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The North Carolina Melee Power Rankings! (Updated 2/11/10!)

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Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
IC dittos are the worst thing in any fighting game imo i'd rather play a MArth ditto

foxy i love you

jim has the 1st one on his wii that he's played and only I've played the 3rd one. Neither of us have played the supposedly amazing 2nd one. I want to play them all eventually. It'll give me something to do for the next...4-6 weeks.
Interesting. I actually fell asleep playing the third. D: With most people that's an exaggeration.

that line was filled with tender feelings and had raw emotional power, zero

you're a heartless *****.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
There is nothing wrong with taking competition as motivation to get better. I have been.

I hope I proved that I should definitely be on the PR.

I was going even with Mike all day in Falcon dittos (squander in brackets :[), beat Foxy's Jigglypuff and Falcon every time we played a serious match and still won the majority of all our other matches when we played the next day, beat Zero in brackets (super close ending), BARELY lost to Alex due to a stupid error (no johns), beat Matt at Foxy's, got second in teams (not that this means that much but still). >_> Still really want to play Rawfuls.

Proudest moment during my matches at the tournament was taking Adam's advice against Alex and doing it for America and actually doing it. I felt so good. PS: Alex is good.

I want to see Mike move up. He's better than me, and most everybody I played honestly.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Hmmm, the Melee PRs seem to have just gotten highly competitive. Discussion on this one will be very difficult.

Thanks for the input Joshbro. I appreciate it.


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Serious opinion:

1. PP
2. L0zr
3. I've Jihad It
4. TC
5. Darksyde
6. Nebs
7. Mask
8. Malk
9. Karn
10. Rawfuls
11. Jim
12. Foxy
13. Dark Hart

Honestly, unless I forgot anyone, those are the active players that I think deserve being above an honorable mention (in terms of effort and results in the recent NC scene).

I know teams doesn't mean much, but Lucas did manage to get carried by you to 1st in doubles and I think that counts for something, even if he did get, what, 17th in singles? If he keeps making showings he certainly can be top 15, I don't think he'll make it on these but for what it's worth I'd rank him there at 13th.

I really don't know about Zero, I hear lots of people stress his improvement and then I hear about tons of people destroying him in money matches and in tournament. I know that I beat him at my tournament, and even GofG was easily beating him before he had to leave for Macbeth. Dark Hart 2-0'd him (but that got turned around at Bill's). I can't say, I'd have to have played him more recently.

Josh: I wouldn't say that we went that uneven during our friendlies. My impression was that you were winning 60:40 or 70:30, you really only ***** me in Falcon dittos, which I'm not too great at anyways, but seriously, your Falcon is hardcore good; I was very impressed. I only played Jiggs a few times and I wouldn't say that I got ***** by your Falcon, I remember maybe losing once or twice and then winning at least one match where I got two rests pretty much instantly. There were 3 stocks kind of back and forth the whole time, depending on if I was playing gay with Sheik or Marth...

Not taking credit away from you, you are certainly better than me, and should be ranked accordingly. As you can see, I placed you as a better player than Nebs, who I hold a pretty high opinion of. You're really solid.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Hmmm, this is very interesting, and the actual list probably won't deviate from your list too much, but there are a few changes I'm going to suggest to the panel that may confuse/frustrate you bros more when the new PRs come out.

That's not bad, though. I might have to replace dat Foxy guy with MCPO or Thunda especially for being at Bills and not you. =p


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Yeah I dunno about that Foxy, I've seen him around a few times but that little kid just gets easy brackets, eh. 3rd ain't ****.

I pretty much knew when I got sick that I was going to be forfeiting my chance at supporting my PR spot by missing Bill's. It happens.

Edit: If you only go to top 10, then it won't be an issue, although I would advocate going to top 15 as NC has a lot of newer or mid-level players (like myself) who are very interested in the competition and earning those PR spots. In all, going to top 15 would be healthy for competition, to say the least.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Top 15 includes too many of the smashers trying to get onto the PRs, and lessens the value of the spots imo. States much bigger and more competitive than ours keep a top 10 only, so I see no reason not to do the same.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
I'm flattered at Austin's list actually.

I have to object to Alex being underneath me. Even if I barely lost or had controller issues or did something dumb, he still beat me twice. Therefore he should be higher up.

Also I'm not sure as to where to put Mike. I've only ever played Falcon dittos with him and we have typically gone very even. I won a money match with him at Austin's but lost in the tourney. I should fight him with other characters or play a real set with him sometime. His Falcon is definitely more techy than mine and probably just better overall. The kid is mad good. His MM with Adam spoke volumes to anybody who was watching. By tourney winnings though, he should be above me.

And Austin, I didn't mean to make it sound like it was overwhelmingly in my favor. I definitely won more matches, but there were a lot that were really close. I did get Sheik'd and Marth'd a few times to your credit. haha Thanks for the compliments really. I'd like to play Nebs too. Where is he hiding?

