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The North Carolina Melee Power Rankings! Updated 8/14/14!


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2010
Greensboro and Goldsboro, NC
whats the point of it? I feel like ledge hop fair regrab would be so much more useful in everyway.
first of all its sexier

and the neutral B hits away at the tip whereas Fair sends up and is more easily Crouch cancelled

not to mention the hitbox is out basically until you grab the ledge, really small window to punish, expecially for characters with little range


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
So yeah, I took the reaction time test.

My average was 336.4. I'm slow as hell.

But that more or less reaffirmed my belief that I can't really just react to people so I just try to bait and punish or predict them, which works decently.

Also explains why my IC is so bad, since they're reactionary characters. :(


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
I average at 297.


It's like Ninja Kirby all over again. I can't get past 12. :(


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Chris: I do think Ganon can approach Falcon to a degree. And I even said on Friday that I thought Falcon beat Ganon or that it was about even. Dave once said 53/47 Falcon and I kinda liked that. haha

Also, stop taking shots at me on the boards. I've seen you do it in like 4 separate posts now and it's actually starting to get on my nerves. It is disrespectful that you gave me a hug when you left and then after I paid you a compliment on your improvement and potential in a post that you would do that.Yes, I was irritated because the TV was causing me to mess up before I got more used to it. Once I adapted, I chilled out and pretty consistently 3 stocked you until you left. Now please cut it out.

Austin: It has improved drastically since the last time I played it a few months ago. It was doing cruel and unusual things. :[

MacD: I seem to recall some tourney where his Marth got messed up by like Chaddd or one of the pro Ganons. I agree it's much smarter for him to go Sheik.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I thought Kevin's Marth was his worst character...

...just my two cents.

I guess I haven't experienced enough of the **** from it?
It's definitely better than my Falcon, and my Fox just does gay Nair things so Marth's probably smarter lol.

I don't think I've ever played you with my Marth ever though. We should fix that. =)

Marth, to me, feels like a character you have to worry about spacing the most with. Kills can still be hard to come by if you don't gimp/combo and edgeguard around 100% so you have to start obsessing over tippered bairs/Fairs, etc.

I have more thoughts on Marth, but I can't really say more than that without playing more of him vs better people.

My Marth has randomly started sucking in dittos though. Mad disappointed. I'm trying to learn new ideas with him, and it's coming out kinda cool.


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
Has the secret previously top 10'ish FL player made any appearances in NC yet? If not don't worry I'm sure he'll get the itch to play soon and make an appearance.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
The reason Falco seems like an easy character to play is two fold. One, he has the simplest approach at low level play, and two, most players don't know how to fight falco. Falco, by far, requires a much different style to fight against than other characters. You either have to know very specific timings/spacings to beat lasers, or you have to use platforms to approach/counter his approaches. Low to medium players tend not to do either of those things. Thus, even though falco is technical, new players succeed more with falco than any other character except maybe sheik (ironically, she has some of the easiest counters to falcos lasers).

Falco was my hardest matchup for a long long time. I pretty much lost against any falco I had to fight. Then I learned how to deal with lasers and it was instantly like my best matchup.

Marth is one of the hardest characters to play at high level, imo, because he requires a lot more work to get kills with. If you miss low percent death combos (which good players will avoid a lot of the time), marth has no easy kill setups. Thus, in order to win with marth at high level play, you have to be able to consistently trick your opponent in order to kill them. At high percents most other characters can either camp aerials that kill, or moves that still link to a kill move. Sheik aerials, ftilt, and grab, falco shine, utilt, bair and kinda grab, peach aerials and grab, jiggs bair, etc. Marth neither has aerials that kill well nor moves that link to kills beyond like 90 percent on most characters. This doesn't mean marth's bad, it just means your not going to get kills at high percents because your opponents messed up a little, you're going to have to outplay them.

Fox is not as easy to play as people make him out to, either. Most noob foxes just nair spam, but don't realize most characters can just cc to ****. Once you play people who know the matchup, approaching with fox requires a lot of knowledge and good spacing. Camping with him also require either really good reaction time or matchup knowledge. For instance, shooting lasers vs. falcon or fox is usually a really bad idea. Both of those characters can very easily gain a good position against you if you waste time shooting lasers when they are anything but at the other side of the level.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Twitch really hates my Marth. A lot.

