Well your practice definitely showed through, once you got me in the air it was literally me going from like 10->80%. I was freaking out lol
I SD all the time with multiple characters. xD I've come to shrugging it off unless it's happening repeatedly and killing the atmosphere. Like, pew pew! We're fighting and I just manage to recover. Ledgestall... whoops, missed the ledge, down I go. x5.
I'm not either, but over time I've learned what people do, for example when they dodge Din's or whatever, so I try to psych people out with it. It has an unexpectedly huge hitbox. Point is, try to find how people react to whatever you do as Marth and try countering it. Like... uhh... something cool I saw recentlywas dolphin smash -> instant counter (as in down b). If you knew the person was gonna try punishing the endlag. It could come in handy? ^^ I'm sure there'd be some other marf tricks if you try looking around.
Thank you! I will turn zelda into a feared combo wracker!
... well, you could say it was more of a followup, but combo sounds better.

Well, give it a go someday when we play again! I don't think I use enough of TL's projectiles, I use them moreso to accent his attacks. I'm using arrows less and less recently... so I'd love to see you do it and try learning some things. :D
... Anyone else for brawl? ^^