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The ~New~ SWF GYM! Newbies and New Years Resolution Peeps Wanted!


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
So we're the only people on Smashboards that work out? This can't be right

I think it's more a case of we're the only one who post about it.

My dad bought a treadmill there a few weeks ago and I have been running on it quite a lot.

In addition to 2-3 miles of rowing and sporadic weight sessions I am still kinda working out.

But I'm giving up on getting big and just focusing on staying toned.

I currently sit on 165 pounds but I would kinda like to get to like 175 or 180.


King of Evil
Jun 12, 2008
La Grande, Oregon
This is a really cool thread.

These past two months, I've had virtually no way to reliably work out (moved from NH to Oregon), aside from a few dumbbells I have and the bodyweight stuff I know. I've had to get really creative with how I do things, but it feels pretty cool doing pullups and abs on a tree branch. :colorful:


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
No. It's not a "common complication" and it doesn't happen. Doctors check if your hernia has descended to your scrotum, yes. I'm not sure what you mean by "checking" if your testicular blood supply has been compromised. People don't wait for a mass to reach their scrotum and let it grow enough to occlude blood vessels of other structures inside lol. They'd have suffered many many complications before reaching this point.

You can get testicular pain with inguinal hernias because the mass presses on structures such as the genitofemoral nerve inside the inguinal canal. This is not at all the same as losing blood supply, it is referred pain. If the hernia becomes particularly large, the scrotum will naturally feel uncomfortable with an extra mass inside. Losing blood supply to your testicles is a surgical emergency and does not occur with inguinal hernias.

It is not very hard to prove this. Understand your anatomy. Open a medical website and look at common symptoms and complications.
settle down.

i'd rather take pathology advice from my anatomy professor instead of some rando from smashboards or a medical website.

she's pretty cluey.

Just did 15 pullups in one set for the first time (in the last year, at least). Pretty happy about it, especially since my fat *** weighs over 190 lbs. I've been doing weighted pullups to work on my lats since unweighted sets were getting me nowhere and pulldown machines make my forearms fail out first for some reason :| I must be using a weird rom on the machine. Idc tho cause pullups are pretty much my fav exercise ever~~
weighted pull-ups are pretty amazing.

i noticed massive gains after i stopped doing them, focussed on muscle-ups, then came back to them. now can do 2 reps of 55kgs :D :D :D

Sorry guys, I just thought maybe one of you guys may had had gallbladder surgery and might tell me about the recovery.
if it was keyhole surgery, normal time frame before lifting is about 6 weeks. if it was open, that depends on how open it was lol. best ask your surgeon.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
settle down.

i'd rather take pathology advice from my anatomy professor instead of some rando from smashboards or a medical website.

she's pretty cluey.
Defensive much?

Sorry, broski, you're wrong here and you shouldn't give out "advice" on topics you are woefully uneducated on. This is why people should not seek medical advice from message boards.

If you're so sure of your assertions why why don't you check a website? Or a textbook? I'm a final year medical student and I'm on a surgery rotation right now. You're speaking rubbish.


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand
i noticed massive gains after i stopped doing them, focussed on muscle-ups, then came back to them. now can do 2 reps of 55kgs :D :D :D
You can do a muscle-up?! I hate you, you strong b******. I can do the pull up and the dip, but that transition part is just beastly.

Defensive much?

I'm a final year medical student and I'm on a surgery rotation right now.
2nd year PA right here. I look forward to help you guys out :D


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City

In the last three weeks or so I've been sick three times. I haven't been able to work out or eat properly and I'm down ten pounds. I wanted to be in better shape before I left but I'm feeling pretty lame right now.



Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
Started doing pull ups and press ups every couple of days. Able to do ~12 pull ups and ~30 press ups in one set, probably because I weigh so little lol. Pretty happy starting here since I've never exercised before. The most exercise my body sees is from walking!

I'm planning on changing my diet before starting weights. I eat healthily but there's appallingly little protein. Not sure I'll make gains till I change this. :c Aiming to put on 5-10 pounds.

2nd year PA right here. I look forward to help you guys out :D
Cool, more healthcare people! We don't get physician assistants in UK, but your job looks really interesting. I think the most comparable position we have here is nurse practitioner, but it's still different.


