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The North Carolina Melee Power Rankings! Updated 8/14/14!


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
People should still start going to things more often, even if it is just a smashfest, and if your broke I'm sure carpooling would help drastically as far as gas goes. I'm gonna hit up Lucky's card shop out here to see if i can get the venue for smash tournaments. It shouldn't be much of a problem since they already hold tournies for the fighting game community. But even if its just a smashfest people should definitely show up and like chris i want to see the improvement i've been hearing about from the rest of the community as well.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
People should still start going to things more often, even if it is just a smashfest, and if your broke I'm sure carpooling would help drastically as far as gas goes. I'm gonna hit up Lucky's card shop out here to see if i can get the venue for smash tournaments.
Lol my problem is that where I am is kind of opposite of anyone who needs a carpool. I live in the odd place where to get anyone would be going backwards then going forwards.
But as far as carpooling, I'd be open to the idea so if anyone ever needs anything lemme know and I'll see what I can do.

Also, if they host other tournaments lemme know Sneak. I may not be that great at MvC3 and AE but I like playing them.

As far as my thoughts go on the slumber of melee in NC
I can't really say much because I'm honestly one of it's biggest participants. After I play people for a while I don't feel like playing again. Especially since there's no one around me to bother me all the time, it's easy to ignore it.
Idk, I'm just frustrated with it. That's why i haven't played as much.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
see, it's not the getting better i'm worried about. it's the why get better thing. If all i was worried about was getting better, then yes, i know i'm more than capable of becoming a decent player of this game. but NC smash has no hype, no attendance, and apparently loads of drama.

trust me, i still like the game. and sure, i'll still go to stuff. but 8 man tourneys where 2 of them are from VA and two of them are in the hometown doesn't say much for NC.

my progress is just fine. It just feels pointless when you have to go to pennsylvania to find a 30 man tourney during the summer. NC has enough players. they just won't drive more than a half hour to do anything.
You have to get better for you. You getting better for the state is nice and all but when tough times occur then it's harder to keep going since you're focusing too much on the negative when this would all be unchanged if you just wanted to be good to realize your own potential.

NC smash gets hyped when they feel like it. Drama is subsiding. We're just not attending much atm.

the issue isn't that people aren't willing to come to stuff, it's that people aren't hosting stuff.
with that, maybe I should host another tournament.
Host another tournament!

Everyone in and around Raleigh plays at my house frequently. I literally host all the smashfests that happen around here and I'm fine with that. I missed the Hickory tournament because it was Ali's last weekend in NC and I decided that was more important to me (I was right).

But yeah, if everybody in the triangle is playing and improving a good bit and if none of the rest of the state is doing that, there's not a lot I can do personally.

You also have to consider that people are broke. A lot of people don't have cars or jobs. Gas is really expensive so people don't want to spend what little they have on gas money/food from being out of town. The people who have jobs, if they don't work a steady 9-5 esque schedule, get scheduled on weekends because it is difficult to get whole weekends or even Saturdays off at most restaurants/retail places since those are the busiest days.

And yes, what Alex mentioned is a problem; most of the active pool of players is in the triangle. Charlotte doesn't communicate well (Peter, Ali, Travis, Forest, Dylan, Bden all in near vicinity and barely play) and Greensboro is mostly unmotivated. Why would you host a tournament in Hickory (somewhere in between those places)? DJ and Theo are gone (school), Bryan and Chris are in Wilmington (school). Adam stays busy with work and no one else from Rocky Mount plays much either.

Raleigh does need to be hosting so someone needs to step up; I already do all the Smashfests and teach and play with different people as much as I can but my job + my other interests + social upkeep all take priority before I tack on another responsibility like that.
Not sure how you decided that no one besides the triangle was playing or improving but okay.

People have always been broke. They saved up before or made it work before. Not sure why the job comment is there since you make it to everything.

Greensboro is motivated wtf have you seen Chris and Sneak and Cam sometimes?

And Hickory isn't THAT far. 2.5 hours for Raleigh vs my 4 hours to Raleigh. It'll be alright to do it once in a while.

