I think it's really stupid when anyone of any racial/religious identity becomes upset at minor or irrelevant (or even significant) statements regarding that identity.
Sure, sometimes people are flat-out trying to insult you in the most harmful way possible and that's a real offense, but they can do that to you regardless of using racial remarks... if they want to insult you, there's lots of ways.
But it gets really annoying when someone makes a random statement or post that just simply has the word "Jew" in it and Lucas pops in saying "CAREFUL GUYS I'M JEWISH".
It's like... really? Do you really think they were trying to offend your identity?
If I overhear people talking about how much they hate kids these days with their emo f@g style, or if they tell me something like that to my face, I don't get offended at all. One, because they're right: that is what I look like and it's my choice. Second, because why does it hurt me? Let them have their lulz.
It's your choice if you want to get upset over a racial/religious remark (offensive or neutral). It has absolutely nothing to do with your identity. Lucas would probably be unhappy with me if I said to him "you're a Jew." Why? It's true. There is absolutely zero offense in that statement.
I think Hitler was one of the best leaders and made some amazing progress and decisions if he just didn't have the whole antisemitism deal, which showed he was pretty insane in the end. I think one of the funniest songs from a musical is "Springtime for Hitler" from The Producers. My grandfather thinks the Holocaust was a conspiracy and never happened or was exaggerated.
Does this mean I'm trying to offend Jews?
Of course not. Two of those things are unrelated opinions of mine and another is a simple fact that isn't under my control.
And it bothers me when people get upset over silly things like people's opinions or facts that are obviously not intended to offend them in any way.
lol i don't even know why i'm posting this, i'm bored and just got up, this thread jus git me thinkin