I'm bored so looked it up. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, Kumar and Clarke's Clinical Medicine, eMedicine and MayoClinic all fail to mention inguinal hernias affecting testicular arterial supply. Because it doesn't happen! Testicles are supplied by more than one artery (from different origins) and the herniated bowel itself will suffer complications long before it magically occludes blood supply to a testicle. Your anatomy teacher was likely talking about blood supply to the bowel because that's what doctors are actually worried about.

tl;dr: inguinal hernias don't obstruct testicular blood supply lol.

Grey Belnades

The Imperial Aztec
Jan 20, 2009
Brawley, CA
if it was keyhole surgery, normal time frame before lifting is about 6 weeks. if it was open, that depends on how open it was lol. best ask your surgeon.
It was keyhole (I have 4 small incisions scars).


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Defensive much?

Sorry, broski, you're wrong here and you shouldn't give out "advice" on topics you are woefully uneducated on. This is why people should not seek medical advice from message boards.

If you're so sure of your assertions why why don't you check a website? Or a textbook? I'm a final year medical student and I'm on a surgery rotation right now. You're speaking rubbish.
wow. you need a new hobby.

i learnt something at uni, and posted it here.

if you disagree, amazing. that's awesome.

now get over it.

You can do a muscle-up?! I hate you, you strong b******. I can do the pull up and the dip, but that transition part is just beastly.
you've just got to learn the motion. teaching yourself to continue above the above into the dip is just something you've got to get used to, and develop a little bit of power for.

i was actually planning on making a tutorial video this holidays (as started two days ago), with thundermistress, so hopefully you might learn something from that. took me about 2 months to progress from weighted chin ups to proper muscle ups.

It was keyhole (I have 4 small incisions scars).
it's normally 6 weeks before lifting. but best check with your surgeon/doctor.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
wow. you need a new hobby.

i learnt something at uni, and posted it here.

if you disagree, amazing. that's awesome.

now get over it.
Love it. I'm not disagreeing, dude. I'm telling you that you are horrifically wrong and understand nothing about the topic at hand to even believe what you posted.

I politely told you that you are wrong. A normal person would respond by saying ok. Instead you became passive aggressive and super defensive as if I was making a personal attack on your very being. Now that it is obvious you are wrong, you try to shrug off your error and insult me more. :bee:

ps: Recovery time is likely less than 6 weeks for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy but at least you're guessing on the safer side.


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Love it. I'm not disagreeing, dude. I'm telling you that you are horrifically wrong and understand nothing about the topic at hand to even believe what you posted.

I politely told you that you are wrong. A normal person would respond by saying ok. Instead you became passive aggressive and super defensive as if I was making a personal attack on your very being. Now that it is obvious you are wrong, you try to shrug off your error and insult me more. :bee:

just a few journal results from the first page of my search on cinahl.

Testicular Infarction Becoming Apparent After Hernia Reduction
The Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 38, Issue 4, May 2010, Pages 460-462
Muhammad Waseem, Heidi Pinkert, Gerard Devas

El-Awady, S., & Elkholy, A. (2009). Beneficial effect of inguinal hernioplasty on testicular perfusion and sexual function. [10.1007/s10029-009-0480-7]. Hernia, 13(3), 251-258.

Impact of slit and nonslit mesh technique on testicular perfusion and volume in the early and late postoperative period of the totally extraperitoneal preperitoneal technique in patients with inguinal hernia. The American Journal of Surgery, Volume 198, Issue 2, August 2009, Pages 287-291 Aysun Simsek Celik, Naim Memmi, Fatih Celebi, Deniz Guzey, Atilla Celik, Rafet Kaplan, Mehmet Oncu

all speak of testicular perfusion either being impeded by an inguinal hernia, and/or being improved after the hernia is reduced/resected.

i have access to the full articles online, but if you don't i would be able to quote relevant sections. if you're really so sure of yourself as to ask. although at the very least, you should be able to access abstracts for each of them, which should at least push my point across.

at first i said it with tongue in cheek, as it is a possibility, and something that does happen, but then you came along and tried to call me out on it. i didn't want to look pitiful and argue back, but here i am. good job. now we both look like tools.

and that's all i've got to say about that. you can question their legitimacy or whatever, but i don't care, because there's my evidence, and you can't despute what the articles say.

and i'm going to go back to enjoying this thread.

we've inconvienced everyone in this otherwise enjoyable thread for more than long enough.

sorry guys.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
lol. You're still passive aggressive and you've done some back pedalling. I agree this is off-topic. This is my last post too - I just wanted to correct a glaring error because it annoys me when people post false medical advice on the Internet. Just to be clear, you're hardly going to out-science a medical student by splurging the first hits you find about inguinal hernias if you don't read the studies yourself. I can't dispute what the articles say, but I can dispute your frankly poor interpretation of them.