I'm not asking you host so much as asking you continue driving to things.

greensboro, the "mostly unmotivated" place is the only people going to tournaments...

for as much as you guys are improving, it'd be really nice if you guys showed up to something and proved it. I haven't seen like half of this so called "triangle" since enter the dragon.

and yeah, i know people have to work. and since i drive a goddamn buick, i certainly know how much gas costs. He'd host a tournament in hickory becuase given all you "motivated" players, nobody wanted to host anything all summer. the only tournament we have scheduled right now is in...oh yeah, charlotte. If you won't host and you won't travel, then how is west NC the unmotivated ones?

Everyone who is motivated to play Smash is broke. Smash does not make generally make money appear for you to put in your car you don't have.

I have no control over what the other guys do. I'm going to host my Summer smash gathering in July; that is my contribution to unity as from all the hosting and training I do otherwise. I've seen this cycle happen several times in the last four years. This will pass too. Relax.

Also, do recall that I almost never miss tournaments before you start saying East as a whole doesn't travel. I am the best player in Raleigh currently and represent as best I can when I go. Also, why would we ever travel when the "tournaments" that get hosted have no attendance from the people from the people who live even closer than we do. The last few times I've traveled to stuff I felt like I drove there to play the people who live in the triangle and then maybe 2 or 3 others.
You already said broke.

Agreed @ cycle.

You travel because you should travel, not because everyone else should travel. Take care of your part and everyone else should do the same.

Ok i'm going to the comic book store, I'll commute every few weeks to run things there. You guys better come.

realize that I love melee and all of you.

are there any tournaments coming up?
Snap's Bi-weekly on the 25th, and Gold Mine 2 on the 9th. Both in Charlotte area.

lol, naw I like don't exist since i'm not on Nova or NC's PR, its pretty nice for hustling people


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
alright thanks, i'll try to make it to gold mine

Oh, btw, at gold mine we're gonna practice planking puff for hours on end so you can make that M2K money lol

I'll give you some money to add on to your bet, just promise me that when you win, you take the money I won and burn it slowly in front of M2K's face


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Not sure how you decided that no one besides the triangle was playing or improving but okay.

Greensboro is motivated wtf have you seen Chris and Sneak and Cam sometimes?

I didn't. Raleigh plays frequently and everywhere else johns about not having people to play and everyone around them being lazy. Just going by what I've experienced in NC for so long.

Cam is triangle. Chris/Sneak are both playing a lot but are both on here talking about it being impossible to get good in NC. Makes me question how much they get out of their playing. I don't doubt that they are improving; Chris was really tight the last time I watched him play.

People have always been broke. They saved up before or made it work before. Not sure why the job comment is there since you make it to everything.

Yeah, but people's families haven't always been broke too; get real, a lot of people's income = family allowances/handouts. And the people who were broke are now just older and having to work a lot because they are paying your own bills. As you have never had to work and support yourself with it and pay your own bills, you have no concept of the drain on your time/energy it is. Most jobs want you to perform at 110% every day to move up which requires a lot more sleep and a lot more responsible "staying in" type decision making. I make it to everything because I do not work on the weekends; this is not the case for most everybody else in NC with a job (ex: Adam, Chris, Corey etc)

And Hickory isn't THAT far. 2.5 hours for Raleigh vs my 4 hours to Raleigh. It'll be alright to do it once in a while.

Again, but you are the one who is far away from civilization. It makes more sense to have the one or two people travel to where everybody is rather than have all of them come to you.

And regardless of farness, driving 2 1/2 hours is still gas costs and gas is much higher and none of us are going to win the tournament to pay for our gas (unlike you). It is financially reasonable for you to drive anywhere there is Melee because you are almost guaranteed to win any event you enter and thus pay for your gas and food. Again, your view of the of most people's financial situation seems pretty narrow minded.

I'm not asking you host so much as asking you continue driving to things.

And I'm telling you living in the triangle and driving more than an hour to play Melee with only NC people when over half of the tournament entrants (ie: a big chunk of the top players) live in the triangle is unappealing and financially irresponsible. We had more people playing and hanging out at my house last night than there were people who entered Melee at GBH.

You already said broke.