EDIT: Agreeing with what Kevin posted right above me. Top 10 and then honorable mentions. Top 15 is a little too inclusive and I think makes people more willing to just settle with being on there at all.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
It's really hard to judge how good Nebs is now. He's only been to one tourney and that was kind of a while ago.


Smash Apprentice
May 2, 2008
Falcon punching your friends
Yeah, Cullowhee is just too far to make it to some of these things. Maybe this summer when I'm in Lexington (less than an hour from Greensboro) I'll be able to come to more events.

But yeah, do what you want with the power rankings. I understand that me being absent is a problem. I'd obviously like to test pp and lozr for tops but it's just a distance thing. To be honest, if I move down in the PR, it's whatever. After all, how long can I stay 5th in the state after only 1 tourney?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2008
winston-salem, nc
yea... not being at tournies is an issue... just look at foxies list i miss one thing and i drop on his list even though i placed higher at bills than i ever did at anything else =p... seriously tough nebs your falcon was definately good **** and im glad to see you're understanding that if you dropped you woudlnt find it unfair that just made me like you more


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!

I may be in Wakefield tomorrow around like 4 to 6. Mind if I swing by and smash for a few? I need to scrape some rust off the ol` parka twins. =D

You have my number, right?


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2008
Broboro, NC
His MM with Adam spoke volumes to anybody who was watching.
The one where everyone was watching/screaming wasn't a mm. That was tourney. I may be wrong, but I think it was losers semis.

I did mm him later in the night though, but nobody was really watching that.

Just for the record, I'm the one who knocked Karn into losers at Foxy's. I also knocked Rawfuls into losers at Bill's, although Karn placed one spot higher than me at Foxy's and Rawfuls placed one spot higher than me at Bill's.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2008
winston-salem, nc
No offense meant to mike at all but i think his set with lozr him getting 4 stocked meant more to me than his win and dor the record i knockd malk into losers at boone and knocked karn out of brackets at bills and i think me and mike are fairly even but by no means should i be above him on this set of pr's


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2006
Raleigh, NC
LOL the only youtube comment on one of my vids is a compliment on my jigglypuff!



Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Austin, thanks? I understand but maybe you just haven't played me enough. :p

My mistake, I thought that was the money match. The part I watched, Mike was performing extremely well. His and Adam's falcons were the only ones I played all day that were really difficult to fight.

Regardless, Mike and Alex both placed above me.


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2006
mic_128 doesnt like me
Yeah, Cullowhee is just too far to make it to some of these things. Maybe this summer when I'm in Lexington (less than an hour from Greensboro) I'll be able to come to more events.

But yeah, do what you want with the power rankings. I understand that me being absent is a problem. I'd obviously like to test pp and lozr for tops but it's just a distance thing. To be honest, if I move down in the PR, it's whatever. After all, how long can I stay 5th in the state after only 1 tourney?
^ this guy has got falcon status. btw your a ****ing drunk get another phone so I can call you baby.


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2008
Broboro, NC
No offense meant to mike at all but i think his set with lozr him getting 4 stocked meant more to me than his win
Well I'm not gonna john here because we all know that his Falcon is amazing, but you really don't know how nervous I was being I just won the first match and basically all the melee people were crowded around us yelling. That was the only time he 4 stocked me all day, and throughout the day when I played him in friendlies I did well against him. Also, the third match in our tourney set was close. If he was continuously 4 stocking me I think the situation would be entirely different, but almost beating him in the last match after a 4 stock proves my point.

i think me and mike are fairly even

I beat you pretty easily in our tourney matches... they weren't very close.

Not trying to argue or anything, I'm just saying.


Smash Apprentice
May 2, 2008
Falcon punching your friends
^ this guy has got falcon status. btw your a ****ing drunk get another phone so I can call you baby.
Lol yeah I know I need a new phone. It'll probably be over break in a like a week though, ****. I really want to get back up there and play you and chillin again (plus all the tech guys).

And thanks for the props, but you knowing I'm that good doesn't translate to PR. I just can't make 5-6 hour away tourneys...


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2006
mic_128 doesnt like me
Lol yeah I know I need a new phone. It'll probably be over break in a like a week though, ****. I really want to get back up there and play you and chillin again (plus all the tech guys).

And thanks for the props, but you knowing I'm that good doesn't translate to PR. I just can't make 5-6 hour away tourneys...
get a new phone, and come up over the break because we wouln't play melee. we will drink and play the new game we are all in to.



Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2005
Raleigh, NC
I'll do a yellow-cable-not-plugged-into-the-tv MM with anyone here, and it has to be a match relevant to PR discussion.


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2005
Raleigh, NC
what cable did you think it was? left audio?

yeah man i will do a mm with NO LEFT AUDIO with you.
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