- It is not a "common complication". I think we can agree this now.

- You are not using the term "complication" in the correct medical sense. Inguinal hernias might reduce blood supply in adult patients, but this does not make it a "complication" when there is no clinical concern. You cannot call it a complication if the supposed change is of marginal value, there is no demonstrable effect and the patient suffers no signs or symptoms.

- You didn't provide a study showing blood flow is reduced because of inguinal hernias! The second and third studies investigated if hernia operations damage testicular perfusion. This is extremely different! lol.

- You earlier said that "one of the first things" hospitals check is testicular blood flow. Not true. Doctors rarely check testicular blood flow. It is not something they worry about in inguinal hernias of adult patients. The main reasons adult patients receive surgery are because of bowel complications, a risk of bowel complications or because of pain. Testicular blood flow is of little concern.


Article 1. What you reference is a single paediatric case that is rare; a case study. This case is about an unusual presentation of testicular torsion in somebody that also had an inguinal hernia. This case is not because the inguinal hernia "compressed" stuff like your earlier posts state inguinal hernias do. You also talked about "common complications" in your previous posts. I do not see why an article about a rare paediatric case of testicular torsion (rare enough to merit publication!) is of any relevance.

Articles 2 and 3. Perfusion wise, these studies are about potential complications of hernia operations. I'll be kind and read them anyway. Both studies concluded testicular blood flow does not change after hernia repair. I do not see how these articles support your assertion inguinal hernias affect testicular blood flow. If anything, they do the opposite because no changes are documented following surgery.

edit. Extra protip: If something is a "common complication" you shouldn't need to resort to studies to prove it. This knowledge will be freely available in any textbook or website.


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand
I'm not gonna add to the debate, but I will state one thing:

Doctors in the US skip a lot of ****. I dunno how they do it in the UK or AU since their health care system is probably better, but here in 'Merica, doctors skip out on a ton of stuff when treating patients. I could state examples where my teaches, all PAs, spent more time with patients and did full exams leading to a correct diagnosis, but I'll give a personal example.

This is just meant to be a fun lil read:
So I have atopic dermatitis and had a recent suspected infection... according to me and my professors. I had a serrous, yellowy, sticky susbstance oozing from my scalp. So I go to a walk in clinic and see the nurse or nurse aid who sloppily takes my BP. Doctor comes in for 5 mins, says he doesn't know what it is, prescribes some ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic - category fluoroqinolone, and tells me to use phisohex surgical soap to wash my hair... Turns out phisohex has been off the market for 10 or so years in the US. Good job doc. Prescribe me something impossible to get and just toss an abx at me and add to microbial resistance >.>

Sorry off topic too as this is a thread about lifting and not medicine... So how bout them biceps? Yea, gotta love that flexion.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Have you ever been to a tournament? haha
Uhh, Smash is such bottom of the barrel, lol.

Street Fighter players though.

This is a really cool thread.

These past two months, I've had virtually no way to reliably work out (moved from NH to Oregon), aside from a few dumbbells I have and the bodyweight stuff I know. I've had to get really creative with how I do things, but it feels pretty cool doing pullups and abs on a tree branch. :colorful:
I always feel so lucky being an uni student with access to a fully equipped gym and buffets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Verm be jelly from his branches~~~


In the last three weeks or so I've been sick three times. I haven't been able to work out or eat properly and I'm down ten pounds. I wanted to be in better shape before I left but I'm feeling pretty lame right now.

What's done is done. What are you doing now?

I've been pretty consistent in my workouts this semester, and thankfully haven't fallen ill a single time, but my eating has been pitiful. These last few weeks I'm launching into BEAST MODE - taking creatine again, 3 square meals, and lots of water and sleep. 160 by the end of the year, or bust.

Everybody take advantage of the holidays and eat several turkeys. That's my plan. Ooo, and tamales and pozole and egg nog and pie...


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand
Uhh, Smash is such bottom of the barrel, lol.

Street Fighter players though.

Are street fighter players generally more fit? I'd play in SF tourneys, but I don't practice or read up on it enough.