Gimping Fox is really fun. Combos to gimps, gimps to saves to gimps, combos to tippers, random tippers, it's all fun lol.

I figured out some stuff in the ditto today. Marth is so interesting.

Falco *****.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
hell shooting lasers against ganon can get bad quickly if you're doin it wrong.

am i right, yay?

i still don't know how to deal with lasers. and i've asked and seen other people ask like a million times. and i've watched like a million vids of linguini and they just never seem to affect him. **** its dumb.

figuring out proper spacing to deal with double laser off the edge is frickin hard.

angling your shield up only works if you're shielding and they obviously fullhop nair. that never seems to happen. if i'm shielding, spoon will just dashdance until i roll. if i'm not shielding, theres not enough time to put up my shield and angle it. guess i need to tune up my reaction time or something. i end up buffering jumps instead of angled shield. at least i'm trying, right?


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2010
Greensboro and Goldsboro, NC
hell shooting lasers against ganon can get bad quickly if you're doin it wrong.

am i right, yay?

i still don't know how to deal with lasers. and i've asked and seen other people ask like a million times. and i've watched like a million vids of linguini and they just never seem to affect him. **** its dumb.

figuring out proper spacing to deal with double laser off the edge is frickin hard.

angling your shield up only works if you're shielding and they obviously fullhop nair. that never seems to happen. if i'm shielding, spoon will just dashdance until i roll. if i'm not shielding, theres not enough time to put up my shield and angle it. guess i need to tune up my reaction time or something. i end up buffering jumps instead of angled shield. at least i'm trying, right?
just light sheild, for tht second part... at least...

it makes the lazers knock you away and can affect their spacing on approach...


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
dl from the ledge seems like u just jump over and hit their head. if you've got them on the ledge u've got half the job done

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
as fox shine out of shield beats double lasers if your close. otherwise try to get on platform so you can punish most of his options. he prob won't double laser if your there, but I think standing on platforms is the best way to cover options vs falco when he's on the edge


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
oh well during shield pressure yeah, but i have to either shield toggle (which i don't understand yet), lightshield by holding z when i roll, or start to hold lightly as i'm getting hit...which is weird.

i'll just use shield DI, and hold away while they shield pressure. that has the ability to open up a grab.

dl off the ledge is weird. from a certain distance, a fulljump fair can work for me, but if i'm at the ledge because i missed a down angled ftilt to edgeguard, then i need to either usmash (goofy but works if they move forward during the first laser) or crouch under the first and jab before the second...which is kind hard and precise. of course, if i try either of those and they ledgehop dair instead, i'm combo'd lol.

wow meant to post this like a hour ago. but never hit post.

edit: man as fox i can just run in and usmash. its so easy. ganons way too **** tall.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
yeah, theres not a very large window to take the lasers and jab. but thats what i've been looking for, that improper falco spacing. its like right under the corner of the platform or something weird. workin on that.

and falco's should even really be double lasering unless i'm at least the platform away, right? if i'm closer than that you should ledgehop dair, shouldn't you?

just thinking as a falco should.

but if i am far, jumping over the lasers is an option. it just has to be a prediction (i think. depending on how far) since his jump is so slow haha.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Tricky thing is Dair from the edge sucks because people can just WD back and punish it mad easy. Double laser always comes out and if Ganon shows he can't deal with it(maybe SDI back and jab?) then it starts to get abused realllll quick.

No I don't know Ganon spacing lol.

bossa nova ♪

Smash Champion
Feb 15, 2010
yaaa uhh... marth is flapping amazing.

retardedly good character if you don't think he's top 4 i think you should seriously consider terminating any further education plans you have and becoming a ****ing carney.

i could easily see top 3 as well.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I'm all over the place on this thing.

Started with like 223, then got 195, then got 185, then got 235.


doin it more tomorrow when I'm not sleepy lol.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
I was getting a lot of 180 range results today when I wasn't sleepy, but I was also tired from work.

i'm curious as to what a lot of the top players reaction times are. I think armada is probably pretty high up there
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