should just have this going at a C3, even the same one as the A team event. It takes one TV to do a crew battle so it shouldn't be a big deal. And for people's sake don't ****ing reply back to this with some spammy **** like '/***** Vist' like you did earlier in this thread because I can hardly take you seriously anymore.

I still think this b-team **** is gay but the one thing that interests me is seeing you lead the va team. You know why? Because you honestly believe **** like you are the best ec jiggs player or that you're better than every mother****er you've beaten in friendlies (including myself) and probably every b-team player for both states. You've proven to a lot of people that your logic isn't so great, and it looks like it'll be even worse when you try to pull a win on md.
Hahahahaha! *Pound* @ Vist.


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2007
Anyway, I see that you (Chozen) want to host this at your house sometime. I hope you make it into some fest/tournament and not just a b-team battle b/c not everyone is gonna go to it just for that. You should just have this going at a C3, even the same one as the A team event. It takes one TV to do a crew battle so it shouldn't be a big deal. And for people's sake don't ****ing reply back to this with some spammy **** like '/***** Vist' like you did earlier in this thread because I can hardly take you seriously anymore.

I still think this b-team **** is gay but the one thing that interests me is seeing you lead the va team. You know why? Because you honestly believe **** like you are the best ec jiggs player or that you're better than every mother****er you've beaten in friendlies (including myself) and probably every b-team player for both states. You've proven to a lot of people that your logic isn't so great, and it looks like it'll be even worse when you try to pull a win on md.

poor chzn1. :/ BE NICE

i do agree with the b-team crew battle being kinda laaaame. va resident or not, i still believe va's depth pales in comparison to md. and to top it off, there are some good, potential b-team, va players just don't/can't reliably show to tournaments. (IE: beads, project pat)


Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2007
In a place fit for a legend..
I am relativly sure that most people that actually talk to me and know me, will tell you that about half of my cockyness is clearly fuxing w/ making fun of myself anyway. Theres interestly enough a prejedice against me in the smash community that I could care less about. It's clearly a game, and i have fun playing this game, chilling with the people whom play it, and perhaps i also enjoy talking myself up, or perhaps even insiting a nice little competition between the 11-20 best players in Md and Va. Whatever bothering you.. stop hating.

Good Day Sir.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2003
Pasadena, Maryland
I am relativly sure that most people that actually talk to me and know me, will tell you that about half of my cockyness is clearly fuxing w/ making fun of myself anyway. Theres interestly enough a prejedice against me in the smash community that I could care less about. It's clearly a game, and i have fun playing this game, chilling with the people whom play it, and perhaps i also enjoy talking myself up, or perhaps even insiting a nice little competition between the 11-20 best players in Md and Va. Whatever bothering you.. stop hating.

Good Day Sir.
I know you probably aren't serious all the time, but I don't really know you so I just go off of what I see/read. What I do know is that you annoy people in the process of playing smash competitively the way you do. It's fine that you talk yourself up and talk **** in general, but you cross the line between making other smashers want to prove you wrong and making them not like you .

Like you've said before, you don't really care about what anyone else thinks about you on the smash scene. I can't really expect you to change your thought process a bit but I felt like being yet another person to tell you that you do **** to make a big part of the regional scene have a bad opinion of you.

Good day and continue 'fuxing with' whatever


Smash Journeyman
Sep 28, 2005
Fairfax VA
Hmm I'm not liking the lack of confidence in VA's depth some fellow VAers even showing a lack of faith in our great state. C'mon this is the East Coast there is no room for lack of confidence.

I'm all for this battle just because more crew battles need to happen and it's a great way to get some experience. Clearly there is big interest for this one since there are waaaaay more posts in this thread than the A team battle. If you aren't really that interested I don't think we need you to post crap about how lame this battle is. Just say that you aren't interested in participating if your name is thrown in the mix to rep your state. Simple as that.

I feel that there is no execuse why we can't do a B team battle at just about any tourney with a moderate turnout. It doesn't have to be some big hyped up thing like the A team battle should be. A big tourney would prob be tempting to ensure the best players participate in it but also it would probably be less likely to happen due to time constraints (plus the fact that everyone talks about doing crews but it always seems to never happen).


Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2007
In a place fit for a legend..
I know you probably aren't serious all the time, but I don't really know you so I just go off of what I see/read. What I do know is that you annoy people in the process of playing smash competitively the way you do. It's fine that you talk yourself up and talk **** in general, but you cross the line between making other smashers want to prove you wrong and making them not like you .

Like you've said before, you don't really care about what anyone else thinks about you on the smash scene. I can't really expect you to change your thought process a bit but I felt like being yet another person to tell you that you do **** to make a big part of the regional scene have a bad opinion of you.

Good day and continue 'fuxing with' whatever
I mean.. i must say that smashers can not like me b/c i am extremely loud, obnioxous, cocky, or a spammer. I don't honestly care. if my over confidence bothers you, or my Hova-ish nature creates a rift between myself and other smashers then clearly they're probably not worth my time to attempt to enjoy chilling w/ during my smashing experience.

You already admitted to not knowing me very well, and that you heard alot of **** "word of mouth" so does it really suprise you when i may [infact] be differing in what you heard? Look at team ben. They are all extremely awesome, chill, and talented individuals who have been in the scene for over two years.. making them very good, and well established. People talk **** about them all of the time, but just like me they choose to ignore the rediculous "smash drama" and continue to play this G-A-M-E. DBR.. same ****. Smashers don't even know them, and assume they're *******s by what other people say about them. In realility.. i've never heard a bad story about them from anyone that's ever met them. Pretty much, inconclusion smashers like to talk **** as much as they enjoy playing this game, and you probably shouldn't take any of it seriously [unless it's EC>WC, or VA>MD].

Good Day Sir.


Mar 15, 2005
Norfolk, VA
I am interested in watching B teams happen, and I will be trying my hardest to bring Shepp and Savedge to C3.
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