I've been discussing the whole ranking system with Alan and this is what we've come up with. This is by no means final, but if enough people want it I'd like to get it started, probably by the end of this month or beginning of October. It'll be open to discussion but people who will be attending will probably have more influence on it. This info will be put into the first page at some point.
So without further ado:
Northwest Power Rankings
2 Fests a month, usually around 2 weeks between them, location is to be determined beforehand.
Everyone will play each other with these rules:
Best of 5 - 4 stock, 7 mins, no items,
Advanced slob picks, cannot pick last stage won on.
Stages - FD, DL64, PS on random
Score difference of 0 or 1 - FD, DL64, PS, YS, BF, FoD
Score difference of 2 - FD, DL64, PS, YS, BF, FoD, + other counterpicks
eg BB vs JO3 - 1-0: JO3 can only pick from 6 stages
BB vs JO3 - 2-0: JO3 can pick from other counterpick stages as well as the standard 6
1 Point per game won
1 Point for winning the set
Scores on the day are totalled up, giving raw points for the day. these are then ranked to give you your Standard points which are then used for Power Rankings:
Rank - Standard points
1st - 10 points
2nd - 7 points
3rd - 5 points
4th - 3 Points
5th - 2 Points
Below - 1 Point
Your best 3 standard points from the last 5 fests are added up to give your total score and this will be used for ranking. This allows you to miss a few fests without it having to forfeit your score. It works out to be attendance of 1 fest a month without losing points for attendance. People are concerned about losing points from missing fests, so this method gives you some room to spare.
eg: BB: turns up to 3 fests from last 5 - scores 10, 10, 7 = 27
JO3: turns up to all 5 fests - scores 7, 7, 10, 5, 3 = 24 from best 3
BB ranks higher than JO3.
Go to fest -> Score points -> Convert to standard points -> Rank
So if you get all that, discuss.