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The North Carolina Melee Power Rankings! Updated 8/14/14!


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
I've never gotten moo or foxy in tourney. I've never even goten them in real friendlies. Makes me sad.

I feel like all I've ever played is like...twitch karn dj stingers snap and smith in tourney. With the occasional ocean and josh. Everyone else just bases my skill off of friendlies. Which works cuz...i try.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
stingers, I think my set vs you at the first BAC was one of my more pivotal moments. Even though I lost, and was thoroughlt ***** last stock, I think that was my first tourney set where I was really thinking about what I was doing. You're one of the more important players in the scene for that. One day I will actually beat your peach in tourney.

moo, I think our last trade was at the gboro fest in march/april, a week after I had learned that looking at the other person and thinking about what they're doing was an option, and a good one. I've been looking for another chance to trade bills with doc and fox, but I haven't seen you take the game remotely seriously since then, so idk when to do it :urg:


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
ok then.

I can definitely never read you. But you seem vaguely sincere about this one, at least compared to the trollgasmic 25 dollar mm we had a while ago.

I approve.


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2008
Castle Doomstadt
I don't remember that one... but my bad xD I've been a lot happier lately so that probably explains it. I hear there's a brawl tourney at duke this weekend that's gonna have melee at it? Not sure exactly but I'm also going to be in greensboro all weekend at smiths so maybe there if you'd like.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
i always bring melee...but my wii would prolly be used for brawl the whole time so...bring an extra cube lawl


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
While I realize people don't always try in friendlies, sometimes it's the only thing you have to go on. I definitely agree with Ryan that people use that as a tremendous john for losing in friendlies. I've definitely seen a lot of instances of people talking about how they ***** so and so in friendlies, and then turned around the next day and used the "friendlies don't matter" line. It gets old.

For the most part, I almost always try hard in friendlies because, unless they are just silly matches, why wouldn't you want to practice and try to do your best? That's just my take.

In other news, I had my first serious super off night tonight in a while and man if that isn't the most depressing thing ever. I might not even play for the rest of the week now.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
now that i'm effectively done studying for anthropology:

i'd imagine that some people feel that they gain little or nothing from trying hard against other people in friendlies. cam isn't gonna learn anything new by comboing my ganon from 0 to death every time i miss an l cancel, so why should he? things of that sort make sense in the long run, cause all things considered, it takes a lot of effort to play this game really right, and to put full effort into every match is pretty taxing.

i usually focus as if in tournament for about 3-5 matches an hour. then the 3-5 matches surrounding those on both ends (warm up focus and cool down focus) are me trying to win and look at situations without enforcing every perfect action and reaction as you would hope/try to do in tournament. the rest of matches are pretty relaxed fair, dair, usmash spam from me.

thats usually how i play friendlies.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
i feel like the best way to teach is thru scrapin sum1... the more their **** gets pushed in from making mistakes, the less mistakes are made
I don't think that's the only way to learn though. You need to have confidence too, and if you're always losing badly then you might not be able to figure out why because you'll make some mistake you didn't know was even a mistake and lose a stock for it 4 times(exaggeration but it happens).

Teaching means so many different things in Melee, and that includes sandbagging a little or taking time to stop ****** and talk about why someone lost sometimes, even if it means doing a little worse so you can focus on the guy you're teaching more. Yeah, people need to get whupped so they can learn what's safe and what's not, but if they get broken down early on or they never get fair combo practice and such skills playing someone at your level or lower can give you.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
ryan did say best, not only.

your way is, overall, better. It's the type of teacher/training partner ryan is. But that takes too many words.

if you made a mistake and didn't know it was a mistake, you're not looking hard enough or adjusting fast enough. Ryan uthrowed me like 20 times one stock so I would come down with an aerial so he could uthrow me again. I didn't know coming down with an aerial wasn't safe until the 20th uthrow. Things of that sort are effective witout words or pauses, if the learner is paying atention enough.


Deal with it
Mar 18, 2008
wilmington, North Carolina
I learn a lot playing kevin now. It use to be pretty rough and felt futile but now i understand what's going on while he's doing his thang on me.

Just realize every thing kevin does.. he does for a reason and pay attention to yourself and him


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2008
Castle Doomstadt
Yeah see I do that change it and he knows how to counter me so I just go **** I need to have him watch me play someone else then go from there.
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