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The North Carolina Melee Power Rankings! Updated 8/14/14!

bossa nova ♪

Smash Champion
Feb 15, 2010
wow smith ur trash talk is borderline the worst thing of all time

'free cash? i could practice, not that i'll need to though:psycho:"

some of the worst **** i've ever read, wow


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
My DK is taking all MM's vs anyone who doesnt main falco.

But is willing to play falco vs my dk.

Basically ill mm anyones falco with the exception of cam/pp/josh/sneak

Come at me.
ill use my ****ty secondary falco

see what i mean mahone?

they all just p*ssy out :{{{{{

no humility, only fear

so disappointing....
so sad, ill mm your falcon with ganon lol

Someone stop me from reading the comments on WGF GFs.

It hurts.

Edit: vZakat we goin there again? =p
Months ago in the best player thread I told everyone that it wasn't fair to rank mango the best if he doesn't try, because it isn't fair to the people who beat him in tournament (at the time i was referring to hbox).

Then amsah and everyone came in and said "well we know hes the best" and i said thats not the point. Now whenever anyone beats him he'll either be not trying or playing his secondary, or rusty since hes not been trying in so long... and we'll always remember that mango that was better than everyone and it will be impossible for someone to show they are genuinely better than him.

Then everyone told me that no one is even close to his level so that wasn't going to happen until he retired so i just stopped posting lol

I guess mango wins... again

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
Mahone i hear your falcos pretty legit

If you **** my donkey kong super hard game one I might go marth because I want legit practice too :D


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
sure i don't care, i'm just playing for practice, honestly if you wanna just do seriouslies thats fine too, then there's less pressure and you can try whoever


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA

When i saw you just wanted to play.... i knew i HAD to do it.

ugh... that felt forced, but i do love pawn stars


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
id mm all of u but im ****ing broke now
Lol DJ are you even gonna be at Karn's this weekend?

G6 started playing on my playlist as soon as i started reading these MM's

Are all these about to happen this weekend?

Is pure HYPE about to ensue for the first time in NC since...idk1?!?!?!?!??
UH yeah pretty much
I guess that's what happens when everyone's bored and someone comes in challenging everyone in sight to a MM


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
Looooooooool legit in the same way a blind man driving a school bus full of sirens towards a wall of stereos playing the recorded sound of Hell in low quality is legit.

<3 Kumar
lol, its definitely not as good as your falco (except mabye against puff)


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Well, in our set, I played the match up super wrong first two matches and got edge gimped a lot, won the Falco ditto solidly, played the match up and shot a lot of lasers and won 4th match, then tried to play it right again and got planked/edge camped after the first stock, which I have not yet figured out how to counter effectively with Falco. However, I dominated every time we were on stage, and just couldn't keep up with the fact that I kept dying at 30. I'm hard pressed to say I'm bad at the match up.


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
i mean i didn't plank you right away.

After losing on dreamland i realized you were going to play matchup so i took you fod so you couldn't camp lasers, then i got the lead and you tried to just laser camp me.... i decided that i wasn't going to just let you camp when i had the lead so i held the ledge....

it reminds me of what Amsah said after planking Jman, he said something like "jman didn't want me to come on stage so we could fight, he wanted me to come on stages so he could continue to run away and laser, so i decided to stay on the ledge."

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Twitch, when you see this, I want to play Melee really badly.


I have a few ideas I want to try out. Gay me like you did two days ago.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
i mean i didn't plank you right away.

After losing on dreamland i realized you were going to play matchup so i took you fod so you couldn't camp lasers, then i got the lead and you tried to just laser camp me.... i decided that i wasn't going to just let you camp when i had the lead so i held the ledge....

it reminds me of what Amsah said after planking Jman, he said something like "jman didn't want me to come on stage so we could fight, he wanted me to come on stages so he could continue to run away and laser, so i decided to stay on the ledge."
Well, I wasn't JUST laser camping. I did plenty of combo'ing and killing, but Falco has no even moderately safe response to Jiggs just waiting on the edge, and I tried just approaching in the first two games and that didn't work. I was using the lasers to manipulate you into situations where I could get you rolling around or stuck on a platform and it worked super well 4th game. You probably just saw lasers.

Point being, those situations aren't even remotely comparable. Jman was blatantly running away, not approaching and lasering to build damage on Amsah, while I stayed in the center of the stage mostly and just tried to get you to stop edge camping me but you refused to play me unless I played a laserless Falco vs Jiggs on a small stage with platforms that suck for SH Laser.


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
Well, I wasn't JUST laser camping. I did plenty of combo'ing and killing, but Falco has no even moderately safe response to Jiggs just waiting on the edge, and I tried just approaching in the first two games and that didn't work. I was using the lasers to manipulate you into situations where I could get you rolling around or stuck on a platform and it worked super well 4th game. You probably just saw lasers.

Point being, those situations aren't even remotely comparable. Jman was blatantly running away, not approaching and lasering to build damage on Amsah, while I stayed in the center of the stage mostly and just tried to get you to stop edge camping me but you refused to play me unless I played a laserless Falco vs Jiggs on a small stage with platforms that suck for SH Laser.
well i guess i can't argue, cuz i really did just see game 4 as you lasering and i remember you being across the stage lasering game 5, but mabye i just don't remember it right, it doesn't really matter now, cuz i have spent a couple days learning how to get around lasers, and for the rest of the week im gonna work on it and perfect it so it shouldn't matter....

also, im working on my falco tech skill, cuz i got a lot more openers than you did in our ditto, but i would get stuck in shine, im fairly confident if my tech skill is even decent i can beat you in falco dittos, if you would prefer that.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
well i guess i can't argue, cuz i really did just see game 4 as you lasering and i remember you being across the stage lasering game 5, but mabye i just don't remember it right, it doesn't really matter now, cuz i have spent a couple days learning how to get around lasers, and for the rest of the week im gonna work on it and perfect it so it shouldn't matter....

also, im working on my falco tech skill, cuz i got a lot more openers than you did in our ditto, but i would get stuck in shine, im fairly confident if my tech skill is even decent i can beat you in falco dittos, if you would prefer that.
Looking forward to it.

