Not sure how you decided that no one besides the triangle was playing or improving but okay.
Greensboro is motivated wtf have you seen Chris and Sneak and Cam sometimes?
I didn't. Raleigh plays frequently and everywhere else johns about not having people to play and everyone around them being lazy. Just going by what I've experienced in NC for so long.
Cam is triangle. Chris/Sneak are both playing a lot but are both on here talking about it being impossible to get good in NC. Makes me question how much they get out of their playing. I don't doubt that they are improving; Chris was really tight the last time I watched him play.
People have always been broke. They saved up before or made it work before. Not sure why the job comment is there since you make it to everything.
Yeah, but people's families haven't always been broke too; get real, a lot of people's income = family allowances/handouts. And the people who were broke are now just older and having to work a lot because they are paying your own bills. As you have never had to work and support yourself with it and pay your own bills, you have no concept of the drain on your time/energy it is. Most jobs want you to perform at 110% every day to move up which requires a lot more sleep and a lot more responsible "staying in" type decision making. I make it to everything because I do not work on the weekends; this is not the case for most everybody else in NC with a job (ex: Adam, Chris, Corey etc)
And Hickory isn't THAT far. 2.5 hours for Raleigh vs my 4 hours to Raleigh. It'll be alright to do it once in a while.
Again, but you are the one who is far away from civilization. It makes more sense to have the one or two people travel to where everybody is rather than have all of them come to you.
And regardless of farness, driving 2 1/2 hours is still gas costs and gas is much higher and none of us are going to win the tournament to pay for our gas (unlike you). It is financially reasonable for you to drive anywhere there is Melee because you are almost guaranteed to win any event you enter and thus pay for your gas and food. Again, your view of the of most people's financial situation seems pretty narrow minded.
I'm not asking you host so much as asking you continue driving to things.
And I'm telling you living in the triangle and driving more than an hour to play Melee with only NC people when over half of the tournament entrants (ie: a big chunk of the top players) live in the triangle is unappealing and financially irresponsible. We had more people playing and hanging out at my house last night than there were people who entered Melee at GBH.
You already said broke.
It's called emphasis when people make arguments that don't have any bearing or negation factor to what you said. People are broke and Smash is a fun game that for almost everyone is a drain financially. Playing at somebody's house with a large group for free >>>> driving anywhere, sleeping on a floor, having sleep johns, spending a lot money.
Agreed @ cycle.
You travel because you should travel, not because everyone else should travel. Take care of your part and everyone else should do the same.
I've been traveling OOS for Melee longer than you've been playing in this community. You have no grounds to tell me anything about travelling. I understand its importance for improving but I also understand how MASSIVELY UNIMPORTANT travelling is when you have other obligations/factors to consider.