Actually, I use gay a lot when I play video games, I guess I'm just trying to raise the awareness...
G-reg, just because I meant something completely innocuous, and I happened to say something extremely offensive, and everyone around me is extremely offended by what I said, regardless of what I meant, then it's perfectly ok...?? I'm pretty sure get my point, obviously it's an exaggeration, but nevertheless the point is valid. I do agree though that in a perfect world, everyone would know what others mean, and not what they say, but we don't live in that world, so I think that it's important to realize that everything we say can be interpreted in many different ways.
For instance, I was talking with one of my friends who happens to be a girl, and she said some random comment like, "that was amazing" or something to that affect, and I replied with, "your mom's amazing". Right then she informed me that her mom is dead, and I felt pretty horrible. The worst part is, that somewhere in my mind, I already knew that, and for that second, instead of thinking, I decided to say whatever came to my mind first. Luckily this was a good friend, and she didn't get angry like someone I didn't know could have.
btw tope, isn't this more productive than the previoud converstation...