And what does it say about our ditto that you think you got more openers than I did and I still JV 3 stocked (maybe low percent 2, can't remember) you off the openings I had? You even said outloud after the match, "I don't think my Falco can beat you in dittos." Either way, I look forward to our Falco dittos and you showing me something else.


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
Looking forward to it.

And what does it say about our ditto that you think you got more openers than I did and I still JV 3 stocked (maybe low percent 2, can't remember) you off the openings I had? You even said outloud after the match, "I don't think my Falco can beat you in dittos." Either way, I look forward to our Falco dittos and you showing me something else.

I don't understand, im admitting that your combo game and falco in general is better than mine, and i still think at that tourney it was, i don't think im saying anything against that.

Im just saying that my spacing is better, but in falco dittos you need a certain amount of tech skill to win that i currently do not have, but hopefully before the next tourney i will...

thats all im sayin


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC

I don't understand, im admitting that your combo game and falco in general is better than mine, and i still think at that tourney it was, i don't think im saying anything against that.

Im just saying that my spacing is better, but in falco dittos you need a certain amount of tech skill to win that i currently do not have, but hopefully before the next tourney i will...

thats all im sayin
I'd put money on the fact that my spacing is far better as well with Falco as that has been what I've focused on this last month and I've been playing tons of Falco dittos with Cam, who gets the shine OOS if there is an opportunity always. Falco "game" at high level is so centered around good spacing.


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
Well, my spacing is better, i don't know what to tell you... and i hate to break it to you, but neither you nor i are at high level, so falco dittos will mostly be decided by tech skill and experience.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Well, my spacing is better, i don't know what to tell you...
I will not sit and quabble about your Falco's spacing. You have been playing him for a couple months tops after playing only Jigglypuff. I was unimpressed at G6 and I will remain so until shown otherwise.

and i hate to break it to you, but neither you nor i are at high level,
Speak only about yourself, thanks. If you choose to think of your self as midlevel, you can be that all you want.

so falco dittos will mostly be decided by tech skill and experience
Oh god, the johns.


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
I will not sit and quabble about your Falco's spacing. You have been playing him for a couple months tops after playing only Jigglypuff. I was unimpressed at G6 and I will remain so until shown otherwise.
Spacing tends to carry over quite a lot... while you still have to practice the moves so that you can fully understand the hitboxes, i would say that if you have better spacing with your main, you are likely to have better spacing with your secondary...

i dunno... i don't like talking about this too much since the definition of spacing varies from person to person, but what i will say is that i get more initial hits against you from a neutral position, or something along those lines.

Speak only about yourself, thanks. If you choose to think of your self as midlevel, you can be that all you want.
Its just an opinion of what you think is high level, i clearly didn't mean it as an insult (as i said i was midlevel as well)

Thinking about it more, i think you are right, i was thinking more about my falco's level, which is really bad... i don't really remember you making tech skill mistakes, so dittos at your level are probably determined by spacing.

Oh god, the johns.
I don't understand this. I am admitting that i didn't have the tech skill or experience to beat you in the matchup...

i think what you are doing is assuming that i think spacing is more important just because i said i am better at it, but this is simply not true.

I never said anywhere that i weighted spacing more heavily than tech skill or experience in an assessment of overall skill, so i am basically saying you are better at falco dittos....

How is that a john?


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Spacing tends to carry over quite a lot... while you still have to practice the moves so that you can fully understand the hitboxes, i would say that if you have better spacing with your main, you are likely to have better spacing with your secondary...

i dunno... i don't like talking about this too much since the definition of spacing varies from person to person, but what i will say is that i get more initial hits against you from a neutral position, or something along those lines.
I guess so, but the point I was making is that spacing with Jigglypuff is super simple. The whipping and poking nature of her aerials combined with her floatiness and her insane air control are so wildly different I don't see how that carries over at all.

Its just an opinion of what you think is high level, i clearly didn't mean it as an insult (as i said i was midlevel as well)

Thinking about it more, i think you are right, i was thinking more about my falco's level, which is really bad... i don't really remember you making tech skill mistakes, so dittos at your level are probably determined by spacing.
Lasers, spacing, conditioning and punishing.

I don't understand this. I am admitting that i didn't have the tech skill or experience to beat you in the matchup...

i think what you are doing is assuming that i think spacing is more important just because i said i am better at it, but this is simply not true.

I never said anywhere that i weighted spacing more heavily than tech skill or experience in an assessment of overall skill, so i am basically saying you are better at falco dittos....

How is that a john?
It seemed like you were saying "even though my spacing is better, you'll win because you have better tech skill and experience" which seems like a cop out and a downplay of those factors. But perhaps it's not what you're saying. I'm of the opinion that if your Falco's spacing was better than mine, you probably would have won or at least done better.

Regardless, overall skill is a mixture of too many factors to even think about like that.
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