It's called emphasis when people make arguments that don't have any bearing or negation factor to what you said. People are broke and Smash is a fun game that for almost everyone is a drain financially. Playing at somebody's house with a large group for free >>>> driving anywhere, sleeping on a floor, having sleep johns, spending a lot money.

Agreed @ cycle.

You travel because you should travel, not because everyone else should travel. Take care of your part and everyone else should do the same.

I've been traveling OOS for Melee longer than you've been playing in this community. You have no grounds to tell me anything about travelling. I understand its importance for improving but I also understand how MASSIVELY UNIMPORTANT travelling is when you have other obligations/factors to consider.
Quotes in bold.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
If I told you I work full time, and I currently play 3 times a week about.. and I live in an apartment and I have enough for traveling as well. Can you say the same thing? My salary sucks *** too. To me, it just seems like you are putting on the drama front of awww poor me.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
If I told you I work full time, and I currently play 3 times a week about.. and I live in an apartment and I have enough for traveling as well. Can you say the same thing? My salary sucks *** too. To me, it just seems like you are putting on the drama front of awww poor me.
You misunderstand. There is no awww poor me; I am fortunate currently compared to most people's situations.

I work full time and play normally at least 3 times a week, barely ever miss tournaments, maintain an active social life outside of smash, maintain A LOT of other non-smash skills activities and travel for nationals. I also have extra doctor bills from stomach being awful and problems with my back. It's only reasonable for me because I make enough money to do that.

A) It's still not beneficial at all for saving nor for economizing my time balanced between other social/family obligations. Just because you have the means to travel does not mean you should. If I can have a better experience staying at my house and playing (I can, definitely, but not the case for everybody) or in my area, it's an irresponsible use of time and money. Hell, it is either way.

B) There are maybe 3 or 4 others in this entire community who work full time; they do not make it to much at all. It's tiring. I feel for them.

C) Everybody else is not making that much money and has to spend that wisely. Travelling is costly no matter what. And before you say people with no money travel frequently; they do it at the expense of the other people with money (the people driving/buying their food). I cannot even tell you how often in my experience people go to things with no cash/don't bring their wallets and then take advantage of the situation. Trust me, the same group of people end up paying.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
never said i couldn't get better. i just said we have no tournament scene worth being a part of.

see josh, the frustrating thing is what you just stated. you had more people at your house last night than was at the tournament. you rely on like 2 phone calls to get 10 people together, while i rely on tournaments to find 8 people together and drive for 2 hours each way? That's the frustrating part for me. I'm not even saying anyone should change. but i just wish that the hype that your house can bring can be transferred to like...idk...a tournament, persay.


Aug 8, 2005
Richmond, Virginia
Lol Dark, I feel you on part C. I literally never lend money anymore. If smashers can't even carry the entry fee on them and money for food during the day, then they weren't prepared. Grrrrrr. Years ago this used to really bug me haha.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Chris: I think you underestimate the effort put into it (do you realize how hard it is to get John Wittle anywhere? Or Austin? Or Cam?). haha I understand and sympathize as I too have lived in a city far from where most people were playing (while I was at ECU especially for smash, while I was in Wilson for DDR/ITG). I agree that more tournaments need to happen in our area though. Without Austin (NCSU), DJ (Duke) and Kyle (Splash) our tournaments just kinda stopped too. I got sick of that so I started having gatherings at my house. Good location is good. >_>

Redd: Yeppppp exactly. People should not be guilted/obligated to pay for you because you are too irresponsible to bring cash to somewhere where you know cash will be required. Unless someone has offered so that you can come, which is a different matter entirely. Most of the time though, it's just flat out mooching and taking advantage of a giving community.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
We never said it was impossible to get good josh, we were just saying its boring and discouraging when you hold smashfests or tournaments and it barely breaks 10 people. For me its like why even try, when I just play something else with over twice the hype and turnout. If we can try to hold fests everytime there isn't a tournament which is more than possible and people actually show up besides the usuals and actually play and try to learn maybe it wouldn't feel so pointless


Smash Lord
Dec 25, 2010
And also come to mine on July 9th.

Or just... you know... have another smashfest instead because boo-hoo Charlotte 2.5 hour drive so far away so much gas carpools don't exist.
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