Also, I think I've already describe how my school lacks a buffet -sadface. Feeling weak right now. Can't lift till I'm off meds...


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
There's a body builder in the ssf4 scene down here, and then there's me in the brawl scene.

That's about it.

I don't think competitive gaming is a good place to find fit people.

EveryOne should just start doing Aths :D



Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Need some diet advice.

I love me some sandwich places, but I've never been good when it comes to dressings. Usually I stick with honey mustard, but after looking its contents, I realize that it contains a bit too much fat from me. So ideally speaking, what are some good dressings that are low in fat content, but still give a good zest to a sandwich? For what's it worth, I tend to stick with chicken related sandwiches with pepper jack cheese and then your basic veggies.

And while I am trying to add on weight, I feel like I get my fat in other areas (drinking a lot of whole milk, I tend to eat at Chipotle every other day, and then salmon.) So I'd just feel better if I cut down when it comes to whenever I'd hit up places like Subway or WhichWich.


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
I assumed all dressings were pretty fatty lol

Although I steer of subway; for some reason, it always (and I mean always) gives me a stomach ache.

And I find my 'seared chicken deluxe burger with extra chicken' to be a relatively healthy alternative from maccas.



King of Evil
Jun 12, 2008
La Grande, Oregon
Need some diet advice.

I love me some sandwich places, but I've never been good when it comes to dressings. Usually I stick with honey mustard, but after looking its contents, I realize that it contains a bit too much fat from me. So ideally speaking, what are some good dressings that are low in fat content, but still give a good zest to a sandwich? For what's it worth, I tend to stick with chicken related sandwiches with pepper jack cheese and then your basic veggies.

And while I am trying to add on weight, I feel like I get my fat in other areas (drinking a lot of whole milk, I tend to eat at Chipotle every other day, and then salmon.) So I'd just feel better if I cut down when it comes to whenever I'd hit up places like Subway or WhichWich.
Most sandwich shops won't have fat free dressing varieties, and the low-fat stuff they do have is next to nil. Vinegar adds a nice kick to things without compromising much, but unless you plan on carrying around a fat free dressing variety, then you might be outta luck.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Been coming down with cold symptoms. Manage to workout today. Went pretty good thanks to the adrenaline rush...but now I'm crashing so hard .-.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
Go to sleep. I can sleep of colds pretty well. It's only the more serious viruses that give me trouble.

I'm feeling pretty good right now. I might even out beast meno.



Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
So I'm well chuffed about how well I've come along now. I'm glad I was thin, because all I needed to do is gain a bit of weight, which is easy with protein, and I've realised that getting toned isn't as impossible as it's made out to be, you just have to have patience and work at it.

Anyway others have started noticing now, and I've been getting compliments which is great.



Jun 28, 2007
Safari Zone. Shiny, and holding a Lucky Egg.
The real question is..... can you out sexy Meno?

I went on like, a month hiatus of not working out. I dunno, I just stopped one day because it was raining... and then never went back. Unfortunately, during that time I ate a lot and I think it's beginning to show. xD

But! I've decided to stop being lame and start everything back up today. In fact, as soon as I'm done with this post.


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
So apparently I've bruised a bone in foot... Or something.

Physio reckons it's the first step towards a stress fracture.

That means no running for a while... Again...



Smash Lord
Dec 4, 2005
NW Ohio
I went on like, a month hiatus of not working out. I dunno, I just stopped one day because it was raining... and then never went back. Unfortunately, during that time I ate a lot and I think it's beginning to show. xD

But! I've decided to stop being lame and start everything back up today. In fact, as soon as I'm done with this post.
Yeah, I've been the same way as well in regards to working out in terms of weight lifting. I just get too lazy. I really need to lift more for obvious reasons such as being stronger, looking better in terms of not being scrawny, and just better self-confidence in general.

I ran an event called the Tough Mudder in Indiana this past weekend. The running part was a breeze for me because I love running, but parts that involved upper body strength destroyed me such as climbing Berlin Walls and doing the Monkey Bars. I needed help in the worst way in these. My goal in December is to get a routine going, and making it hold into a habit so that I start of 2012 right. Lifting weights should be fun and something I can't wait to do each day as oppose of something I feel I have to do.

.....and this is my 3rd or 4th time making a post in this thread about me claiming I'm going to start and then fail. Can't let that happen this time.
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